GIMP :: How To Get Recess / Depression At The Top Of Apple To Work
Jul 19, 2012
I've been trying to make the apple from a photoshop tutorial I found - couldn't find one on how to do it in Gimp. Here's a link to it link.
The problem I've got is I can't work out how to get the recess/depression at the top of the apple to work? - as I don't know the proper name for it I'll just say the bit where the stalk comes out.
Some of the other stuff don't work to well. I had to increase most of the blur numbers to get a reasonable look, and no way can I figure out how to reshape the apple or the window reflection./ I've tried using the perspective tool and a few others but to no avail.
Here's a copy of the xcf to take a look, or to use it to make own apple.
The blue layer is a extra added by me. I hope to be able to make a blue/black apple as the final product. For some reason I can't add the xcf, tried a couple of times but no joy.
I recently upgraded from Photoshop Elements 9 to Lightroom 5, When I moved the catalogue over, all keywords transferred, and Albums became collections. When I used Photshop Elements, I could easily sync the Albums with my Apple Tvs to display the pictures, as well as my other Apple Devices. I can not figure out how to export the collections to the Apple devices, especially the Apple TVs. There must be a way given the power of this software.
I have an interior amphiteather with stepped concrete steps and a bottom lower slab, which are recessed and below the ground floor level of 0'-0".
Before adding the topography to the job, the steps layout and the lower salb showed on plan, but since adding the topography, the lower steps and the lower slab do not show. Cutting a section thru the amphiteather, the earth is seem to be above the lower steps and the lower slab.
How can I modify the earth in this interior area of thh building so the earth (and topography) is below the concrete steps and the lower slab? (so these recessed concrete floor elements could be seen in the plan of the building)
Im doing a logo for my dad and I've basically completed it, he wants his company logo on the earth. Like some one dropped it and it's IN the planet. I did the planet from scratch and i've designed the logo. But I can't seem to merge the two in a realistic way (the planet is photo realistic). I just want to have it seem impressed into the earth. I've tried outer shadow but it doesnt work.
I am currently working in IV2012 and have a need to design Recess Action Gears. We have been doing this for years with a DOS based program but this is getting harder to use as technology advances.
What would be the best way to create a stage storage report with a basin that has multiple depressions and high points in the bottom of the basin?
The stage storage report seems to calculate these features as an addition when it should be subtracting for high points.
Could I do a bounded volume and set the datum to each increment of storage? How accurate is that? If it's accurate, is there a way do generate multiple at a time instead of typing D then setting the datum, then repeating that process over and over?
The only way that seems the most accurate is to create multiple planes at different increments, add those to seperate surfaces, then a volume surface for each one comparing it to the basin. This method takes up a ton of time, especially when dealing with 50+ increments.
I have been using Photoshop for about six years and CS3 since it came out, on a 2Gb RAM Dell PC with a Pentium4 3.00GHz. I use a Canon 1Ds mark III so the file sizes are quite large and I have noticed that my PC is slowing down now.
I am considering an Apple iMac with a 24" screen but hear negative comments such as differentiation of shadows and highlights is difficult to judge on the glossy screen, reflections on the glossy screen, and the difficulty of upgrading in a couple of years time as it slows and programmes become more RAM and processor greedy.
The other option for the same money is a Chillblast Fusion Photo which with 1 Ter of hard drive in three ports, 8Gbs RAM and a 24 " DELL HD screen is a formidable combination with future adaptability available.
On the other hand I get fed up with the quirks of a PC system with Microsoft operating system that we are all familiar with, which seems to be avoided with the Apple system. I suppose I could use the new computer with nothing on it other than Photoshop and keep this prsent computer for Windows and Internet use?
I have been trying to get my gimp 2.8 fonts to work but they all look similar including the wingdings. I have checked with a word document and the fonts do work. And when I go thru C: to gimp and font folder the wingdings show correctly (eg shapes) in the preview pane. But when i am in gimp and select text and start to type every font looks the same and just types a bold looking abc etc. What can i do.
I never before had any problem to download Gimp in to my iMac Intel, Tiger, Leopard and Snowleopard.
Few weeks ago I bought a brand new iMac Intel 10.6.7 21.5 inch 64 bits. (Latest) URL.... built in. But I dont get Gimp to open up with downloading. Why??
I'm trying to work with ORF files in GIMP and mostly I get referred to UFRaw. I've been having issues trying to get it to work as a plug-in but to no avail. I'm just starting to use the (GIMP) icon but I'm still getting errors. Below is the error message I get:
Further to this, even when I open files in UFRaw, I'm getting a weird "pin cushion" borders. See below:
Zoomed in:
That was taken with my 12mm f2.0 lens on an OM-D, however, my 75mm f1.8 doesn't do it:
It's due to the lens distortion but why would UFRaw try to correct it?
