Illustrator :: Thickness Of Lines In Technical Drawing
Oct 12, 2013
I have a picture of a pear. One line marks the different colors between the pear and the background, one line parallel to the first one .I used vectorization, technical drawing to have the lines without problem. I would like to know how to determine the thickness of these lines.I would then later color the differents surfaces.
I have to make a technical drawing using a handmade drawing. When I use technical drawing option, I get a technical drawing with double lines, bacause the lines of my original drawings are a little thick. How can I get a tecnical drawing with one line and not double lines?
I am new to Illustrator - I am scanning simple components on a technical drawing. These are line drawings - closed contours (for example, the outline of the cross-section of an aircraft wing). I am attempting to use Illustrator to convert the jpg scan to vector form - am saving the result as a .dwg file. I am then importing this into SolidWorks where I am attempting to extrude the form of the component prior to 3D printing.
In Illustrator I am using live trace to create the vector representation. However I'm finding that the vector representation appears to take the form of a number of segmented vector representations. As a result, in SolidWorks I can obviously not extrude the component.
Are there are additional steps within Illustrator that I should be using so as to clean up/unify the vector representation?
We are currently in the transition to Annotative Annotation (Dims, Text, etc.).
One obstacle that i have not been able to overcome are graphical elements where I need their thickness to adjust to the viewport scale. Graphic elements like (MatchLines, Property Lines, Limit of Work and Set Backs) these all have thickness to display prominently in our drawings.
Currently we are making duplicate copies of these lines and adjusting thier thickness but this defeats the purpose of having annotative lables etc.
I would like an annotative line with a thickness.
Ex. a 12" thick line thru a vport with 1/8" scale will print at 1/8" but the same line thru a vport at 1/16" will print at 1/16".
We would like the the line to maintain it's printed thickness (1/8") no matter the vport scale.
I have tried using the Line Width Display but that just makes a mess...obstructs the dwg when zoomed out, rounds the end of dashes etc.
I need to make lines of different thicknesses, with arrowheads. However, when I increase the line width the arrowhead should not be proportional. It need to stay a bit smaller.
Example: if the line is expanded to "Thick 3", I need the arrow keeps equivalent to "Thick 2" - for aesthetic reasons.I can do edit as I show in the bottom of the sample picture.
However, I need to build HUNDREDS of arrows of different sizes.Is there any way (Macro function?) permitting I enlarge/reduce line thickness and allowing me to edit the arrow without changing the line thickness?
Important Note: Is not enough I edit some arrows and save them as a kind of Template, then import them to work. The arrows have different ways in thickness and may be straight, curved, winding, etc.. Hence the need to edit the edges easily.
I need to form a line/lines with thickness on the surface of a sphere as seen on the attached image. I also want to apply transforms to the line while keeping it stay on the surface. How can I do that?
I brought a pdf into Illustrator and I want to draw a line over a portion of that pdf, but when I draw the line it appears to place it behind the pdf - obscuring portions of the line. I have tried selecting the new line and bringing it to the front or selecting the pdf and sending it to the back without any success.
As an exercise I'm trying to recreate the leaf image in the X5 guidebook ( pages 127 & 128). No problems until I came to drawing the yellow "veins" on the face of the leaf. I need to create lines that start off thin, get thicker in the middle and go back to thin at the other end.
I managed to create the effect by drawing a closed , filled object, and then playing around using the shape tool to achieve the desired result..
Is there a better, quicker way to do this. I tried doing it using the artistic tools but no luck there.
I'm trying to match the style of an illustration done by someone outside my company; all the lines taper at both the ends like an actual brush stroke, but when I used the brush tools I have to change the angle to get the tapered look - is there a trick to this? It's not efficient to have to stop and change the angle of the tool for every stroke -
I can't draw with it like this. It's basically what the title says, when I draw a blue line shows up until I release the mouse button and then my stroke appears.
In illustrator CS4, the stylize>drop shadow dialog does not have any options to increase the thickness of the drop shadow.
I need a thicker drop shadow to surround some text to get more separation between the text and the background.
A brute force method is to duplicate the text, make it thicker, blur it, then put it behind the original text. I'm hoping there's a more convenient way.
I have a vector I made of a small (2.5 x 4) tribal type design that's failry complex (and a PITA to weed out!). I cut it on a plotter. I need to add a thin pinstripe to the edge. I used the "expand" command and that achomplished what I wanted but it is too thin. I need to "stripe" to be a little thicker. The design is so small I think I will never be able to successfully weed it being that thin.
Is the "expand" amount adjustable? Is there another way to go about it? (I tried "offset path" but that left a mess of lines all over both inside and outside. It would take me forever to clean that up). Since I will be using a plotter the least amount of extraneous lines being added is ideal to lessen my clean up time.
