I want to share toolpalettes for multi-users in a network.
i create a share-folder with full-write-and-read-status for the cad-admin. then i added the folder into the _toolpalettepath-definition in the acad-options. all other users only have only-read-status for this folder.
this folder will be define in the first position of this list.
in theorie this will work - but now a costumer test this configuration. the problem is, that texts and seperator-lines in the paletten-defintion change the order - like example.
In other postings i read the name *.aws-files - but i did not understand the meaning of this file.
The best way to share my tool palettes. I have created blocks & saved them on our shared drive, I have set my tool palettes up how I want them, Alphabetical order and set the size for the images to display.
I now want to give this palette to all my colleagues to use as standard for when they open their CAD.
I have just updated from 2012 to 2013, I've transferred all the necessary support file as I always do.I am trying to add a new Pallette to my custom Pallette group. However, when I try to drag blocks into the new Palette AutoCAD won't allow me to do so. I have to drag them first into another existing Palette, then drag them into the new one.
Then I have the problem of the New Palette disappearing when I next open Cad. Even after the New Palette .atc file appears in my support folder and I save my Workspace profile.
I'm using AutoCAD 2014. When we upgraded from 2013 I migrated all of my tool palettes and settings over to 2014 earlier this year. All seemed normal up until Friday when I created a new palette. That part was normal, but when I tried to drag a block from Design Center to that tool palette it wouldn't populate. It seemed like it was going to, it gave me that typical >---< under where the block would show up in the tool palette, but when I tried to release it in the palette, nothing.
Additionally, if I right click on a directory/folder in design center and select "Create Palette of Blocks" (which I have done a million times before), it will create the tab of the directory/folder I have created but does not populated it with the blocks within that directory/folder. Leaving me with a blank Tool Palette.
At my previous place of employment I used ACAD 2010 and ACAD 2011 Design Suites. One of the programs had tool palettes and/or design centers that enabled me to build my structures choosing blocks of wall types, windows, casework and doors, trees via a palette all in 3d and 2d form. I was able to change my views all around the 3d model and walk thru it with a camera. I did several homes using this program. I don't know what the difference is but ACAD 2013 does not appear to have it.
I've just installed 2013 and Service Pack 1.1 and downloaded (and installed) off line Help.All the Tool Palettes except my custom ones, are blank.
I can't find the command line, even after typing "commandline".And the search feature doesn't do anything.And I can't find where to send a helpdesk plea for support.
I just made myself another toolpalette, and the icons/images don't show up.Well, none of the icons/images show up except for the Junction Box (J with a circle around it.)I found that the Junction Box block is the only one that is NOT Annotative. All the other ones are ANNOTATIVE (as they should be.)
In Windows Explorer, it looks like images were saved for each new block I inserted into the toolpalette, but the images are blank except for the Junction Box of course. Is there a special way you have to put your Annotative blocks into a toolpalette so the icon/image shows up??
We have just recently install Building Design Suite Standard 2014 and the tool palettes DO NOT work.
Clicking on the standard palettes that load with ACAD will not even work. We have also tried to make new ones and the will not MAKE (for lack of words).
Here is the Autocad warning it gives us:
Unable to execute the tool. Possible causes are:
-The tool is not registered properly. Please check your installation.
-the tool is from another application and is incompatible with the current application.
I have created a new tool palette. The tool palette takes the blocs from a drawing.
Now I want to connect this to a catalog, so it can refresh from there. I should be able to export the tool palette with a right click but I only have the possibility to rename, new palette or delete.
I guess that once I have managed to export the catalog I can then easily import the tool palette in my colleagues computer. Also if it links to the same catalog we should be able to easily refresh it.
I noticed that my computer was slowing up, BIG time. This thing's got dual quad core Xeon, 12gb DDR3, ATI FireGL V8600, etc. I could hear it processing something constantly and as I was in CAD I couldn't really do anything. When I opened the task manager and looked at the processes, "accoreconsole. exe" (an AutoCAD component) was using 10.5gb of memory. On my performance tab, my memory was maxed at 11.5gb for at least a half hour.
Today, I dealt with it all day long by ending the process whenever I'd notice it on the list of processes, or if the computer suddenly began to lag. I've also been having trouble with Dropbox. Not sure if this would at all be related but, if I try to save a file to a shared dropbox folder, it gets to 81% and freezes with the (Not Responding) message up top. I can save just fine to my network folder though.
I am making a nested family of windows and inserted the windows as shared and I need them as non shared. Is there a way to change the window from shared to non shared in the family editor?
1.) I found a post that says that iLogic doesn't support wildcards. Are there any workarounds for this? For example, say I want a rule to suppress all hex bolts regardless of size in an assembly. Assuming all hex bolts will have the term "HEX BOLT" in the name, can such a rule be made?
2.) I was wondering if iLogic can access assembly (browser) folders to manipulate all files under it. For example, I have an assembly folder named "Hardware". Can iLogic access that folder by name?
3.) When an equation driven parameter gets pushed between files via an iLogic rule only the value is pushed instead of the equasion. For example, an IAM and IPT has the parameter with equation "PlaneElevation=Height/2". With iLogic this value is to be pushed from the IAM to IPT but if I change the IAM equation to "Height/4" then the IPT's "PlaneElevation" value loses the equation and is replaced with only the numerical value. What I'd like is the IPT's parameter to also read "Height/4".
