Illustrator :: Reconnecting To Open Path

Apr 17, 2013

I change between screens a lot when using Illustrator. If I am in the middle of making a path and then try to come back to it the last anchor point only has one handle. Then I have to go and convert it but that repeats the entire process.
For example if I wanted to connect to the below path, hovering over the anchor point would switch to this: but that leaves me with an anchor point and one direction handle. This makes for poor curves There must be a quicker way then having to convert each anchor point no?

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Illustrator SDK :: Open Action To Write Down Different Path

Nov 2, 2011

to get Illustrator to open the files I needed (I open various files based on input from the user).Then I want to save them back off again using a variance of the file path of the file that was opened.I am having difficulty getting the file path of the open doc ... trying to use

ai::FilePath aiFile();

XCode is very unhappy with me at the moment.  It is telling me that I am illegally referencing the FilePath object from inside of my button proc.
I don't know if I have the right includes in the file or have obtained the correct suites for what I want to do.The api reference says not to use the AIFilePathSuite but to use the ai::FilePath as a wrapper instead. Any examples of the SaveAs? 
Basically what I want to do is take the file I have opened using the OpenAction and modify the path (take off the file name, and the last folder and then append the new folder name and file name).  Then perform the save as (using native file format).
//save the doc as in a folder named as id to hold supporting files
                                        ai::FilePath aiFile;
  std::stringstream out;
                                        out << "\" << displayedLogo->getLogoID().c_str() <<"\"<<displayedLogo->getLogoID().c_str()<<".ai";

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Illustrator :: Open Path When Outlining Stroke

Sep 10, 2013

If I have an object that has a large stroke set to align to inside and I outline that stroke, the resulting inner shape isn't a closed path. While this is easy enough to fix, I was wondering if there was a way to avoid it alltohether?

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Illustrator Scripting :: Open Save File Dialog With Default Path

Oct 8, 2012

I want to open a "Save File Dialog " with some default path.Like when user run that script I want to open  a "Save As" dialog box with default path "/Volumes/<shared name>/<folder name>/.. ."I am using File.SaveDialog(prompt, filter);
but it doesn't open to the location by default that I want to open.

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Lightroom :: Reconnecting Folders In LR4?

Feb 13, 2013

I Moved the folder for the month of February in Finder....went to LR4 to reconnect them and only 3 of the 4 folders within February reconnected....I tried re-importing the 4th folder again from the SD card and it won't, saying the files already exist....if I can't reconnect and can't am I supposed to get access to these files from LR4?.....if I'm in Finder and I click on the files in the folder they open in the files are on my computer.....

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Lightroom :: Reconnecting Catalog With Photos?

Jan 17, 2014

the power went off in my home.  computer was on at the time.  after starting it i had to restart in order for it to recognize the ext drive where all my photos are.  catalog was gone as well.  catalog and pics are back.
all folders in catalog now have ?s.
when i right click on 'all photgraphs' i get a prompt to import photos. when i right click on 'My Pictures" i get the following prompts: find missing folder
not sure what to do.

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Photoshop Elements :: 11 - Reconnecting Images In Project To Hard Drive

Feb 21, 2014

I created a photo calendar in photoshop elements 11, but it wont let me print because the images were moved on the hard drive. It tells me to reconnect my images by browsing for thier new location on my hard disk. How do I do this?

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Illustrator :: Create Single Path To Type On Not Compound Path From Many Paths?

May 11, 2012

I have some negative space I created(black area, see first image) that I want to fill with type, not just a simple fill.
Basically I want to create the negative space from a bunch of small minus signs(-) that need to line up as they go across. If I type on each path one at a time as the text doesn't line up that way. This needs to be one continuous path. (see second image)
Unfortunately if I add them together, it creates a compound path, which you cannot type on, unless I am mistaken? So I need them to be a path, not a compound object.

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Illustrator :: Reduce Anchors Points In Segment Path Without Altering The Path?

Aug 31, 2013

In illustrator, is there a way to reduce anchors points in a segment path without altering the path?

Is there a better and more efficient way to reduce anchors points than using the pen-minus tool?

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Illustrator :: Convert Text Path Back Into Line Path In CS 5?

Jan 9, 2013

I've tried every permutation of copy and paste; I renamed the path to path. It looks like a path when I add stroke, but it does not behave like one.  I can't cut it or join it to any other path. It remembers it's text path status. I'm running OS X 10.7.5.

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Illustrator :: Convert Text Path Back To Regular Path?

