GIMP :: Mask Layer On Top Of Another (Black Outline / Color Background)
Jun 19, 2013
I have 2 layers and I want to mask one through the other. I've attached a png showing what I want. I tried to attach an .xcf file, but it won't do it, which seems strange for a gimp forum. Anyway, one layer is the text (black outline) and one layer is a colorful background. In the xcf, the background layer is entirely filled with the colorful stuff, but I want it to only show through the interior of the letters (as shown in the png).
Attached File(s) at-final.png (9.55K)
Number of downloads: 2
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Aug 4, 2013
I have been using Gimp for awhile (love it!) and have always used layer masks with no problems. But for some reason when I create a layer mask by filling in an area with black it isn't 100% opacity. Everything seems to show 100% opacity, but I can see the layers underneath (the mask is maybe at 90%??). If I "show layer mask" it is black where it should be and white where it should be, it doesn't look transparent. All my layers are set to "normal" mode. I'm at a lost as to what setting I must have changed?
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Oct 9, 2013
Sometimes it appears that the white/black color combination that is automatically selected in layer mask editing may override the selected color combination outside of layer mask editing.
1) Open Photoshop.
2) Select two colors: white/white.
3) Create two blank documents, each with an empty Layer 1.
4) In one document, add a layer mask to Layer 1. The colors should have been automatically switched to black/white as the layer mask is selected.
5) In this document, use the gradient tool to fill the layer mask with black/white.
6) Switch to the other document, and notice that the color selection is again white/white.
7) In this other document, use the gradient tool to fill Layer 1. Notice that the layer is filled with black/white instead of white/white as selected.
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Sep 9, 2012
I have a single layer which is a bunch of people with their hands in the air (on top of transparency).
I want to change every bit of the shape of those people.... to a single color (e.g., very, very light gray blue)
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Aug 8, 2012
I have a greenscreen shot, which I keyed using the modular keyer inside action. The key looks good. Then I export the front (on black) and the matte.When I now grab the just rendered out files, and put them back into action, I get a black outline....
I tried to render out the front on white, but then I get a white outline.
I also tried dividing the clips before exporting, but I still get an outline.... what can I do?
Smoke 2012 SAP2 SP4
Smoke 2013 SP2 (Smoke Classic Keyboard Shortcuts)
Mac Pro 4,1
OS X 10.6.7
NVIDIA Quadro 4000
14 TB RAID (Areca)
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Feb 27, 2013
My company is switching from ctb files to stb files. With the ctb file, we make concrete hatch with two layers. A top layer with the concrete hatch pattern and a background layer with a solid hatch patern. The ctb file concrete plots the concete hatch black and the solid background hatch light gray. I am using civil 3d 2013 and the hatch allows a seperate background color mask. I am trying to make all my concrete layers (Top of Curb, Curb Flowline, etc.) a certain color scheme, i.e. shades of green. I would like my on screen concrete hatch patern to be a green color with a gray background, but plot the concrete hatch black with a gray background. I can not figure out how to do this without making two layers. Is there a way to use one layer and utilize the background color mask to show on screen green and gray, but plot black and gray?
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Mar 9, 2012
I have a scanned image which is black text on white paper. The paper comes out darker in some section because of scan. Is there a simple way I can make the off-white background white?
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Jun 5, 2013
I did put a real photo in the background of my website to fit entire page. So the text of my webpage is black, and sometimes other colors. So what happen is that some times the text is hard to read when it come on top of dark places of the photo (for example hear of people). So i want to adapt the photo to make it more unicolor, more whiten (increase whiteness) so the black text will appear even better.
What tools and filters in gimp that give me this ability to do that ?
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Jun 22, 2012
I have been working on a large number of sketches. At this stage I am just using the path tool to make the outlines of my cartoons.
I have got fairly confident with the path tool now, however on my first 3 pictures my paths were a mess. The first 3 pictures I stroked the path at 10 pixels, I would like to reduce this to 6 pixels. I am not able to go back to the original paths so I guess I need to select lines from the completed pictures and and convert these to paths, then restroke.
I have been trying to select by colour (it is all black) but that gives me the outline of the black, ie, a double path. I have tried selecting the back ground and expanding it by 2 pixels, this worked but not in tight corners.
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Jul 23, 2013
A while ago, I wanted to add a border in the background color around a layer. So, I increase Layer Boundary Size using the corresponding tool. So far so good. I even wrote into a script, combined with adding drop shadow, see [URL].......
Then, I bought a new computer. I knew it. Never update or upgrade.
Now, when I increase the layer boundary size, it does increase the size of the layer, but the "border" is now transparent. I know, I know, I can fill it up using the bucket fill tool, but first of all this is annoying, and second of all, I am really wondering: what happened? Why did it work before, and doesn't it work now anymore? I am baffled. I see three possibilities:
- The GIMP installation on my new computer has some global setting differently which I am missing
- GIMP was updated and this has changed
- this is a bug, or at least a quirk, having something to do with old computer running on Win7 and new computer running on Win8
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Sep 7, 2012
I have some white text in a floating selection and I want to outline the text in black (black border around text)... how Do I do this? I want my text to look like this:
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Jan 1, 2013
I need to create an outline map for another application. The world is demarcated into areas, separated by black lines. The map must only have black & white pixels.
Some questions about using GIMP for this.
1. Is there a tool I can use to make every non-white pixel black?
2. Is there a tool I can use to eliminate isolated pixels of the wrong color (that is for me a black pixel with all neighbors white or vice versa)?
