AutoCAD Architecture :: Tool Palettes Will Not Refresh?
Dec 18, 2013
When I start AutoCad and also if I try to select the Refresh icon on the Pallett, I get a pop up that says "There was an error while refreshing. The palette could not be refreshed" Could there be a path that is broken, if so where would it be?
How to create a tag and add it to my tool palettes for future use?
I am using AutoCAD Architecture 2012, and I want to be able to tag the bottom elevation of slabs in my drawings. I found I can create a tag by using the DEFINETAG command and I created text in there that is set to display the bottom elevation of slabs. I'm stuck as to where to go from here. I can't actually "tag" anything with this, and I don't know how to add it to my tool palettes.
Just on to ACA 2014 and noticed many of the detail tabs missing. No longer interior, exterior, etc. tabs and can't find how to replace them. Also Detail compnent manager toolbar icon gone and can't find command in CUI?
I have imported atc files which were created in standard AutoCAD 2010, the palettes (atc) files import without a glitch the tools contained on them work perfectly. However adding new items fails despite all files not being read only also if a add a new palette nice though AutoCAD ADT will create one it wont actually allow me to add anything to it...
I have a problem with scaling and rotation when I apply one tag coming from palette tool. I use ACA 2013 METRIC and this problem did not exist in 2012.
I attached a file to do the test. Drag the tag to your tool palettes in space and try to apply the design to see the problem.
I've been using the design group in the tool palettes, and adding my own tool palettes as I create them.Today I login and see that my tool palettes is not docked to the left side of the screen anymore.So I push CTRL-3 to bring it back up.The tool palettes that I see there are the "All Palettes" group.
I cannot choose the design group, document group, detailing group, or the visualization group. They are not even selectable in the right click menu of the tool palette bar. But when I customize palettes the 4 groups show up there, but they are useless.And not even all the tool palettes are there. "Design" is missing, Windows, Doors. Any way of getting my palette groups back to the way it was before, other than re-installing autocad?
Got a problem with tool palettes ever since ACA 2012. When ever I start ACA, I have to push cntrl+3 to show the tool palettes. It's starting to get anoying that I have to do this, and I can't find any setting that will let the tool palettes display on startup.
I recently added a block ( by dragging & dropping from our dws block library file) to our shared Tool Palettes. The block showed up properly on everone's computer the day I added it. However each morning when we restart our computers the block is no longer on the palette and I have to redrag & drop it. I thought that prerhaps I needed to export the updated toolpalette, but when I go to the customize tool palettes dialog box and right click on the toolpalette I don't see the export or import options. I am at a loss. We are using AutoCAD Architecture 2013
I've got a user in our office w/ tool palettes that will not float, move, minimize. They are locked in place. They will open/hide, but I don't have the ability to click on them and move them.
What's the best way to share tool palettes within an office?
I do it through profiles: I Created an 'office' profile (.arg) that I eventually share with every employee in the office. Whenever I add things to the tool palettes, I simply create a new profile for every user.
However, lately not every palette gets transferred. I've done a major reorganisation of the office tool palette and only a very small amount of palettes actually get transferred.
ACA 2012 Windows 7 Intel Core i7-2600 CPU 3.4GHz - 8GB ram - 64 bit
I've recently upgraded to Win7 64bit. In Acad Architecture (trial versions 2010,2011 &2012)The content browser has nothing in it and the tool palettes aren't there.
We are working on drawings saves as 2004 format from 2010. With ADT2006 I can't use the tool palettes or the fillet command. Is there a way to work around this problem?
I am running Windows 7 32 bit. I have Autodesk Architecture 2012 installed. When I try to run a simple wall tool from my tool pallette, I get the following error;
Unable to Execute the tool. Possible causes are:
- The tool is not registered properly. Please check your installation.
- The tool is from another application and is incompatible with the current application.
I recently had my entire computer wiped clean, upgraded from Windows XP to Windows 7, and reinstalled Arch 2012, so no other versions have been on this system. All of my basic drafting functions work fine.
I found an old thread about using Regedit to change the registry of the tool palettes, but that simply made my tool palette empty. I just installed this, so I don't understand why I would need to reinstall.
I just migrated from 2006 to 2012... I was able to get my old custom tool palettes into 2012 by opening the Content Browser and idropping them. However I noticed that these palettes are not 'refreshable' like they used to be. In the Palette Properties it says *This palette is not shared from a catalog*... after doing a search of that message in these forums I found this thread: [URL]....
I followed David's instructions:
1. Created a new Palette Group
2. Created a new palette in that Group
3. i-dropped tools from my custom catalog in the Content Browser onto that new palette.
I have a Project Template that is used when creating a new project. I noticed that the Tool Palette in the Project Template and the Tool Palette in the new Project are not the same. How do I get the new Projects to pull the same Tool Palettes from the Project Template?
