done a modestly complex flyer layout which, by now, should be printed by a professional service. Unfortunately, those would like to have a CMYK PDF image, including an additional layer for a "highlight" color (which should be gold or silver, not sure yet). I've done a bit playing and, so far, am unsure about whether (and/or how) such a kind of pre-print color separation can be done using GIMP, or whether I would have to do this in another way. how to get my xcf stored in a way feasible for this kind of printing?
About once a year I ask about a capability to output a file fromGimp in pdf format and the CMYK color model. In addition it would benice if this output was in the PDF X/1-a:2001 format, to satisfycertain fussy printers. I know there are external converters likeImageMagick. It would however be nice if after all these years Gimpcatered to the needs of the printing industry.
I just downloaded Gimp 2.8 and was wondering if there was anything else I needed to download before I got started with the learning curve, and it looks like a long one.
Many times when you download a program like this, you notice there are a lot of additional add-ons, like plug-ins, etc., and when you start to read about them everything kind of runs together and becomes much more complicated than it should be. I'm afraid I might step into the trap of wanting everything right now instead of just working with what I need.
Is it possible to add additional color labels? The existing ones are a bit... primary. It would be useful to include other (well, secondary) colors as well. Also, black/gray/white would be nice.
Can I add them myself somehow, or do we need to fall onto our knees and cry out to Adobe? I hope not.
Using Lightroom 4.3 atm, considering an upgrade to 5.0. If this were a 5.0 feature, I'll consider it a selling point
I have a drawing of my business logo but it is only one layer. What is the best way to color this in gimp? I tried to the magic select tool but im really bad at staying within the lines.
[URL] ..... I have an image of a garage door on a white house. I need to generate a layer with a transparent background that when viewed over the original house turns the siding a different color say blue. The idea is that once I generate that layer I can then generate more layers like it to change the colors on the different parts of the house.
What would be the correct process in GIMP to accomplish this?
A while ago, I wanted to add a border in the background color around a layer. So, I increase Layer Boundary Size using the corresponding tool. So far so good. I even wrote into a script, combined with adding drop shadow, see [URL].......
Then, I bought a new computer. I knew it. Never update or upgrade.
Now, when I increase the layer boundary size, it does increase the size of the layer, but the "border" is now transparent. I know, I know, I can fill it up using the bucket fill tool, but first of all this is annoying, and second of all, I am really wondering: what happened? Why did it work before, and doesn't it work now anymore? I am baffled. I see three possibilities:
- The GIMP installation on my new computer has some global setting differently which I am missing - GIMP was updated and this has changed - this is a bug, or at least a quirk, having something to do with old computer running on Win7 and new computer running on Win8
I have created my own graphics from scratch with GIMP, but the resolution to this issue is eluding me.
I imported a GIF map and want to add red labels. I have no problem adding the labels, but I cannot seem to get the text colored red. Before I create the text layer, the text tool shows the color is red, but it still creates it black. All of the suggestions I've seen (yes, I've read the fine manual) reference the same things, including dragging the color from the foreground color (which I've also changed to red). Nothing I've tried seems to work. I've even saved the image as an XCF, but I have the same problem.
The project is a photo montage. It was 4-color, now must become 2 colors. So I've changed each of the original 4-color photos (jpg and eps) into separate psd files (as grayscale/duotone/montage-and assigned it One pantone color)
In a new psd "montage" file, I plan to place each photo on its own layer, adjust tints, transparency, etc, to create one new montage/flattened.I'm not sure which color mode is best when setting up this new file, CMYK or grayscale?
Once the PS doc is done, the job will be saved as a PDF for 2-color printing.I want to insure the 2 pantone colors separate properly at press.
I have 2 layers and I want to mask one through the other. I've attached a png showing what I want. I tried to attach an .xcf file, but it won't do it, which seems strange for a gimp forum. Anyway, one layer is the text (black outline) and one layer is a colorful background. In the xcf, the background layer is entirely filled with the colorful stuff, but I want it to only show through the interior of the letters (as shown in the png).
Attached File(s) at-final.png (9.55K) Number of downloads: 2
I made the background of an object (single color symbol) transparent, then re-sized it. I then added a transparent layer to another image, with the idea of placing the symbol onto that layer. I tried to move the symbol, but that didn't work. I copied the symbol image and tried to paste it onto the layer. It pasted, but all I got was a transparent rectangle that matched the size of the symbol image.
i have always used a designer to come up flyer designs for events. They all go for commercial printing. Thing is when i try and design something in cmyk, the colours always go slightly dull, but yet when my designer does the design in cmyk the colours remain bright.
