I am currently searching the tools that I use in Adobe PS/AI in other products. I have recently downloaded GIMP as a possible substitution for Adobe PS/AI. But I have been searching the default (no plugin) tool box for anything that can do the Magic Wand Tools job. I just have not found it.
Magic Wand - select a pixel/color on the screen. Magic wand will then select all colors that correlate to your selection. I use the magic wand to kill backgrounds out of photos.
I am working on a research project that involves evaluating the relative abundance of various colors in a leaf. The leaves that I am working with have three distinct sections of color (green, burgundy, and coral).
I have scanned images of the leaf samples on a flat bed scanner (all with the same quality) and am using the magic wand tool to determine the total pixel count of the leaf and the total pixel count for each individual color. With this data, I determine the relative percent of each color within the leaf. Code:
I'm an illustrator... working in both digital & real artwork.
I work mostly in Photoshop CS, but I have been searching for a solution to a digital problem that I can't quite seem to find using either Photoshop or Illustrator.
What I wish to do is scan a pencil drawing and then create selected shapes in a quick and easy method using a magic wand tool.
But it needs to be a magic wand tool that will select an area drawn from a series of broken lines. Photoshop will only select shapes that are 100% intact, so I wind up having to spend lots of time searching to repair broken lines before Photoshop selects just that one area.
I KNOW that such a program exists... because I recall there used to be such a program.
It was a free dowloaded program that I got once, way back around 1998. I think it came from Australia... and it was a basic digital paint program of some sort. I can't recall the name.
It allowed one to quickly click and select an area from within a shape drawn with broken line segments...
Does anyone know of any program (hopefully for Mac) that allow this sort of selection?
This would save me hours of frustration. I can't believe Adobe hasn't come up with something like this already.
Not sure why this is happening, but every time I go to using the magic wand tool, it isn't allowing me to select everything. A big square is left behind. There's only one layer that I'm trying to work with. I feel like I accidentally pressed something on the keyboard, but not sure what is going on...
I have a JPEG image from a drawing which I need for a design but I don't need certain parts of the image.
Does illustrator allow me to make a selection of the parts I don't need (in a jpeg image) and delete them? Or is the only option Photoshop with the Magic Wand tool, although Illustrator has that one too?
I want to select only one word of a group of characters. The problem that I'm having is, when I go to click one of the letters it selects all the characters in that word. How would I only select one character at a time?
Either my lack of sleep has caused me to overlook something obvious or my magic wand has gone haywire. Basically, the wand behaves as if the tolerance is set much higher than the value I select. Even if I set it to 0, the wand selects colors that are radically different.
I am working with all channels (not just red for example), the file is a single layer, etc. I've worked with PS for years and I can't see what I'm doing wrong.
In the attached file I selected the white area just above the check mark. With my settings, it should select all the white around the check. Instead, it selects half the white and some of the check, as you will see.
Recently I noticed that when I apply some operation on area selected with magic wand (for example desaturation or brightness modification) not only pixels from selections are modified. When modification has big strength I can see that pixels laying even 20 pixels away from selection border are slightly modified. From the other hand: I don't see this effect on normal selections. So I have two questions:
1) Is it any way to manipulate strength of this effect (modify maximum affected distance)?
2) Is it any way to use this effect with other kinds of selections?
I have two questions for CS4, which may not be possible, and I didn't find in the feature forums.
1) Is there a way to do a color range selection created from all the colors that were selected from the magic wand tool. See attached image one.
2) Is there a way to crop an image based on histogram? For example if I wanted to remove all px that were above level 200 for all colors (or a specific color). Can effect the image at all from the histogram (without an side step to something like select color range)?
I'm working with very large images on multiple systems (both 32 and 64 bit, all CS4). Normally in the 50,000x30,000 -- 50,000x70,000 px range. For the sake of argument and ease of use I could scale down but eventually need to be operating in this range. The images are created by stitching a series of images taken under high magnification. I would like to find ways to quantify certain regions of interested based on color, but that do not have great color separation (see image 1). The hope would be take this information from several images and export the histogram information. As far as cropping the histogram is concerned: the scanning process used to create the stitched images produces a lot of near white color variation that so far I've been unable to select entirely (via color range select using clusters). I would say my best effort is only 85% of the "white" (see image 2) I want to drop out the white px for size reduction and noise reduction when it comes to histogram statistics.
Also I know this is pushing the limits of intention for PS, but we tried this on three other software packages-seemingly designed for these purposes--and failed.
