Illustrator :: Files Lagging While Opening

Sep 25, 2012

i have a Mac OSX V.10.7.5 and 3.4 GHz i7 8GB Ram.
Indesign and Photoshop open files very quickly, but illustrator while opening any type of file—whether it's an AI Cs6 file or EPS file or SVG file—there is at least a 20 second delay.

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Illustrator :: Linked PSD Files Not Found When Opening AI Files Via Shared Folder

Mar 17, 2013

My main user folder on the iMac is set to be shared (read/write, including all enclosed files) with my MacBook Pro. The job is a series of one-page InDesign files (they are newspaper advertisements). The IDD files contain a series of Illustrator files with linked PSD files.The idea is that we can both work on the .idd and .ai files in the same folder at the same time.
It's all working fine EXCEPT that whenever an .ai file is opened on the MacBook, Illustrator doesn't know where the linked PSD files are. We can update the link, but when the .ai file is then opened on the iMac and saved, the same thing happens the next time it is opened on the Macbook.
I don't want to embed the PSD files into the .ai files as sometimes I have to modify them and they can be linked to up to 20 .ai files.
G5 iMac OSX 10.7.5 / Macbook Pro OSX 10.8.2 / networked via FireWire cable / file sharing on, laptop user has Administrator status, all files are read/write, permissions include all enclosed files / CS6

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Illustrator :: CS6 Lagging With Many Small Objects

Jul 6, 2013

I am running Illustrator CS6, and I have found that Illustrator lags a lot when I have multiple objects that are very small.  For example, for my school project I am creating four seasons, and I have multiple leaves on the trees, but since they are very small and I have multiple copies it slows Illustrator down siginificantly.  What I am trying to figure out is if there is a way to reduce the quality of the artwork, so that It can run fast when I need it to.  Below is a link to download the file, so you can see what I mean.  Right now it lags when you zoom In/Out or if you try and move the object.  Also, my computer Specs are listed below
Intel I7 2700K (3.5GHz Quad Core)8GB DDR3 PC3-1600Radeon HD5770 (1GB Ram)
For the most part, it loads files very quick but after making multiple copies of files its starts to really lag a lot. The download link is below [URL] ....

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Illustrator :: CS6 Hangs / New Files Or Opening Existing Files

Apr 7, 2013

Date/Time:       2013-04-07 14:58:28 +0200
OS Version:      10.7.5 (Build 11G63b)
Architecture:    x86_64
Report Version:  9 
Command:         Illustrator
Path:            /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS6/Adobe Illustrator
Version:         723 (16.0.0)
Parent:          launchd [132]
PID:             10493
Event:           hang
Duration:        0.83s
Steps:           10 (100ms sampling interval)
 Pageins:         19
Pageouts:        0

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Illustrator :: AI Files Opening As PDF

Dec 17, 2013

Even though they are saved as AI. On other computers it opens properly. The few files I can open, I can't select using the selection tool because of a clipping mask I cannot get rid of.

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Illustrator :: AI Files Opening Up Blank

Aug 29, 2013

I've been using Illustrator for a few year now, but I've never had this problem before. Recently, I went to open up some files I had been working on. The problem was, when they opened, the files were blank. There was nothing on them.
When I open pdf and eps files, they're fine, it's just ai files that open up blank.
I ran a quick test where I created a new file and saved both as an ai and eps file. I closed it and quit Illustrator. I then re strated the program and opened the test file, and lo and behold, the ai file opened up blank, but the eps file was fine.

I'm on Mac OS X, running Illustrator CS6

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Illustrator :: CS5 Crashes When Opening Certain AI Files

Mar 9, 2013

I installed a OKI C301dn printer this week, thats when the problem first occured (not sure if the printer has anything to do with the problem, but it's the only 'change' i made) Most .ai files will open normally, except the one I need.The specific ai file (contains a linked jpg and a linked psd file) opens normally on my other machines (Mac and Pc) I removed the printer and CS5, used the Adobe cleaning tool and reinstalled CS5 but the problem remains. (I also did a memory check, registry clean) I'm using Win7 64bit on a i7 system with 8gb

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Illustrator :: Opening AutoCAD Files

Sep 12, 2013

What Adobe drawing program will open AutoCAD DWG files made using a more recent AutoCAD application than AutoCAD 2007?

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Illustrator :: CC Hangs Upon Opening Certain Files?

