I want the stroke above the elipse to be an eyelid for a cartoon. I want the part of the elipse to disappear that meets the stroke "eyelid" (see the left image).
I want the eyeball elipse to disappear as it goes into the eyelid stroke.
The Live Corners feature is welcome in Illustrator 17.1, but I find that it works inconsistently. One issue that I've isolated is that scaling a path makes the live corners disappear.
To reproduce: Create a rounded rectangle Select the path Click the direct selection tool to verify that Live Corners are present Click the selection tool Scale the rounded rectangle (say drag up from the scale point in the middle of the bottom side) Click the direct selection tool - where are the live corners?
I have a pretty simple design. Some text and shapes all expanded and turned into outlines. I have one shape that was created by using a clipping mask. I am putting a vector distress pattern over the whole design (like I usually do and it works fine) well I merge them together and everything is completely fine except the shape created with the clipping mask it disappears..
more info: i actually released the clipping mask and I am still having the same problem with this object, it disappears when merged with the vector distress pattern.
In CS6, whenever I add a stroke to a compound path it causes the shape to distort. Found this video of someone suffering from the same error in CS5 [URL]
When increasing the width of a stroke around a shape the stroke is not centered... WHY DOES IT DO THIS??? Even if I use the controls in the stroke window to change this it sill plays up.
I'd like to know how to ignore the stroke weight of a shape in the transform box. In other terms, to only consider the surface.
For example, I trace a square with no stroke, and measures 100mm. When I add a 1pt stroke on it, I would still like the transform box to display 100mm, and not 100,353 mm.
I'm working on Illustrator CC (64 bit), Windows 7.
I want to create a stroke profile with a modified brush stroke. Is that possible? Or do I have to begin with a shape?This is what I am trying to assign, but the option to save as a variable width profile is greyed out.
Unalbe to use eyedropper tool to pick up stroke attribute from one shape to use in fill of another shape. I shift click with my eyedropper tool on stroke but does not transfer that color to my fill color of other shape. Fill color shows correctly in tools panel but not in shape or control panel.
I got this error many different times and the problem still continues.
When I change the stroke weight from the Strokes menu arrows or by scroll, this action changes my path's shape and distorts it. You can see the problem below:
I got similar errors when scaling a couple of times. But this one looks just impossible to me.
I want to use a 3rd party brush to 'color in' parts of a drawing or paint the background so it has a nice effect.However, when I use the brush tool to add color it reacts in an odd way as seen in the snapshot. I've looked at the brush options but am unsure of what will make a difference. Is there a way of devoting more ram to the program when I'm using it?
Is there an alternative way of adding the same stroke to the actual fill of a shape? At the moment all of my fill colors are block colors rather than having a kind of chalk / pastel texture that I can get with the brush. Basically, I would like to fill shapes with textured color rather than flat color.
I have been a Photoshop hobbyist. Now I own a printing business. This has forced me into the world of Illustrator for our printing and cutting machines. Although I am very comfortable with PS, Illustrator. One of the key things is making "Cut lines" in Illustrator to send to the cutting program. Now here is my dillema, all of my images I have made are in Photoshop. To make these cut lines I have to stroke the image. When I bring a picture into Illustrator I can not get it to stroke that picture. It just strokes the box around it, or unless I draw a circle or shape around it and stroke that shape. Please refer to the picture I have attached. The first one is a decal that we initially made. The second is the image that I want to stroke for cut lines do I can just have that as a decal without the white circle.
I think I remember this is possible in Illustrator, that you can make strokes that are for maps, like railroad tracks and the like. I need to make a 'zipper' and even the most simple line with cross perpendicular lines at regular spaces would do the trick for me. It's rather tedious to try to make these on a random direction path, but I need to know, is it possible to make a stroke that does this?
I have a fabulous image of a painter's palette: [URL]
I want to show only parts of this image at a time, so that the viewer sees it in increments. However, I want to make the edges look more organic, like brush strokes, so that it looks almost as though the painting is being completed and the viewer gets to see the process.
p.s. I'm in CS2, unfortunately, so the bristle brush isn't an options
When I preserve the dash like this The first dash doesn't start at the beginning of the path...
