GIMP :: Export Won't Work
Oct 16, 2013
I recently have got back into using GIMP and noticed that my File>Export no longer brings up the menu. I need to save my image as a .tga file and only export can do this. I press the export button many times but after waiting forever it is clear it has broke. I reinstalled GIMP but had no luck.
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May 17, 2013
Will Corel6 (or later) ever be able to export to a web page directly since the HTLM export doesn't work (drops links). The Corel Web program, or what ever its name is, was a joke. Its amazing that Corel work puts its name on a program that you could not open a CorelDraw file.
My current work around is to export to a JPG and then import that into dreamweaver and add the links there, then post. A pain but it works.
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Aug 28, 2013
i need to export my works to psb format because i got some works like huge billboards or city maps that i want to have their raster as actual - full size .
usually i need to export them to parts of 30000px tif or jpg or other bitmaps and then assemble them in photoshop
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Oct 2, 2013
I'm running Photoshop CC 14.1.1 on MacOSX 10.8.4 and I have the following problem:
The functionality 'Export for web' doesn't work and also it's not possible to open .png files. I've tried to delete the preferences 'Adobe Photoshop CC Settings' but that didn't seem to work.
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Jun 5, 2011
CorelCad seems to match up fairly closely and exports nicely to my AutoCad LT 2011, mostly, but I can't seem to get the Export to CorelDesigner function to work. It goes through the conversion process, but the file never actually generates. I have the Trial version (registered).
Does CorelCad has an ALIGN object (entities) command?
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Nov 26, 2013
I haven't noticed this before. I know that in LR 4.4 image is scaled properly when export size is specified by megapixels instead of pixel or print size.In LR 5.3RC it does not work. The image is always exported as it's original size. Not sure how LR 5 and LR 5.2 was?
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Aug 24, 2013
Having cut together a short commercial recently, I have been unable to export my sequence/ work. There are no error messages, only incomplete exported versions of the sequence (sometimes 1 second, sometimes 8 seconds!) or nothing at all. It will go through the motions and not generate an exported file.
I have attempted to export my sequence multiple ways - from the timeline, from the media library and from the mediahub - with identical results. I'm totally at a loss. I've also gone back to a sequence which I was able to export successfully one month ago and now I get the same problem - either no result or some fractional piece of the edit - never more than a few seconds. My finished edit, by the way, is a 30-second spot.
For example, here's one way I've attempted to export:
1. I select my sequence from the media library and right-click for export.
2. I select movie, choose my destination, and select a format preset (I've tried just about every preset, hoping it was a preset error of some kind), and
3. I hit export.
Instead of the spinning prompt in the lower left corner, showing me a percentage countdown (or count-up) - which was present a month ago when I was las exporting a show -I get a quick audio mixdown prompt in the lower left then nothing. It all happens in less than 1 second from the time I press "export".
I've copied the console log for your review. This particular effort/ screenshot resulted in an 8-second clip, which is the longest one (still incomplete) I've been able to generate since I attempted to export starting yesterday. Again, my sequence is 30 seconds, and it either does nothing, generates an empty file (45k in size) or creates an incomplete movie file (usually 1 or 2 seconds).
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Jan 5, 2012
I have a simple iLogic rule to save an IDW using SAVE COPY AS DWG. The rule was created in Inventor 2011 ilogic and was embedded in the IDW template. Trigger was set to activate when the new drawing file was saved. It no longer works and errors out in Inventor 2012. The template has been migrated to 2012 and so has the project file. The ilogic Code is given below. if some new settings in Inventor 2012 need to be changed for it to work? Or if you have an ilogic rule to do the same that works,
Get the DWG translator Add-In. Dim DWGAddIn As TranslatorAddIn DWGAddIn = ThisApplication.ApplicationAddIns.ItemById("{C24E3AC4-122E-11D5-8E91- 0010B541CD80}") 'Set a reference to the active document (the document to be published). Dim oDocument As Document oDocument = This Application. ActiveDocument Dim oContext As TranslationContext oContext = ThisApplication.TransientObjects.CreateTranslationContext oContext. Type = IOMechanismEnum.kFileBrowseIOMechanism ' Create a NameValueMap object Dim oOptions As NameValueMap oOptions.
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Aug 5, 2012
I have successfully finished 2 projects in Pre2, but today, Smoke started to crash when I forced it to save.
Stone&Wire is red, and won’t restart.
