Illustrator :: How To Split The Template To Get Two 8x11 Pages
Feb 4, 2013I have a brochure design that is on a 11x17 template. How can I split the template so I will get two 8x11 pages
View 5 RepliesI have a brochure design that is on a 11x17 template. How can I split the template so I will get two 8x11 pages
View 5 RepliesIs it possible to split a parts list onto multiple pages/sheets? My only solution is to place the parts list three separate times on three separate sheets and on the first sheet hide items 11-30, then on the second sheet hide items 1-10 and 21-30, and then on the third sheet hide items 1-20. Is there any other way besides investing in a larger printer and larger paper?
View 3 Replies View RelatedWhen I open a new fileI choose new from template and then I choose the custom template I need to draw on. I would like to add pages, what can I do to obtain the same template?
Right now I am taking the scenic route by having the template I want on the first page,leaving it blank and making a copy on the subsequent pages to draw.
How to split my screen so i can merge a photo with a template. i am used to using photoshop elements 7 and now have #11.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI want to print multiple pictures (not the same one) onto one sheet of 8x11. What I have found it's not the easy thing to do. Should I make the pictures the size I want and use a different program to print.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI made all my polygons with the same technique but somehow interactive polygon split tool does not split all polygons... I attached a file with which I have problem. Split tool just "disappears" after submitting changes...
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to achieve simple task, but can't do that. I have a guilloche background made of strokes. I need to cut them by a shape. The visual result i'm tring to achieve is the same as using the clipping mask. However i need to apply the mask to the strokes, and remove everything that is outside the shape. So is there a way of doing that?
Scirssors tool is not an option cos it'll take entire life to cut all the strokes manually. Outline opption in pathfinder is somewhat close, but then it's barely impossible to delete the cutting shape as it gets segmented as well.
I needed to re-use an existing pdf (for a business card, with bleeds and marks), which was last saved with AI CS6. So, in order to get the filename in the "new" pdf to reflect the new use, I opened in in Illustrator CS6, and just re-saved with the new filename. Now my 1-page pdf suddenly has 4 pages; pages 1 and 2 look like they should, but pages 3 and 4 don't have bleeds showing.! What???
I used a custom in-house joboptions file for the settings; this joboptions file did start in InDesign, but has never caused problems before, and I have used it often in Illustrator. I just deleted the extra/new pages, and proceeded, but I am confounded by this.
I want to put 2 .pdf pages on one page. I used to do it with Illustrator (CS5) and it worked just fine up until now, but now (when I import .pdfs) Illustrator gives prompts like:
"The font Arial is missing. Affected text will be displayed ..."
Is there any way of eliminating such prompts with those .pdfs?
I have a cycling jersey I am designing. Now I would like to do the following, but I do not know how:
From This:
(I coloured the paths in PS - This is how they are separated)
to this:
HERE is my vector file
Carlos, you created a script i believe called AI_openMultiPagePDF.However i was wondering if you could change it just a bit and instead of opening the files, could you use the PLACE command instead?
The problem i have had is that some PDF's have embedde fonts that i dont have but if i place it, then flatten transparency>Convert Outlines i can use the PDF excatly as it was and not have it convert the fonts.
Is that an easy script change?
#target illustrator
#targetengine session
// = AI_openMultiPagePDF_CS4_CS5_v1.02.jsx;
// script.description = opens a multipage PDF;
// script.required = requires CS4 or later
// script.parent = CarlosCanto // 01/07/12; v1.2-01/15/12
// script.elegant = false;
I didn't try opening a ridiculous amount of pages, I "only" open 35 about a minute and a half. Use with caution, save everything before running, script is memory intensive...
// Lion fix by John Hawkinson 01/15/12
START UI CODE, create user interface
var win = new Window ("dialog", "MTools - Open Multipage PDF");
I am designing the layout for a 8.5" x 8.5" children's book to be uploaded to an online publisher, and they require a .25" bleed around all the outside edges, except for a no ink area of .125" on the bind side. The document must be set up for single pages rather than spread. The document must be saved as postscript so I can create the pdf using Distiller (per the printer). How do I accomodate a different set of bleeds for facing (even/odd) pages within one Illustrator document?
Here are the guidlines I was given (this is the only image):
[IMG] [URL] [/IMG]
Is this even possible? Or will I need to use InDesign? The document is already setup in Illustrator with an individual artboard for each page, and I'd rather not go through the hassle of transferring it all to InDesign. If I must, though, what is the best option for setting it up as an InDesign document, and how can I adjust these bleeds accordingly while retaining a singlepage pdf for saving as postscript?
script that is able to do the same as this photoshop one [URL] ...., I would use that one in photoshop but its not working in CS6.
find a script that will seperate the text into layers ready for export to After Effects to be used in Kinetic Typography pieces.
