Is it possible to do a rectangle select without the mouse?For example, with the rectangle tool selected, one can fill in the fields in thetool options to specify the coordinates and size of the rectangle, but I can't see a way to actually commit the operation;I don't see a "do it" button at the bottom, or an option in the tool options menu. I'm looking to get a precisely sized selection to fill into an added space.For example, when adding a strip at the top of an image,I would like to grab the top 100 pixels,flip it vertically to create a mirror image,and paste it into the expanded canvas.
At first I thought it was a touchpad problem, but I discovered that three different optical mice have the same issue + a 4th optical mouse on a different computer also experiences this issue...
particularly when I am using the free select tool, the mouse movements start to get VERY jerky when I am going around corner after corner when my image is zoomed to 100% or greater on a 2500px or larger image, it lots of times causes me to mess up because it jerks around a lot... no other program has this issue, not even other programs where I need to get into tight corners with a mouse!!! this ONLY happens in Gimp!!! other tools have this jerky mouse movement problem to but is experienced mostly using free select!!! How do I fix this Gimp jerky mouse movement issue??? Gimp seems to be the only program with this issue!!!
I have a big problem with the viewport in 3ds max 2011/2012. On each viewport I have a black or white bars on right. these bar make the mouse become inaccurate for example when i want to select a vertex I can't drag the mouse on it and click. I have to move the mouse away from it a distance to select it (see my attachment image). I tried to update the graphic driver and the 3ds max 2012 SP1 but the problem's still there.
Is there any way to select an entity by command prompt (without using mouse) so that it can be modified. Actually I need to do some modification to some entities using script and hence I need a way to access the drawing elements by command or kind of way without using mouse.
Im trying out the "Demo"version and now find some anomaly.
If i use in ACAD2007: With "PSELECT" and then "P" or "L" i could select the last marked Object/Selectionset. I had just to select the Object with the mouse. Now in ACAD2010, with this routine i can only select objects which i have selected in a command (before or within).
For example: Draw a few circles and lines. Then copy 3 of them. ESC. And select another few. ESC and then use PSELECT P and it marks the three which i selected to copy and not these i've selected with mouse!
The same in Lisp with: (entget(entlast)) . You aren't able to select those object which where only marked by mouse.I know; mostly you use a command with some objects and then use another with the same objects, and it works. But when you klick ESC or even in Script or Lisp you got problems, and its not very "proper" at all. Is this the new handling with the selection set: feature odr big?
In previous versions of PS you used to be able to press CMD (i'm mac based) and drag the mouse to select all the layers that are within the area you drag to.
This is great for sorting out files, grouping layers etc as you can lock/hide layers as you go. Problem now is that in Photoshop CC it also selects locked and invisible layers - which didn't use to happen so actually its completely ruined this method.
where I can't use the move tool with the mouse properly. I'll go and select a single item on a layer and then try to move it with the mouse (move tool). I've done this before and still do it all the time on Photoshop on my other machines. However, on my laptop it won't work. I grab the single object I want to move and the second I move it, it defaults to moving every single layer in my file.
I accidentally turned something on in Autocad, and I want it to go away, I have no idea what it's called or how to get it gone. It's akin to the "select other" window in Inventor when you select at the intersection of several objects.
Is there a way to make the color select tool not only select a specific color but related shades as well. I have a graphic that is mainly shades of gray but with black outlines and divisions as well as other colors mixed in. I want to shift all the shades of gray to shades of dark yellow without have to select each shade individually.
I usually plug a drawing tablet and it works great with GIMP on a Ubuntumachine.
What I want to ask is this:
I want to plug a mouse. Normally movements either of the pen on the tabletor of the mouse are mapped to the cursor.I want to keep the mouse plugged while unattaching it from the cursor. Sothe cursor is only tablet driven. Then I want the brush size to be driven by the Y value of the mouse, whileI drow with the tablet.
Maybe editing the input devices editor? Or will I have to operate on Xserver also?
tablet is good for sketching and mouse is good for pathing, but i cant use both at the same time. What can i do?I need to point out that disabling the pen doesn't work I need the pressure feature using gimp 2.8 on windows 7 32bits, usng an acteck di-pen5500 tablet pen.
my mouse wheel worked for panning while i am in the middle of a command, put now it stopped working and when i click the wheel i get my osnaps command. how can i get my mouse wheel to pan again?