After typing
cat /usr/discreet/sw/log/sw_dbd.log
into terminal I got this:
unknownd830624e3a74:~ Tomi$ cat /usr/discreet/sw/log/sw_dbd.log
# Discreet sw_dbd log file - 1.0
# Started - (CET) Mon Aug 6 01:18:10 2012
# Hostname - unknownd830624e3a74
5246976 CoThreadPthread.C:200 08/06/12:01:18:10.310 Registered thread ‘Logger’
[Code] .....
I have rebooted several times, but no luck. I’m not a programmer, but as far as I understand, the problem is on a framestore. Funny thing is, the last saved version is still available in Smoke, everything is in place, and it plays normally, just when it comes to saving or exporting, it crashes, or refuses to export.
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Feb 12, 2014
Exporting images in LR 5.3 with resize setting of "short edge" does not re-size the image at all when the option for "do not enlarge" is checked. Instead it simply exports the full sized image. This happens even if you are trying to downsize an image (in my case from a 24MP image to one that is 800px wide), in other words you are not enlarging the photos so the option for "do not enlarge" should not apply.
Other sizing options like "long edge" appear to work as expected.Have tried restarting LR but no effect. Have tried changing export setting and then changing back to "short edge", again no effect.
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Dec 22, 2012
I have been trying to get my gimp 2.8 fonts to work but they all look similar including the wingdings. I have checked with a word document and the fonts do work. And when I go thru C: to gimp and font folder the wingdings show correctly (eg shapes) in the preview pane. But when i am in gimp and select text and start to type every font looks the same and just types a bold looking abc etc. What can i do.
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Jun 4, 2011
I never before had any problem to download Gimp in to my iMac Intel, Tiger, Leopard and Snowleopard.
Few weeks ago I bought a brand new iMac Intel 10.6.7 21.5 inch 64 bits. (Latest) URL.... built in. But I dont get Gimp to open up with downloading. Why??
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Sep 16, 2013
I'm trying to work with ORF files in GIMP and mostly I get referred to UFRaw. I've been having issues trying to get it to work as a plug-in but to no avail. I'm just starting to use the (GIMP) icon but I'm still getting errors. Below is the error message I get:
Further to this, even when I open files in UFRaw, I'm getting a weird "pin cushion" borders. See below:
Zoomed in:
That was taken with my 12mm f2.0 lens on an OM-D, however, my 75mm f1.8 doesn't do it:
It's due to the lens distortion but why would UFRaw try to correct it?
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Jul 16, 2013
No themes work on my gimp. when I go to Edit then preferences then themes it is empty.
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May 24, 2012
I just updated to GIMP 2.8, and my tablet -a digipro WP5540- does not work with GIMP unless it is in disabled mode under input devices. When "disabled", it works except with no pressure sensitivity. When "enabled", the tablet can be used to click on menu options and the brush will follow the tablet position at random intervals only when the cursor is not on the canvas.
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Jan 6, 2013
recently I installed GIMP on my Lenovo S10-3t netbook running Gentoo Linux, and for some reason I haven't been able to get the keyboard working at all. I have tried resetting everything to default, and reinstalling GIMP, but to no avail.
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Dec 20, 2011
How do I get Gimp 2.6.11 to work w/my SCSI scanner? I ampresently running Xubuntu 11.10 Live CD. CentOS 5 sinstalled on my HDD. It's version of Gimp runs my SCSIscanner.
Do I need to download XSANE?
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Nov 16, 2012
i have downloaded the latest version of gimp but the pen pressure didn't work.
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Aug 15, 2013
I like having a source and a working image.. so what I end up doing is opening the source, then creating a new image, then copy/paste the layers I want over..then sometimes scale the items, or whatever..
I cant seem to be able to pick multiple layers to copy or scale.. I can chain them and then move em all together ok.. but as for copy/paste scale.. I haven't managed to find where I can group them and copy/scale .
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Aug 15, 2012
I find myself creating new layers and making them slightly transparent all the time. But when I do this using Gimp it does not work right? This is what I am doing:
Add new layer
use transparency/opaque slider to change the setting
what happens is that the new layer stays solid until it goes below 50% on the slider and then it disappears, above 50% and it is back. It is like the 50% mark is an on/off switch for the layer.
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Nov 23, 2012
i have no problems installing new brushes when using windows, you simply extract the brushes in the brushes folder of course I am doing exactly the same thing with my linux machine but I cant seem to get the brushes when i restart Gimp in linux. I even tried extracting the brushes in a couple of other folders within the Gimp/brushes folder. Still they fail to appear ?
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Feb 29, 2012
I am currently trying to edit some graphics for a newsletter, using GIMP 2.6. However, I can't get the icons in the Toolbox to make any changes on the graphics. These include the Selection, Pencil and Paintbrush icons.