In our company we have a Tool Palette guru. She has READ/WRITE privileges to a Tool Palettes Development folder on our network. When she has an update to share with the masses, a network admin goes into the Tool Palettes Development folder and moves the corresponding files and folders to Tool Palettes folder where all CAD users have only READ access. All users point to the Tool Palettes folder on the network as well as a folder on tehor local machine so they can create their own custom Tool Palettes.
We have several users that have to reload their Tool Palettes every time they login to their workstation. Also, whenever a user logins to a different workstation, the Tool Palettes images have to be reloaded manually.I'm thinking there has to be a way so that
1) once the Tool Palettes are loaded for a user they don't have to be reloaded and 2) we don;t have to reload the Tool Palettes images when a user changes workstations.
I have a little problem, here at work we want to work with tool palettes, but when we select a hatch from the tool palette and want to hatch a object it says to specify insertion point.
We at work here we are drawing with polylines so we would like to select the object instead of specifying a insertion point. How can we change it in the toolpalette ?
My pc is being upgraded next week (while I am away on holiday). The IT guy will be adding 4GB of RAM and will be switching from 32bit win 7 pro to 64bit win 7 pro, obviously, this will mean a clean install and re-installing all my software. I have my tool palettes set up with many blocks, leaders, hatch patterns etc and I want to know if there is a way I can save my tool palettes and then reload them onto the upgraded pc with the re-installed AutoCAD LT?
I'm using AutoCAD MEP 2014 (though it's present in all variations).
I am using OOTB settings to eliminate network permissions as my issue.
I open my ACAD to an OOTB template file. Create a new tool palette, call it "CS" for now. When I try to add blocks to my palette, I get the black circle with a line through it. I get the same result when trying to add to existing OOTB palettes.
I am a network administrator and administrator on my machine, permissions shouldn't be the issue.
Checked my Options->Files and everything is pointing to the OOTB locations on my C: drive, nothing special.
The .dwg files are on my desktop, so there's no network sharing issue.
I tried going through Design Center (ADCENTER). I browsed to the folder containing the .dwg files, right-clicked and selected "Create Tool Palette" or something to that effect. It created an empty palette with no tools.
I've also tried inserting a block from another OOTB palette, no issue. Then whe trying to drag that block back to the tool palettes, it doesn't let me.
Toolbars/Panels are not locked, though I don't think that makes a difference.
Hmm...trying to think what else I've tried...I've Googled for a couple hours now, obviously with no luck.
I am having an issue at my office when I open or save a drawing (I'm using Acad 2013) people using 2011 Acad Architecture who later access the file cannot use their tool palette or detail component manager. The tool palette will pop up, but when they try to drag something out of it, there is an unspecified error. The detail component manager in Architecture will not even pop up for some reason.
I believe a dwg I am trying to access is affected by the acad.vlx virus as an alert comes up to check autodesk for solution (ID: TS13717811) however the published solution doesn't seem to work for the latest version of AutoCAD LT 2012 as it asks me to access a file in the support folder which doesn't exist on my system.
I use ACA 2012 on two seperate computers and would like to be able to have all my custom tool palettes, blocks, customizations, etc.. to migrate to both computers. I.e. I add a new tool to a tool palette on one computer and then when I'm working on second computer that new tool appears in palette in correct location. I would think the easist way to do this would to be to share the location of the tool palettes, customization files, etc.. at a common place (network share) but am unable to find all the files and settings to do this.
How to create a tag and add it to my tool palettes for future use?
I am using AutoCAD Architecture 2012, and I want to be able to tag the bottom elevation of slabs in my drawings. I found I can create a tag by using the DEFINETAG command and I created text in there that is set to display the bottom elevation of slabs. I'm stuck as to where to go from here. I can't actually "tag" anything with this, and I don't know how to add it to my tool palettes.
When I start AutoCad and also if I try to select the Refresh icon on the Pallett, I get a pop up that says "There was an error while refreshing. The palette could not be refreshed" Could there be a path that is broken, if so where would it be?
Just on to ACA 2014 and noticed many of the detail tabs missing. No longer interior, exterior, etc. tabs and can't find how to replace them. Also Detail compnent manager toolbar icon gone and can't find command in CUI?
I have imported atc files which were created in standard AutoCAD 2010, the palettes (atc) files import without a glitch the tools contained on them work perfectly. However adding new items fails despite all files not being read only also if a add a new palette nice though AutoCAD ADT will create one it wont actually allow me to add anything to it...
I have a problem with scaling and rotation when I apply one tag coming from palette tool. I use ACA 2013 METRIC and this problem did not exist in 2012.
I attached a file to do the test. Drag the tag to your tool palettes in space and try to apply the design to see the problem.
My lead wants a group of all the tool palettes that i have created for all users to use.I have exported all of the palettes to a location on the network. I also exported the group to the same location. I had the user redirect the tool palette path in the Options>Files. The problem that i am running into is that when the users are loading up the tool palettes, they have to import each tool palette seperately then add them to a group.
Is it possible to have the tool palettes in a location on the network and have each of the users import the group only?