GIMP :: Stretch 471 Pixel Wide Logo To 2500 Pixels Wide?
May 4, 2011
I have got a logo that is 451 x197. It has a resolution of 72 px. I am trying to increase the resolution so that I can use the image for business cards and letterhead.
I need for the image to have a width of about 2500 pixels. If I scale the image to 2500 pixels the edges look pixelized or blurry.
My question is: Is there a way that I can make the 471 px logo stretch to 2500 px and still have sharp edges?
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Jun 7, 2013
When I take a 1800 pixel wide image and resize down to 150 pixels it becomes pixelated.
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Oct 15, 2012
2 days on GIMP. I need to adjust the clone tool so it's 1080 pixels vertical and about 20 pixels wide. I googled and searched, but I can't seem to find the right phrasing.
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Jun 12, 2012
I'm trying to create 1 pixel wide borders for some web buttons. I've tried to use the GIMP path tool to do this but I can't figure out how to get it looking right. See attached image.
1 - copied from a button I found on a web-page. This is what I want - single pixel horizontal and vertical lines with feathering on the curved bits.
2 - path that I used to generate the images on the right.
3 - 'Stroke Path' with 1px brush size & no antialiasing. Corners are not smooth.
4 - 'Stroke Path' with 1px brush size & anti-aliasing. Straight lines are too fuzzy as they are 2 pixel wide rather than 1.
Is there a way to do this with the path tool or any other way with the GIMP?
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Jun 3, 2012
I've been a Photoshop user for close to 15 years. I have ver. CS2 and a AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual core CPU 4200+ 2.21GHz CPU /1GB RAM (6 years old along with the version CS2 running WinXP SP3) I plan on upgrading this year my hardware, OS (to WIn 7 64-bit) and the Adobe Production Premium suite to CS6 (After upgrading to CS5.5 since I am ineligible for the upgrade from CS2. )
One of the things that has always bothered me in Photoshop CS2 was when I set a paintbrush or a blur brush to 300 pixels wide and I'm working even on a small 4x6" 300dpi canvas If I make a brushstroke it takes seconds to make a rendered stroke. I plan on doing digital paintings with a Wacom tablet 8x10, 11x14, 16x20" in size with Photoshop CS6.
I read that as of 2008 CS 3 Photoshop will use the GPU for rendering/processing some effects. Is this true for PaintBrush and blur tools?Granted we are talking about a 6 year old mid-level CPU and now new technology but I would like to know along with using 8 GB RAM Will this 300 pixel-wide brush lag totally change with a Ivy Bridge Intel Core i5-3570K Ivy Bridge 3.4GHz Quad-Core?
Is there a significant difference when using Photoshop with a Ivy Bridge Intel Core i7-3770K Ivy Bridge 3.5GHz Quad-Core since both chips are multicore which Photoshop does usI'm trying to choose my new build and figure out what CPU to get since they are $110. difference. Is is night and day with most of the CPU intensive stuff on Photoshop?
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Aug 6, 2013
i want to ask on how to resize the images into 1200 pixels wide, how to do it?
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Sep 19, 2013
Our company logo exists as an outlined .eps file. Wouldn't I simply send the logo to the printer and have them resize it as needed? How do you set up a file with no height designation?
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Oct 1, 2013
I have a wide background image for the top of a site I am working on, which I am attaching. Basically, the original creator of the image faded the gradient from transparent to the background color of the site. The "shape" of the gradient is where I am having trouble. I tried even using the circle selection tool, then doing an inverted selection to force an oval shape, but that is not working great for me either.
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Feb 25, 2011
What I need to do is, take an image, split it into strips about 1/4 inch wide but have them so I can put them back.the actual size of the slices can be varied but each slice has to be the same size across the whole image.
is there a way to do this using GIMP on a mac?
I did see a add in but it was for windows only.
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Sep 1, 2012
I have an image that is quite small, cropped from a larger image. I want to enlarge it to 317 mm wide keeping it in proportion.
Using the scaling tool I changed to mm and increased width to 317mm this leaves me with a 'window' into the top corner of the image.
I then used 'fit canvas to layers' and the canvas increases in size ok but it is empty (little grey squares) except for the top corner showing the small window into the image!
If I click on it with the resize tool I can see the whole image enlarged but as soon as i click on the 'scale' button it vanishes again and leaves the small window again?
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Nov 4, 2013
I was working on an image, it was quite big, 7000 px wide, 6000 tall but only 5 quite simple layers, the .xcf is 7.8MB.