I'm running the latest Illustrator CC version on my Mac OSX 10.8.5 and it won't launch !
Basically, once you click the icon, the Illustrator logo comes up in the dock for a split second, and then disappears.
I have look at the Console Utilities and there are no Diagnostic Reports or System errors concerning Illustrator.
I have hundreds of shapes filled with a pattern of lines. I am trying to figure out a way to clip the lines without ending up with the lines that have been converted to (outlines) closed shapes. It seems like a simple proceedure but Illustrator keeps converting them to closed shapes whenever I try any type of clipping or cropping technique.
I have attached a screen shot showing an example of the shape with tthe line.
Every time I open a multi-page pdf in illustrator, it only opens the first page.. Why is this, and is there an option to change it? CS5
View 1 Replies View RelatedI work on Mac and would like to print a design over multiple pages. The recurring problem however is that the printed sheets have a thin unprinted, blank border. I've tried various options in the print dialogue box, including all the borderless page setup options. This 2mm border keeps appearing in my prints. This is for silkscreening, so even though its only a 2mm border, this gap prevents me from putting all the printed sheets together as one design. The design, via the print dialogue box, is being saved as a PostScript file due to doing colour separations.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to split an existing object into two or three separate shapes (please take a look at the attachment) with CS6. Want to cut it along those white pathes.
View 4 Replies View RelatedAfter doing a live trace and expand on an object I now need to separate one object into two. I tried using both the scissors and the knife tool and neither tool work. When I select two anchor points on opposite side of each other to split the object it just adds a line in the middle with the object as a whole still in tact.
View 13 Replies View RelatedI've got a large file that is about 72x54. I want to cut it up into pieces that are about 24x18 and print it pieces that I will tile together as a whole image after I print them. Is there a way to save out my file as 24x18 pieces?
View 2 Replies View RelatedIs it possible to have a script that would split up an Illustrator file that contains a number of groups of elements into individual files... for example, here is a download link for a file that has different types of moustaches and I want each moustache as an individual file... I have hundreds of Illustrator files like this that have 4, 8, 15, 20 or more illustrations all bunched onto the one file that I need to split up. I'm using CS4 [URL]....
View 3 Replies View Relatedwith this figur in Illustrator cs6,
it is like a vertical book with open transparant pages,
is it possble to arrange artboards in Illustrator CS6 so page 1 is on its own and pages 2 and 3 (and 4 and 5 etc) are facing each other as they would be in a printed book. In other words the same way as in InDesign?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am creating a poster in A1 format. My printer can only print up to A4, so I would like to break up my poster into 8 A4 pages to print a preview before sending the doc off to the printer.
View 4 Replies View RelatedWhen I export a CorelDraw file with multiple pages to an .ai file, the resulting file has only the first page. Is there a way to export all pages of the document to .ai?
View 13 Replies View RelatedI'm making a book with large full bleed illustrations on each page.For ease of use I would like to use regular photoshop fonts. If I flatten and save my pages as Tiff files will it be the same as outlining fonts in Illustrator? In other words I won't have to include fonts. I am then going to drop the pages in InDesign in correctly paginated spreads to staple in the middle.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to upload shirt designs to jakprints and I'm using the template they provided to design the shirt. Hoever, when I save the file, only my design is left. No template.
When opened, it should look like this:
but instead it looks like this:
Just updated to CC and now when I try to save over old templates it gives me an error message saying it cannot save because this template may be in use in another program...but the only program its in use in is illustrator at that moment because im making changes to it.
View 1 Replies View RelatedAny ability/plug-in for illustrator cs5 to allow for creating a rhinestone template? I make custom apparel and use illustrator to create the vector artwork. When I need a design in rhinestones, I have to send out the art to have the template created (the template is the material with the holes in it where the rhinestones will be placed.) Rhinestone creation software lets you "place" the stones in the on screen design, choosing size of stone, etc. and then allows that design to be sent to a cutter to cut the holes in the template. If I could do it in-house, it would save me some money. I know there are plug ins that are compatible with CorelDraw, and there is stand alone software out there for apparel decorators, but I would rather not invest in more software if I could accomplish it in illustrator.
View 20 Replies View RelatedIs there such a thing as to build a template in Illustrator so that the client can change the text on it? Kind of like a Content Management System on a Website?
If so, what would the client be able to use to edit in? Of course, the client would like little to no expense.
I have an Illustrator brochure template which is designed for 8.5in x 11in letter page. I want to use it to produce an A4 8.27in x 11.69in sized page.
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