GIMP :: Output File In PDF Format And CMYK Color Model
Sep 20, 2011
About once a year I ask about a capability to output a file fromGimp in pdf format and the CMYK color model. In addition it would benice if this output was in the PDF X/1-a:2001 format, to satisfycertain fussy printers. I know there are external converters likeImageMagick. It would however be nice if after all these years Gimpcatered to the needs of the printing industry.
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Apr 12, 2012
I have a .dxf model and I need the file in .ipt format as a 3d model. (I got the file from a website)
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Oct 17, 2010
how to configure an output file in the best possible format for uploading to youtube using VS X2. The youtube tutorial here is a bit out of date. My input file is as follows:
PAL (25 fps)
Microsoft AVI files
24 bits, 720 x 576, 16:9, 25 fps
Lower Field First
DV Video Encoder -- type 1
DV Audio -- PAL, 48.000 kHz, 16 Bit, Stereo
I have been creating an mpg file but I think its better to create an mpeg4 file as it is smaller and quicker to upload I think. I also want to maintain the 16:9 format.
I found the following recommendations on the youtube website: YouTube can accept almost any video format for upload, but for most users we have found the following settings give the best results.
Video Format: H.264, MPEG-2 or MPEG-4 preferred
Aspect Ratio: Native aspect ratio without letterboxing (examples: 4:3, 16:9)
Resolution: 640x360 (16:9) or 480x360 (4:3) recommended
Audio Format: MP3 or AAC preferred
Frames per second: 30
Maximum length: 10 minutes (we recommend 2-3 minutes)
Maximum file size: 1 GB
My first question is - X2 has a built in mp4 "creator". Is this one OK or is the one downloaded and installed from better? What should the frame size be? On the compression tab what should the video settings be? As my input file is 25fps does that mean that my output should be the same even though youtube recommends 30fps?
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Apr 21, 2013
I did my first logo design for a customer. I exported all the files in CMYK. My customer just let me know that when she printed the logo off on her printer it came out a fushia pink color instead of the dark purple.
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Jan 22, 2013
done a modestly complex flyer layout which, by now, should be printed by a professional service. Unfortunately, those would like to have a CMYK PDF image, including an additional layer for a "highlight" color (which should be gold or silver, not sure yet). I've done a bit playing and, so far, am unsure about whether (and/or how) such a kind of pre-print color separation can be done using GIMP, or whether I would have to do this in another way. how to get my xcf stored in a way feasible for this kind of printing?
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Jun 8, 2012
I have a CMYK file.
In it I made a selection, and in this selection I may only have B&W values (means only real "black", no more Cyan, Magenta, Yellow).
My question:
How to interpretate CMYK colors/Values into real Black (K) color?
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Mar 15, 2012
getting the CMYK color codes from an RGB file.
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Jan 23, 2013
I am working on a very large poster graphic and am coming across some odd issues, at least odd to me. I'm not sure the reasoning behind it, or if there is reasoning behind it? I must be doing something wrong.
I created a ribbon/wave graphic in Photoshop in RGB color mode then converted to CMYK. I then cropped the large (310.875") canvas in to 4 separate images).
I created a new Photoshop file for each canvas to then begin placing different text and graphics on each. The idea was to have the wave behind the images in the forefront of each poster be continuous and flow from one poster to the next. Once done I saved each poster as a tif and then laid them out in inDesign to verify the transition. To my surprise the color for each wave was off or slightly different than the other.
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Jun 24, 2013
I have an AI CS6 file (CMYK) which I can not print in color. When I save as a PDF file and print it using Reader it prints out in color. My other AI files print in color without a problem.
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Feb 19, 2013
I got a .psb-document with a adjustmentlayer>solid color as a background. The color is a Pantone 354-C. When I save my document (CMYK), and then reopen it, I no longer get the Pantone color library but the default color picker box. I see no visible change in color though so I'm not sure if the color changes. If I click the color library button in my adjustment layer, it automatically pics the PMS color beneth the 354-C (that is 355 C) and I see a change in color. So I have to repick 354-C again.
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Feb 2, 2013
We wanted to run an advert in a magazine and the publishers have asked for a particular format. We've nothing that can do this and I wondered if Paintshop Pro was able to do this?
