Illustrator :: Export Or Save For Web Crops Artwork Incorrectly
May 14, 2013
Illustrator incorrectly crops artwork too small by a few pixel when using Save for Web or Export. If you fit an artboard to your artwork, either manually using smart guides or by using the "Fit to Selected" command, it will look correct in the work area but when you go to Save for Web it will be noticeably truncated on the right and bottom sides. If all the artwork is supposed to be within the artboard then toggling "Clip to Artboard" will actually change the size of the exported image by 1 or 2 pixels when it shouldn't change at all.
I've created an image that has some bleeds and needs to be saved as a JPEG for web display. If I just export it (or save for web and devices), the off-artboard stuff shows up in the saved image (which, of course, is bigger than the artboard). I've created a mask layer that masks the visibility of the excess artwork within AI and the saved file, but the off-artboard area occupied by the masked artwork is still there in the saved image. How can I non-destructively hide this stuff during saves, saving just the artboard?
My custom artboards no longer crop graphics properly. Instead of a specific targeted crop area, it just creates a jpg or png of ALL art on displayed layer. What did I turn on or off? Yeah, exporting the graphics works, but I want to control the final image size and preview too. What happened?
I need to export some artwork from Illustrator CC to a PSD. It'll work on some artboards but on others I get an error "Photoshop file could not be saved.".I've restarted and updated.
I'm on Illustrator CS5 and are trying to export my artwork to a PDF format in such a way as so others with illustrator cannot open the file and access its layers and pull out the artwork etc.
I click File, "Save a copy", choose PDF I thought that is what unchecking the "Preserve Illustrator Editing Capabilities" would do it, but when I uncheck it I still have access all the layers when I open the PDF.
Is there another setting I am missing etc? I've tried saving the artwork as a jpg, and doing print export to PDF but I just cant get the same crispness at the optimised file size like I was when doing "Save a copy".
Am I missing a setting or, do I need to do something else to the artwork before saving the PDF?
There seems to be an action called adobe_SaveForWeb, but I can't find any documentation for it.
I need to export an artwork to a JPEG with a fixed size (to create a thumbnail of an Ai file), and i've found several unanswered question on this topic. With Save For Web, I can do it through UI.
a documentation for adobe_SaveForWeb, or tell me how which parameter I need to initialize for it to work? I'm using CS6 SDK with Visual C++
This is my deconstructed crest logo, all pieces taken apart. I tried to find the source of the problem but it doesn't seem to be anything that I can track.
This problem ocurrs (the white lines on the "body" and on the two "wings") only when I use Save for Web with the GIF, JPEG and PNG options. If I use the WBMP, SWF, or SVG options then the white lines do not appear. They also do not appear if I use the regular Save As, or if I export to PNG, JPEG, etc.
The black forms are just shapes with black fills (no strokes) on them - so there is no reason that I can find for this happening.
My crops are moved around once a folder is reopened after cropping dozens of images to that folder.
Should I crop each individual image, then "Save Image" or click "Done" after cropping each individual image? Should I crop all images, individually, "Select All" images, then "Save Image"? Should I crop all images individually, "Select All" images, then click "Done"? Should I crop all images individually, leaving the last icon selected, then click "Done"?
In Recolor artwork is there a way to change the black and white colors to a color? When I try to edit them it doesn't edit them at all. It would be nice if I didn't have to manually tweak the colors to have color before I go into Recolor Artwork.
since a month, when i try to save a job in adobe illustrator cs 5, it appears "unknowned error" (italian version) and i can't save my job! i tried to save as pdf, as ai, to export as a jpg, nothing is possible!
i uninstalled all the software and i instaleld again: sometime it goes well, but evryday i have this problem
When saving for web or exporting an artboard is there any way to pre-populate the save file name dialog box with the artboard's given name. It would save having to re-name the file and make good use of that metadata.
Currently running on MAC OS Mountain Lion. Illustrator CS6, Creative Cloud Download - Up-to-date
Tested using a small file size and art board, and both save for devices and exporting just gives a loading wheel with no results (let it go for 2 hours before restarting). We have tried reinstalling program with no change in results. The process works fine with the same creative cloud account on a Mac running Lion.
In Illustrator CS5, how can I save or export a set of Artboards in a given .ai file to separate SVG files?
The 'Use Artboards' feature is on the Save As... dialog but it's disabled. It looks like there was an extension (Illustrator HTML5 Pack for CS5) available at one time but its appears to have been removed from Adobe's site.
I'm am SO DEVASTATED that CS6 got rid of the option to save as CSS layers in Save for Web. I just updated from 5 to 6 and now I'm looking for an alternative but am having no luck. I've tried some scripts I've found online but none of them work the way I need, or at all.
I do animation in AI where each layer is a frame on the animation. In CS5 I could Save for Web and check the Export as CSS Layers box. This would export all the layers in my AI file to pngs, where each layer is it's own png file, in one folder. I could then import them as an image sequence in Photoshop and turn layers on and off with each frame to create my animation.