Mar 20, 2014

I accidentally converted a path to a text path. I searched the forum for how to convert it back to a regular path. The answer I found said to select the path and hit Command+C+F. This gives me another text path! I now have at least 6 copies of the path in my files but they are ALL text paths and none are visible with a stroke.

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Illustrator :: Ending A Path At The Angle Of Additional Path

Apr 10, 2013

I've got two paths.  They don't intersect, exactly, a straight path ends at a curved path, but I need the end of the straight path to be curved, to make it look like the two meet perfectly.  The two gray paths (a single path, then path->offset for the second) are the outside of a shield shape.  The two black lines (paths) just surround text, but currently they overlap the gray paths.

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Illustrator :: Make Text On Path Ends Exactly At End Of Path?

Jul 11, 2013

Is there any function or script that auto-adjust tracking so text on a path meets the exact end of the path/bracket?

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Illustrator :: Extract Path From Type On A Path Object?

Oct 3, 2012

Once you've used a path to put type on, how do you get the path back? Everything I do to recover the path deletes it.

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Illustrator :: Created Text On Curved Path Using Pen Tool And Type On Path Tool

Feb 13, 2014

I created text on a curved path using the pen tool and the the type on a path tool. However, there are portions of the text that I want to taper. For example, my text begins horizontally, continues to the right, and gradually curves downward. As the text curves downward I would like it to taper smoothly into a narrower and narrower text.

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Illustrator :: Block Text To Path -> Text Flow Along Resulting Path

Nov 5, 2013

I'm trying to create an effect of small text following the outline of very large bold block text (see picture).  The idea I had was to first create the 'ME' in very large font as text.  Then convert that text to an object / path using "Object -> Flatten Transparency... -> "Convert all text to outline"".  Then, select that path and use the "Type along path" tool. 

However, when I use that process, the resulting path is a compound path that therefore the Type Along Path tool doesn't work.  Any pointers on how to achieve this?  The image below I just used the pencil to trace the letters (quick and dirty) but the result is choppy, etc.

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Photoshop :: Copying And Pasting Open Path

Feb 1, 2013

So, i went back to an image i made a while ago because i wanted to remember how i went about doing something. i also got out my notebook where i kept track of particular aspects of the lesson.sadly, i do not seem to have written down the one thing i am looking to recall.

see the open path that defines the arm inside the red circle?well, i'm working on a female version of this but i can't seem to recall how i went about duplicating the path so that the stroke and layer styles are copied as well.
i selected the pen tool > set to path > drew out my path > right clicked to select stroke path then i double clicked on the layer to add a gradient overlay and a drop shadow
now, when i made the guy above all i wrote down to do is to copy and transform but now when i do this only the path is copied.i have tried copy, copy merged, paste, paste special and paste in place.when i use ctrl + J and then flip it the stroke and ls's aren't copied?
ctrl + j makes a new layer with the layer styles listed but when i did it the first time this is what my layers look(ed) like how the "right arm" layer doesn't list the layer styles?
how one goes about copying and pasting an open path such as this so that one has a layer without the styles listed? i have also used alt + ctrl + t and dragged to copy but this also makes a layer with the styles listed.

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Photoshop :: Converting An Open Path To A Selection

Apr 17, 2006

way to convert an open path to a selection that is just around the path? When I try to convert it to a selection it basically closes the path and then selects everything inside it. I am looking to select everything within a certain number of pixels of the path so I get a selection that looks like a line, not a big blob.

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Illustrator :: How To Make Part Of Path Be Below And Another Part Of Path Be Above Another Object

Feb 6, 2014

I have a figure as below:
You can see that the red circles intersect the blue one twice each. One of these intersects (the lower one) should be below the blue circle while the other should be above the blue circle. How can I make this happen? Can I use the shape builder tool somehow?

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GIMP :: Will Not Open Files If Foreign Characters In Path Name

Mar 3, 2012

I am using Gimp 2.6.11. I have had the same issue with all older versions.

For whatever reason, GIMP refuses to open any file that contains non-English characters. For example, if I try to open a file called GoranDragićDunk.png, it will tell me there is no such file or directory. Changing the file name to GoranDragicDunk.png fixes the issue, so it's clearly to do with having Ć instead of C. Now, the problem is that it also does this if the foreign characters are found anywhere within the path, so that it will not open C:\My Files\NBA\GoranDragić\AwesomePass.png either because it contains the Ć within the path name.

