AutoCAD 2013 :: Manually Edit To Add Support File Paths
Jun 25, 2013
Is there a file I can manually edit to add my support file paths? Just had another crash that lost all of them and don't want to have to manually add them one at a time.
I have a simple lisp routine that loads everytime one of my users opens a new drawing, It sets the printer paths, sets the template paths and sets a bunch of environment variables
One thing I would like to add to this lisp routine is the ability to add support file search paths.
Is there a simple setenv variable for this? or is it more complicated?
I have been changing setting in the Options dialog box for many years but have never made any changes directly to the "Working Support File Search Path" because these update automatically to reflect changes i make in the "Support File Search Path."
Do a quick print screen of support file search path? Our computer's are set up by an outside source and I believe they did not migrate anything correctly or did something incorrectly. My issue specifically is anything to do with rendering and materials displaying is not working. I just want to make sure ACAD 2013 is looking at all the standard file locations along with our customization files. This is happening on 2 computers that have 2013 installed, all the rest are still using 2012 and this works fine. I tried exporting that profile, but still nothing works for rendering.
I add 3 folder locations to the Support File Search Path. At random, all 3 of these locations disappear. I haven't tracked when this happens and what maybe happened previously, but I know I'm not the only one within my office that this has happened to. The paths are on a file server for our blocks.
Not sure how relevant this is, but I have a HP Z420 Workstation, W7-64-bit, Autodesk Building Design Suite Ultimate, using AutoCAD MEP 2013.
I used autocad 2010 at my old job but I now use 2012. Now, I keep getting a "bad definition for linetype" error when I try to use linetypes that worked fine at my old job. Someone suggested that I reestablish my support paths but I don't know how to do this.
I am adding tool palettes for our new CAD Standards and would like to set the support paths so the users don't have to.
I will need to set:
Support File Search Path Dictionary Plot Style Color Book Drawing Template Sheet Set Template Tool Palettes
Basically I would like to append the paths for the new items, but not overwrite the variety of existing paths.
So I assume I need to read the current paths, read the new paths and append them to the current paths, then write them as updated paths? This is for about 30 users in 11 different offices and varying cad skills.
I can tweak existing LISP routines, but have never written one from scratch. Is there an "easy" way to accomplish this?
I have files that contain only XREFs, some have up to 20. When I try to use etransmit to share these files, the paths are still looking for the network and not the contents of the zip file.They are all Overlays Full path
I swear that it worked before but I cannot replicate it.I cannot share the zipped file with anyone not connected to our network as all references are lost.
I was trying to edit a corridor surface manually by editing points and tin lines but for me its much easier to edit the contours itself so I explode the surface into polylines and fix the contour issues but when i make it into a new surface the Surface does not look clean anymore. When I look at it in the object viewer it looks rough and jagged and doesn't look like a road at all, however my original corridor surface did look clean with perfect roads and cul de sacs i just wanted to fix the contours outside the road. I tried extracting it like i should have done in the first place but when i add the contours to a surface it still looks ugly and jagged. Another thing is that when you look at it in 2D or plan view the contours look exactly the same but when i look at it from a perspective view or 3D that's when you see the difference.
I attached DGN file in dwg, the same way of attaching any exrefrence. I would like to make changing the this attached file. It does not respond as block or xref.
I want to know how to open a dwg file that has been saved as a pdf file format so i can edit it.
Why do people save it to a pdf anyway? Doesn't that degrade the quality of the drawing?
I have a lot of clients that send me there drawing but i constantly have to tell them that they have to send the original form if they want it to be edited. Most of the time I have to use a converter to to convert it to a dwg file but the quality degrades drastically. I can’t believe in 2013 I’m still having problems with this.
I’ve tried Any PDF to DWG Converter but it doesn’t convert it very well.
I want to edit some values in the data table of a shape file (*.shp) with AutoCAD Map 3d 2013. Every time I alter a value in data table it takes about 30 seconds until AutoCAD Map saves (?) the value. I have to wait 30 second until I can continue working. Why is this so slow?
The shape file has 7000 lines and is stored on a local drive.
I have noticed that a file is xrefed much faster if the file has been opened at some point. (Wtih the file I tested with it was 45 sec vs 1,5 sec) This must mean that the file is cached and can very quickly opened later if it has been opened.
I have an application that xref other files as overlay xref's. This is very slow since the xrefed files haven't been opened. And it will be this slow every time i xref them since they are never opened. Is there a way I can cache the files manually or something like that?
I started creating a path, but I somehow interrupt the process and now I don't know how to continue. Whenever I try create new point I create a new path, but I want to continue with making my original (unfinished) path.
I've been trying to learn how to use the paths tool to edit thing's out and what not - whenever i try to make the last connection though it just turns into a curve automation thing and seems to mess thing's up?
I've attached images of how the first and the last line look.
I am running AutoCAD 2013 on Windows 7 on a virtual machine (Fusion) on my mac (Macbook Pro (late 2008), OS 10.6.8, 2.53 GHz, 8GB Ram.
I want to delete Fusion from my machine and use Bootcamp to run AutoCAD instead. Before I delete my virtual Windows machine and uninstall Fusion, I want to make sure that I have a copy of all supporting files for AutoCAD so that when I reinstall it in Bootcamp, I can restore all present functionality.
