GIMP :: Ufraw Save List Of Modifications Made Before Returning?
Sep 21, 2012
I've got a script for processing a bunch of files which starts by bringing up ufraw. I would like to have ufraw save the list of modifications made before returning to gimp. (.ufraw file)
However, when gimp starts ufraw, it passes some option to ufraw whichcauses ufraw to not display the save tab which allows setting what to save.
Is there a way to tell gimp to bring up ufraw differently, or is the problem in ufraw?
When I upgraded to 2.8, UFRaw didn't come along for the ride.
I tried installing UFRaw into the GIMP2.8 folder, but I get an error message saying "The program can't start because libgdk-win32-2.0-0.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem.
I recently switched to an IMAC and am having nothing but problems using the gimp/UFRAW system! I take a photo that looks great in UFRAW and send to GIMP and the color is totally off! VERY red almost neon and saturated!
I'm using the UFRaw plugin to GIMP for importing RAW images. However, if I do any adjustments for a particular image, UFRaw will save that as default when I import the image to GIMP.
how to install the UFRAW plugin for the Mac native version of GIMP (2.8.2).
I have searched, but everything I find says that UFRAW is included with Mac builds of GIMP. This seems to be true for versions that run under X11, but not for the native build.
Any way in X5 to save or copy the modifications/effects from one photo to another? I took photos of some old building drawings and used clarify, noise removal, contrast, etc. I wanted to apply the exact same modifications to all of the other photos of the drawings. Is there a simple way to do this? Can I save it as a preset or filter or something similar. It would sure save a lot of time.
Is there a way to remove some of the "save as" file formats from the list (when saving a file as...)? After numerous years in my field, there are a number of file formats I have - and probably never will - need to save my files as. If I could remove some of them, then it would speed up my workflow (so that I don't have to scroll down every time I save a file).
I'm using copy paste of the example code from here: URL....
but I seem to be doing something wrong. My objective is to batch process a bunch of files using a filter i found for underwater images. I've tried both modifying the script I got and calling it using another function but I always get the same error:
MacBook-Pro:testImages twonius$ gimp -i -b '(batch-Scuba-mask "*.jpg")' -b '(gimp-quit 0)'This is a development version of GIMP. Debug messages may appear here.
The folder i'm in does contain .jpg images, and I've changed the filenames to eliminate spaces. script-fu-diving is working fine when I execute from gimp. Considering I've only made a couple of modifications from the example script this must be something pretty simple.
I am having an issue placing my Ai file, saved multiple ways, in InDesign without losing quality? Maybe save settings or a step-by-step? I work between Ps, Ai, Id often but just started using Ai to create my own graphics.
I have tried to save my changes made in the editor of Photoshop elements 12 to the organizer, saved in a version set. Does not seem to save, but can only find it when I click on 'Open recently edicted files in editor'. I have used Photoshop elements 10 and never had this problem
How to I simplify the list of file types in the Save-As file type list? I use less than six file types. I have no need for most of these. It would be nice to have my top 5 and then the ability to go off-menu if needed for others.
I created a gif with gimp gap. I saved it. I checked it on quick time, it plays. But when I tried to load it on tumblr it wouldnt load. Its not over the mg limit. Itll load but not play animation {?}
I am trying to make an image from using words- I have an image and I want to make it using just it's an image of an object but made with words (think of a photo mosaic, but with words.) I am not sure how to do this. I searched online, but all I was able to find were tutes on adding text to an image. What I want is the image to be made out of text.
I use the intelligent scissors quite a bit. In some instances, my picture is not a clear cut selection to where I can go around an place anchor points. For instance where the legs of animals cross over each other and pieces of the background show through the legs. Can multiple selections be made with the intelligent scissors? Or am I using the incorrect tool.
I want to add a cursor that I have made to my GIMP program. I have made one in the form of a circle. I have changed the extension to .cur, but what folder it needs to go in when I use the "Associate File Extension" facility in Windows 7.
I have created city/landscape artwork using photoshop line and box tools. If you go to URL... then click on the link that says (click here to view Gotham City) you will see one of the images I am talking about. Can this image be made to look the same in vector.
I have 2 files that are acting weird. They were created earlier this summer but when I open them now, 99.9% of the geometry is invisible with nitrous and the file is very laggy. I want to get an alphabetized list of the geometry so I can start merging in pieces and keep track of what I'm doing.
Any way to export a list like that?? Or better to trouble shoot the bad files?
I had PSCS6 and LR5 working fine together, but after buying and installing Adobe Premiere Elements, the Edit in option from LR5 doesn't work like before anymore : after the PSCS6 edit is finished, the PS menu saying "Save and return to LR" is missing. I get only the Save and return to Bridge option.