So I looked up how to reverse the path and found this [URL] but my object options don't have the "reverse path" option
EDIT: I just realized that changing the direction of the path wouldn't work because it would mess up when it's too close to another path (although I still would like to know how to flip the direction regardless).
I need the frame of the image below as a stroke style (or at least I prefer that above having to copy-paste the elements of the sides 100 times along a frame in my design )
The thing is: it contains gradients. How do I get the frame to a stroke style so I can easily use it in Illustrator?
Is there a way to make a custom vector brush smoothly meet at beginning and ending of the stroke, such as with a circle? I'm trying to create smooth circles with a brush and Wacom. I want a brush rather than a mathmatically perfect circle with a perfect stroke weight-thickness, but I don't like how the two beginning and ending join up. i like the slight variations of human imperfections one gets when using a vector brush, but there must be a way to make the joing points look more smooth, rather than an after-thought prgramming fault, right? Is it possible?
The image below shows my attempts to make as smooth a joint as possible, but it still looks too much like it wasn't meant-to-be.
As you now can make EPS documents from photoshop and keep the vector shapes as vectors, it would be nice to be able to use old logos you have that are in eps or illustrator format and make shapes out of them so they also can be included in a Photoshop EPS.
But I can not see that there are any options to add eps ot illustrator files to the Shapes, and once a eps is opened in Photoshop it is rasterized.
I just purchased a new iMac and have been using Illustrator (CS5) for some graphic design work. However, it's driving me CRAZY because the type and shape cursors are a super small and a light gray in color. It's very difficult for me to track the cursor with my eyes when it is small and gray on a gray and white artboard. Is there some way to make the cursors more easily visible? As far as I can tell, this is only an issue in Illustrator.
I would like to create a trapezoid shape and be able to color it in, just like I'm able to do with the PathItems (e.g. rectangle, ellipse). I would like to be able to do this in Javascript.
I was thinking it might have to do with PathPoints, but Adobe's Scripting Reference Guide does not make it clear.
I am using map 3d 2011 and i am running into issues with the use of multi-leaders. I have a dwg with a few shape files in it and I have added multileaders to the dwg. When I save, close and then reopen the file the multileaders show up for a brief second during the loading process but then they disappear. All my settings are correct (layers, visibility, scales) as far as the leaders go but I can't figure out what the heck is going on. I tried adding another, select similar and only the one shows up that I just added. Saved the file and reopened. Same thing, the leader I just added shows up with the others for a brief second and then "poof" gone!!!
I am trying to make a shape made from the blob tool made into hafltones. I do not want it as a gradient, just equal sized halftones throughout the shape. Is this possible?
When I do it using Effects/pixilate/color haltone it makes multiple colored halftones, whereas I just want one color. And when I change the channel's it comes up with similar results.
Is there a way or an option I am missing to convert my regular paths to a path stroked with a brush profile,while maintining the proper stroke width?
For instance, I have a regular line with a stroke of 5 and then add a brush profile, which then converts the original stroke to whatever the brush was made at.
I have a shape with a black stroke and green fill. I have a white line segment over it. How do I get it so that the end of the line segment doesn't show over the black stroke of the object? If I try to put the line segment behind the object, then the object fill hides it completely.
I'm new to illustrator and I've tried to search for an answer but I don't know the best way to accomplish what I want to do. Seems like some combination of transparency or knockout groups and I've read a bit about this and can't figure out what I need to do.
I need an outline on a stroke that i drew but when i apply object>path>outline stroke i keep getting my initial stroke applied as well. I only need the outline, not the initial stroke. I use Illustrator CC.
I want to make a vector shape from a path. Is there a way to bypass having to define a new custom shape? I just want to quickly add the vector shape to a new layer, but I don't need it defined as it'll just be used once.
Using CS6 for web mock ups - so lots of vector shapes.And now there are 2 ways to do a stroke, 2 ways to do a fill - in the bar at the top or the old effects dialogue box, but gradients and shadows etc are still just in the old dialogue box, not in the top bar.
Is it me or is this incredibly bad app development? Bolt on some new functionality and don't bother about the old stuff so it just becomes one big mess.Starting to use Sketch now, and really hoping they keep working on it so it makes PS redundant -