Illustrator :: Begin With A Shape When Creating A New Stroke Profile?
Jul 11, 2013
I want to create a stroke profile with a modified brush stroke. Is that possible? Or do I have to begin with a shape?This is what I am trying to assign, but the option to save as a variable width profile is greyed out.
I'm creating navigational elements in photoshop and I want to be able to adjust the outline by itself, as well as there are some elements that are only an outline with no fill. How do I create shape outlines without the fill?
In CS6, whenever I add a stroke to a compound path it causes the shape to distort. Found this video of someone suffering from the same error in CS5 [URL]
Can I turn off the begin and end vertical grid of a profile? Currently it can be turned off using the GRID AT VERTICAL MAJOR, even though I'm starting/ending my profile view at stations that are neither major (100') nor minor (50').
Civil 3D 2010.
I attached a pdf to show the vertical line at 19+90 that I want turned off.
When increasing the width of a stroke around a shape the stroke is not centered... WHY DOES IT DO THIS??? Even if I use the controls in the stroke window to change this it sill plays up.
I want the stroke above the elipse to be an eyelid for a cartoon. I want the part of the elipse to disappear that meets the stroke "eyelid" (see the left image).
I want the eyeball elipse to disappear as it goes into the eyelid stroke.
I routinely use stroke profiles to modify stokes that also have a brush appearance. When I change the brush, the profile is lost. The only way I found, to keep the stroke profile, is to save the profile before changing the brush appearance, then reasign the profile. I wonder if it is a programming oversight that deletes the profile from the stroke in this case.
I also would like to see a better method of saving/updating/editing stroke profiles. There is currently no way to overwrite a profile. Again, an oversite, in my opinion.
Stroke profiles should be available in a panel, similar to brushes. They are powerful effects, but poorly implemented.
I'm still working primarily, in CS5, but I think these features have remained the same in CS6.
I'd like to know how to ignore the stroke weight of a shape in the transform box. In other terms, to only consider the surface.
For example, I trace a square with no stroke, and measures 100mm. When I add a 1pt stroke on it, I would still like the transform box to display 100mm, and not 100,353 mm.
I'm working on Illustrator CC (64 bit), Windows 7.
Unalbe to use eyedropper tool to pick up stroke attribute from one shape to use in fill of another shape. I shift click with my eyedropper tool on stroke but does not transfer that color to my fill color of other shape. Fill color shows correctly in tools panel but not in shape or control panel.
I got this error many different times and the problem still continues.
When I change the stroke weight from the Strokes menu arrows or by scroll, this action changes my path's shape and distorts it. You can see the problem below:
I got similar errors when scaling a couple of times. But this one looks just impossible to me.
I can't believe Illustrator doesn't do this automatically. If you create a stroke profile on one side of the stroke by holding Alt/ Option while dragging with the Width Tool and then mirror the object, the stroke profile doesn't mirror accordingly. You have to go to the Stroke panel and click one of the flipping buttons for each stroke of the mirrored artwork. This makes mirroring complex artwork very time consuming. Mirroring with transform effect doesn't have this problem but this makes the usage and editing of the mirrored object difficult.
I'm just posting this before making a feature request in case I'm missing something. And to check if this problem has been already raised and the feature request made.
This was not an issue in CS5, and I can't figure out how to change it in CS6. I like to Illustrate with the Pencil Tool. I set the stroke to width profile 1 (tapered on both ends) and the stoke to whatever makes sense for my current project, and it keeps changing back to Uniform and 1pt. I have tried to get my settings to "stick" with the Pencil Tool and Brush Tool, and have had no luck. The only way I can change the stroke profile is to do it AFTER the stoke is made.
I have several brush styles that I routinely distort with custom stroke profiles. Unfortunetly, every time I change the brush style, the profile is lost. Can I prevent this from happening?
I want to use a 3rd party brush to 'color in' parts of a drawing or paint the background so it has a nice effect.However, when I use the brush tool to add color it reacts in an odd way as seen in the snapshot. I've looked at the brush options but am unsure of what will make a difference. Is there a way of devoting more ram to the program when I'm using it?
