I have two PSD files that won't render correctly in Illustrator. If I open the PSD files in Photoshop, everything looks OK, and if I print it, the file looks good. But when I place it in Illustrator, part of the picture is missing, and if I print it, it doesn't show up on the page. These are the only two files I've had trouble with and they both originated from the same company. Is there something wrong with the photo, perhaps?
I think I've found a major issue with saving .PNG files that have partial transparency in PSPx4
Essentially any opacity isn't saved correctly, and is made far too transparent. So anything with partial transparency is saved incorrectly.
I first noticed this when I saved a file to PNG that had a drop shadow - and the shadow seemed to have not been saved. In fact it had but the transparency was now so much higher it was almost invisible. Looking closer, all partially transparent pixels are not saved correctly.
This issue isn't present on x2 and PSP 9 (two old versions I've got).
I've done a simple test. Create a new image, transparent background. Fill with a colour at 30% opacity. Save as PNG, save as PSPImage. Resulting PNG looks completely different to the PSP image.
See the below screenshot, and also the but saved as PNG in PSP 9 (to show this is fine).
I'm always saving to PNG and this makes PSPx4 useless to me I'm afraid. I've checked the save settings and it's the same as PSP9.
I have Illustrator CS6 for mac ox mountain lion. I was working with a vector image and everything was working fine. Now when i try to move any anchor point, it acts as if its not calabrated, for lack of better terms. If i try to move it one way it snaps twoards another, or if i try to adjust the hadles, they do the same. it doesn't follow my direction like it did befor. Its now impostible to use!
Illustrator incorrectly crops artwork too small by a few pixel when using Save for Web or Export. If you fit an artboard to your artwork, either manually using smart guides or by using the "Fit to Selected" command, it will look correct in the work area but when you go to Save for Web it will be noticeably truncated on the right and bottom sides. If all the artwork is supposed to be within the artboard then toggling "Clip to Artboard" will actually change the size of the exported image by 1 or 2 pixels when it shouldn't change at all.
I opened a .JT files without issues, it shows the model as it suppose to do and also without errors. When I try render it, it disappears. The same happens when exporting to STEP.
And it is also not possible to make a section view. I have the feeling that is has to do with the fact that JT files are use for visualization. Something with nodes? Is there a way to convert the JT file that it acts as a normal Inventor file?
I render 36 frames from different angles to PNG files on 3Ds Max 2013 but now I want to hide a model and make it so all the parts its blocking to also become transparent.
If you don't understand what I mean I don't want to simply "hide" the instance because then all the parts in the back that otherwise would be invisible would become visible, I just want those parts to become transparent as if I "subtract" the image of the hidden instance out of the final render image.
Like the 3d model is invisible but erases anything behind it.
As 3dsmax is used in so many different areas, I try to get an overview of the use of multi-channel OpenEXR files. EXR files are usually used as an intermediate file format to hand over cg footage to compositing for further processing. Different compositing packages are handling EXR's more or less comfortable. My guess would be and that is not meant as a judgment if you comp in afx, it is less likely that you use EXR files, but when you comp with nuke, I am pretty sure you do. With composite and fusion somewhere inbetween. Also, when you work in ArchViz and MoGraph you propeably prefer psd files, while when you do tv commercials and film works, you are more likly to use EXR.
The questions in the poll are meant in a general way. It doesn't mean when you vote 'Yes' that you exlusivly render to EXR.
what software I can use for render my .dwg files. Render in AutoCAD is not quite as good as I want. I want a better software with more powerful tools and easy to use.
I've never used this feature in the reflect/refract maps before but I'm following a few different tutorials and for whatever reason the last step where I "pick object and render maps" doesn't show a prompt, render anything, or do anything but select the object that I wanted to render the cubic map from.
Just thought I'd ask before I start installing old versions of max to try it out there.
-when I render my beauty pass in TIF 16bits with render elements and when I leave MAX set my render-elements output files automatically, MAX use the initial name of the output beauty pass. So technically, It is suppose to make a couple of file with the same format and the same name. -ok, I presse render to Backburner and I wait. -Now my render is done, I go check my output files. And, sometimes, without constancy, my beauty pass is a TIF 16bits but my passes are in gray-scale or in 8bits or 16bits in random.
If I restart the job on Backburner, maybe it fix this problem, maybe not.
The unique thing I find to fix that is to set all my passes manually. but it's a pretty heavy process.
I've purchased a sony VG10E camcorder that has sourced capture at 25mbps. I have been using premiere pro for years and now find render for the imported 1 hour source AVCHD files takes over a day ! (and still changes original source material ). I've heard that the latest video studio smart renders AVCHD.
Can this provides untouched source file reproduction after editing using my sony 25mbps quality?(i'd expect untouched to remain same, while touched/transitionss etc will require render).
Using Revit Architecture 2013 with Update 1 on a Windows 7 32 bit system. I've rendered successfully in the past ( a month ago, as I recall) and then, as I continued working on hte model, the ability was gone.
I receive either the files could not be uploaded or the files could not be translated errors each time. It's quite frustrating. I love this product, but I am in grief becuase of this.
