GIMP :: Change Pantone To CMYK?
Mar 12, 2012How do you convert a Pantone color to a CMYK color?
View 1 RepliesHow do you convert a Pantone color to a CMYK color?
View 1 RepliesI am working on a 2-color newsletter in Indesign CS5... black and Pantone 227U.
Whenever I place a duotone .eps (black + 227U) or an Illustrator vector .eps with 227U in it, the color mode for that swatch changes to CMYK. An Illustrator vector which is 100% 227U also gives me the same issue.
My online printing outsource made a postcard containing my image and it came out about 1-1/2 stops too dark. When I questioned this I was advised as follows: "For best prediction of color output on a 4 color offset press, please compare your CMYK percentages with an industry-standard Pantone Process guide.">>This seems strange since a color image will have numerous different percentages of cmyk. I must be missing something. My friend who has the Pantone guide wants me to specify a Pantone number for use in comparing the image. I don't see how this can work for the same reasons (different colors, different percentages).>>The easiest solution I can think of is simply to brighten the image the next time I order postcards from this printer.>>
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a client that gave me some artwork created in CMYK with plenty of half tones. Unfortunately, it breaks down into 1558 colors. We need to convert it to Pantone for screen printing. The whole thing can be reduced to 6 colors without changing the look. Is there a process that will automatically convert the CMYK colors to close matching Pantone colors without going through each individual color and halftone, which would take forever..
View 1 Replies View RelatedI was just told by a printer that I need to convert my clients logo from CMYK to SPOT COLOR PANTONE? Though for the life of me I have never had to do this, I was told it is QUITE a procedure in Photoshop.
View 2 Replies View RelatedIf I have only pantone colour, can I find the CMYK in ai?
View 2 Replies View Relatedhow do i convert pantone to cmyk?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI am new to designing.
1) What is the difference between CMYK and PANTONE colors?
2) How can I convert CMYK colors to PANTONE in Xara Xtreme PRO 4.0
If I save an AI file with Pantone cols as an eps and import into Quark the colours are totally different. Why, which is correct and how do I correct this?
View 5 Replies View RelatedWhat I'd like to do [in photoshop] is treat 4 pantone colors just like CMYK channels. What I mean by that is that I would like to replace Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Black with my own colors [pantone colors] and have them mix and act exactly like those channels. As in, when I open a full color image, and my pantone [or any color] channels or color profile is active, the full color image will react to those colors [with the blending of the colors].
Instead of 45% Cyan, 55% Magenta, 83% Yellow, and 2% Black in a given spot, it would be a mix of the 4 chosen colors [example: 45% pantone A, 55% Pantone B, 83% Pantone C, 2% Pantone D].
or to put it another way, if I were to color the background in, say, a blue, I would be able to use the "Info" panel to see how much of each pantone color was mixed to create that color. Obviously there would be a limit to the colors I could create based on the pantone colors I select.
I don't want to do anything printing wise with this technique. I am looking at it solely as an on screen viewer or perhaps use it in some manner for screen printing.
how to convert the cmyk to pantone colour without the color change, is their any way to find it
View 2 Replies View RelatedCurrently, i receive artwork in CMYK but i need to resubmit to painter using Pantone.? i have installed Illustrator CS6 recently and not familar with the software.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have been trying to convert both Pantone Colors to CMYK and CMYK to Pantones on a few of my projects. I walk throught the steps but nothing happens. My counterpart which has CS5.5 also is able to do it both ways just fine. Is there a pre-set someplace that I need to be aware of?Â
View 6 Replies View RelatedI always use CMYK in my designs and the Pantone color codes for their logo design. I have never had to convert them before and have searched forums and boards with no luck in finding an easy way to do this.
View 4 Replies View RelatedRecently found another bug in X6. This time it is in the Pantone conversion tables when converting to cmyk. I had a job that had been updated over the years and the file was last used in X5. The colour in question was PMS 7406. The file opened fine & was converted to cmyk and sent to the printer unchecked. What could possibly go wrong - this file had been used countless times before without incident. Pantone 7406 breaks down to 18% magenta and 100% yellow (as per Pantone's own specification). X5 converted it to 17% magenta and 100% yellow. Near enough - I'm not going to quibble over 1%. However, opening the X5 file in X6 caused it to use the 'Pantone previous version' colour table (and you don't get any notification that it is doing it). Result is that it now converts the colour to 18% cyan, 24% magenta and 100% yellow. Where the #@**# did it get the cyan from? We are now talking about a completely different color!