Everyone so far in the office who is using 2013 has found that intermitently but fairly often (maybe 1 in 8 attempts) when clicking on a tool button it seems to take about 3-4 goes at clicking before the command kicks in, this is with any command and there are various versions of windows and mouse hardware involved.
When I use the arrow keys or mouse dragging to move items , one click on an arrow moves the item a certain distance. I would like to shorten that distance.How can I do that?
A friend of mine got a new computer with Windows 8 (64).Intel Core i7-4770, NVIDIA GTX 645...Now he has installed GIMP from GIMP-org Everything works well, but it can not rearrange the layers with the mouse.Even he can not adhere Register to other docks with the mouse. He also tried it with GIMP Portable and Partha GIMP Portable (64) with the same effect.
I recently installed the Student version of AutoCad 2013 on my Mac through Windows 7. I am not able to use the wheel on my mouse to get to the hand tool to move around. When I hold down the wheel, it swipes over to my Mac dashboard. Also the delete button does not delete. I have to use the E command.
I use a plug-in that prompt me for a keyword. In the 2012 version of AutoCAD I could press key down to get a drop down list on the mouse pointer with all the keywords, see attached image. In the 2014 version I don't get this choice, I only get the possibility to choose keyword from the command line at the bottom. Is the functionality with key down gone in the never versions or can I set a variable so it shows?
I just got a new pc upgrade so I'm walking through everything to see if it all works. Now when I double click my mouse wheel, nothing happens where before it would zoom extents. I'm using a MS Wireless Mouse 5000 with AutoCAD 2013.
I played around with programming the mouse buttons directly, but I couldn't get it to work right. I don't see anything in AutoCAD about a setting for mouse wheel double click. All I see is that it just says that double clicking the mouse wheel should execute the zoom extents command.
We have installed autocad 2013 on windows 7 64bits VM (xendesktop 5.6 on VMWare Hypervisor) and the mouse move is very slow or the cursor stop and move again.
I have acad 13 installed on an asus laptop. I wanted to do some serious work last night so I plugged in the mouse to the usb port. Doing my usual quick clicking, anytime i was "inside the dwg" like say select or pick a point on the screen, i needed a second pick to do anything. Same with rt click for return. picking a menu item or dropdown or button works fine, "outside the dwg".
Noticed that a slow deliberate click seems to work.I reloaded the asus mouse driver, no dice.I took a 10 year logitech old mouse out, same problem.This problem does not occur using the pointing/click device built into the laptop.Is there something that is looking at the duration of my click in acad? in asus computer ?
I'd like to change what the right mouse button does. I went to EDIT > PREFERENCES > INPUT CONTROLLERS and tried to see where to change this (and I did successfully for the mouse wheel last week) but I couldn't find under MOUSE BUTTONS what would control what command is accessed via the right mouse wheel.
how to make a change in the preferences to what the right mouse wheel does? I know where's the most likely place to go to find the command; it's just where to access the right mouse wheel that has me stumped.
I'm trying to use GIMP on Ubuntu 10.10 (Maverick), installed using the regular packages. It seems to work fine apart from one problem: when I make a selection with e.g. the rectangle selection tool, there's no visible feedback of how big the selection is, only the cursor is visible(couldn't take a screenshot while the mouse button was clicked, but tried to show it at [URL] ......).
If I try to resize a rectangle, the inside purple line moves, while the outside purple line stays where it was (instead of showing how big the new rectangle will become when I release the mouse button).
Also, possibly related, there are sometimes purple artifacts from old selections.
Some time ago, the Gimp stopped responding to my mouse in the image window. In other windows and on menus the mouse works fine (ie I can select brushes and such and use the interface without problems), but in the image window (or more precisely, the canvas area) it's as if the mouse doesn't even exist. All kinds of clicks are ignored, the rulers doesn't show the position of the cursor, and the position in the lower left also isn't updated (it isset once upon entering the window, but after that it's dead).
This originally happened out of the blue one day while using Gimp 2.2.11 . I tried upgrading to 2.2.12 and then 2.3.13, without success. I also deleted the ~/.gimp*directory in the hope that regenerating the config would fix the problem, but no.
No matter what I do, I can't make the Gimp recognize the mouse in the image window. The mouse isn't anything special, and it used to work with the exact same X config I've got now. I haven't changed the xorg.conf file in several months. The Gimp is the only application with this problem.
This is on a dual-core amd64 processor in 64-bit mode (haven't tried 32-bit), Linux kernel 2.6.18, Xorg 7.1.