I want to transfer or copy the tool palettes (walls, doors, FFE) from one profile to another. I have all my tool bars, set in one profile correctly, but all the tool palettes are in another profile.
Is there a way to copy these tools into another profile? Even if I over-right another palette?
I was installing my Express tools & somehow hit the unload button by mistake,now when i type Ribbon..It says no tabs or palets loaded.Which file do i have to Upload ?
When I add the hatch pattern to the tool palette and then try to use it, it defaults the boundaries add command to pick points. Is there a way i can have it default to select objects?
We have company tool palettes set up in catalogs on the server. I was able on "load and existing catalog" on a users machine this morning but when I try to drag and drop the catalog palettes to the tool palette, nothing happens. They don't populate the palette and they do not show up as an available tab under "customize".
After 20 years of using Autocad thought it time to get serious about putting all my symbolslocks on palettes. Went to design center, selected a folder and right clicked to get "Create Tool Palette of Blocks". Creates a black palettes but no block tools ?
All symbolslocks are individual files. I'm using ACA 2014.
I am creating new tool palettes for lab equipment blocks. I was able to create a new palette and drag and drop blocks into it. When I go to create other palettes I am unable to drag and drop blocks into them. I am able to drag and drop into the tool palette I previously created and then drag and drop into the new palette.
But when I shut off Autocad and reopen the new palettes disappear. How can I create a new tool palette and it works, then create other tool palettes and I can not drag and drop to it? I am using Autocad Architecture 2013.
In our company we have a Tool Palette guru. She has READ/WRITE privileges to a Tool Palettes Development folder on our network. When she has an update to share with the masses, a network admin goes into the Tool Palettes Development folder and moves the corresponding files and folders to Tool Palettes folder where all CAD users have only READ access. All users point to the Tool Palettes folder on the network as well as a folder on tehor local machine so they can create their own custom Tool Palettes.
We have several users that have to reload their Tool Palettes every time they login to their workstation. Also, whenever a user logins to a different workstation, the Tool Palettes images have to be reloaded manually.I'm thinking there has to be a way so that
1) once the Tool Palettes are loaded for a user they don't have to be reloaded and 2) we don;t have to reload the Tool Palettes images when a user changes workstations.
I have a little problem, here at work we want to work with tool palettes, but when we select a hatch from the tool palette and want to hatch a object it says to specify insertion point.
We at work here we are drawing with polylines so we would like to select the object instead of specifying a insertion point. How can we change it in the toolpalette ?
My pc is being upgraded next week (while I am away on holiday). The IT guy will be adding 4GB of RAM and will be switching from 32bit win 7 pro to 64bit win 7 pro, obviously, this will mean a clean install and re-installing all my software. I have my tool palettes set up with many blocks, leaders, hatch patterns etc and I want to know if there is a way I can save my tool palettes and then reload them onto the upgraded pc with the re-installed AutoCAD LT?
I'm using AutoCAD MEP 2014 (though it's present in all variations).
I am using OOTB settings to eliminate network permissions as my issue.
I open my ACAD to an OOTB template file. Create a new tool palette, call it "CS" for now. When I try to add blocks to my palette, I get the black circle with a line through it. I get the same result when trying to add to existing OOTB palettes.
I am a network administrator and administrator on my machine, permissions shouldn't be the issue.
Checked my Options->Files and everything is pointing to the OOTB locations on my C: drive, nothing special.
The .dwg files are on my desktop, so there's no network sharing issue.
I tried going through Design Center (ADCENTER). I browsed to the folder containing the .dwg files, right-clicked and selected "Create Tool Palette" or something to that effect. It created an empty palette with no tools.
I've also tried inserting a block from another OOTB palette, no issue. Then whe trying to drag that block back to the tool palettes, it doesn't let me.
Toolbars/Panels are not locked, though I don't think that makes a difference.
Hmm...trying to think what else I've tried...I've Googled for a couple hours now, obviously with no luck.
I am having an issue at my office when I open or save a drawing (I'm using Acad 2013) people using 2011 Acad Architecture who later access the file cannot use their tool palette or detail component manager. The tool palette will pop up, but when they try to drag something out of it, there is an unspecified error. The detail component manager in Architecture will not even pop up for some reason.
The best way to share my tool palettes. I have created blocks & saved them on our shared drive, I have set my tool palettes up how I want them, Alphabetical order and set the size for the images to display.
I now want to give this palette to all my colleagues to use as standard for when they open their CAD.
I use ACA 2012 on two seperate computers and would like to be able to have all my custom tool palettes, blocks, customizations, etc.. to migrate to both computers. I.e. I add a new tool to a tool palette on one computer and then when I'm working on second computer that new tool appears in palette in correct location. I would think the easist way to do this would to be to share the location of the tool palettes, customization files, etc.. at a common place (network share) but am unable to find all the files and settings to do this.