I've tried all the suggested remedies in the book: Logged in and out from Revit, cleared the firefox cookies and cache (used ccleaner) logged in and out of the 360 account on the web and said my prayers. Several times. I even uninstalled and reinstalled Revit on a different computer, to no avail.
Since other models render perfectly, I suspect a problem with the model.
I am trying to render and export files after using the fast color corrector. After using this effect, some, but not all of my clips don't render and the following message pops up: ERROR COMPILING MOVIE.
I saw online that this happened to ther people too and it seems like it is a bug in CS6 itself. I need to do the color correction.
I am working with something new in AE this week and I am curious if I am doing something wrong. I need to insert a 3D thumb tack PSD file I imported into AE with a film I am working on. As a test I just wanted to see what quailty the pin would render out for the final because the preview in AE looked horrible. So I have a static shot of the Thumb tack and it is going for 10 seconds. I started the Render and it has been going for 9 minutes so far and still shows 1hr 28 minutes left. I've rendered 8 minutes music videos in 45 minutes on this same PC.
I am using a PSD for 3D because I do not have 3D software.
I tested yesterday creating a video using "same as first video". All inserted files were AVCHD. The created video file, typed mpg, was missing audio no matter what I tried: tried mp4, avi, etc. I then turned off Smart Render in the options that pop-up when creating the video and it worked ( I have Smart Render turned off in the Preferences, BTW). This appears to be a bug or am I doing something wrong? In any case I am happy with this "work-around" Al
i have to develop one image in Adobe Illustror image manipulation tool and i have our customized plug in for uploading the image which we created by AI with the extenion .ai. the plugin will upload the image to our tool and it has to render when we refer the image in the particular webpage. But we are getting "Blank page" instead of the image.
I keep getting a dialogue box that says "Revit was unable to render the view due to an unknown error during render calculations. The rendering operation will be canceled." The only option is to click "close" and when i do so, it continues to render but only the sky and grass. My buildings are not present.
The same scene, same settings, produce 2 very different outputs in max 2011 and 2012, render to texture for normals is currently useless in max 2012.
The blue one is a correct tangent normal map created from a sphere in max 2011, the colored one is the the one created inside max 2012 from the same objects and settings, and the last is another sample of normals generated in max 2012.
Illustrator is better for type. But I'm comp'ing a web design using a Google font called Nobile. The screencap below shows some greek set in Illustrator (top) and the same greek set in Photoshop (below). You don't have to be a typophile to see which one looks better!
One interesting thing I discovered is that using the "sharp" antialias in PS will create the same messed up x-height rendering that Illustrator does. It only looks good in "smooth" or "strong." Perhaps there's a similar setting in Illustrator to change the antialias?
For now I'm just going to place a .psd into my Illustrator file but I'm thinking there's GOT to be a way to make this type look good in Illustrator.
I applied an outer glow to my objects in illustrator but it just won't display.
I've hit some kind of hotkey that turns raster effects off or something, but I dont even know where to start looking. I've used glows in the past and its always a bit wonky but now it just wont do anything.
I've been using spot colors, but have tried it without to no effect, and I run windows 8. I want to apply it to the compound shape hammer time, I thought maybe it was not working because of the compound shape so I tried getting rid of my inside shapes, but its not really changing.
I did just notice that there is a weird haze around the top hammer time on this image, but ONLY if you turn your head and look at the monitor from a strange angle can you really see it. So it might just be that I screwed up my glow settings here.
I'm trying to get the glow to be very strong for about half an inch and the fade out.
I have created a 3d model of a football stadium, but when I try to render it, it comes up with this message and it cannot render the scene. I've tried everything I can to fix it, but nothing has worked.
I have a strange problem going on for CS6... Where when I created a design, grouped all of them so that they had the same center.. then did a force perspective... Some of the letters didn't render while a wire frame does exist for them.
One friend suggested to make sure all of the points are joined, however when I Ctrl+J them, I get an error that says invalid object... which is most likely because they are joined...
I am designing my band's album cover and it features pill capsules. I can create the object with ease, but when I click on "3D Revolve" and then hit "preview" it says "Rendering Artwork" and instantly freezes at halfway. how I want to get this done asap. I have tried the Alt+Ctrl+Shift trick that I have heard of, but that doesn't work either.
Each time I want to have batch render with 4 camera views. I thought it would provide me with elements along with it. But it just brings me only one file as I set .png.
I know it works with State Set by changing camera view. But Batch render should work too.
I can´t believe it. Save 50% Rendertime. Fix the Render Elements Bug with Render Optimizer V3! deactivate "contrast all Buffers" with RO V3, and you have the same speed as Vray Renderelements.2014 can comming! URL....
Okey, so I want to render a normal map directly from render production. Pretty much like the Viewport Filter "Normal map" in Mudbox. Can this be done? And I also want to make clear that I do not want to use "render to texture". I dont want to do any projection against an other mesh, I want to do it directly to the camera.
Yesterday Ae was working perfectly. Today, Ae will not render compositions in the render queue or in AME? If I try to render from Ae,I get this error message:
and I can fin nothing about this error anywhere on line.