I have tried saving the graphic in several formats, including GIMP's .xcf format, but that doesn't work.
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Sep 1, 2013
I added a shortcut (Alt-backtick) to invoke a script I had written. I seem to be able to run it once only, but only sometimes, and there seems to be come interaction with other shortcut functions that I can't characterise. The script starts with a dialog.
start GimpSelect XCF file from recents list.Alt-backtick - opens dialog of my scriptClick on OK - script executes successfullyAlt-backtick - DOES NOTHING Also, once this happens things get screwy. Usually the functionality of Ctrl-F gets clobbered also, and I also had an occasion where my shortcut executed the functionality of Ctr-F - i.e. I had just applied a drop shadow, and Ant-backtick repeated that function.
Exiting and restarting Gimp returns things to normal (but broken).
My script just adds an entry field to export-selection.scm so I can enter a filename for the PNG file.
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Sep 2, 2012
I'm using GIMP 2.8.3 with Mac OSX 10.6.8. I can't figure out how to get rid of a red line through my pictures, or even how to make the clone or the heal tools work at all. Isn't it true that you're supposed to click Control and a spot next to the blemish you want to erase, then click the blemish and it's suppose to disappear?
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May 5, 2012
When I try to smudge a layer it does not work. What am I doing wrong?
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Aug 31, 2012
Today I downloaded last version - Gimp 2.8 and when I wandted to use eyedropper tool in color dialog, I found out that it doesn´t work. So I uninstaled it and downloaded it again. But it doesn´t work too.I´m on Windows XP SP3.
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Jul 6, 2012
I'm trying to do a quick project for work and I can't seem to get vertical text to work how I want it to in Gimp 2.8. Gimp 2.6 did vertical text by just typing what you wanted and rotating the layer. With that same process in 2.8, the text rotates, but the layer doesn't. Which means the rotated text gets cut off. Furthermore, when I try to change the size of the layer, Gimp decides it has to undo the rotation first. It's beyond frustrating at this point. Especially because this is such a basic thing to do.
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May 10, 2012
As a photograher, I have hundredsot thousands of photos in a folder after a shooting. I would like to work with Gimp on all of the photos individually, one after the other.
When I opened the first one in the folder and saved the result I would like to close the first file and go to the second one and work on it. And after the next one and the next one...
How may I go easily -with a key shorcut, for example- go to the NEXT photo within the folder?
There are other programs, like fotoxx or DigiKam able to do this, however, I like better to work with Gimp... if possible.
I am using Ubuntu 12.04 and Gimp 2.6.
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Nov 15, 2012
Suse 12.2, gimp 2.8-git branch installed in ~/gimp, compiled resynth-git prefixed there, too.Can call "heal selection" and Resynthesize, but the do nothing.
Example: I have a white square with one corner missing, the corner shows alpha. Now I select all the alpha, then call filter-map-resynth, tell it to look 50pixel further, run it, it calculates for a minute, munches cpu and all, and then...Nothing.The layer is correct, it has an alpha channel, alpha is not locked.Tried both heal and resynth.
-----BEGIN GEEK CODE BLOCK-----Version: 3.12GCS d--(+)@ s-:+ a C++++ UL++ P+>++ L+++>++++ E-- W++ N o? K-w--(---) !O M+ V- PS+ PE Y++ PGP t++(---)@ 5 X+(++) R+(++) tv--(+)@ b++(+++) DI+++ D- G++ e* h>++ r* y?------END GEEK CODE BLOCK------
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Jun 17, 2012
To work on different parts of images I understand that stacked up layers must be created for the different parts one wants to modify. However, once several different layers are created I don't understand how to switch from one layer to another in order to work on each individually. In the Windows menu I have created dockable "Layers" dialogs and I can see the different layers I've created, but by clicking on one or the other doesn't "get me into" that layer to work on it (to paint, erase etc). Without this basic concept I cant get past square one in working with GIMP.
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Jul 19, 2012
I've been trying to make the apple from a photoshop tutorial I found - couldn't find one on how to do it in Gimp. Here's a link to it link.
The problem I've got is I can't work out how to get the recess/depression at the top of the apple to work? - as I don't know the proper name for it I'll just say the bit where the stalk comes out.
Some of the other stuff don't work to well. I had to increase most of the blur numbers to get a reasonable look, and no way can I figure out how to reshape the apple or the window reflection./ I've tried using the perspective tool and a few others but to no avail.
Here's a copy of the xcf to take a look, or to use it to make own apple.
The blue layer is a extra added by me. I hope to be able to make a blue/black apple as the final product. For some reason I can't add the xcf, tried a couple of times but no joy.
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