In the attached, I've placed red circles around areas where I would like to start paths that will be thicker when they start (so that they look like they connect in a seamless way from the decorative swashes around the pre-existing, diamond shape in the middle of the page) and then get thinner as they go on. How do I do that so it gets realistic?
Also, how do you vary it genereally? I may want to thicken the paths again when they end.
I know how to use the pen tool decently but at the starting points I can't seem to get things to look like they realistically join what's already there.
I'm actually about to punch my computer screen. Ok so say I draw up a triangle with the pen tool
Then i hit the colour option
it changes to 1pt
So I change the weight to 0pt. How I want it, but then the NEXT time i draw up another path or whatever, and hit the colour option it goes to 1pt again!!! this is so fricking annoying i'm about to jump off a cliff ?
I recently purchased premier pro 6 after working with Inkscape and GIMP for awhile. I am trying to figure out some things that I used to be able to do in Inkscape. In Inkscape, you could change the thickness of a calligraphy stroke based on the speed that the cursor moved. It was called "thinning".
I need to transform a lot of dashed (single) lines into separate lines... Who can tell me how to do this in a few clicks. I don't need an outline of the dashed line. So the black dashes I need, the white in between the dashes I want to loose.
I am quite new to photoshop and am working through a few tutorials. In one of them it asks me to draw a line. Now I thought this would be really easy.
I clicked the Line tool and tried drawing it where the tutorial said, but all i got was a selected section and in the layers window it showed something about a mask. According to the tutoria it shouldn't do this.
I undid it and tried again, still the same problem. I tried deleting the mask and the work area just goes black.
Can someone please tell me how to create a Line without the whole mask businees.
How can I fix my LT so that I can draw fluid lines? At the moment the cursor jumps in increments across the screen as I move my cursor.
I can draw circles and rectangles fine (smooth, no lag) but straight lines are a nightmare. This also follows true with the "first line" of an elipse which is very jumpy.
Note: Brand new 3 day old HP 6550b ProBook, running windows 7.
I have tried unsuccessfully to draw lines using bearings as a surveyor draws them. I have seen a number of posts here and on the web, but they relate to northern and easting’s, but as you can see on the attached PDF from a surveyor they have used only bearings. I’m not a surveyor, my background is mechanical so this is all new to me. what units and settings I may need to change in order to draw using these bearings. I’m using Autocad 2012, and the attached PDF relates to some blocks of land in Australia (just in case that makes a difference in the settings)
I use auto cad for work and the other day I was drawing and it accidental got switched to 3d view and I noticed that all of my lines are in 3d it only happens in the company template because if i make a new drawing the lines are flat. i have tried flatten but when i start drawing again the same thing happens.
I am having trouble with drawing lines in decimal. My length is Decimal, insertion scale is feet. So say I wanted to enter 21 inches in feet. I just click to draw my line, then use 21/12 as my input for length. That works fine. But when I have a line that I want drawn at 21.5" (I enter 21.5/12), it won't work, saying point or option keyword required.
I have two drawings: one with lines, and one which includes maps (raster image) and point cloud of latitudes of the same area (elevation in meters). I'm trying to copy these lines from the other drawing into the map-drawing, but when I'm trying drag and drop, the mouse doesn't even go to the other drawing. I also made a block of the lines and tried to insert it, but it doesn't work either.
I'm trying to draw a line that is parallel to the one I've already drawn. It works fine (Osnap on) when I draw a whole new line and then draw a parallel line. But when I try to add a parallel extension to an old line, it doesn't work. The old line is located in another layer, but I tried to copy it to the same layer and it still doesn't work.
I want to take two 3D views from (autodesk) Revit Architecture 2012 to Illustrator CS5 and then make use of the live paint bucket tool*. I've printed the two 3D views into pdf files and imported them in Illustrator**. When I select the whole image in Illustrator and then click with the Live Paint Bucket tool on the drawing to modify the drawing so I can color the surfaces, Illustrator gives me the following error:
"The selection contains objects that cannot be converted. Live Paint groups can only contain paths and compound paths. Clipping paths are not allowed."
Exporting images (jpg, png and tiff) from Revit results in the same error. Is there a way to easily convert my vector drawing into a non-clipping paths drawing? Also I'm not sure if the problem should be found in either Revit or Illustrator. What's also strange is that I'm using a tutorial provided by my university, in which there are no issues with clipping paths or anything.
* This in order to make an conceptual image of my building, which I've modeled in Revit. I want to add basic colors to surfaces in Illustrator and then take the image to Photoshop to add shadow, materials, sky etc.
** They only consist of lines, using the 'hidden line' visual style in my views in Revit, in case you know a bit of Revit.
I have some hand drawings scanned into a computer that I want to clean up in Photoshop.I'm going to use the eraser tool to erase the smudges, though I want to darken the lines of the drawing without having to trace back over it with a pencil, pen, or paint brush. I played a bit by darkening the levels.