All of a sudden after pasting from another .xcf file (which I had just10+ times with no similar result) I moved the pasted part, the image was pretty much finished and I went up to click file>export and everything between "open recent" and "quit" in the file menu was grey.No chance to save or export and it appears half an hour of work lost.It was as if the file menu didn't think I had a file open, but if I scrolled across to the filters menu for example, they were available for selection which they are not when you have no image open. I could edit the image and change layer visibilities and do what I wanted to the image - except save it. I had flash backs to darker days of shareware version of lesser softer titles on proprietary systems. In a moment of frustration I hit the little "x" to resign for the night and it warned me to save before closing.. I hit save as the only option was to overwrite a file I didn't really want to overwrite but I did and then wrote this.
It's 2.8.6 running on an up to date ubuntu 13.10 on a high end PC.
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Feb 27, 2012
A very similar problem as discussed, but not solved before:[URL]...Planar 26-inch Wide gamut LCD, Eye One Display 2 and latest Lightroom. Just upgraded to Win7 64bit and kaboom. After hardware calibration and profiling all colors in Windows looks great but pictures from my camera (GF2) look dull in LR and don't match what I see when save for Web and look through the web.
Same images opened on calibrated XP machine looks fine, all colors are as expected. If I don't use hardware calibration on Win7 machine and just tweak the sliders in control panel->color management the colors look somewhat off but not dull and consistent and behave as I expect and used to. I've tried both ColorEyes DisplayPro and i1 Match programs in simple and advance modes with the similar (bad) results.
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Jun 9, 2013
When I try to use "Auto" correction in the new Adaptive Wide Angle filter, it pops up with "No matching lens profile found". I searched for information and was directed to go to the Lens Correction filter. I pressed the "Search Online" button. The first time it comes back with "Connection timeout", but the second time it says "No online profiles found". Come on, really?!
ACR has my lens profile (Canon 24-105 f/4 IS), why can't PS CS6 find it? Is there a workaround? I'd really like to use the Adaptive Wide Angle filter.
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Jul 12, 2011
My project is NOT wide-screen. So I go to Settings and undo wide-screen. Everything is now fine. But, the next time I start up VS Pro X4, I find it has reset itself to wide-screen. Must I undo this each time I start up. I can't find anything in preferences that will keep it at my project setting.
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Sep 8, 2008
Though not really a PS question, this is the community that is likely to understand my concern. I'm investigating getting a wide gamut monitor( prob Eizo or NEC), but other forums say that there are issues. Some of you are probably using wide gamut monitors, so I thought I'd see what you think.
The concerns seem to be when using the monitor for non-imaging applications, since not all other applications are color managed. "They" say that sRGB JPG's look especially bad on the webb. I would think color managed stuff should be OK. What do you guys think? Worth it or not?
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Oct 19, 2008
The Photoshop CS4 layers palette is too wide and distorts the layout of the default color swatches palette when docked on the same column. And I don't want to have to put the color swatches palette anywhere else but the same column. Can the layers palette be fixed so that it can be as narrow as the other palettes, so it won't cause a conflict with the swatches layout?
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Sep 3, 2012
I have a problem in Photoshop CS5 (Windows version v12.1 x64).
My screen resolution is 1680x1080, but almost all "extra" screen space is eaten up by some very wide panels. I can't adjust the width, it's locked to this extra wide look (see picture below). For example, my actions panel is two columns wide. It would give me lot's of extra screen space if I could have only one column.
I understand some panels are wider by default and therefore affects other panels if they are grouped together, but they can't be resized even when ungrouped.
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Jan 31, 2008
I'm in need of a photoshop plugin that corrects barrel distortion caused from a wide angle lense. The photographic subject is achitecture. I've been told that a plugin exists however I have not found it.
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Dec 25, 2008
I've just installed a new Dell 2408WFP wide gamut monitor and will be using it with PS photo editing. I plan to purchase an Xrite i1Display2 for calibrating this monitor. I'm a bit confused by some postings in other forums about whether a WG monitor can be properly calibrated by this (and similar) colorimeters.
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Jul 20, 2013
I created 2 new control bars. Each is 2 icons wide (double column). When I drag these new bars to anchor then on the left edge they snap to a single column and I can't get them to stay 2 columns wide.
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May 4, 2013
I'm in OS X 10.8.3 working in Illustrator CS6. I have a MacBook Pro hooked up to a calibrated NEC PA271W monitor.
I've been working on some CMYK design documents with a mix of process and Pantone. All art was created in Illustrator and is vector. Everything was going fine, colors looked great and super-accurate as they always do with this monitor. Then...
I was exporting my design to PDF via Save a Copy. As I always do for PDFs I'm sending to a client for review, I chose to convert the colors to destination sRGB in the PDF options dialogue so they can be reviewed on screen.
Upon viewing the PDF using QuickLook in the Finder, I noticed that—rather than being converted to sRGB and looking pretty-close to the CMYK AI file—the PDF was extremely dull as if all colors had been desaturated 50%.