Is there an alternative way of adding the same stroke to the actual fill of a shape? At the moment all of my fill colors are block colors rather than having a kind of chalk / pastel texture that I can get with the brush. Basically, I would like to fill shapes with textured color rather than flat color.
i have made a custom stroke width profile and want to back it up for future use i found two files called variablewidth or something but the date modified wasn't congruent to when i created the profile.
where can i find the files that contain this preset to back up?
I am creating a simple spider for a project. Initally I used the pen tool to make legs. It worked for a bit then all the sudden started filling in an area I didn't even draw with color. I'm not sure what I did to cause this to happen.
Where can I find a bamboo brush stroke for illustrator cs6? Free or for purchase. I'm looking to wrap bamboo around the rim of a ceramic dinner plate. Essentially creating a circle in Illustrator using a bamboo-textured stroke...
I have created a New Document Profile that I want to use as a base when starting Ilustrator work. I cleared pallettes colors, brushes, symbols etc and created 3 new common layers etc. When I select my file from the New Document Profiles pull down menu the Layers pallette opens with only a blank Layer1 .The work on my custom Layers that I would like as masters is gone.
Alright I am trying to create a shape made up of tons of instances of a symbol (best example of what I am trying to achieve is here )
I hoped I could just use draw inside mode and the symbol sprayer however I am not able to ensure the instances don't colide and that they actually completely fit inside the shape without being cut off.
I am obviously going about this the wrong way but have searched for unsuccessfully for any instruction on how this could be achieved.
Just doing my normal practise in Illustrator. Ive came across designing a dome sphere shape. And Im using the 3d revolve techniqe, So I have my symbol to map onto the 3d elipse. but towards the top of the sphere the symbol tends to get distorted, and it looks aweful. So I also tried another technique to envolope distort with top object but its hard to achieve making it look 3d, because the sphere faces dont go around.
I'm new to illustrator and I'm trying to achieve something I hoped would be quite simple. I want to take a bitmap, live trace it, then create an outline of 2px wide only around the outside limits of the shape. I want to then get rid of all of the live trace vectors and be left with my very simple outline of the original image. Eg.
I've tried image expand, I've tried outline, but nothing seems to work as I need it to.
I have the illustrator instalation from creative cloud subscription and everytime i create a new document and on the profile combo choose "web", the illustrator freezes forever.
Im using mac version in a macbook pro 13" corei7 with 8gigs ram.
I have a shape that I want to add a blend layer to by creating a square, adding a gradient then making it an overlay on top of said shape. The issue I am having is I cant find a way of masking out the unwanted areas of the blend layer. I have tried to follow the steps the official help and other internet help sections but it's not working. It's so easy in photoshop. How come it's so difficult in Illustrator? Is there something I am missing? Additionally, a blend layer (in most modes) wouldn't show any colour if overlaying upon white in photoshop. How come this isn't so in Illustrator?
Before, when I created lines or shapes in illustrator a small window would show the size of whatever I was creating. Now it does not show up and what the size is of the shape or line.
I have tried the offset path, however it gets too large. I am looking to keep things simple but need a bit more definition that just a simple outline will give. On this particular image I am looking to create an outline or fill shape behind the words and pistol but wanting to keep roughly the same shape.
Im creating a Profile Bandset and would like to have multiple surface/profile elevations shown, ie: EG, FG, Back of Curb and Back of walk. While creating this bandset I see that the text component editor properties only has code for profile 1 elevation and profile 2 elevation in the properties area, which the code for this looks like below.
Ive tried to write my own code using the profile 2 as an example but it doesnt seem to work as a 3rd surface/profile and only seems to mimic the profile 2 elevation when placed in the band
My questions are as follows
1) does Civil 3d only allow 2 surface elevations in any band set? if it does allow more profiles/surface elevations what am i missing to create it?
2) if Civil 3d does alow for multiple surfaces to be shown in the band set how do i get the text component editor to supply the extra profile elevation codes? or would i need to create from scratch
3) if i need to write the code from scratch does any listing of the codes and meanings of each code ie what does RN, Uft, Sn and so forth do and mean .
Is there a way or an option I am missing to convert my regular paths to a path stroked with a brush profile,while maintining the proper stroke width?
For instance, I have a regular line with a stroke of 5 and then add a brush profile, which then converts the original stroke to whatever the brush was made at.