Sep 18, 2013

I posted another thread yesterday trying to figure this issue out. Illustrator does NOT actually crash, instead it hangs and simply becomes unresponsive when trying to open a handful of files. I have been reading other threads similar to this and have addressed all of the issues that seemed to have resolved the problem for other people, i.e. reset preferences, reinstalled illlustrator several times and removed preferences, etc. I do have a Wacom Bamboo tablet, but I have removed the driver and files from my Mac. But, it seems odd that the Wacom plugin would cause only a select handful of files to become unresponsive. I have a lot of work that needs to be done but I can't take a step further without Illustrator working properly!

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Illustrator :: Opening Multiple Files At Once?

Oct 21, 2013

I have a user that is attempting to open multiple files at once in IllustratorCC. When you select multiple files and right click -> open, it only opens one file. If she double clicks a file while there is a file open in illustrator, nothing happens. The only way she has found to open multiple files is to go to file->open->browse to location for each file. This is quite time consuming. Is there anyway to enable being able to quickly open multiple files similiar to how older versions of Illustrator did?

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Illustrator :: 17.1 Crashing Opening EPS Files?

Jan 29, 2014

When I try and open or place an EPS file I am getting a text import option box... then Illustrator crashes.

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Illustrator :: CS6 Error Message When Opening Files

Mar 3, 2014

When I try and open an Illustrator file, I get the error message "can't open the illustration".

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Illustrator :: Hangs Opening Existing Files

Jan 15, 2014

We are having an issue with CS4 and CS6 with a couple of users who are using Windows 7 64bit. Previously the users were using CS4 on Windows XP 32 bit.
The program seems to open ok and the user is able to create, save and open new files, the issue seems to be when the users try to open files that they previously created. The behavior they see is that the files take between 5 and 10 mins to open (even if stored locally) and the programs hangs when they then try to do anything with the files.
The are using the same hardware, the only difference being that the OS has been migrated to Windows 7 64 bit. CS4 and CS6 were then installed cleanly onto the machines.The users have the same issue with both CS4 and CS6 with their existing files.

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Illustrator :: CS6 Gets Error When Opening AI Files - Mavericks 10.9

Oct 24, 2013

I installed Mavericks yesterday ... Am having issues with Illustrator. First it wouldn't open and had to runt he Java install, that took care of that. I am able to make new files without problem and open EPS files, but cannot open existing AI files UNLESS going to File > Open. If I double click on an AI file I get the error "The appliation can't be found"

I am not running any 3rd party plug ins.

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Illustrator :: Opening Files From Network Share?

Sep 6, 2012

We have a new windows 7 PC x64 with Illustrator CS6, when we open a file from our server share, it only utilises 25% of the available network bandwidth to open the file. 
On an older XP 32 bit machine it utilises the full bandwidth ie 100% so the file opens up to 6 times faster. 
When I copy the file from the network to either machine  machine it copies fine and uses 99% of the network speed. 
What can I do to my new machine to speed the transfer of data in illustrator?

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Illustrator :: Opening Or Saving Files Cause 5.1 To Crash

Jun 14, 2012

I have the Creative Suite 5.5.  Illustrator starts, but trying to open (.ai or .pdf) or save a file causes it to crash.
I have deleted the preferences folder.
used uninstaller to uninstall complete Creative Suite package.  Used Adobe Creative Suite Cleaner afterwards.   Reinstalled.   Still it crashes.
Photoshop, InDesign, Acrobat Pro  all seem fine.
Process:         Adobe Illustrator [17332]
Path:            /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5.1/Adobe Illustrator
Identifier:      com.adobe.illustrator
Version:         39 (15.1.0)
Code Type:       X86 (Native)
Parent Process:  launchd [122] 
Date/Time:       2012-06-14 16:05:18.973 -0600
OS Version:      Mac OS X 10.7.4 (11E53)
Report Version:  9


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Illustrator :: Opening Files With A Double Click?

Jan 9, 2014

I try to double click on a file to open in illustrator, which is already open and running in the background and I get this message. Can't open the illustration. There is not enough room for the window. Increase document area and try again. The window was full screen, but after clicking off this error message it is tiny. I am using CS6 and have been for about a year and this has just started happening.

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Illustrator :: Files Opening With All Layers Flattened Into 1?