I tried other variations of the export and could not get the colors to look right (note: I did the exact same exports many times over the last week and they always looked great). Finally, I restarted my comp thinking perhaps it was just a temporary bug.
Upon opening my design file back up in Illustrator -- all the elements in the design file itself as we'll as ALL color palettes within illustrator had the same horrible desaturated look! CMYK proof preview was not turned on it affects all files, even those that worked perfectly in the past. I didn't knowingly change any settings in Illustrator (is there a make-all-colors-look-grayed-out shortcut I don't know about?!).
Things I've tried:
Trashed all custom color profiles and re-calibratedTrashed all ColorSync prefs and cacheRan ColorSync validation on all profiles, fixed those with problemsChecked that CS6 color was synchronizedChecked that all profiles on documents were correct (though I knew it wasn't this because of the random nature of the change.Restarted my Mac a bunch of times.Ran Onyx automated cleaning.
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Sep 25, 2013
I'm designing a roll-up banner with an image of two people that has to be on the banner, so I use Photoshop for the background + the image of the people.
What is the best color depth (8/16/32 bits/channel) for this roll-up banner when working on 100% of the original size: 1260x2120 mm? Other tips and tricks for future designs concerning color depth?
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Nov 19, 2012
Is there a way to apply Adaptive Wide Angle filter onto batch of photos?
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Apr 7, 2012
I have a wide gamut monitor (HP LP2475w) which has already been calibrated. My question isn't so much about that, but the settings I should be using inside of Photoshop (CS5). As far as color settings (ctrl+shift+k) goes, what am I supposed to use? I have sRGB as the rgb working space right now. (never use CMYK), Gray % Spot = dot gain 20%, and preserve profiles are ticked on for all 3. Am I supposed to be using Adobe RGB in RGB working space to get the most out of my monitor? I'm asking because it would be embarrassing if I had a wide gamut monitor and am working within a sRGB color cap. What are the proper photoshop color settings, so that it works well across the board (browser compatibility, etc)
I am a professional digital artist who specialize in illustrations for print campaigns. So far from what I've seen, whatever's been printed out of what I produce from this monitor has come out pretty much looking the same, so I'm not worried about that. Again, I just want to make sure I'm not careless and am using settings which doesn't make use of a wide gamut monitor.
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Dec 8, 2012
I am working on a panorama in PS CS6. I have merged all the images and am trying to correct the perspective using the adaptive wide angle filter. But when I open the filter and set correction mode to perspective - all I see is a background transparency. If I try to use one of the other modes the full image isn't visible, just seeming randomly cropped. I am using a macbook Pro running Lion 10.7.5.
Also, the lens information IS embedded in the image and is visible when I open the filter.
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Aug 14, 2013
Every time i run a project wide purge all blocks routine in Acad 12, it doesn't purge anything at all. Only when i go to each individual page and purge all.
I would like to remove any unused blocks/layers......
Is there a fix or a 3rd party app?
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Sep 17, 2012
I'm using a block with thick polylines. When i copy it to another drawing the thickness does'nt show anymore, only the contours drawn in thin lines.
How do I get my wide polylines to show correctly? Is there a setting I should know about?
I'm attaching an image of the block the way it should look, and one of how it looks when I paste it in drawning no 2.
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May 11, 2011
I just joined and this is my first post. Actually I have not even downloaded the program yet - have to wait till I get home from the office. Thought I would ask if the program is pretty user friendly for creating wallpapers, and if there is a "template" for it. I will want to create some "wide-screen" format wallpapers, so wondering what dimensions those usually are - should I assume that is determined by the actual dimensions of my monitor??? Free -floating questions from a newbie..!!!
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Nov 9, 2013
Calculating stripping using a corridor.
All we have is an alignment and a surface. In one region we need to calculate the stripping that is 6m wide x 1m deep.
I used LinkOffsetOnSurface to get the surface elevation on the left and right side.
I then tried using the stripping subassemblies but no luck.
because we have a number of regions and assemblies we would rather use corridors than creating a stripping surface.
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May 11, 2012
I am having problem with drawing dotted lines. I know how to draw them but the spacing between them is way too wide.
Please refer to the attachment for more information.
How do I get them to be more narrower? SOLA4012 Pluto205.dwg is my .DWG file.
I am unsure if this is unit related. However, I have changed to "mm" setting. Yet, when drawing 1.000 unit of line it seems to be be 1 inch!?
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Mar 17, 2013
Is there a way to make Adaptive wide angle filter NOT applying default correction? I cannot seem to use the filter because upon loading it always "correct" my photo in a way that I don't want to no matter whant option I choose.
As you can see, the auto correct image is softer and not as pleasant. I just want to be able to adjust it to the way I want. It is even worst with Panorama.
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