I'm trying to do a quick project for work and I can't seem to get vertical text to work how I want it to in Gimp 2.8. Gimp 2.6 did vertical text by just typing what you wanted and rotating the layer. With that same process in 2.8, the text rotates, but the layer doesn't. Which means the rotated text gets cut off. Furthermore, when I try to change the size of the layer, Gimp decides it has to undo the rotation first. It's beyond frustrating at this point. Especially because this is such a basic thing to do.
I'm trying to make vertical banners, and I need to get the text to go vertical......how do I do that? I've dug through all of the text tool options I could find, and pretty much anything I could think of, and still no luck.
In the example, the red text is along the path (dotted red line). Normally the letters would slant too, but is there a way to keep them vertically oriented while doing text-to-path?
So, I'm trying to make moods for forums like this: and I don't know how to make my text move vertically or horizontally. The person who made this uses Gimp as well, so I know there is a way.
I cant get a dimension to work in the vertical (Z) plane. i have a cube and can get dimensions to work properly in the x*y plane (horizontal) but when i try to dimension the vertical side autocad refuses to dimension anything vertical, all i get is a horizontal dimension of the distance between the 2 points i have selected vertically, set down on the horizontal plane. tried to get it to work in 3d workspace and also the 2d annotation & dimensioning workspace -no joy...
My office has two desktop printers, both HP. Our Officejet 7000 wide format prints great. On the HP Officejet 7500, we are often seeing text printing errors. It will not print the text from vertical dimension strings, and cuts off some M-text at an imaginary vertical line in the middle of the text box. PDF's of the same drawing look fine. Is this a printer driver issue? Is there anything I can do within AutoCAD?
We have detail drawings that contain horizontal and vertical dimensions. They're drawn at full scale in model space and saved as individual drawings. We then insert them as blocks onto a sheet in paper space, scaling them down to 1/2", 1/4" scale ETC.
Here's the problem - all the vertical dimension text appears bolder than everything else when scaled down. Horizontal text is just fine, diagonal text also looks a little bolder though.
The Inset Spacing settings within the Area Type Options drop-down are just too cumbersome. Is there an easier way to center text within a text box like we can do in InDesign? Why they left this out of Illustrator CS6.
I know how to make a solid straight line using the pencil tool. I know I can create a shape with a border using stroke and select area. But...
How do you make a straight vertical dashed (dotted) line?
Something about paths and holding down the shift key, but that doesn't do anything, no line shows and it doesn't like "snap" to a vertical position.
I'm trying to make a dotted line to be line a guide line for cutting when you print the image out on paper. Like the perforated line on a movie ticket or boarding pass.
I am using GIMP 2.6.11 (portble app). I took a source TIFF (56MB) and scaled it to 1 inch width, then I created a transparent background by creating Alpha Channel then using FUZZY tool then I CLEARED the background. I then saved to PNG with compression 2. The image looks OK in Windows Viewer but when I put it in an IMAGE control in MS Access 2010 I see thick vertical bands in the blue lettering of the logo.
I'd like to create three bordered/round-corner boxes (containers) for text, across a web page. But I'd like them not to just be flat in a row. My idea is to put the text in each three in-a-row boxes and them somehow turn the boxes(containers) out slightly like loovers (like vertical window blinds), so they look a little more interesting. The text wouldn't then be viewed straight-on but look like it's at an angle because of the loovered containers that the text is in.
Now I know I can do that with hitting enter while using horizontal text tool, but the spacing is wacked and looks funy. And using the vertical text tool produces text you read sideways -
When I go into Multiline Text edit, the edit box is vertical instead of horizontal. So, i must edit in a vertical fashion. Upon completion, the text remains vertical and I must take the time to rotate it to horizontal. I do have WYSIWYG checked, but it still goes vertical if it's not checked. Also, it starts out (before editing) horizontal. The font is Ariel. AutoCAD 2010.
I have been using Elements 8 for some time and recently purchased an ASUS monitor that is at home in both vertical and horizontal modes. Can I change the Elements 8 format to work in a vertical format to accommodate the larger size possible with a vertical image. It is difficult to manipulate the functions in Elements when the mouse is working in a horizontal mode and you are viewing a large image in a vertical format. If the format of the Elements 8 software can be changes to vertical, any protocol (directions) to accomplish this?Â
I have an issue with my text tool. This is on a different computer than the one that was having the Corel corruption I posted on earlier.
When I have the text tool selected and click to to start typing, it always types vertical instead of horizontal. How can I change the setting of this? I can't find any options for this in the customization.
Question: I know if I use some of the basic fonts that I am able to click on the properties of that text style to use vertical typing instead of horizontal but for the other fonts this is not an option. How can I get my words to go type vertical using those fonts, specifically Times New Roman. Think of a marker stick for a pipeline valve or pipeline location.
Autodesk 2014 Infrastructure Design Suite - Premium Windows 7 Professional, x64
why my text is vertically oriented when I'm doing a preview of my layout? Plus, I'd like to know why when I set greyscales on my CTB only hatches and not my lines are displaying in black & white? (on my second layout)
About a week ago my text suddenly defaults to vertical eveytime I start to enter text.. just aggrivating, I have to start typing text, then go up and click on the change text orientation button each time. I can't figure out how to change the orientation back to a default of horzontal.
I have two simple text objects (not textarea) and i'm trying to align them vertically to bottom.It aligns these text objects by bounding box, not by base line. How can i align text objects vertically by base line?
So I have been adding in some text over a .jpeg image. Then I am making them into a .dwg file. I have running into a lot of issues with the text though. In the .ai file the text is all horizontal. When I export it however the text turns vertical. I am looking at the file in Autodesk Truview 2014. Just wondering if this is a bug or there is some way to avoid this. I am also using Adobe CS2.
While using the 3D extrude and bevel tool, specifically the isometric preset from the position drop down menu. I am noticing that when I expand the shape (in this case a perfect cube), the vertical paths are not exactly perfect, and are not truly vertical, but off slightly. Is this something that can be fixed or adjusted in the settings, or is this how the tool works?
I would like to add a Leader Text to lable a part- referencing the Part Number or whatever, move the text close to the edge of the part, to remove the leader/arrow and make the txt rotate 90deg to be vertical. I have messed with style settings for a new Vertical Txt style, and Vert Dim style -(pointed to the Vert Txt style and adjusted Notes and Leaders tab)
i don't understand why in the Format Text window the "rotation" box is always grayed out. can you unlock it?
How do you generate vertical text in X5? In Photoshop CS5 the text tool has has the option for vertical or horizontal text. I haven't been able to figure it out in Corel. I'm sure I am missing something simple. In the paragraph formatting dialog box there is a vertical text option that is greyed out (not axctive) so it looks like the verical text is intiated using another method.Â
is it me being picky or expecting too much. How come this useful feature of horizontal & vertical scaling of paragraph text fonts still haven't been implemented as of CorelDraw 14? All the other illustration packages support this feature and Corel just never seem to care about it.
I have been using corel since version 3. Had every version up to 11. Just upgraded to x5 and noticed that when I wrap text to a curve I no longer have the 2 text options I am used to.
text orientation text(or vertical) placement
All x5 seems to have is text orientation. I have looked everywhere for vertical placement. Is it in x5 or is it called something else now?
Using Autocad 2014 and would like away to put a vertical line at the text where the leader meets it. Â Is this a setting that I'm missing or might there be a Lisp routine to get it? Â See the attached jpeg.