I want to make something look like it is made out of water. For example, I have a spherical object (such as a basketball) and I want it to remain spherical (not circular) but it should have a water surface and be somewhat transparent.
possibilities to create water surface in Gimp. I found a simple way that creates the water surface mostly found in 3d games. Further you can create ripples animation using script-fu called water waves.
Follow steps below.
[*] Start with new image of desired dimensions
[*] Go through menus Script-Fu > Render > Lava
a new window will appear, select gradient named Horizon 2 (if you do not have this gradient in list, then download attached file, I do not remember from where I downloaded this file, credit goes to respective author.
I have a full spherical panorama image in a psb format that I converted into a 3D spherical map in order to cleanup, clone a little and add nadir art. All good there but can't figure out how you get the 3D object back into the full flattened psb format rather than just exporting/saving the view the 3D camera is looking at?
Just wondering if anyone knows a great fast way to remove water from a surface in a photo. The water splashes in the photos I am editing appear as dark spots(it is water on an interlocking pool deck), I want to remove the water.
I am currently using a combination of cloning, stamping, copying objects, and playing with brightness and contrast. But it is VERY time consuming. I edit photos of swimming pools quite regularly, and water on decks can be quite a problem, so I need a faster method, if anyone knows of one?
Surface does exist as we can see the triangles/contours or whatever we choose to display. When we run the Water drop command, we are getting a message saying that the point is outside of the surface. We have selected a valid surface by both picking it visually and selecting it from the dialogue. All layers are on and thawed and we are picking well inside of the surface.
Why it would be telling us that the point is outside the surface?
I would like to know how can put planar surface to solid object which surface is curved like cylinder for example. When start draw from first point rectangle of planar surface follow x cordinate not that solid object. How to do that simply?
how to put a 3D object on top of the another 3D object in autocad"! E.g.,I want to put a 3d object of one leaf (raised 1") on top of the vase, so that the edges of the leaf are placed completely on the surface of the vase.
I extruded the leaf 1" first, then tried to copy it on a solid cylinder of a vase, but it didn't work!!! It seems to be simple, maybe not!
I am trying to model raindrops hitting water. How I can have simultaneous wave generators,rather that the central based tool in Gimp.I need to be able to adjust the parameters in the same way as the distortion tool allows...
how to create an animated water texture? It'd basically be like the image below (pretend its square), except it would shimmer and move about in a wavey manner. It'll be used in a 3d app as a simple water texture overlaid on polygons.
I'm new to Gimp - I've had it installed on my computer for a while now but haven't tried to use it because it's got so many features it was just - well, intimidating. But now I've started a big scanning project involving a lot of old family photos, and as you can imagine they're not all in good shape. So I have some repairs to do.
The first one I scanned turned out pretty nice, but the second one is challenging me. It dates from about the 1920s and looks kind of sepia-toned but I had to scan it in gray shades because of a kind of moire pattern at the bottom (it's mounted on a piece of thick cardboard which is bowed and I had trouble getting it to lay flat on the scanner bed, so maybe that's why). The black-and-white image that resulted actually looks better than the sepia, but there are a lot of water spots in the upper left corner. Some of them are really large and in many different shades of gray, which is making it almost impossible for me to fix them using the cloning tool. I thought about just copying and pasting from a better section, but all those different gray shades mean that didn't work very well either. I can crop some of them out, but not all, and besides, the cropping changes the composition of the photo, and not in a good way.
Obviously I don't have great skills with this software (although I'm thinking that might be different by the time I get this project finished ). FYI, the version I have is 2.6.11, which is probably old; I could update if necessary. And it's running in Windows XP SP3.
I want to make a fountain that has water jets that cause ripples when they hit the water. I have tried the basic reactor water and Pflow setup, as well as super spray, but neither seem to work. Is there any way to accomplish this without "faking" it by doing something creative with the water's texture?
In the image below I have an aerial photo of an Island. I need to make it so as water areas are black and land areas are white (not greyscale) almost like a silhouette. My first plan was to draw round the island with a black paint brush and then use the "bucket fill" with a suitable threshold to fill all of the areas up to the black outline with black, however this doesn't work as the bucket fill either breaks through the black line or when I reduce the threshold, doesn't color the water areas solidly.
I have some photos of my wife in a dress that came out pretty nicely. The only issue is on the day we took the photos it had just rained and the bottom edge of the dress got wet.
I want to know if it is possible to use gimp to remove the water / wetness from the dress so that the photos look like the whole dress is dry.
Edit: Attached Photo of the dress. Attached File(s) IC-712.jpg (438.88K) Number of downloads: 12
I am trying to do a simple retopo modelling. In many other soft you only need to turn on snapping to get your retopo model vertexes/edges following a surface of a hi-res reference object.
Seems I can't do so in Max because it tend to snap to faces of the same object I am working on.
Is it possible somehow to snap to faces of other objects only so the currently edited object faces would be completely ignored/excluded/invisible for snapping?
I've currently got a daylight system in place with an "mr physical sky" shader, but I've also got a 360° sky panorama with clouds.
Is there anyway of getting them both working together? I've set the sun so it appears in the right place in my scene, but the sky is too empty. Putting the Sky panorama blocks the sun. I've tried putting the map on a Geosphere with a circular UVW map modifier and have tried adjusting the opacity but I can't work it out.
I am wondering is it posible to insert object, building in surface? I draw object with box and gave it z coordinate. the goal is that it shows in profile. also, can feature line with greading be shawn in profile?
Trying to figure out how to create 3d 360 degree spherical panoramic. All my searches come up with older versions. CS6 does not have the 3d menu so where do I find out how?
Is there a way to use the spherize tool for non-spherical selections? For example, I have an outline of a human body and I want to give it some depth - make it bulge out so to speak. I tried to make a selection around it (made it tight around the edges so that the selection outline is exactly like the outline of the body) and then spherized it. But it seems like the effect comformed only to a regular sphere shape, but only on the selected region. It doesn't look good. I'm looking for a way to get the things inside the selection to "bulge out". Is there a way? Am I being unclear?
I am trying to build a spherical, solid, earth map.
I have built one before by extruding a flat projection of the earth map through a hollow solid sphere shell, and using subtract. (I had to do it in sections, and projecting in different angles until I completed the world map). There was an intermediate step of subtracting the extruded map from a solid block and creating a void shape of the map within the block, then subtracting the block from the hollow sphere).
The problem I had is that the edges of the map where not cut off in an angle towards the center of the globe, and I need all the edges be sliced towards the center of the globe.
I am trying now to use the LOFT command and create a solid map that tapers down towards the center of the globe. I have bought these special map projections (2D) called "gnomonic projections". They were originated by projecting from the center of an earth globe the contour of the continents over projeccion plains outside the globe. (this was done using a map cartography software and converted to .dwgs).
These projections are made of thousands (or millions) of polylines joined together, and the probelm is that AutoCAD gets stuck when trying to use LOFT. I was able to LOFT just a little island, but it gave me surfaces instead of a solid. If I use this method I will have to do hundreds (or thousands) of little sections with LOFT to achieve the entire map.
Any better way to build this solid spherical map?. Or where I can buy this spherical solid of the world continents from? I have seen these solids sometimes in the background of television news programs, I just need a little better contour definition than what the show.
I'm trying to print a CD label, but the problem is that the image I'm using for the label is a square, so when I try to expand the image to avoid any white corners, it crops out some of the text.
Is there a way I can use Paint.NET to make the image spherical?