3. Is there a tool I can use to make the black lines thinner? It is desirable in my application to have the lines be only 1 pixel wide
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Apr 12, 2012
I just finished installing AutoCAD C3D 2013. And my drawings and designs were done on C3D 2011 AutoCAD, but the problem now is when i open my drawings with C3d 2013 all the text that has background in it shows black in a paper space but on model space is owk, is there a way of resolving this without goiung through all the text settings.
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Jan 10, 2007
When creating a mask from Layer-->Layer Mask-->Reveal all/Hide, I know how to generate a black mask (hide all). But when the mask is a part of an ADJUSTMENT LAYER, it always comes in "white." How do I make the adjustment layer mask "black"? Alt-clicking on the mask simply turns the entire image screen white.
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Jun 4, 2008
I was airbrushing some photos and I came across a tutorial where part of it involves creating a mask layer and filling it with black.
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Sep 28, 2012
I have been using CS6 for a while now. CS 6 decided that I can't use my black brush on a white layer mask. At all. I can use the white one on a black mask, but not the black one I. I restarted the computer, but I am annoyed.
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Jun 28, 2012
How do I change the default settings for the layer mask, as I'd like to swap black and white color.
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Oct 23, 2008
I have a stock image which came with an alpha mask as a separate black and white jpg. I want to put the black and white alpha jpg on the main image as a mask, but I can't figure out how to make a regular bitmap layer which is black and white into a mask. I don't seem to be able to use this method: ate-a-layer-mask-for/ because that seems only to work with transparent areas, not black and white. Any Ideas?
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Oct 16, 2012
I have this problem with my MText Background Mask. You can take a look at the two attachments. Each one gives me the same issue, but with different MText objects. I'm also plotting to a KIP5000 and a SHARP All in One, and I get similar results, except in some of the MText, they come out in a random color as well. The pc3's for all devices are set to Lines Merge.
The text is actually part of an xref file, and if I plot directly from the file they are in, I have no problem. I did a test where I copied the text into the sheet file, and got similar results when the text is in modelspace, and I got my intended results when the text is in paperspace. Now, this is the way I want to go...but the company standard is to draw it all in the xref, so I have to figure out how to get around this.
I've gone back and forth with the Merge/Overwrite options in the pc3, and when plotting to PDF and SHARP, I get the correct output with Overwrite, but the KIP just completely ignores the background mask with Overwrite.
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Jul 29, 2013
My adjustment layers are set to come in with a white layer mask. But sometimes I want to fill that mask w. black after the adjustment and selectively brush-in the adjustment.
Is there a shortcut to quickly fill the mask w. black, w/o checking foreground/background colors; or choosing certain tools to be active; or Edit>Fill>Black, etc.? If not, how can I set my own keyboard shortcut? I don't see a Fill Black in the keyboard shortcut editing list.
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Oct 12, 2012
I am trying to set a black layer mask and use the eraser tool to edit it. Unfortunately the eraser tool is not responsive. I recently did a round of software updates for CS6.
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Feb 15, 2013
I have cannot paint in black to conceal on a layer mask. I have "NORMAL" mode set and the foreground color is set to black. When I paint or use the gradient tool in "normal" mode with black it paints to transparent.Before the upgrade it was normal. I have this problem on both CS6 apps pc-and-laptop.
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Dec 14, 2012
Long time gimp user, but for basic tasks only. Now I would like to get my hands dirty a little more. I'm trying to setup a workflow that involves CAD, Inkscape and GIMP. Basically I did some architectural drawing in CAD, used Inkscape to clean up and convert DXG into SVG, so that I can use paths into GIMP. I did a script that for every path creates a new transparent layer with a layer mask using the path, so I can add fills and textures quickly. Now to the problem: say I want to add a texture from another image, i paste the image into the appropriate layer, then I want to transform the texture a bit (scale, rotate and perspective). the result is that the layer mask is transformed, too. I tried to disable the mask during transform, but didn't work.
Is there a way to workaround this? maybe some layer mode instead of layer mask?
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Aug 22, 2011
I remember seeing a post about a plugin which allows you to remove the background from an image...
Unfortunately, I don't remember the name of the plugin....
Or if you can point me to a Tutorial that deals specifically with removing a background colour from a complicated image i.e. an image with a complicated outline...
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Feb 7, 2012
There are many methods to make a black and white mask if you want to show through hair or other fine detail. Is there a classic method in GIMP?
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Dec 6, 2012
I have an image of a dog that I'm editing. I took the photo in a studio with a white backdrop. I want to remove a shadow that is behind the dog so the whole background is white. I do not want to lose the detail in the fur of the dog. I've tried doing a mask layer with making the background white. I've also tried the dodge tool. I've tried the selection tool but it look out?
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Nov 24, 2013
How would you take a layer mask, and make it its own layer? If you try copying and pasting a layer mask, you can only dock it to another layer.
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Feb 1, 2011
I encountered was after I outlined an image in order to remove the background around it, i could not disconnect from the outline tool (scissors). How do I do the disconnect?
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Jul 16, 2013
I was experimenting with using multileaders today and changing their styles. What I can't work out is how do I change the color of the background mask? All I could do was turn on and off the 'background', not change the color of it.
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Nov 30, 2013
What i do is use the direct selection tool and click an anchor and then click the eyedropper tool on that anchor point What is happening is the the outline color is being selected. So i found out Illustrator CS6 you have to hold shift while clicking the eyedropper. I tried that and still can't get the color of the underneath layer, the fill color stays white? Here is pic:
As you can see in the navigator window, the shade of red is that of the outline and not the apple underneath the outline. I tried shift+eyedropper and white is the only color that get's sampled.
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Mar 6, 2012
when I use the shape tool and text tool I'm getting a red dotted outline instead of the usual black outline. If I draw a rectangle it's empty, instead of shaded in? How do I put things back to normal?
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