I tried exporting my AI file to a PSD file with maximum editability but the more complicated the animation (meaning the more layers and the more objects on each layer) it would start flattening layers without warning. Not to mention the rendering time just opening the file in Photoshop and then trying to save it there once I had created all my frames. Photoshop froze on me 6 times this morning while I was trying things out.
I'm desperate for a simple way to do the CSS layer trick. If I can't find one, I'm going to have to go back to CS5 permanently, or until I can find a solution.
I am using Illustrator CS6 on OS X 10.8.4. Anything that rasterizes the artwork causes Illustrator to hang. Export (PNG), Save for Web, Filters like Drop Shadow or Gaussian Blur (even when just checking the preview box).
I've read through some discussions that suggested: – Uninstalling the entire CS6 suite and re-intalling it – Going into Disk Utitlity and 'Repair Permissions' – Creating a new user account on my Macbook, deleted the old user account and re-installed the CS6 suite
But none of the above suggestions worked. As soon as I create a new user account Illustrator began to crash again upon export the next of couple days.
I have white text on top of colored shapes in my Illustrator file. When I export to a PDF or a PNG, my white text does not export and display in the final version.
I have two PSD files that won't render correctly in Illustrator. If I open the PSD files in Photoshop, everything looks OK, and if I print it, the file looks good. But when I place it in Illustrator, part of the picture is missing, and if I print it, it doesn't show up on the page. These are the only two files I've had trouble with and they both originated from the same company. Is there something wrong with the photo, perhaps?
I want to upload a new logo I've created as a Twitter profile image. I can export the logo as a JPG but what image settings should I use when I save it?
I have Illustrator CS6 for mac ox mountain lion. I was working with a vector image and everything was working fine. Now when i try to move any anchor point, it acts as if its not calabrated, for lack of better terms. If i try to move it one way it snaps twoards another, or if i try to adjust the hadles, they do the same. it doesn't follow my direction like it did befor. Its now impostible to use!
When I record a save for web action that exports my artboard in 3 file sizes. 100%, 200% and 400% it works for the first few files.
Then suddenly after a while the first export changes its width and height from 100% to 111%, but not just 111% width and height equally. No it pulls it out of proportion too.
When I manually enter 100% again it all pops back to the correct aspect ration.The 200% and 400% still behave as expected.
If I rerecord it it starts working again. But that defeats the purpose.
We've just received some artwork from a client in a PDF format, when this artwork is viewed in Adobe Acrobat it shows a star embedded in the artwork,but when the same PDF is opened in Illustrator CS6 this star doesn’t appear...... No warnings are shown to say artwork is missing or has been placed either?
But however when the artwork is exported from Adobe Acrobat in an EPS format, and then this EPS file opened in Illustrator CS6 the star appears.
I have a bunch of artwork that I need to fit to artboards that need to be the same size, basically I'm looking for something similar to "Fit to Frame" in Premiere/After Effects.
I can get pre-loaded symbols to map to the art-work, but the symbol I created doesn't appear when I try to map it. I'm not sure if the problem is how I created the original artwork/symbol?
I have a file with a number of artboards on which there are objetcs filled with 100% Magenta and some with 100% Magenta and 0,34% Yellow. I want to get rid of that 0,34% but Illy is refusing to cooperate.
Even selecting just two or three objects and trying to recolor using the Edit/Edit colors/Recolor Artwork dialog has no effect. I can change the color manually though, for one or more selected objects.
I imported a piece of art into Illustrator and I want all parts of it to be equal and symmetrical. What would be the best way to start going about this?
I am current CC subscriber and love all the different programs and the capabilities that come along with it. How to scale my artwork. For example, I have designed my business logo at 220 x 220 pixels. When I export it as a jpeg file to upload into my SharePoint team site and resize it, the quality diminishes considerably. Sharepoint recommends uploading a picture that is approximately 60 x 60 pixels. how do I take my 220 x 220 artwork and make it so that when I export it, it is 60 x 60 pixels?
In order to change the color of the artwork I got file>document setup, I tick the simulate color paper option in the transparency oprions of the window. From there i choose the color of my choice.
Suppose for example that the color of the artwork is red, then if I have a vector object which is white, then, its color appears to be red, as that of the artwork.Why the above happens.I want to have the artwork a color other that white so that I can draw white objects in it.Here is an image/example where the artwork is orange and the icon is NOT white as I want it and expected to be:
I need to convert a bunch of vector artwork for a brand I made from CMYK to RGB.
But, illustrator won't give me the option to do so.
I upgraded from CS6 to CC, but am still having the same issue. It's all vector right now.
Manually changing each colour will take hours, as there's many files and gradients. So, I'd love to just be able to use Illustrator's build in feature.
But, here's what I get. Convert to RGB is in light grey and I can't select it (click on image to see better):