Jan 17, 2014

[URL] This image is directly from a customer’s email. An Illustrator template for custom candy bags is sent to the customer and has about 10 layers on it.  Somehow they always come back as Layer 1, flattened.  I am opening them up in CS5.why a multi layered file constantly comes back from our customers as a single layer? Having all layers is very important for these bags to print properly.

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Illustrator Scripting :: Opening Files As Layers?

Jul 6, 2013

Is there a way to open a file as a layer? I want to open multiple files in the same window to make a collage. Currently, as I open each file they all open in separate windows. The "Open Document As Tabs" option in the User Interface preferences is not selected.

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Illustrator :: CC Not Opening Legacy Files Or Fonts?

Aug 1, 2013

Using CC for a few weeks and I am not yet convinced of its quality over my faithful CS5. I have an issue with files not opening, they may once when I start Illustrator, but then they do not again. Illustrator doesn't freeze, it allows me to carry on with the file I am working on but I can not open any legacy file?. I have tried opening by double click, by file>open, I have opened a legacy file back in CS5 copied the graphics and attempted to paste them into my CC document and nothing, the only way I can get around this is to shut the program and or machine down and start again?
Also the same with fonts, if I have a file open, and open fonts afterwards, Illustrator has a mind of its own whether it wants to show the fonts or not. Some days its happy to, others it has a bad day and will not show them in the list at all no matter how many times I reload them, only a shut down fixes this?
Is there a preference I am missing to allow legacy files?

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Illustrator :: Opening Older Vector Files

Jan 30, 2013

I need to open older vector files from 2008 (eps). They won't opem in my current apps CS5or CS6.

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Illustrator :: Opening CS5 Files In CS6 - Get Unknown Error Has Occurred

Dec 12, 2013

I recently upgraded to CS6 and cannot open any past files in CS6 from CS5. Everytime I try  I Get "Unknown Error has Occurred"

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Illustrator :: CS6 (Mac OS) How To Keep Open File Minimized When Opening Other Files

Jan 30, 2014

I work with several files at a time and it can become annoying when you open several files and a minimized file keeps opening after each one.  I don't want to have it open in the background, I just want it to stay minimized until I'm ready to work with it.

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Illustrator :: Opening Files Created In A Newer Version

Apr 25, 2009

I use illustrator CS version 11, is there a way to open illustrator files saved and created in a newer version of illustrator?

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Illustrator :: Data Loss With Opening CS6 Files From Client In The Clouds?

Aug 22, 2013

Installed all recent updates . . Files from cloud version from client . . .
Opened in CS6 with the Error Message "The file "------" was generated by a newer version of Ilustrator. Would you like to import this file? Some data loss may occur"
Rebuilt all pertinent files connected to the program, cleaned out Mac running OS X 10.7.5
Baselined everything . . . still file opens with data missing (colored box defining white type in two areas on product)

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Illustrator :: Find Font Dialog Box Appears When Opening Files

Feb 27, 2009

This didn't used to happen, but now whenever I open an Illustrator file, the "Find Font" dialog opens as though the fonts I'm using aren't found. Not sure what it wants me to do because no matter what I try nothing resolves. I simply click the "Done" button and go about my business. And there are no problems. Why is this happening? and why now? My fonts are always loaded before I open the file, the file looks and handles just fine.

Mac OS 10.5.5
CS3 Illustrator 13.0.2
Suitcase Fusion 12.1.7

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Illustrator :: CS5.5 Crash When Opening 1.5GB Sized Vector Layered Files On IMac OS X?

Jul 1, 2013

Why does Illustrator CS5.5 crash when opening 1.5GB sized vector layered files on my iMac OS X?

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Photoshop :: Why CS6 Lagging On MacBook Air 11

Jul 31, 2013

As of about two weeks ago, Photoshop cs6 started to really lag. It is practically impossible to do anything. My laptop is 3 months old, and i barely have any documents on my desktop. Why its lagging.

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Photoshop :: Lagging In CS3 Extended Due To...

Jan 2, 2009

I never had lagging problems of any kind using Photoshop CS3. But I recently reformatted my computer, reinstalled PS CS3, and wow... the redraw and updating was awful! Brush strokes took several seconds to show, for example.

I looked into my preferences for the culprit. I changed the amount of RAM Photoshop should use, reordered my scratch disks. Changed the # of history states & cache levels, checked & unchecked enable 3D acceleration... Each time I changed one preference, I closed & reopened photoshop. No go, same lagging!

