Illustrator :: Editing Text In AI Files - CC And CS6
Mar 21, 2014
I am using Illustrator CC. My business partner is in CS6. When we save files to .pdfs or legacy versions, we lose the ability to use the character pallete. I can't change leading or use kerning tools. I am able to select the text box, and change letters, but that's it. I can't go in and select a line, and then change the leading. I can't select a line to change the kerning. When I open the version that my partner's worked on in CS6, I save it as a cc file. I'm not sure why we're losing all the editing capability. The box for "preserve Illustrator editing capabilities" is checked. We have always had different versions of Illustrator for the last 6 years we've worked together, and this hasn't ever been a problem.
I am having an issue with the lastest version of illustrator! When I try to highlight the text on the path. It goes it this diagonal/slanted direction so it looks like I'm not highlight the text at all. But it works fine, if I use the regular type too, I search forums for this such clicking the ctrl+H on my laptopt and this happens on my computer as well. The ctrl+H command did not work..
We have come across a problem using Adobe Photoshop CS6 and Illustrator CS6 on a MAC. We use Illustrator CS6 for putting together the graphics and use Photoshop CS6 for editing. When we save the image in full res and browse the image - the image looks grainy both on a Mac and a PC.
Is there a way to use symbol libraries so that editing 1 symbol will ripple through and change several .ai files?
Our office has several people, working on several .ai files which all share symbols in common. We all know how to edit a local symbol and have it ripple through 1 document and change the artboards. We know how to save a library of symbols to share with others in the office. What we don't know is how to edit a symbol in that library and have it update everwhere.
If we can improve our process we can turn 1 day of work into 1 minute. I wish it worked like links in InDesign.
I am trying to modify a bar graph that I have imported as a pdf from excel, and am having some trouble with customizing the color fill on the bars of the bar graph. When I select the object/bar and then fill with a different color, I see no change. However the menu shows the new color I selected for that particular object. Is there something weird about the type of object that the bar is when it is imported from excel?
OK I figured out that for some reason the bars on the bar graph are imported as clipping masks - very weird, you need to release the clipping mask, deselect the bar, select and delete the background shading, then fill the bar (which was previously the mask, I believe?) Why excel exports like this?
I notice something similar with the imported text labels associated with the same graph. When I select the text and change the font size, for some strange reason it can size up (say, from 10pt to 12pt) but not down (day, from 10pt to 8pt) It seems weird when I try to edit it at all really, as if the element was not a text element, is there some way to convert it to a text object? Ok this is working properly now, don't know why it was wonky before.
Text has disappeared from Illustrator files? I can make a text box but no text shows up at all....when I pull up other files the text is missing aswell. I am sure I just clicked something
I downloaded an EPS image from Shutterstock assuming that I'd be able to replace the placeholder Latin text with my own words via Illustrator. Since then, I've learned from both StackExchange and this forum that the text in Shutterstock images is actually an uneditable "outline" and there's therefore no easy way to replace the sample text with useable text, nor is there a way to reverse-engineer which fonts/sizes were used in the original. This obviously makes Shutterstock images a lot less useful (glad I didn't subscribe!).
Are there any other Shutterstock-like services out there that sell stock EPS images that actually allow you to edit the text?
Attached is a screenshot of the EPS file that I downloaded:
As you can see from the image, I'm just trying to find an aesthetically appealing template for use on a web site that illustrates "three easy steps." I have no graphic design experience. I do have a trial of Illustrator though.
Photoshop CC up to date 5 years PS experience Restart of file and PS didn't resolve the issue Creating Smart Object didn't resolve issue
When attempting to add simple text on an individual layer, the layer is turning black. This prevents me from seeing the text I'm editing. When I move to another layer the text displays correctly. When I go to edit the text by clicking the image the layer goes black again. It is like editing text in the dark, turning the light on to see the changes, turning the light off to make the changes, repeat.
What would be the best strategy on the usage of data set to translate our product packaging. It's quite complex as we have several languages on the same packaging. Moreover, we have different text sources that would require to be translated in different sets of languages.
