I'm new to Gimp - I've had it installed on my computer for a while now but haven't tried to use it because it's got so many features it was just - well, intimidating. But now I've started a big scanning project involving a lot of old family photos, and as you can imagine they're not all in good shape. So I have some repairs to do.
The first one I scanned turned out pretty nice, but the second one is challenging me. It dates from about the 1920s and looks kind of sepia-toned but I had to scan it in gray shades because of a kind of moire pattern at the bottom (it's mounted on a piece of thick cardboard which is bowed and I had trouble getting it to lay flat on the scanner bed, so maybe that's why). The black-and-white image that resulted actually looks better than the sepia, but there are a lot of water spots in the upper left corner. Some of them are really large and in many different shades of gray, which is making it almost impossible for me to fix them using the cloning tool. I thought about just copying and pasting from a better section, but all those different gray shades mean that didn't work very well either. I can crop some of them out, but not all, and besides, the cropping changes the composition of the photo, and not in a good way.
Obviously I don't have great skills with this software (although I'm thinking that might be different by the time I get this project finished ). FYI, the version I have is 2.6.11, which is probably old; I could update if necessary. And it's running in Windows XP SP3.
I just got a freelance job cleaning/sharpening and generally making beautimous, about 100 deep sea photos...all was going according to plan, when I came upon a large group that, as soon as I brought the levels up, along came these horrific sprays of water spotting, that I have no idea how to deal with. I don't think there's a way to make it look real if I use a tool like the clone or bandaid, and I tried working in LAB mode, to see if there was any way I could make a difference with the gaussian blur, but that did nothing, and that may just have been hopefull. I can't remove the guys background, and I know there are some extra softwear programs that work with spotting etc. but in this case I can't see how they would work and still keep the picture sharp..?
I recently got married and it was drizzeling the day of the wedding when we took the beach photos. My very favorite photo was one that had water spots on the lense of the camera, so in turn made the water spots on the digital photo.
I know photoshop well, but don't spend a lot of time retouching photos, so this isn't an area that I am super well versed in.
Do i just use the clone tool or the healing brush? I haven't used the healing brush very much or the bandaid tool? Are they similar to the clone tool?
In the image below I have an aerial photo of an Island. I need to make it so as water areas are black and land areas are white (not greyscale) almost like a silhouette. My first plan was to draw round the island with a black paint brush and then use the "bucket fill" with a suitable threshold to fill all of the areas up to the black outline with black, however this doesn't work as the bucket fill either breaks through the black line or when I reduce the threshold, doesn't color the water areas solidly.
I have a photo of a puppy, where just the top of the head where the hair is, is cut off - out of the camera shot. When using the quick selection tool and placing this image on a new background, the top therefore has a flat line at top. Which is the best feature to try to replace what was cut off in that original photo (shown below) ? Would that be the content aware patch tool? Or would you just use the paintbrush to try to paint it in? With all the subtle colors, that is difficult.
I am attempting to clean up/repair a damaged wedding photo to be displayed at a funeral. The photo (about 70 years old) has been crumpled or folded over the years. I have scanned it into the computer and have tried to use the clone tool to remove the fold lines. At a magnification of 200 or less, the clone tools works fine. However, I need to work at about 2000 magnification to remove lines from the bride's face and hair and veil. I cannot seem to get the tool to function at all at this mag. It will give me the dotted line and then change to the arrows but you cannot move ANYTHING.
I trying to touch up an old photo that has lots of white spots on it. I want to use the patch tool but when a select a section of the photo and use it to patch the patch is partly transparent, you can still see white through the patch. I don't have transparent selected so I don't know why this is happening?
I have a ~8.1MP image that I want to get printed on a pretty large scale. However, there are a few spots on the image that I am going to need to remove.
(Picture file here.)
There are 4 large black spots (circled) that I am sure should not be there. I am pretty sure they were smudges on the camera lens, because I have the entire set of images that was shot in this same jump, and those 4 spots are in the same place in all of them.
However, there are also a lot of white-ish spots scattered about the upper half of the image that seem to be mainly near the ends of the "sun-star effect" (which is one of the coolest parts of this picture, IMO). They don't seem to be present in the other pictures from the set, but perhaps they are also lens smudges and only show up in this one because there is such bright light hitting the lens, making them noticeable.
Are the white spots part of the attractive sun-star and should stay?
Are they smudges on the lens and should go?
Are they part of the sun-star but should go regardless because they don't look good?
Does the sun-star even look good or am I crazy?
Bonus question #1 - Are the red, yellow, and blue "hexagons" (noob terminology here) attractive? I kind of like them, but what do photo pros think of these things? Lens flares, they're called, right?
Bonus question #2 - Should I make the image brighter, so more color in the jumpers and their suits can be seen? Or should it remain this dark, since it is in fact a silhouette?
