Illustrator :: Addon For Tracing To Get Same Pixel Smoothing As Vector Magic?
Jul 17, 2012
I work on CS3 and have often the problem for the logos the Companies send me in .jpg to convert for their design as a vector file.
With vector magic it works always good to smooth with one click the curves full of pixels into a pixel free curve with clear boundary.
I had a look into the old discussion on this forum and found few things in the discussion "raster image .gif". I would like to get an addon that would be a 1 time buying and cheaper as a complete new investment into a whole soft like vector magic.
I would like to trace this image and I was wondering what the best way is to do that. As you can see I made a small start and not sure if that's the right way to go.
I am interested in setting up a plugin that is able to read the greyscale values of a defined number of pixels throughout an image, average them, and then generate shapes based on the value output.
I am trying to do some pixel art. what i want to do is take my concept art which is pretty good size and make a video game sprite over the top of it. So i would need to have a background image which is large and a foreground that is WAY SMALLER but lines up with it.
Is there a trick to pasting a pixel-perfect vector image from Illustrator into Photoshop as a smart object, and not introduce a bunch of anti-aliasing that was not in the original file? My images are perfectly aligned with the pixel grid in Illustrator, and the pixel preview shows them correctly.
This page is useful for dealing with vector shape layers, but the techniques he talks about don't work for smart objects. Strangely, he says he doesn't have a problem with smart objects, but I do.
Here is an example of what I'm talking about: a simple 13x13 pixel image in Illustrator turns to crap in Photoshop when pasted as a smart object (I know an image as simple as this could be pasted as a shape layer, but the real images I'm working with are much more complex, and cannot be pasted as simple shape layers).
I Have used Photoshop forover five years, mainly for web graphics. I was changing a section of a current web site which contained text and needed redesigning. I noticed that the text on the replacement image was not smoothed as the original was despite using exactly the same font. The 'jaggies' were very pronounced. I have trawled the help pages and all the preferences available and can't find away to return the text to 'smoothed'.
I am working on a research project that involves evaluating the relative abundance of various colors in a leaf. The leaves that I am working with have three distinct sections of color (green, burgundy, and coral).
I have scanned images of the leaf samples on a flat bed scanner (all with the same quality) and am using the magic wand tool to determine the total pixel count of the leaf and the total pixel count for each individual color. With this data, I determine the relative percent of each color within the leaf. Code:
I am currently searching the tools that I use in Adobe PS/AI in other products. I have recently downloaded GIMP as a possible substitution for Adobe PS/AI. But I have been searching the default (no plugin) tool box for anything that can do the Magic Wand Tools job. I just have not found it.
Magic Wand - select a pixel/color on the screen. Magic wand will then select all colors that correlate to your selection. I use the magic wand to kill backgrounds out of photos.
Is there any way to "simplify" an existing vector shape layer by somehow "averaging out" curves to remove as much of the unnecessary anchors as possible?
For instance, a simple sphere can be just 4 anchors. The one I'm working with has 100 anchors. The vast majority of them are useless, and only make the shape look uneven upon close (zoom-in) inspection. If there was an option, perhaps one with a slider ever, that allowed me to "simplify" this vector shape by removing anchors and adjusting angles to compensate .
A quote from an illy user "the biggest thing that ILLY does that COREL does not appear to do , is have the SMOOTH TOOL and I use this ALLLLLL the time. can simply stroke, stroke, stroke away with your pen, with one touch of the keyboard for beautiful smooth vector lines." Does Corel have one tool for smoothing vector lines only?
When I drag around vector points of paths they are not constrained to the pixel grid, when the option "Snap Vector Tools and Transform to Pixel Grid" is off. This is the behavior I expect.BUT: When I drag whole paths, they snap to the pixel grid, no matter what. I even have snapping completely disabled.
This is particularly annoying when eg. creating a path for a zipper. I first make a path for the inside of the jacket or whatever, then I make one notch for the zipper and copy it over and over again for all the notches. It's very troubling when these elements snap to the pixel grid, because it's very unprecise then.
I've been using for a while and still haven't found a way to vectorize graphics. I can't really think of a "professional" way to ask this, but is there any way to change medium of preference to vector?
I figure if a less prestigious program like Corel can render in vector and if Adobe's little flash program can manage it, there has to be a way to switch from pixel to vector graphics in Photoshop.
I don't mean rasterize or vector mask. I'm already working at 500 dpi to minimize the jitter from my unsteady pen hand, but working in vector would be ideal for me so my linearts cease to look like they were drawn by a crack addict in withdrawal. =/
If anyone knows how I can switch mediums, or if there's a plugin that can make the switch for me, let me know.
I have an image which i would like to measure the pixel intensity along a specific vector. I do not want the total pixel intensity for the entire image, i would like to draw a line, ie with the measurement tool and get a graph showing the pixel intensity as you travel along that line.
