I've been trying to learn how to use the paths tool to edit thing's out and what not - whenever i try to make the last connection though it just turns into a curve automation thing and seems to mess thing's up?
I've attached images of how the first and the last line look.
I want to draw a filled shape and edit it later during further design.
I used Path Tool to draw my shape with points. Then I used Selection from Path to create a closed shape, as I can fill it with solid color or patterns.
But how can I edit the shape after it has been filled with color? After using Selection from Path, the shape is independent of the controlling points of Bezier Curve.
In general, how can I draw a closed shape, which is filled with solid color or patterns, but still editable by moving controlling points of Bezier Curve on the border? In other words, when I move the points, the inner color/pattern should be extended.
I started creating a path, but I somehow interrupt the process and now I don't know how to continue. Whenever I try create new point I create a new path, but I want to continue with making my original (unfinished) path.
Is there a file I can manually edit to add my support file paths? Just had another crash that lost all of them and don't want to have to manually add them one at a time.
When working with the pen tool and paths is ps7...Did you notice if you make a curve and fill it with a color the bended parts are so jagged? even though the anti aliasing is on...
I have ps7 and I'm trying to draw a quick 3d box with the pen tool. (I've just spent 3 days (!) reading about the pen tool and paths in the Photoshop 6 Bible (older but still relevant), and I thought I had a clear understanding but no. Code:
I'm trying to join two paths with the pen tool. The shape is a coffe mug, took me half an hour to try to combine paths with the pen tool.
I'm trying to join where the little white gap is. I had the same issue opposite but I managed to draw a little curve in there and join the paths. But I can't seem to do it the other side and I don't understand how it works.
I did something and I'm not sure what. But my selection tool has changed. Now when I try to alter the length of a clip in a timeline, it automatically switches to the rolling edit tool with the 2 arrows on either side of a line. If I try to just grab the end of a clip it also drags the end of the clip beside it as well. It affects inserts and almost anything I do. I can't figure out how to return my selection tool to normal.
Yet another issue I've found with Photoshop CC:When using the crop tool, it moves paths after confirming the crop. (crop from the left, paths are moved to the right). I'm on OSX 10.7, PS 14.0 x64
I'm a keen amateur on the computer and run my own construction company. We currently have a steel ruler as our logo, but I'm trying to get a spiral staircase also. Not sure if two logo's is allowed; the steel ruler has our company name imprinted on it and I thought it was cool way to display our name. Probably severley faultered from a pro.
Was hoping to find some vector art of a helical staircase but not much out there. So we made a couple of beautiful helical stairs for a client, and I'm trying to trace that and use it as our logo also.
I'm tracing it in vector art because we have a Roland GX24 vinyl cutter and I'm making my own banners etc.
I have three queries:
1: The pen is showing up some strange invisible paths which only appear in the plugin cutstudio (where I haven't closed the paths off I presume?). How can I get the paths to be as drawn?;
2: When I go to cut this, the vinyl cutter will treat the paths as single slices. This design will be as if drawn, so I will want a way of creating two paths to the strokes, probably 2mm width apart. That will then leave a piece of vinyl 2mm in width so when I peel off, the vinyl will stay there; like a pen stroke of a handwritten drawing.
3: What snapping should I be using? I've always had problems with points or paths not being snapped together perfectly. The cutter will end up cutting some of the other adjoining 2mm vinyl and after time this will cause the vinyl to peel off.
Photoshop CS5 - Working with the pen tool is something I do a lot but it is such a pain because I can barely make the lines out sometimes. It can get so bad that my eyes hurt. I found, adding an adjustment layer and changing the level. This kind of works but I find it difficult to believe that they can't be made more visable. Turning off the anti-aliasing hasn't seemed to have made any difference either.
I am a graphics designer that uses GIMP and Cinema 4D on Wine. I find it very difficult to be able to take logos that I have made and have them be compatable with C4D. If there is a function already that makes this possible that would be great but for now I can's seem to find one.
I have a PSD which has a layer with a path (vector) on it. In Photoshop this can be manipulated as a path/vector. In GIMP it is just treated as a bitmap. I can see how I can draw new paths, but it doesn't seem to be recognizing the imported path. Is there something I need to do to make it recognize the paths?
I just downloaded Gimp yesterday and it is way different than the version I had on my last computer. I have things figured out for the most part, the main function I can't seem to find is how to "Simplify" paths. It seems like I used to use CTRL L or something like that and it would smooth out my lines a bit.