Before I spend the $25 to make a poster-sized print for my wall, I want to make sure I get the image looking good. The 4 black spots, I think I could probably remove without too much hassle (limited Photoshop skills here). But the white spots would be harder I think... for one thing there are many of them, and for another they occupy the same space as the sun-star, which I don't want to screw up.
I guess one way to do it would be to capture the color of my facial skin, then paintbrush the area over with that color. But how do i do that? or do you have a better method?
I'm a total newbie to Gimp. I want to remove a couple spots on a jpg picture of mine. I've read and watched videos that say to open the picture, click on the healing tool, then press ctrl and click at the same time and pick a good area on the picture. Then after that, you can click on the spots to remove them. I try to do all this and it won't work. I get a plus sign and/or a circle with a line through it.
What does that mean? How on earth would I know how to fix this? I got it once yesterday but I don't know what I did. It seem to change when I changed the size of the brush but it was probably something else that changed it. It's probably something so simple.
I'm completing an ad for a bakery and the image of a cupcake that I'm trying to use wasn't done in a whitebox, hence alot of glare on the lefthand part of the image. It's washed out the pink frosting into an almost white color and the strawberries are not saturated in color. Is there something I can do to get rid of the white spot and make the image look as if it was shot professionally in a white box?
(in the image, it's the front most chocolate cupcake)
I am trying to make a photo like a water color. The formula I am using has me
Apply filter->Dry Brush Create New Layer Add Layer mask
Then Edit->Fill->Use Pattern->Custom Pattern
However, under 'Custom Pattern' it says select 'Gouche Light on Watercolor' but this is not an option. How do I get 'Gouche Light on Watercolor' to show up?
Just wondering if anyone knows a great fast way to remove water from a surface in a photo. The water splashes in the photos I am editing appear as dark spots(it is water on an interlocking pool deck), I want to remove the water.
I am currently using a combination of cloning, stamping, copying objects, and playing with brightness and contrast. But it is VERY time consuming. I edit photos of swimming pools quite regularly, and water on decks can be quite a problem, so I need a faster method, if anyone knows of one?
I want to make something look like it is made out of water. For example, I have a spherical object (such as a basketball) and I want it to remain spherical (not circular) but it should have a water surface and be somewhat transparent.
I am trying to model raindrops hitting water. How I can have simultaneous wave generators,rather that the central based tool in Gimp.I need to be able to adjust the parameters in the same way as the distortion tool allows...
possibilities to create water surface in Gimp. I found a simple way that creates the water surface mostly found in 3d games. Further you can create ripples animation using script-fu called water waves.
Follow steps below.
[*] Start with new image of desired dimensions
[*] Go through menus Script-Fu > Render > Lava
a new window will appear, select gradient named Horizon 2 (if you do not have this gradient in list, then download attached file, I do not remember from where I downloaded this file, credit goes to respective author.
how to create an animated water texture? It'd basically be like the image below (pretend its square), except it would shimmer and move about in a wavey manner. It'll be used in a 3d app as a simple water texture overlaid on polygons.
I want to make a fountain that has water jets that cause ripples when they hit the water. I have tried the basic reactor water and Pflow setup, as well as super spray, but neither seem to work. Is there any way to accomplish this without "faking" it by doing something creative with the water's texture?
I have some photos of my wife in a dress that came out pretty nicely. The only issue is on the day we took the photos it had just rained and the bottom edge of the dress got wet.
I want to know if it is possible to use gimp to remove the water / wetness from the dress so that the photos look like the whole dress is dry.
Edit: Attached Photo of the dress. Attached File(s) IC-712.jpg (438.88K) Number of downloads: 12
I want to import a photo, trace geometric shapes over the photo like circles and lines, and then remove the photo. I have a very basic understanding of LAYERS. I have viewed a few tutorials. But I don't know how to import a photo or how to get rid of it once I have drawn the geometric shapes over it.
I want to do a Repair Installation of PS CS5. Both 32 and 64 bit versions of PS are installed on my Win 7 64bit machine, but the names of neither version appear in the 'Programs & Features' section of the Control Panel. What should I do?
i was running a trial version of X6 before i purchased - got to a few days left and had a few issues where i was able to run the programme, but had to open it, then press ESC before i could do anything..Now - a few days later, and the trial is now expired - i am unable to do anything - i cant sign up, purchase the software, uninstal, modify or repair it!!
How do I repair or re-load Photoshop CS3 in the Master Collection? The program is acting funny after several shutdowns, the preferences have been reset...and it still is behaving badly.
I usually just un-install and re-install Photoshop occasionally to get rid of hard gremlins...but...I am concerned with Master Collection. I spent weeks trying to install the original package...and the only way I could get it to install sanely was to wipe my disk to a clean windows install and then do the Master Suite First...otherwise the install would fail after an hour of loading in.