I have already looked into the data set and I tried to get familiar with it. How to create the data set and how to name the different variables knowing that there are different source texts for a particular region (region means a set of languages) and other texts for another region... The idea is to export this into one XML file with well identified elements that can be split with a tool, sent for translation according to their region then merged back into one single file to be imported back into illustrator
Region 1: en-US text 1 text 2
fr-FR text 1 text 2
de-DE etc...
Region 2: en-US text 3 text 4
ru-RU text 3 text 4
Region 3: etc..
It seems that the formatting such as bold, italic and so on is not exported into the data set which is quite embarrassing.
I have about 500 files that I need to change one line of text in. Example. File name is XXX 001, the line of text is the file name so it would read XXX 001. XXX 002... etc. up to XXX 500. Is there a way that I could automate it opening, changing this line of text, saving and closing?
I am clicking on a layer in GIMP, and when I click on the text tool, this dialog pops up "CONFIRM TEXT EDITING" "the layer you selected is a text layer but it has been modified using other tools. Editing the layer with the text tool will discard these modifications. You can edit the layer or create a new text layer from its text attributes."
with 3 options, Create New layer, Cancel, and Edit however, no matter what I click, it doesn't let me create new text anywhere.ALSO, it seems to jump from the layer i selected to another layer whenever I click "EDIT."
What is weird is that I was able to create new text prior to this, but not anymore. it's gimp 2.8.0
What a good start after just installing X4. I tried to add my avi files for editing and every single one fails with the catastrophic failure message. If I double click any avi file, the windows media player plays it fine.
I have edited these avi files many times with x2 before. I tried opening mpg files and they were ok. So im guessing its to do with an avi decoder? - but if so why does the avi file play fine in windows media player?
I have been using VideoStudio software for many years, so am familiar with the way earlier versions work.
I have been working on a new major video project using VideoStudio Pro X4 Ultimate edition the past few days, and have been relatively happy, even with the ProDad. But I have just uploaded some Wav files from a Zoom H4 and although they all load OK and Play OK on the timelines in CLIP mode, when I click on PROJECT and play the same sound files they just provide extremely loud 'white-noise', in other words I'm unable to edit the sound files at all! I thought that possibly the Wav 48.000KHz 24 Bit, Stereo files were at fault, but if I clicked back to CLIP and then pressed play, all the sound is perfect! So it is NOT the sound files but something within X4 Pro.
To double check my sound files, I opened up the exact same Wav files in the Corel Ulead Videostudio 11 Plus software, and ALL the sound files play correctly in both CLIP and PROJECT! This is a VERY serious problem because I cannot edit many important sound files with VS PRo X4 Ultimate edition!
I've tried some 44KHz 16Bit stereo files and they seem to play OK in Project mode within Pro X4.
I've purchased a template pre-made and I'm editing the graphics. They come with supposedly editable .psd's
When I open it up it's the entire template of graphics. No individuals. They're advice is to select a certain layer and save for the web as the file I need after editing. Well, when doing this it saves the entire template, not just the file I need.
A company that works with graphic design uses Photoshop and always sends me their work in PSD files.
I read in another post that having them Rasterize the file will work with text editing and presenting the colors properly in GIMP. I was wondering if this is all it takes to be able to edit/rework a PSD files in GIMP? Are there plugins I need or other steps I can take take or am I just going to have to use photoshop?
I've uploaded .mov files from my Canon 7D camera onto Adobe Premiere CS6, but after doing some editing the footage in the playback screen is very jerky/slow. I'm working on a brand new iMac OSX and have a RAM of 4GB, so why the playback would be so slow.
Import a pdf-file that only contains (scanned) images [book pages]. Rotate them (okay I can do this). Seperate and/or crop them (I can do this but my way is so complicated). Export back into a single pdf file. (I can't do this).
Usually I have a scanned book. So sometimes there are two pages on one image. To have an easier readability I like to seperate those. So what I do is:
- I cut/crop the page out of the image with the two pages
- I place that in a new layer
- I rotate that layer if needed (I use the transform tool, but it is a bit difficult to tell if the text is perfectly rotated, in Photoshop there is an automatic tool, is there one in gimp?)
