If I have an object that has a large stroke set to align to inside and I outline that stroke, the resulting inner shape isn't a closed path. While this is easy enough to fix, I was wondering if there was a way to avoid it alltohether?
Is there a way or an option I am missing to convert my regular paths to a path stroked with a brush profile,while maintining the proper stroke width?
For instance, I have a regular line with a stroke of 5 and then add a brush profile, which then converts the original stroke to whatever the brush was made at.
I mostly use photoshop for lineart on some pictures I do but the biggest problem is that the lines are not really smooth. I want to Use Illustrator just to ink the pen tool paths and then return it to photoshop to color. This is a recently finished picture I did using the Pen tool traced on top of a sketch I scanned. I want to know if there is any way I could do something similar to "Stroke path" in Illustrator so that I could get this picture done with crisper lines and if not.
For example, if I created a square and wanted the 2 sides and bottom to be 1 pt stroke and the top to be 0.5 pt stroke or no stroke - is this possible?
I'm unable to adjust the weight of a path. Here's a 40 sec video (no audio, 1920x1080) that demonstrates I know how to adjust the stroke weight on a path, followed by a demo of it not working when I try to adjust it:
Here's what I do in the video:
First, on a path that allows the change:
Select an elipse.Increase the stroke weight of the elipse.Control-Z to undo.Decrease the stroke weight of the elipse.The above demonstrates I know how to adjust the path weight (at least I think it does).Next, on the path that doesn't allow the stroke width to be reduced: Select path. Increase stroke weight to demonstrate it increases.Control-Z to undo.Decrease the stroke weight to .25 to demonstrate it does not reduce in size.
What do I need to do to decrease the weight of the path I am trying to adjust?
i have a line art drawing and have expanded the strokes to paths. now i'd need to turn part of the paths back to strokes and can't find an (easy) way to do it.
inserted is an example of the situation. instead of closed path i'd like the form to be a stroke.
If I wanted to change an objects stroke (outline) color for just part of the object, what would be the best way to go about that. Pro tip: Paint bucket tool in photoshop != the best way... it gets all pixel.
I'm having trouble making adjustments to my compound path/shape, as I'd like to outline the inside of the shape with a stroke - but this doesn't seem possible as the stroke always surrounds the outside too.
So: I've got a simple rectangle with white fill, with a rectangle-window hole cut out of it using the compound path action so you can see the layers beneath. Now I want to stroke the window hole, but NOT the outside of the entire rectangle. I'd be happy to split the shape up and tried various options like divide, edit in isolation mode, expand (button is greyed out), all the pathfinders - but none of them allow me to do this only to the inside part of the path.
How I can perform this action? I'm working in CS5 and CS6.
Drew a path in Illustrator - made it a compound path. Made a clipping mask with another object inside it. When saved as a pdf, there are these strange white gaps in the stroke of the path.....
I am trying to create a circle where I can align a stroke to the outside of a path - however I need to be able to break the circle up into sections - once I do that - I cant align to outside anymore.
Aside from breaking the green section apart and aligning it manually by eye, is there no other way to do this? Perhaps by aligning all segments of the circle to another circle (one that hasnt been broken apart?)
I got this error many different times and the problem still continues.
When I change the stroke weight from the Strokes menu arrows or by scroll, this action changes my path's shape and distorts it. You can see the problem below:
I got similar errors when scaling a couple of times. But this one looks just impossible to me.
I'm actually about to punch my computer screen. Ok so say I draw up a triangle with the pen tool
Then i hit the colour option
it changes to 1pt
So I change the weight to 0pt. How I want it, but then the NEXT time i draw up another path or whatever, and hit the colour option it goes to 1pt again!!! this is so fricking annoying i'm about to jump off a cliff ?
I'm trying to select a portion of a path by using the direct selection tool and shift clicking on the anchor points. But when I click and drag the brush over onto the path, the brush stroke is applied to the entire path..... which I dont want to happen. I only want it applied to the section of the path.
I'm using Illustrator CS6.I'm working with closed paths on an illustrated character. I have a leg overlapping a body for example. The leg is essentially a 4 sided shape but I only want a stroke on 3 sides. On the 4th side I don't want a stroke on it so that the leg blends with the body. I first thought about using the shape builder tool to merge the 2 shapes to see what that would look like but they won't merge for some reason.
Then I tried to use the width tool to drop the stroke on the 4th side down to a 0 width for the side I want ... but that didn't work either.how I can change a closed shape so that a section of the shape has a different stroke colour (i.e. none!) from the rest of the shape?
So i've got a stroke in a circular path. I use the scissor tool and cut a segment of it out. Now, i want to move one of the end points up and have the anchor points after it follow the movement to keep the smooth line. I think Flash had a tool like this. It allowed you to manipulate one point that would affect the whole path depending on how extreme or what direction you went.