It gets worse. If you create a new object in X6 and fill it with PMS 7406 (using the Pantone + colour table) and then convert it to cmyk, you get 6% cyan, 22% magenta and 100% yellow. Again, this is not the correct break down of this colour. Pantone is a world standard with known conversion to cmyk figures. InDesign can get it right, Illustrator can get it right, then why can't Corel? And how many other Pantone colours are wrong? I have used Draw for 20 years and this is the worst bungle yet (apart from version 4). For a program that tells the world it is a professional program to screw up like this beggars belief.
If we have to check every single Pantone to cmyk conversion against the Pantone specifications, then it just isn't worth using Corel in printing. Add this to the font problems in Font Navigator and the scale error in Barcode Generator and it make X6 pretty much useless in the print industry. Throwing in freebies like fonts, second rate web creators and Photo Paint are not much use when the flagship program is sinking.
I work with a large number of Illustrator files daily that all use the Pantone Solid Coated library for their swatch color scheme. This color library will be used whether customers provide the art pieces or if I design the pieces for them.
However, I have found that in order to best match our digital press we must to convert the inks to the Pantone Color Bridge CMYK PC library before printing.Â
Basically the same color number just the different library (eg PMS 200C would convert to PMS 200PC if outputing in-house to the digital press).
My question - is it possible to create a script that would swap out all the colors in a document (that are in a specific library) with the same colors from a different library?
*More specifically what I am wanting to do is if I have a document that has a dozen solid coated colors swap them for their same numerical equivelant in the Color Bridge CMYK PC library.
parrot green shade of cmyk or rgb or any pantone shade.
View 2 Replies View RelatedUsing CS6 on a MacBookPro Is there a way to find the closest matching Pantone spot colors to the cmyk colors I've created in Illustrator? I know it's easy in Photoshop using the color picker, but there must be a way to do this in Illustrator.
View 4 Replies View RelatedIs there any way to change the RGB colors in an image to Pantone without having to select each individual part of the design? Basically what I am hoping to do is change certain parts of an image that are let's say R:0, G:0, B:0 and change them to Pantone Black C without having to select each section one by one.
View 3 Replies View RelatedWhen converting from LAB is it possible to change the default look up library from PANTONE Solid Coated to the Pantone+ Color Bridge Coated? Example: Set up a new job using all Pantone+ Color Bridge Coated. This creates all swatches as "Process Color" in CMYK Color Mode.
Client request is to have some Spot Colors.EXAMPLE: I take the "PANTONE 7408 CP" and rename it to "PANTONE 7408 C" change the color type to Spot Color and then close the window. Reopen the spot and change the Color Mode to book. All good now I have a PANTONE Solid Coated.
Client now decides to remove the Spot Color so I add the "P" back in the name and change the color mode back to CMYK.
Now the break is;
C: 2.49%, M: 25.93%, Y: 100%, K: 0%
C: 0%, M: 29%, Y: 100%, K: 0%
I have a complex (includes tints) clip art object that needs printing in a specific pantone color I just convert it to grayscale using edit>find and replace objects>color mode. then print it as a black plate and just use another color on press.
Today I had to send off artwork to another printer. Dang. How to install a macro. Import clip art to be modified to a new document, do not do this in your working document.
Use Edit>Find and Replace> Find Objects
Replace a color model or palette. Next
Leave as is except change Replace with color model to "Grayscale" Next>Replace all
Repeat 2-4 for 'outlines' if you have them.There you now have a gray scale clipart, but the fun continues!You'll need to know what pantone color you want to use. Let's say Reflex Blue. Make a square and color it Reflex blue from a pantone palette.Duplicate the square and create swatches at 90% 80% 70% etc down to white.Select these square swatches, then Windows>Color Palette>Create Palette from Selection. Save palette with a temporary name, it is only time use. Or you could call it 'Reflex Blue'Now go to this website and download the macro "limit colors" URL...
Drop it in your GMS folder in under your username to install the macro. (might have to save the drawing and restart Corel...)Once you reopen your now grayscale clipart document, Select the clipart. Run the macro (Tools>Macros>Run Macros) LimitColors.Posterize select the number of colors in your new palette if you created 10% swatches, go with 11, if you did steps of 20% then you'll do 6 (don't forget white).Run the macro LimitColors.LimitColors and select your new palette you made in step 9.