I am not very knowledgeable about AutoCAD or PCs in general, so I don't know what I don't know. In other words, I know that there are files that AutoCAD uses that I have created knowlingly or not that are important to be reinstalled so that the program continues to work how I am used to, but I don't know what all these files are, or where they are stored. The most obvious example are .ctb files that I have created over the past several years that have moved automatically with each upgrade. There are surely other aspects of customization that exist in files kept somewhere, that AutoCAD references, but again, I don't know where all such files are kept.
Any best method for gathering all such files so that I can copy them to a thumbdrive and then reinstall in Bootcamp, once I've re-installed AutoCAD?
We were creating a deployment on a 32-bit Machine and we came up on this error. All .Net framework has been removed. All Autodesk Software has been removed, temp files emptied. XP SP3.
Rhino allows for two-rail curves and extrusions, is there anything similar in Autocad2013? I'm working on a trellis that has an undulating, slatted top - I can array the slats along one spline/polycurve, but figuring out how to rotate them to match the secondary angle/curve (it twists) is proving to be really difficult. Rotate3D I have trouble with (crossing different faces/USC which confuses me), and doing so for each slat is going to be exceptionally time consuming.
Is there a way to array a form along two paths, so that the pieces automatically adjust to match the needed angles that both rails define?
I guess it does NOT support it because it seems that it does NOT work properly. For example, in case of multiple lines of “Horizontal” setting, it works properly like followings. But in case of multiple lines of “Vertical” setting, it does NOT work properly like followings.
Configure of “Horizontal”: ABC DEF GHI
Configure of “Vertical”: ABC DEF GHI
In my perspective, it should go downward like followings.
In my “perspective” of Vertical”: A B C
We are making application software for importing DXF file from AutoCAD. If AutoCAD does not support multiple lines of vertical setting on mtex, our software also should not support it, I think. I want to know the specification for multiple lines of vertical setting of AutoCAD.
I have installed Inventor 2013 on a machine just so that I can use this machine to migrate my files using the Autodesk Task Scheduler. I started the TS, then Create Task>Migrate Files task. I selected my "Vault" project and get a message that says "Vault Projects not supported".
I noticed that in the Migrate Files dialog, there is not a box at the top that says "Migrate from Vault".
This is installed on "Windows Server Standard x64" OS.
I tried a repair install and Reinstall on the Inventor 2013 installation. Problem still persists.
I just downloaded the LR4.x -> LR 5 installer from this website, but I can't install it. Each time I try to extract the installer, it fails. I downloaded it 5 times, using 3 different browsers... It does not fail exactly at the same moment (12%, 32%, 23%) but il fails anyway.
I also tried to open the package with winzip, and extract the file manually. Same thing, files can't be extracted as they seem to be corrupted.
When I migrated to 2012 form 2011, it only migrated a partial list of the support file search locations. So, I reset the ones that were missing and exported out my profile.
Next I saved my workspace to my name and checked the box to "automatically save workspace".
I shut my computer down for the night. When I restarted my computer, then AutoCAD 2012 the missing support paths are missing again. I am not the only one in the CAD department that is having this issue. It is so annoying to have to reset my profile every time I shut my computer down.
I believe a dwg I am trying to access is affected by the acad.vlx virus as an alert comes up to check autodesk for solution (ID: TS13717811) however the published solution doesn't seem to work for the latest version of AutoCAD LT 2012 as it asks me to access a file in the support folder which doesn't exist on my system.
I'm currently running Smoke 2011 on a Mac Pro and we are feeding a Professional Grade 58" Panasonic Plasma equipped with HDMI and Component connections. We are unfortunately limited to using only the HDMI connection because Smoke 2011 doesn't support component out. Using the HDMI connection means we're limited to a 60Hz refresh rate which, generates flickering cross fades, and strobing with fast moving video. The component connections allow us to utilize a 100Hz refresh rate which eliminates these issues. After a little research, I have learned that Panasonic does not make a professional grade plasma monitor that supports higher than 60Hz through HDMI.
I tried to use 2012 task scheduler to migrate files, got an error message saying it won't support vault project file. I used vault project file for version 2010.
We recently updated our servers and with that the path to all of our drawings. For example what was once located at W:FilesAutoCAD is now located at W:CorporateAutoCADDrawings. The problem is every time we open an old drawing for the first time we must redirect all of the xrefs to the new location. My question is, is there any way to do this automatically for all drawings when they are opened? Is there a way to tell the software to replace "FilesAutoCAD " with "CorporateAutoCADDrawings"? I'm sure others have encountered this dilemma.
I'm rebuilding the primary project template folder for my company. This folder contains a variety of drawings linked together using Xrefs and such. I'm setting up sheet sets in the plotting of these sheets.
I'm working with 15 different drawings and setting up 130 sheet sets that will each plot 1 layout from each of these 15 drawings. All of the drawings have the same layout names (A1, B1, C1,...,Z5). So, for example, the A1 layout from all 15 drawings is 1 sheet set.
When a new project is started, the template folder is copied and renamed. A known issue is that this new project still links all of the Xrefs back to the original template folder's DWGs. We use a script plus the 'Redir" command to update the Xref paths.
Now I'm noticing that the Sheet sets I've setup are having the same behavior, and I can't seem to find a way to quickly fix the file path of 130 sheet sets with 15 sheets per set.
Also, any faster way to setup the sheet sets I've described above other then individually adding layouts to their respective sheet set. I was hoping there would be a batch type method given that all the layouts have standard names.