AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Setting Support File Search Paths In Routine?

Nov 8, 2013

I have a simple lisp routine that loads everytime one of my users opens a new drawing, It sets the printer paths, sets the template paths and sets a bunch of environment variables

One thing I would like to add to this lisp routine is the ability to add support file search paths.

Is there a simple setenv variable for this? or is it more complicated?

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Support File Search Path

Sep 18, 2013

Some of our 64-bit users lose their custom Support File Search Paths.

After reading about it, I saw that I could add them back in by putting

(setenv "ACAD" "S:\Fonts;S:\Acad2007\Hatch_Patterns;S:\Acad2007\Lisp;S:\Acad2007\Simpson\Menu;”)

at the end of acad2013.lsp.

1.  However, I get malformed string on input error in AutoCAD.

2.  My other question is do I need to list only the custom paths or all of the built-in paths as well?

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Appending Support Paths

Dec 21, 2011

I am adding tool palettes for our new CAD Standards and would like to set the support paths so the users don't have to.

I will need to set:

Support File Search Path
Plot Style
Color Book
Drawing Template
Sheet Set Template
Tool Palettes






 Basically I would like to append the paths for the new items, but not overwrite the variety of existing paths.

So I assume I need to read the current paths, read the new paths and append them to the current paths, then write them as updated paths? This is for about 30 users in 11 different offices and varying cad skills.

I can tweak existing LISP routines, but have never written one from scratch. Is there an "easy" way to accomplish this?

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Setting Trusted Paths

Oct 15, 2013

I can use for startups on new work stations. It will set all our custom search, toolpalette, and plotter paths and I have it working pretty well. My last hurdle is to add a trusted path to the environment to avoid users having to ok the startup lisp.

Here is a piece of the *file* is set further up in the code. It works line by line but evidently "vla-put-trustedpaths" is not legit. How can I get the additional trusted path written in to the environment?

(setq trstpath "");initialize
(setq trstpath (strcat trstpath (getvar "TRUSTEDPATHS")))
(setq trstpath (strcat trstpath ";\\CAMERONFS1\AutoDesk\ACAD SUPPORT\C3D2014 Support\LISP;"))
(setenv "trustedpaths" trstpath)
(vla-put-trustedpaths *files* trstpath) 

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Selecting File Location In Routine

Oct 19, 2011

I wrote this small program to automate plotting a drawing to pdf. Everything work fine except I cannot figure out how to allow it to let me pick where I want the file created and what I want to call it. In this routine, the "" at the 3rd from the end place will just automatically name the file and put it in the parent folder. If I replace the "" with pause, it lets me change the name, but will not let me choose the location.

What I'm looking for is for a dialogue box to pop up (explorer style) that will let me choose a location and name the file. This is what happens if you do it "long hand" inside ACAD, how to do it in the code.

(defun C:clpdf ()
(setvar "cmdecho" 0)
(setvar "osmode" 0)


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AutoCAD 2010 :: Default Support File Search Paths

Feb 10, 2013

When you start autocad for the first time, it creates a profile with the default support file search paths. Where does AutoCAD get this from?

I want to use this for a tool I am creating.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Routine That Will Convert All Mleaders Within A Drawing File To Qleaders

Dec 18, 2013

I am looking for a Lisp routine that will convert all Mleaders within a drawing file to Qleaders.

AutoCAD 2013

Reason: The Mleaders are causing issues with the viewing software that we have to use with our drawing management program.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Block Insertion Routine Based On Block File Name

Apr 5, 2013

Create a routine that looks for a block based on a portion of that block name, using a specified path or search path. 

For example, block to search for is BLOCKABC123, so if someone inputs ABC or 123 as a block name, it will locate that block within that folder and inserts it into the drawing at a user specified location.

Ideally, if there is a check in that if it finds more than one match, then perhaps it flags or prompts you to choose 1, 2, or 3 option which block to use.  But I can live without this special function if it requires too much time to code.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Write A Lisp Routine That Invoke The Mleader Command

Oct 11, 2012

I'm trying to write a lisp routine that, when I invoke the mleader command, osmode is set to "nearest" & orthomode is set off. I then would like the original settings to be returned.

attached is what I have written so far:-

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Stuck In A Routine 2?

Nov 21, 2013

Basically, the routine asks for the user to choose the hatch type (Retirer/Percer), then the layer (Defpoints/Select/Current) and finaly the type of the object to draw (Polyline/Rectangle). My original routine has also a Circle and a Boundary options, and an Error trap to reset the variables but I will keep it simple for the purpose of my issue. 

So, my issue is: when I choose the type of object to draw, it draws just one of it and the routine ends. I would like to have something that "says" to the routine that I want to keep drawing that object (Polyline or Rectangle) and putting the hacth inside until I do enter and then the routine goes to its end.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Force A Routine To Be Run

Dec 10, 2012

I have created an acad.lsp file in where I want to arrange all our company settings. I've stored it on the network to make sure everyone will use the same one and when updates take place I don't have to run past all pc's to change it. I've set everything in the deployment package but users can still change it when they reset their profile. Plus some pc's are already installed with AutoCAD before creating the lisp routine, how can I enforce the support directory to check on the network for the acad.lsp each time?