My CreateSpace pdf in both the Proofer online and the hard copy I just received have great color variance from what I submitted in my pdf cover and interior files. The vibrancy's gone. The bright spring green is dull. The light bluegreens more like gray.
SO, next to learn: I need to know the easiest way to convert my RGB to CMYK files, so I can replace what I've got in my CreateSpace book project interior and exterior spots. I would like to do this in the pdf state, from RGB pdf to CMYK pdf. I am happy to do page by page. The 44-page book has text, plus color images (from original watercolor paintings), with some black ink drawings as well. I work on a MacBook 10.6.8. I assembled the pdfs (page by page as "images") in GIMP 2.8. The original text I formatted in iStudio, easily uploading into GIMP, as images, then working each image in layers. Unfortunately, I didn't realize that flattened images can't be unflattened, so if I need to go back to a pre-pdf pages ('images' in GIMP lingo), I'll have to do quite a bit of reconstructing. The last layered building steps are now bound within the flattened images in 44-page pdf. Fortunately, I can easily alter one page at a time within my full pdf. I want to find an RGB to CMYK conversion that I can do page by page, popping out and back into my full pdf.
It is my understanding that GIMP doesn't work with that standard, however when I convert something from sRGB into CMYK in another program and save it as a tiff file it appears that I am still able to open that file in GIMP, which then displays it as an sRGB.
Does GIMP 2.8 actually do that or am I not performing the CMYK conversion right?
A few months ago I made the switch from X3 to X6. I use Corel for lasering, and need a RGB red hairline for the vector cutting. All of my old files were done this way, but for some reason when they are opened in X6, they are opening with a CMYK red hairline, which does not cut on my laser.
Is there a way to get this to change automatically on old files, or do I just have to do it manually as I need them? I have thousands of files, and I seem to forget to change this sometimes.
I do have it set for RGB to be my default now, so anything new I create isn't a problem -- just the old files.
I have a file from a client that has a table with the color values recorded as CMYK. (e.g. 50, 0, 10, 0)
I'd like to display the colors but I can only figure out how to do it if it's in the 256 color format. Is there a way for me to convert CMYK color values to a 256 color value. I realize the hues/colors won't be perfect, and I'll be happy with colors close to what the original data was using. Maybe there's a way to go from CMYK to RGB, and then to 246?
I've created some graphic artwork in Photoshop RGB, and now its time to output these graphics to an Illustrator CMYK file.
I have a bunch of layers that I have created for lens flares / light effects and I created these via filling a layer black and then using the Lens Flare Filter and then converting the layer to a Screen layer blend.
I notice that when I convert to CMYK in photoshop I lose the effect of those screen layers, is there anyway I can get those layers to look the same in CMYK without having recreate them from scratch in the CMYK space?
In my illustrator file I have a gradient background and was hoping to bring in these transparent lens flare lighting effects to place over the top of the gradient. I was thinking I might be able to merge the layers in Photoshop but unfortunately I need those screen layers to remain transparent.
I also tried turning the layer to normal 100%, convert to CMYK, placing into my CMYK illustrator file and then changing the layer to screen mode there but its doesnt look the same, its turn transparent like I wanted but it looks like where there is transparency there is a 25% opacity white.
I am saving my images (assembled in GIMP), exporting as jpgs then converting to pdf pages.My end product needs to be one pdf, so I will be inserting these separate pages into one 44-page pdf.
I need to retain the 300 resolution (actually, somewhere the resolution has slipped to 299.98 which I'm hoping will be so near it'll look fine). (using MacBook OS 10.6.8 with the GIMP 2.8 version)I think for the ebook, the RGB of my GIMP images will be best. So, I've got that, or will have as soon as I do all the export/saving.
(as an alternative, for the paper printed version which will precede the ebook), how do I save the RGB images to CMYK which I understand will print more true to what I'm seeing on my actual paintings > images in GIMP on my computer screen (the two of which look the same at present)? And at what point in these steps is it best to do the new CMYK version?
I have a photo of an object on a black background, and during the editing process the cmyk values of the black background are c=75 m=68 y=67 k=90. As this image is to be placed on a business card, if it is possible to change the values to 100% K or 40% C 100 %.