A few months ago I made the switch from X3 to X6. I use Corel for lasering, and need a RGB red hairline for the vector cutting. All of my old files were done this way, but for some reason when they are opened in X6, they are opening with a CMYK red hairline, which does not cut on my laser.
Is there a way to get this to change automatically on old files, or do I just have to do it manually as I need them? I have thousands of files, and I seem to forget to change this sometimes.
I do have it set for RGB to be my default now, so anything new I create isn't a problem -- just the old files.
Okay so I've just realised that my documents are CMYK and have changed the settings to RGB (File > Document color mode > RGB and from the colour fly out menu) although I notice that when I hover my mouse over the colors in the swatches panel that it shows me the CMYK values.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI am trying to change a CMYK vector file to grayscale in CS4. I went to Edit/Edit Colors/ Change to Grayscale. The .AI vector art now looks gray on screen, but the title says " (CMYK/Preview)". It still reproduces as a CMYK file and not Grayscale. I can't place this into a 2 spot colour document. What am I missing?
View 5 Replies View RelatedHow can I incorporate CMYK into GIMP?
View 4 Replies View RelatedMy CreateSpace pdf in both the Proofer online and the hard copy I just received have great color variance from what I submitted in my pdf cover and interior files. The vibrancy's gone. The bright spring green is dull. The light bluegreens more like gray.
SO, next to learn: I need to know the easiest way to convert my RGB to CMYK files, so I can replace what I've got in my CreateSpace book project interior and exterior spots. I would like to do this in the pdf state, from RGB pdf to CMYK pdf. I am happy to do page by page. The 44-page book has text, plus color images (from original watercolor paintings), with some black ink drawings as well. I work on a MacBook 10.6.8. I assembled the pdfs (page by page as "images") in GIMP 2.8. The original text I formatted in iStudio, easily uploading into GIMP, as images, then working each image in layers. Unfortunately, I didn't realize that flattened images can't be unflattened, so if I need to go back to a pre-pdf pages ('images' in GIMP lingo), I'll have to do quite a bit of reconstructing. The last layered building steps are now bound within the flattened images in 44-page pdf. Fortunately, I can easily alter one page at a time within my full pdf. I want to find an RGB to CMYK conversion that I can do page by page, popping out and back into my full pdf.
It is my understanding that GIMP doesn't work with that standard, however when I convert something from sRGB into CMYK in another program and save it as a tiff file it appears that I am still able to open that file in GIMP, which then displays it as an sRGB.
Does GIMP 2.8 actually do that or am I not performing the CMYK conversion right?
I am saving my images (assembled in GIMP), exporting as jpgs then converting to pdf pages.My end product needs to be one pdf, so I will be inserting these separate pages into one 44-page pdf.
I need to retain the 300 resolution (actually, somewhere the resolution has slipped to 299.98 which I'm hoping will be so near it'll look fine). (using MacBook OS 10.6.8 with the GIMP 2.8 version)I think for the ebook, the RGB of my GIMP images will be best. So, I've got that, or will have as soon as I do all the export/saving.
(as an alternative, for the paper printed version which will precede the ebook), how do I save the RGB images to CMYK which I understand will print more true to what I'm seeing on my actual paintings > images in GIMP on my computer screen (the two of which look the same at present)? And at what point in these steps is it best to do the new CMYK version?
I need to change the default text color to a pantone spot color.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI'm working in Photoshop CS 5.5 on a Mac, and I want to apply a specific CMYK color to a selection in an image. I create the color with the values C=0, M=100, Y=100, K=10 and add it to my color swatches. Then I select the section of the image where I want to apply the new color and fill it with the paint bucket. The color fills the section just fine and life is good. But then when I roll over the section with the eyedropper to double-check the CMYK values in the Info window, it shows that they've inexplicably shifted to C=9, M=100, Y=100, K=1.
View 4 Replies View Relatedwhen I select "all objects" via the menu and remove the setting "scale with object" from the object properties the color changes from CMYK to RGB. I cannot even redo. All actions are redone but not the color. The primary color of the document is CMYK. This happens only to the borders and not to the fillings.
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