I just updated to GIMP 2.8, and my tablet -a digipro WP5540- does not work with GIMP unless it is in disabled mode under input devices. When "disabled", it works except with no pressure sensitivity. When "enabled", the tablet can be used to click on menu options and the brush will follow the tablet position at random intervals only when the cursor is not on the canvas.
recently I installed GIMP on my Lenovo S10-3t netbook running Gentoo Linux, and for some reason I haven't been able to get the keyboard working at all. I have tried resetting everything to default, and reinstalling GIMP, but to no avail.
I recently have got back into using GIMP and noticed that my File>Export no longer brings up the menu. I need to save my image as a .tga file and only export can do this. I press the export button many times but after waiting forever it is clear it has broke. I reinstalled GIMP but had no luck.
My apple-space bar combo for zooming in quickly on a fixed point just doesn't work in CS6 which is more irritating than I would have thought possible. Any simple way of fixing it and/or are Adobe likely to reinstate it with any updates?
I'm trying to add a face to an apple so that the face takes on the same contours/shading of the apple (I'm not trying to morph the face with the apple; I'm just trying to add a face on it, possibly like a reflection). I tried using the 'sphere' filter on the face but just couldn't get it to match the apple. Right now it just looks like I layered a flat picture to the apple and lowering the transparency didn't help.
How do I get Gimp 2.6.11 to work w/my SCSI scanner? I ampresently running Xubuntu 11.10 Live CD. CentOS 5 sinstalled on my HDD. It's version of Gimp runs my SCSIscanner.
I like having a source and a working image.. so what I end up doing is opening the source, then creating a new image, then copy/paste the layers I want over..then sometimes scale the items, or whatever..
I cant seem to be able to pick multiple layers to copy or scale.. I can chain them and then move em all together ok.. but as for copy/paste scale.. I haven't managed to find where I can group them and copy/scale .
I find myself creating new layers and making them slightly transparent all the time. But when I do this using Gimp it does not work right? This is what I am doing:
Add new layer
use transparency/opaque slider to change the setting
what happens is that the new layer stays solid until it goes below 50% on the slider and then it disappears, above 50% and it is back. It is like the 50% mark is an on/off switch for the layer.
i have no problems installing new brushes when using windows, you simply extract the brushes in the brushes folder of course I am doing exactly the same thing with my linux machine but I cant seem to get the brushes when i restart Gimp in linux. I even tried extracting the brushes in a couple of other folders within the Gimp/brushes folder. Still they fail to appear ?
I am currently trying to edit some graphics for a newsletter, using GIMP 2.6. However, I can't get the icons in the Toolbox to make any changes on the graphics. These include the Selection, Pencil and Paintbrush icons.
I have tried saving the graphic in several formats, including GIMP's .xcf format, but that doesn't work.
I added a shortcut (Alt-backtick) to invoke a script I had written. I seem to be able to run it once only, but only sometimes, and there seems to be come interaction with other shortcut functions that I can't characterise. The script starts with a dialog.
start GimpSelect XCF file from recents list.Alt-backtick - opens dialog of my scriptClick on OK - script executes successfullyAlt-backtick - DOES NOTHING Also, once this happens things get screwy. Usually the functionality of Ctrl-F gets clobbered also, and I also had an occasion where my shortcut executed the functionality of Ctr-F - i.e. I had just applied a drop shadow, and Ant-backtick repeated that function.
Exiting and restarting Gimp returns things to normal (but broken).
My script just adds an entry field to export-selection.scm so I can enter a filename for the PNG file.
I'm using GIMP 2.8.3 with Mac OSX 10.6.8. I can't figure out how to get rid of a red line through my pictures, or even how to make the clone or the heal tools work at all. Isn't it true that you're supposed to click Control and a spot next to the blemish you want to erase, then click the blemish and it's suppose to disappear?
Today I downloaded last version - Gimp 2.8 and when I wandted to use eyedropper tool in color dialog, I found out that it doesn´t work. So I uninstaled it and downloaded it again. But it doesn´t work too.I´m on Windows XP SP3.
I'm trying to do a quick project for work and I can't seem to get vertical text to work how I want it to in Gimp 2.8. Gimp 2.6 did vertical text by just typing what you wanted and rotating the layer. With that same process in 2.8, the text rotates, but the layer doesn't. Which means the rotated text gets cut off. Furthermore, when I try to change the size of the layer, Gimp decides it has to undo the rotation first. It's beyond frustrating at this point. Especially because this is such a basic thing to do.