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Use Selection Set For Routine?

Oct 16, 2013

with the mouse I can select objects on the screen and then start a command that uses these objects.

How can I perform this in lisp?

I can create my selection set, that's no problem, but how can I 'make it active'  for an external function?

(ssget "_C" p0 p1 '((0 . "TEXT")))

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Routine To Check Overlap

Aug 12, 2012

I want autolisp program to check overlap like in closed or open polyline with any other entity in the drawing, whether other entity is overlapping inside the polyline or not, i am beginner in autolisp and want to know exactly which functions are used or the program itself Also if possible to check circular overlap of one polyline with itself.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Routine For Rotating Lines

Jul 23, 2013

LISP routine for rotating lines so that text in linetypes always reads from left to right?

I use the QUERY command to create basemaps and often the lines that are imported read upside down or backwards or however you prefer to look at it.  Most often, if I look at the XY coords of these backwards lines, the End X coordinate is of a higher value than the Start X coordinate.

Looking for something that would compare the two X coordinates of a line, do some sort of an IF Start X > End X, and if its true, store the XYZ coords of the Start and End in some variable, and swap them.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Routine To Replace All Blocks

Oct 5, 2011

I am looking for a routine that will replace all blocks named "DgnMisc_nodepoleind" with a block named "DgnMisc_nodepoleind2" keeping the insertion point. I could use (command "-insert" "DgnMisc_nodepoleind=Y:/ACAD2007/DA settings/Library_new_scale1/DgnMisc_nodepoleind2.dwg" NIL ) but my problem is that the block I want to replace is used on two different layers and I only want to replace the ones on layer "TPSYM01".

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Routine For Page Setup

Jan 9, 2013

I found a lisp routine on the internet to change page setups on multiple layouts. The lisp worked but on some of the layouts it moved the viewport off the paper background (see attached). The layouts print fine but the only way to get the viewport back on to the background is to open the page setup and click modify, then ok and close. I tested this on a .dwg that I had saved to my computer rather than on one in  the main folder but I would like to do this to to all are maps since our IT decided to rename our printer and now all pages setups are no good.All I know about lisp is how to run one.

;; Copy current layout page setup to all layout tabs
(defun c:CPS (/ Adoc Layts clyt)
  (setq aDoc  (vla-get-activedocument (vlax-get-acad-object))
 Layts (vla-get-layouts aDoc)
 clyt  (vla-get-activelayout aDoc)
        (vl-remove (vla-get-name clyt) (layoutlist))
    (vla-copyfrom (vla-item Layts itm) clyt)

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Inserting Routine Into Fields

Sep 4, 2012

I have a lisp routine:

(defun getLayout (pos / result cLayout layouts^ i len)
; pos = -1 return previuous layout name
; pos =  0 return current   layout name
; pos =  1 return next      layout name
  ((zerop pos)
   (setq result (getvar "ctab"))
  ); case


which basically returns either the current, previous or next tab name depending on what you call up. Any way to link this lisp to a field? I am doing some plan and profile drawings which contain match lines I would like to have the match line text automated. For example if I'm on layout called PP02 there would be two match lines in the drawing one would read MATCH LINE PP01 and the other would read MATCH LINE PP03 this lisp routine returns the correct variable but how do I loink this to a fiels?

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Routine During Batch Plotting

Jun 17, 2013

I cannot get my lisp routine to run when I batch plot in AutoCAD 2014.  It's loaded into the startup suite and runs when I open the individual drawings but not during a batch plot.  How can I get this to run during a batch plot?

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Get Routine To Work In 2013

Oct 16, 2012

I don't do a lot of programming and when I do it is mostly with older lisp commands. I have routine that works in 2010 but we are switching to 2013 and it doesn't work. The routine assigns the area of a polyline to a field. The portion of the routine that isn't working is where it assigns the object id for the polyline. Here is that portion of the routine:

;; select an object
 (if (setq ent (entsel))
     (setq ent (car ent))
;; Check to see if object selected is a polyline
     (if (= (cdr (assoc 0 (entget ent))) "LWPOLYLINE")
;; obtain the object id from the selected entity
         (setq objID (vla-get-objectid (vlax-ename->vla-object ent)))

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: How To Share Routine On Server With Others

Oct 25, 2011

I have created a lisp routine that I would like to share with other CAD users, but it doesn't work on the server, and it works fine on my machine.  Does "findfile" function work on a server environment?

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Routine To Rename All Layouts?

Sep 23, 2013

I am looking for a LISP to automatically rename all my layouts. I would like the first layout to say "HWY 400 (01)", second layout "HWY 400 (02)", third layout "HWY 400 (03)" ect..

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Getting A Contour Labeling Routine?