I was using my magic wand to select things with no trouble, then began working on something else. When I went back to using the magic wand, it was a rectangle and I couldn't get it to select anything. When I pressed the shift key, it would turn into the wand with a plus sign beside it.
I've recently upgraded to Creative Suite CS3, and after watching the tutorials included in the suite, I realize I don't have, or am not able to find, the magic wand.
I'm want to use photoshop CS3's magic wand tool to make a selection of a colored shape on my background layer.
However when I click the mouse, the wand selects EVERYTHING on the layer. it doesn't matter what my tolerance level is set to. I've tried cranking it down to 0 and I still get everything selected.
I have CS4 and am unable to use the wand tool as it used to work.I've checked the color picker settings, and it is always set to point sample, and STILL does this. I've checked and unchecked the anti-alias, contiguous, and sample all layers boxes and set them to every possible combination of the three. I've set the tolerance level to multiple numbers and it does not affect the fact that it selects like this. In fact, setting the tolerance and checking either anti-alias or contiguous does NOT affect how it selects, and it will always select like this. I've found that it is selecting EVERY color/line created, regardless of opacity of the line. I've reset the tool multiple times, reset the color picker multiple times, and reset all tools several times. No affect.
I've tried asking on Tumblr AND on deviantART and have asked Google multiple times since the issue rose, and have seen several fixes for similar problems (none of them exactly like this, as far as I could tell). I've also even gone into the AppData file and deleted the .psp file.
I've changed settings around in Photoshop, and it doesn't seem to affect anything. I really need to use the Magic Wand tool for my artwork, to select shapes in individual layers, so that I may shade them. Another problem with the selection is that whatever I select is aliased, despite the "anti-alias" box being checked.
I realize that I can use the "select pixels" option that shows up when I right click a layer, and it produces the same effect the wand tool ONCE had, but I'm used to using the wand. I'll be using the select pixels option for now.
Magic wand tool. Attached is an image that I would like to leave the top story color and the rest black and white. I think I use the Magic wand tool and how do I do it?
I want to select an area with the magic wand, the magic wand icon disappears and there's a rectangle icon by the curser. At that point, the entire image is selected, not just the area I'd like. I've adjusted the tolerance to 70.
I do illustrative site plans for an architecture firm. I frequently use the magic wand to create selections in pdf's created from a CAD system. I usually import them as a smart object so that they may be updated regularly as design changes are made. However, in CS4, I am finding it very difficult for the magic wand to make selections in between lines of a pdf. No matter what I set the tolerance at, it seems to select more than the area that I am trying to select. I recently installed all updates and it worked for one day and then returned to making incorrect selections.
when I paste a picture from the internet with a white background, I use magic wand on the white then press delete. AND IT LEAVES A WHITE LINE. Disabling anti aliasing does nothing, it will still show.
After I delete it I have to go through with the eraser tool along the whole thing and erase. (Which I did everything so far 'cept the top right of him.
I want to select a small section of an image (say for example, an eye on a person's face), and use the magic wand only within the selection. I don't want it to go beyond the selection, no matter how high the tolerance.
I'm new and with a script that using Magic Wand Tool (tolerance 255, anti alias , contiguous) click at middle center every image. My images are transparent with many objects in each and I just want to choose the middle_center object and eliminate the others, so i need this scripts.
I used the Magic Wand to select the white area then inverted the selection to select the bodies.The result is in the attachment. BUT parts of the shirt and the paper are not selected. How do I select them? Do I need to use the Lasso Tool after the Magic Wand?
Every time I use the magic wand tool, Photoshop CS crashes. I tried resetting the program but it didn't work. I cannot find a patch for this anywhere. Its making photo editing very difficult! Is there a patch I can download anywhere?
I have selected part of a photo i wish to change the colour of using the magic wand now when i goto change colour using hue and saturation I cannot locate the exact colour that i want..
I am curious about the math for the Magic Wand Tool in the following circumstance:
The RGB image has been converted to GREYSCALE and then into LAB mode. The lightness channel is selected only and I wish to create various selections with MAGIC WAND TOOL based on numerical values entered in the field TOLERANCE.
The image (as described above) shows values in PERCENTACE for K (Black) when in LAB mode. Now how does the value of TOLERANCE correspond to the value K: for this case?
I'm trying to select an area using the magic wand. It shows the icon of the wand when I select it, then it changes to the rectangular marquee when I go to the image ... I've checked that I'm on the correct layer.