I had hoped that installing both the Camera raw 8.2 and LR5.2 updates would have corrected the problem, but it didn't. What can I do to get the correct menu option back ? Is there anything in the preferences or in the ini file which I could change (working in Windows 7 64bits) ? I never use Bridge and rarely use Premiere Elemnts and I find this behaviour very noyous. Although the edited tiff picture is correctly saved and seems appears in LR. Still getting back automatically to LR would be more aggreable, since both programs are supposed to work together and that was the main reason why I updated from CS5 to CS6.
Is there any option that I could tweak to get back to the old and more correct behaviour ?
I always close/save any image(s) that I'm working on however when I later reopen PS, the last image(s) I was working automatically open in PS again.
when I quit PS, it often says "Photoshop Quit Unexpectedly". This happens whether I close by right clicking on the PS icon on the dock and selecting quit or if I select Photoshop from the top menu and choose "quit photoshop" from the drop down.Using an iMac w/OSX 10.7.3 and PS CS4 11.0.2
I am using the roundabout design tool as the first step in developing the 2D design of a roundabout. I am having some trouble getting the defection path radii I need in order for the roundabout design to progress to the next step, however this can only be achieved if I can alter the alignment of the approach legs.
The default setting for the roundabout tool/wizard is for all alignment legs to intersect at the centre point of the roundabout - something which does not readily allow the deflection radii to be met even remotely (in this case and others)
Whenever I try and realign the alignment/approach leg and run the design wizard again (in the hope the other kerb alignments will realign to match), it jumps back to the initial alignment pointing to the centre point. Refer attached screen shots.
Of course designing the roundabout in the traditional way is always the sensible alternative to achieve the correct layout & deflection, however if this function exists it would be handy to speed up the initial design process.
We are using Inventor 2011 EN + Vault 2011 EN Basic on XP Pro SP3 DELL Workstations.
Step 1 : In our IDW files, we copy/paste as embedded OLE Objects (no link). And save the IDW files in our local workspace. Step 2 : we check-in this IDW Files. Step 3 : We check-out this IDW files and make modifications in the embedded Excel File, save the excel file and then save the IDW file. Step 4 : we check-in the idw file. Step 5 : the same user or anther one check-out the idw file, open the excel embedded file : the modifications have not been saved.
find new brushes? Isn't it great when you actually get them installed? Isn't it also great when you are worried about how to get back to default brushes when you're done using the new ones? lol Yeah, I'm still new to the Photoshop thing, and still have a lot to figure out. So, can anyone tell me how to use the new brushes I've downloaded, and also how to get back to the default brushes?
I have two open drawings, a source and a destination drawing in ACADI have different layers and linetypes in each drawingI need to get the objects on a specified layer in the source drawing and copy them to the destination drawing, but ensure that they are put on a specified layer in that drawing which differs in name from the original drawing.
I've tried coming at this a few different ways, but can't really seem to come a conclusion on how to do this. WBlockCloneObjects, of course, allows me to clone the items to the new drawing, but in doing so, drags along all the layers and linetypes with it which I don't want "contaminating" my new drawing. I'm trying to keep the conversion as clean as possible. I can't pre-change the layer name or linetype, etc as the destination for these values doesn't exist in the source drawing.
Is there a way to create a new entity (an anonymous one, independent of the source ObjectClass that I need so I don't have to create multiple routines to handle each one), not attached to a DB, copy the values from the source DB entity and then modify the layer, linetype, color etc before appending the entity to the destination database?
Here is my code for what I have, but since I don't really have a clue where to turn with this, all this really shows at the moment is a straight cloning of the objects from one DB to another. As a side note, I'm working in Civil 3D 2011 and when WBlockCloneObjects is called an "AutoCAD Map Messages" window appears with no messages in it.
Public Function CopyLayerContents(ByVal acdocSource As Document, ByVal strSourceLayer As String, ByVal acdocDest As Document, ByVal strDestLayer As String, ByVal bCopyBlocks As Boolean) As Boolean Dim bComplete = False Dim acSourceDB As Database = acdocSource.Database Dim acDestDB As Database = acdocDest.Database [code]........
I have an existing point style that has several thematic rules. When I "Add a Rule" it does not save and the next time I open the drawing, the rule is gone. Map3d 2013 on 64 bit PC windows 7
I worked for an architect in the past that had a modification of stretch that allowed you to set a dimension. For instance if you had a door way drawn in a stud wall set back from the wall 50mm and you wanted to change that to 100mm you could use the stretch command with another shortcut command to specify the distance from the wall.
The command list would be as follows:
-"s" (Stretch) - Select objects to move, "Enter" - Specify the basepoint to move (corner of door in this case). -Then i would hit another command shortcut from there system. This would allow me to pick the point where i want the dimension to start from. - Input the dimensions, in this case "100" , then enter to complete.
It seem simple the but very useful for more obscure applications.
I also understand in the application above you could just stretch 50mm across 50mm but this requires calculation. We want to get away from having to calculated all the time.