Is there any option in cs6 to disable the transparent pixel , the shape setting is in 0 feather setting yet the shape comes with transparent pixel . Is it possible to create vector shape as crisp as illustrator ?
I wanna use to shapee tool or whatever- ractangle tool- Generally said I need to create some shape. But at photoshop is everything snap my new shape to pixels. Like in the backroground is some invisible pixel grids and everything is snaping to whole pixels. I dont want this. I Want to use whole space without automatic pixels adapting to my shapes. I want to be independent in creating my shapes without snaping to pixels grid.
And also want to ask you. If you would like create new guide lines it is non dependable on pixel grid. But after it when I want to snap my nex objects to it- it not possible. And when I tick in preferences/ general: ,,snap vector tool to pixel grid" everything become dependable to pixels and everything is snapping to pixels. I don t wanna this…
I've imported a png of a simple black drawing on a man (Like you get on a toilet door) with a transparent background and tried to trace it to a vector but I can not get rid of the white background. i've tried it as a jpeg to see if the trace command would generate two layers one for the main drawing and one for the background that I could delete, but it di dnot. I tried setting the Trace fuction to just outline but that did nto work either.
how to get rid of the background when tracing a simple image or break apart the object to get at the background shape?
I have an assignment for school where I am suppose to trace an eagle onto another layer. However the image disappears while I am trying to trace it. Is this some sort of setting that I need to change?
I've used image trace to trace the outline of a street grid and expanded the trace into paths. However, after doing so, I realized I wanted the streets a bit thicker, so I increased the stroke value.
Is there a way to adjust the old paths to match the new outline? I tried saving it as a .jpg and retracing but the quality was subpar. Any way to "redo" the trace in the original file, or somehow tell Illustrator to move the paths to match the increased stroke? I need them to coincide once more with the edges of the streets. URL...
In CS5 there was an option to use the Live Paint Bucket on a newly traced image and there were also gap options to close gaps when doing this. I do not see these options in CS6. Where are they?
I use Illustrator CC.I have made a custom Image Tracing Preset and want to use it on a folder containing a sequence of pictures I want all to vectorize automatically. Programming an Action isn't an option as the Action recorder doesn't record which tracing preset is used for image tracing. I found I can use the pre-installed Image Tracing Script [URL] in which I only need to specify the correct number of the Image Tracing Preset. And that became a big problem.
I have a pen sketch scanned with resolution ~ 7000x5000px 300DPI. When I'm trying to trace the whole image with Illustrator CS6 into b/w, I am losing details overall. Example is on the left side. It's just part of the image.
However, when I tried to isolate a couple small raster pictures from the big one and trace them separately, I got pretty good results comparing to tracing a whole picture. The isolated images are with resolution ~700x800px 300DPI.
The problem is that I can't isolate all elements in sketch then combine after tracing, it's hell lot of work. So my hope is that there is some technique of tracing big images.
i want to do some scanning of drawings of rubble masonry wall in section export it as a dwg file in autocad, and then work and modify in autocad. However when i use the live trace command, the trace is wrongly done. for example there is a straight line having thickness 2 mm.
illustrator traces it as a rectangle having a width 2 mm. what should i do so that a closed circle sketched on a paper scanned into illustrator is traced as a single circle by recognizing the centre of the sketched path rather than 2 concentric circles placed apart at a distance equal to the thickness of my real life graphite pencil .?
I have a JPG file with a colored design on a white background. I'd like to extract the design without the background and be able to use it as an .ai file. I tried tracing it and then expanding it, but when I copy the design and place it on a different background, the white background comes with it. How can I isolate just the design?
Here's the JPG with the design I want:
and I'd like to be able to isolate it so I can use it on different backgrounds -- such as:
I am working on a project, and I have finished tracing everything. I am now ready to color in the objects, but when I fill the shape with color, it does not work. My layer is not locked.
I'm doing a LOT of tracing of raster files on illustrator. After using the image trace function to vectorize a raster file, I further edit the vector. I select the vector file, place the raster file I will trace from on top, and begin to erase sections of the vector that don't line up with the raster file. The problem I'm encountering is that I have to hide the raster layer (the one I'm tracing from) each time I want to add (paint) to the vector. Is there a way I can paint on the vector without hiding (or effecting) the topmost raster layer?
I placed and traced a PS doc (with transparent background) in AI..... then I saved it as an AI file, opened it in Photoshop, and the background was white. Result was the same whether I saved it flattened or with layers as objects. How do I do this and maintain transparency? It's probably something obvious....
I'll omit the long background --- suffice it to say I did this once and need to do it again, but can't recall the toolchain / workflow I used.
I _think_ it was Macromedia FreeHand 8, and that I used a plug-in w/in that program, but I can't recall. Any way other than rendering the drawing as a half-toned bitmap and then tracing it? Or re-drawing the image on top of such a bitmap?