I'm trying to add a stroke that's aligned to the outside of my path. It appears to be offsetting the stroke *and* moving anchor points at the same time. It does the same kind of thing when I align the stroke to the inside. It is fine when i align the stroke to center. The one that is offset to the top-left is the align-inside one.
1. Adding Effects to a path applies the effect but the effect is not visible in the Appearance panel. 2. In conjunction with this, it appears that internal stroking of the object creates a weird offset. The stroking is visually incorrect. The stroke generally offset by -1 on each axis. If the object has had a rounding effect applied to it, some of the corners become mangled.
Any way to do this using strokes, but everything I've tried so far has been unsuccessful. I'm starting to realize that this may actually be impossible, but maybe there's a trick I'm unaware of. Pic should explain what I'm trying to do.
Usually, when you check the 'dashed line' option on the stroke pallete, you will instantly create a dashed-line stroke on the selected path. What I don't know how to do is retaining the straight property of a dash on curve parts of the path.
I have created a path with multiple strokes, which differ in weight and color. I can save that as a profile but it's really tedious if I want to alter the different colors and stroke weights.
I can't seem to do record an action which will automatically alter those parameters (f.ex. raise each strokeweight by 10pt.). All I get is just an action that will recreate the altered state during recording (f.ex. stroke weights 20, 10 >--Action--> 15, 5). I cannot start the action and raise or lower my stroke weights at once based on the current parameters.
How do I give Lucida handwriting a 2pt outline stroke, give it an outline path, then unite it with another shape path without the text losing it's outline stroke?? I can't bold Lucida handwriting as it only has an italic option, so need to give it an outline stroke to achieve a bold letter. As soon as I give it an outline path and unite it to other shape paths the 'bold'ness disappears and it reverts to it's original size.
I'm trying to stroke my work path with a brush I tailored myself. now, when I create a workpath from my text layer and switch to my top layer to try and choose 'stroke path' the option is shaded out.
I change between screens a lot when using Illustrator. If I am in the middle of making a path and then try to come back to it the last anchor point only has one handle. Then I have to go and convert it but that repeats the entire process.
For example if I wanted to connect to the below path, hovering over the anchor point would switch to this: but that leaves me with an anchor point and one direction handle. This makes for poor curves There must be a quicker way then having to convert each anchor point no?
to get Illustrator to open the files I needed (I open various files based on input from the user).Then I want to save them back off again using a variance of the file path of the file that was opened.I am having difficulty getting the file path of the open doc ... trying to use
XCode is very unhappy with me at the moment. It is telling me that I am illegally referencing the FilePath object from inside of my button proc.
I don't know if I have the right includes in the file or have obtained the correct suites for what I want to do.The api reference says not to use the AIFilePathSuite but to use the ai::FilePath as a wrapper instead. Any examples of the SaveAs?
Basically what I want to do is take the file I have opened using the OpenAction and modify the path (take off the file name, and the last folder and then append the new folder name and file name). Then perform the save as (using native file format).
//save the doc as id.ai in a folder named as id to hold supporting files ai::FilePath aiFile; sAIDocument->GetDocumentFileSpecification(aiFile); aiFile.RemoveComponent(); aiFile.RemoveComponent(); std::stringstream out; out << "\" << displayedLogo->getLogoID().c_str() <<"\"<<displayedLogo->getLogoID().c_str()<<".ai"; aiFile.AddComponent(ai::FilePath(ai::UnicodeString(out.str())));
I have a problem that consistently occurs in Illustrator CS4 on Leopard that only presents itself when I try to outline paths in dxf files opened in Illustrator that I think have been supplied from and Autocad type software.
I get the unknown Error: OSEG and only some paths outline.
The only way I have found to fix it is to outline paths individually till I find the culprit path or paths and and either find the point in the path that is causing the error and remove it (which can be time consuming), or just delete the path all together and re-create a replacement. It seems to me there is a problem with Illustrator being able to handle certain path information it encounters that is causing the error.
I have been doing the same thing in all versions of Illustrator since the very first version that supported opening dxf files (so quite a few generations of Illustrator, pre CS I think) and this is the first time Illustrator has presented the problem with these types of files specifically.
I would like to outline a grouped object with a single stroke line and not have each object outlined individually. It is a complex image with some clipping masks and effects applied.
I'm working in an Illustrator file that needs to use artwork that is in PDF form. I've been either placing the PDFs into the Illustrator file or opening the PDFs as Illustrator files. Either way, I'm getting a message that says "The document contains PDF objects that have been reinterpreted: To preserve appearance, some text has been outlined."
As you'll see in the attached, what ends up happening are these strange looking white lines that occur around the artwork (you'll notice them most around the CD in the center.) Is there anyway around bringing the PDFs in without having them reinterpreted? I do not want to make them jpegs and then bring them in.