Jul 21, 2006

I need a routine that one can select a fence or a path along a whole lot of contours which are not in 3DPoly but rather a heavyweight POLYLINE and then have the Z value (elevation of this polyline) printed over the contour preferably along the direction of the vertex picked.

I have something right now that works by selecting individual plines but I need one you can select a whole lot and have the text inserted at the correct position.

See my simple code below:

(defun C:3DC ()
(setq p (entsel "
Select CONTOUR to label: "))
(setq e (entget (car p)))
(setq e1 (entget (entnext (cdr (assoc -1 e)))))


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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Reload Routine For Every Drawing

Oct 16, 2013

I recently upgrading to ACA 2014. I have set my trusted locations, my file path, the startup suite, and the system variable to load acad.lisp on startup. Most of my lisp routines load, but not all. I still have my ACA 2011 loaded, all settings are applied as required, yet I do not have the same issue with the same lisp routines. I have to reload my lisp routines for every drawing.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Revcloud And Delta Routine

Jul 9, 2013

I'm trying to create a lisp routine where It will create a layer for the delta that is needed and at the same time adds the delta. I get delta revisions often and it takes time to add a new layer and a new delta for each plan. I would like to create a routine that creates the the new layer based on the revision number.

For example if I get a revision 2 I would like to have a lisp routine that creates a new layer but asks what number i would like to use, once the new layer gets created the revcloud command would run, I use polylines around my revisions then change them to cloud with the revcloud command. after i pick my polylines to be changed to clouds then it would add a delta block that is in an attribute and it lets me put the number of the revision i want. At the end I would have a new layer, a cloud around my revision and a delta corresponding to the revision number i'm currently working with.

I have a routine that creates the new layer, sets it current, and starts the revcloud command where i can pick the objects to change to clouds, after that I'm stuck, I'm not sure how to tell AutoCAD that after the selection is made to start the insert command to insert that delta attribute block. I mean the routine ends after i pick my objects, I tried doint the delta first but i ran into the same issue since my routine ends after AutoCAD ask me to pick a location to put my delta block.

I need to figure a way to tell AutoCAD that after something is picked or selected then to continue with the lisp routine without ending it. I atteched an example of what I have.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Routine To Rotate Text

Sep 18, 2013

I was wondering if there is a setting somewhere that could hold my snapmode settings after I use a lisp routine. I found a lisp routine to rotate text and have noticed that everytime I use that lisp command I lose my osnap settings....

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Set ByLayer Routine Won't Execute Properly

Jun 19, 2013

Me and a friend are trying to work on a LISP routine to select objects in a drawing and change their attributes to "ByLayer" and other things. He is a familiar with the AutoCAD commands, I have a general idea of how to use LISP and we're trying to put our heads together to solve some workflow issues at our job.

(defun c:set23 ()(setq uecho (getvar "cmdecho"))(setvar "cmdecho" 0)(command "setbylayer" "al" "" "n" "y")(command "-layer" "c" "23" "*")(command "-xref" "d" "*")(command "-purge" "al" "" "*" "n")(setvar "cmdecho" uecho)(princ))

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Routine No Longer Working In 2014?

Sep 4, 2013

One of our users has recently upgraded from AutoCAD 2005 to AutoCAD 2014. He has a LISP routine that will no longer work and I'm not sure why.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Routine For Replacing Line With Block?

May 21, 2012

Lisp Routine that could replace a line at a specified maximum length with a block at the lines midpoint.

I would love to be able to replace all lines I select which are say less than 0.5m in length with a block at the lines.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Routine To Scale Text Objects

Jan 8, 2014

Any Lisp Routine to scale text objects a certain value and have the program actually scale each text object as you pick them.

The change text height using the Properties function does not work for what I need because the objects I need to scale are Mtext objects with Background Mask, and when you use the Properties function to change their text height it messes up the background mask so that you have to select each text entity and stretch the mask area smaller or larger, but if you use the scale function it scales the background mask as well so the background mask coverage is still the same.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Routine To Load Particular Object Snaps?

Jun 20, 2011

A lot of the LISP routines we use turn off all snaps except the "nearest" snap when the routine is complete.

I draw with 6 out of the 10 snaps on (not the nearest).

LISP routine that loads specific object snaps?

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Label Difference Routine Adjustments

Aug 18, 2011

I found the following lisp routine on the forums and would like to know how to make a couple changes.

1. Have two line of text with the N or S on top of the E or W.

2. Include the foot symbol after the distance

3. Have the N,S,E,W placed before the distance, ex S 0.00'

4. Eliminate the negative sign

5. Use my current text height instead of dimtxt height

(Currently using Autodesk Land Desktop 2009 and want the text to come in based on the current text style since we use several different scales and text depending on project)This is a great routine that is going to make life much easier for us.

(defun C:LBD (/ P1 P2 TX);label difference
 (setq p1 (getpoint "
Specify first point or press Enter to Exit: "))
 (setq p2 (getpoint p1 "
Specify second point: ")
 ydiff (- (cadr p2)(cadr p1))
 xdiff (- (car p2)(car p1)))

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