I kept asking myself what was different. Then I remembered: after reformatting my computer,
I updated my ZoneAlarm from version 7 to version 8. I had never before used this updated version of ZA with CS3.

So in ZoneAlarm, I went to
Program Control,
Programs, and saw that whereas the "Trust Level", "Access", "Server", and "Send Mail" columns were all set to question marks for Photoshop 7 (meaning ZA asks me before allowing Photoshop 7 certain permissions), several of those same options were listed as "X's" (completely blocked) when I reinstalled Photoshop CS3.

ZoneAlarm 8
never prompted me, as version 7 did, about certain permissions for CS3! And it didn't occur to me to look into ZA's settings when Photoshop was virtually unusable. My clue came from a CS4 troubleshooting tip here: temporarily disable one's AV and see how PS behaves. The difference after disabling ZA was astounding!

All this to say, you may not have to replace your AV if you find it makes Photoshop lag. Photoshop CS3 worked smoothly after I changed my AV's permissions.

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Photoshop :: PS CS4 Lagging And Stuttering

Jan 26, 2009

I've just rebuilt my PC with the following specs:

CPU - Intel I7 920 2.66ghz Quad Core

Mobo - Asus P6T Deluxe OC Palm Edition

RAM - 6Gb G.Skill DDR3 PC3-12800 (1600mhz) (9-9-9-24) RAM in Triple Channel setup

GPU - BFG nVidia GeForce GTX280 1024mb OC2 Edition

HDDs - Seagate 500GB 32mb Cache SATA II Main drive, Western Digital 500GB 16mb Cache SATA

II Documents Drive, Western Digital 320GB 16mb Cache SATA II Photoshop Scratch Disk

PSU - Hyper Type M 880W

Case - Coolermaster Cosmos

I am using Windows XP Pro x64 Edition and the 64bit version of CS4.

I'm quite pleased with the system so far, it pretty much obliterates everything you throw at it without blinking an eye. However, I am absolutely stumped as to why the in the world Photoshop CS4 (and CS3) are running as if my system is 10 years old...

So here's what's happening:

After rebuilding my system with the above specs I have installed Photoshop CS4 and have opened up a painting I have been working on. I zoom in and the screen redraw is sickeningly slow. I hold space and drag the canvas to navigate around it, and again the redraw rate is terrible and results in what I can only describe as more like a render in something like 3D Max than simply dragging the canvas in Photoshop. While the brush control is smooth for the most part, when painting using several quick strokes I get a lot of lag after a little while which manifests as my brush strokes not registering and then all of a sudden happening at once.

Now, I have CS4 installed on my other system at my parents house which has the following specs:

Intel Core2Duo E6750 2.66ghz (OCed to 3.1ghz) CPU

Asus P5KE Deluxe Motherboard

8GB OCZ DDR2 800mhz RAM

BFG nVidia GeForce 9600 GT OC2 Edition

2x Seagate 250gb HDDs (Not in RAID)

And with this system, Photoshop CS4 works great with the only exception being the OpenGL support not being supported.

I have updated all of the drivers on this i7 system. I've even reinstalled older versions of the video card driver and still I get lag. I've uninstalled Nod32 Antivirus, Comodo Firewall, stopped Diskeeper from automatically defragging and ended lots of uneeded processes but I still get this problem. I've uninstalled my Wacom Tablet drivers and used the mouse in Photoshop and that hasn't helped. I've reinstalled 3 older versions of Wacom Drivers also to no avail.
I've even formatted and tried a fresh install.

Also, I tried reinstalling Photoshop CS3 and get similar problems. Only in CS3 there is no issue with the redraw rate, only it lags all of a sudden while trying to navigate an image with space held down and dragging on the mouse or wacom pen (or a blank canvas for that matter) then it will freeze the images movement then suddenly jump.

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Photoshop :: CS5 Lagging / Crashing When Brush Is Used

Aug 5, 2013

I've found recently that Photoshop (CS5) is lagging or completely crashing when I use any of my brushes. I'm doing a painting in one document at the moment and it's near on impossible because every time I make a brush stroke it takes 10 seconds or so to recover. And now it's got to the point where I'm trying to smudge things but every time I make a stroke it crashes PS completely.
I've turned off Enable GL drawing and I've made sure I don't have too many programs running in the background on my computer, and I'm unsure what else to try. (I have Windows 8, if that's relevant).

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