- I go on with the next page
Problem is that layers are not of the same size. So I have to drag them around to have them (layers) all centered. Also image quality is much lower after importing it to gimp. How do I figure the original resolution of the image saved in the pdf? When I have them all in new layers exporting them to pdf will always result in one single page with only the first layer.
So is there an easier way to do this? Also why does exporting not work?
I have been using LR4, and am starting to learn Photoshop CS6. I thought I understood that there was not need to make a copy when editing a photo from Lightroom in Photoshop. However, Martin Evening's Lightroom 4 book (page 394 if you have it) states 'once you have converted a photo to black and white in Lightroom and edited in Photoshop, there is no opportunity to go back to the colour original'. He then talked about it being better to create an edit copy version
the original file would be lost in Lightroom. He also suggested that Virtual Copies may not be a good idea - something about if the catalog became corrupted you could lose the Virtual Copies, and it would be better to create a 'Real File'
So if I were to do some edits in LR4, including convert to B&W, then do further work in Photoshop, would it be better, or necessary to create another Edit Copy of the file so I had the original + another original I could then do the work on. And shoulkd I do this on all files
The image is basically a scanned copy of a letter. The image is in JPEG format and the size is around 200kb. Now I want to edit the image(the scanned letter). I only want to edit the content of the letter yani the text of the letter.
Specifically speaking I want to add some text in the image. The text has to be in the same font, size etc etc so that it does not looks like it has been editied.
i'm trying to follow this tutorial on how to make ice Text. Right in the beginning of the turtorial it asks me to create a new document so big...blah blah. It tells me to use the type tool to add some text. And then press ok and cut the text, then paste the text to automatically center it. Thats just wont let me cut the text.
I edit my raw files in CS5. Then I saw as JPEG, and upload to be developed. Once the pictures are uploaded they look like I never edited them at all. What am I doing wrong. This does not happen if I edit a JPEG file.
probably isn't an X4 issue exactly, but when i'm done editing a video file in X4, i'll close the file and insert the next video file to edit. when i go into windows explorer to delete the first file i just finished editing, it won't let me delete it because it says it's currently in use. How to delete it without having to close down X4 to do so?
I went from DV, to AVCHD earlier in the year. I had no luck at all getting one smooth render using AVCHD from my Panasonic camcorder. So when I bought my Canon 5D MKII I thought the HD files would be easier/better to work with. I have edited together some files just for tests with and without crossfades, but both have either resulted in shakey/jerky footage, or the program crashing saying 'send the dump file to Ulead for analysis.
Basically I perform smart proxy to shrink the files to make them smoother to edit, then when I try to render to .mov again, the footage is jerky, but then I can rerender to mpeg2. The problem is that the mpeg2 footage is only about 95% smooth. It will be flowing along then every 5-10 seconds there will be a jump. If I try to render straight to anything else - mpeg2, H.264, MPEG4, it just crashes after 3 seconds giving the same dump file message.
Sony Vaio laptop Intel Duo Core 2.2ghz Windows 7 home premium 64 bit 4GB Ram
Ulead version Pro X3
I have downloaded all the latest patches, and I downloaded the latest Directx (I'm not sure what this is, I just followed the link on the forum for the June 2010 one; is it an automatic thing?)
So I have a decent computer, and fantastic camera, and Ulead's top program - why can't I get a smooth end file??
Sometimes after editing jpeg files in PaintShop Pro X5, attempting to save them raises an error and they can only be saved to a different file name. After closing out of PSP, the original file cannot be deleted in Windows Explorer. Shift-Delete removes the file from the list momentarily, but a refresh brings it back. Normal delete (to Recycle Bin) raises an error that admin authority is required, but clicking to proceed fails. Starting Windows Explorer as administrator does not resolve the problem. Process Explorer doesn't show PSP or any component of it that I recognize still running (and perhaps having exclusive control of the file). After a reboot, the file can be deleted. I have observed this problem on both machines where the software is loaded and registered. Both machines are malware-free. Both are running Windows 7 x64 Home Premium. Could very well be a Windows problem, but I don't have a similar problem with files that are created or modified with any other application.