Since version CS it was very easy working with paths with the direct selection tool. I just upgraded to Photoshop CC, and noticed this annoying bug: When I select and anchor point using the Direct Selection Tool, I can no longer de-select it clicking inside the shape. This is so frustrating when working with icons.
I used to grab the Path Selection Tool to select the entire vector shape, then I switched to the Direct Selection Tool if I wanted to modify a specific anchor point. All I needed to do was clicking inside the shape, then select the anchor point I wanted to work with. Now if I switch from the Path tool to the Direct Selection one, if I click inside the shape it doesn't deselect anything, if I click on an anchor point, it doesn't deselect the other anchor points. I figured out that if I click on the path of a different vector shape, then I can go back and select an anchor point on the vector shape I was working with, but it's too much work for de-selecting a point.Is it a bug or a new way Photoshop CC behaves?
I see that I am allowed to specify more than one path for tool palettes. When that is done, which path is used if a user creates a new palette?I have some custom palettes on the network. They swap each other out using the hidden toolpalettepath variable. As part of that, they also include a button to restore the path to the default local folder. I am considering placing all of the delivered ones on the network but also want users to have a way of adding their own and having them placed in a standard location under their network user area.
Does the scissor tool NOT work on compound paths? I am guessing it does not being it does not work when I use it on them, but the Adobe help section didn't specify.
Also, sometimes when I am using the pen tool, I will place an anchor point but it shifts away from where I want to place it. For example, I will put it at x = 72 & y = 1000 and it will place it at x = 95 & y = 1050.
I thought maybe it was from something I accidentally selected like snap to grid or point, but changing the settings does not correct the issue. I have to close out of the program and restart to fix it.
I try to drag something - either a whole shape, a point or when I'm using a tool like the pencil or the knife and need to have a continuous path, Illustrator is glitching on me. It keep breaking my path and jumping a little even though I never let go of the mouse. Or when I'm trying to copy and paste something by dragging, it will suddenly unselect it, paste it where it was and then copy another shape. Crazy thing is, my mouse works fine on everything else non-Illustrator. It's happening in two different versions on two different computers, one of which has CS6 and is a brand new iMac.
I'm using the following:
5 year old iMac running OS X Illustrator CS 3
The other computer is at work:
brand new iMac, can't remember the OS Illustrator CS 6
I download the Gimp 2.8 and have a lot of prolems with it.... Today I can´t find the history of the paths. Where is it? I can´t use path two times if I need. Sweet Gimp 2.6...
I can't get the path tool to give me handles. I create a path with two points and when I grab the segment and drag it the anchors move with it. This used to work fine where the anchors would stay and the dotted lines and handles would pop out and I could manipulate the handles. I recently reloaded my system so has something changed? I'm using the latest stable Debian and it looks like Gimp 2.6 is loaded.
I've worked out how to use paths, so I can make text appear along a curve which is great. My problem is that I have a logo and I want text curving around the top of it, and then some text curving around the bottom (curving upwards). There is more text on the top curve so it fills the entire path, but the text at the bottom is shorter and so it doesn't reach the end, it justifies to the left of the path. How do I position it so that it aligned to the centre of the path (it doesn't necessarily have to take up the entire length of the path, I just want it to be central to the logo above it.
In pervious versions of photoshop you could make a path with the pen tool and press esc to basically deselect the path without closing it. This would also allow you to make multiple paths so that you could keep making lines and then stroke them all at once. This no longer works with photoshop CC. Pressing esc just deselects the path but when you try to start a new path it continues the first one. Is there anyway to get this feature back in CC? It is such a waste of time to stroke individual paths instead of drawing all the lines with the pen tool and stroking them all at once.
I've been using the pen tool for almost a month now… I'm actually getting pretty good with it now, mainly using it to make my selections more precise… I haven't even bothered to try to draw with it, yet…
Anyway, I was already kind of sleepy when I started to outline the chopper with the pen tool… I got pretty tired & saved what I have done into a PSD. In Illustrator I know it would probably save my anchor points…
When I click on my Path palette, I can see some of my outline… But, the rest of it is filled in with white as a shape…With all of that said, in Photoshop… Is there anyway I can pick up where I left off tracing the nice Harley-Davidson?
Or… Do I have to start all over?
I already tried to use the Direct Path tool & Direct Selection Tool… My anchor points remain hidden.
I'm using the Pencil Tool to draw shapes (not good enough for the Pen Tool yet) and some of my paths are not as smooth as I'd like, so I go over them with the Smooth Tool, though it seems like it either smooths the path a little bit or completely changes its shape.