Now, I know that older versions of programs such as Adobe Acrobat had this same issue, but it was fixed years ago. Am I the first person to notice this with GIMP? It shocks me that such a simple thing has not been fixed yet. Would I have to install a foreign-language version of GIMP?

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AutoCAD LT :: Full File Path Name For Open Drawing Windows

Apr 1, 2013

When I choose Open Drawing and the window pops up, it would be nice if the full path name of the file showed up on the bar where it shows the file name (see attachment). As it is I can't tell if this file is on my c drive or my back-up drive.

The individual drawings show the full path name once they're open, can the same be achieved with the Open Drawing window?

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After Effects :: Open Type Fonts In Afx Path Text Tool?

Mar 5, 2013

How do I use an Open Type font varient in Afx Path text tool?

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Remember The File Open Once Or The Path?

Jul 4, 2012

like in AutoCAD there is REMEMBERFOLDERS can u tell me if i use syntax with getfiled and i want the path to be remember next time what should i do or what syntax i use for that.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Doesn't Open A Browsing Windows To Select File Path

Jul 5, 2012

I am having trouble with my AutoCad Civil 2013. If I want to open or save an existing file the program only allows me to input the file name in the command line. It does not open a browsing window to select the file path I want to save or open to.

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Illustrator :: Won't Open AI Files After Upgrade To CS6 But Can Open Them In Fireworks

Sep 26, 2013

Cannot open .AI files, I have run all the updates but still having to use Fireworks to open AI files.

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Illustrator :: How To Open Files As Layers In Open File

Mar 1, 2013

I'm working with both Photoshop and Illustrator CS6 on a mac. I'm creating a graphic. The background is a (cartoonish) mouth and I finished it a couple of days ago. (It's an Illustrator file.) I've been working on the letters to go inside of the mouth, (Once I'm finished it'll look as though they're being crushed.) I scanned and edited small wooden letters in Photoshop, and now I would like to work with them with the background in Illustrator. I understand how to open a Photoshop file in Illustrator, but I don't want to open the document as a separate Illustrator file. Is there a way to open a file from Photoshop as a second layer?
Some of the letters repeat as well. Will I have to create two files for this, or can I open the same file twice?

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Illustrator :: How To Copy A Path On Top Of Itself

Apr 23, 2013

There's two options to copy a Path or Object:
- Copy and then Paste
- Move while holding Alt (or Control on Macs)
Unfortunately, neither of these make an easy way to copy it directly onto itself in the exact same location. Basically just to duplicate a given Path in the exact same location as the currently-selected Path.
I usually copy it using the Alt-move method and then drag it back onto itself using Snap To Point, but seriously? That's retarded and should not be necessary. With very complex compositions, sometimes doing that and having it match 100% is harder than you might think.

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Illustrator :: AI CC - Cannot Set Stroke Of Path To Anything Less Than 1 Pt

Aug 23, 2013

I can't set the stroke of a path to anything less than 1 pt.
Though a dragged path  (by an endpoint) snaps to a point on another path, when I lift my finger, the dragged point and path jump a small distance away.
Aligning two separate paths to their common (e.g. top left) endpoints also leaves the two endpoints slightly displaced from each other.

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Illustrator :: Joining A Path

Jun 2, 2012

I am having problems trying to join some objects. I have a smaller circle in a larger circle. and an arrow (just two lines) pointing right. I would like to join these objects, so that each end of the arrow will join to each the circles and make it one object.
The effect Im looking for is that the center circle is gone/transparent, and I can fill inbetween the two circles with a color (with the arrow head included). Ive included the file (or an image, whichever it takes incase my description is confusing.

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Illustrator :: How To Repeat CS3 Path

Jul 2, 2012

In Ai CS3 I have created a single 'heartbeat' ECG path and want to repeath the path to creat a continuous ECG trace.  Is there an automated way to acheive this.
If I have to use 'cut-and-paste' how would I join the individual paths together?

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Illustrator :: How To Split One Path With Another

May 16, 2012

I'm trying to achieve simple task, but can't do that. I have a guilloche background made of strokes. I need to cut them by a shape. The visual result i'm tring to achieve is the same as using the clipping mask. However i need to apply the mask to the strokes, and remove everything that is outside the shape. So is there a way of doing that?
Scirssors tool is not an option cos it'll take entire life to cut all the strokes manually. Outline opption in pathfinder is somewhat close, but then it's barely impossible to delete the cutting shape as it gets segmented as well.

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