Requirement :
PDF files should be Acrobat 3.0 compatible; Composite PDF, CMYK colour space; contain one page per PDF document; Colour bitmap images, CMYK – effective resolution 300 dpi; Greyscale bitmap images – effective resolution 300dpi; Monochrome bitmap images (linework) – effective resolution 1200 dpi; 3mm bleed should be included on all sides where necessary; Crop marks should be included and offset by 10pt.
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May 7, 2004
Alright, so I'm a photoshop intermediate who's really used this fine program for making web images and a few other things. Now, I've gotten into print advertising at work (yeah, get me to do it rather than outsource it and then pay me a lot less for the effort.
My issue is that I can make ads in B&W or 4C, no problem. This issue comes when I want to do a 2 color ad using a specific color. In my naivety, I presumed using 2 colors in Photoshop and outputting to a CMYK TIFF would be sufficient. The printer has informed me otherwise.
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Sep 28, 2011
I am wondering if there is a way to put the old save method back into the new gimp 2.7.3. I would like to be able to export to a new file format and automatically be using that file instead of the original file that I have just opened. If there is a plugin like this that would be great.
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Apr 11, 2014
I need to create an output PDF that is CMYK for the printer.
I thought I was doing everything correctly until I got this message that was generated when I selected Export (to PDF), "The document is using CMYK space. Colors are converted to RGB in interactive PDF files. To avoid color changes, click Cancel and choose Document RGB from the Edit > Transparency Blend Space menu. Click OK to continue."
So, I think this means that the PDF export is being saved in an RGB color space. Is that a correct interpretation? If so, how do I preserve the CMYK color space because that is what the commercial printer requires? Is that even possible or relevant?
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Jan 22, 2013
I was given a CMYK TIF file that has two added spot color channels. CMYK channels are empty. Bringin this into Draw X6 64 bit shows nothing but a white box and when attempting to print separations the print dialog says "nothing selected to print." So I opened the file in Photoshop, deleted the CMY&K channels, saved it as a PSD and imported to Draw which labels it as a Bitmap (Multichannel DeviceN). The two spot colors appear in the document color palette and it displays and appears to separate properly in the print preview.
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Apr 4, 2013
I need to know if i can make a file into a process color like cmyk for plates. How would i do that
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Mar 10, 2012
I have recently traced a new picture and I am about to add colors to it so that I can upload it later on my gallery. I started the Tracing on a Cmyk based template because one day I will use print it to add it to my portfolio! I mean should I add Cmyk colors and them convert them to rgb in order to upload it?
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May 2, 2013
I downloaded Gimp because I wanted to add text to photos. I have a "bazillion" photos, most of which Gimp does not recognize. These are photos imported into iPhoto from my Fujifilm digital camera or they are scans from my HP printer scanned into iPhoto. I hope I don't need to open each file in iPhoto and export it to a different format...
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May 16, 2013
For some reason Gimp 2.8 forces me to save in xcf format. Most times I want to save a file in jpeg or png format. Having to save as xcf, and then export to jpeg or png is a pain in the unmentionables. Especially when reopening the file for editing, requiring another pointless dance with the export system.
Is there some module, upgrade, improvement, fork or other means by which export is merged with save/save as functionality, thus removing the additional steps in the process of saving a file? Ideally it should involve nothing more than hitting Ctrl S for an a file that already has a name. Put another way, something that works the way everything else does.
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Jun 12, 2012
Is there a way I can change the default file format from .xcf?
For example, I open a jpeg, crop it and try to save, but if I then try to save it as a jpeg I get a message telling me I have to 'export' first.
I know the Gimp isn't Photoshop but in Photoshop you get the option to choose the file extension at save or save as without the added step of exporting.
Is there a setting somewhere that allows me to choose as this messing around exporting from .xcf is a real drag when you're editing a lot of images. Plus you can end up with extra, unwanted, .xcf files.
Is there a reason why the Gimp defaults to .xcf for every file edit? It seems unneccesary when all you're doing is a simple crop etc.
Again Photoshop opens, allows edits and then saves in the original's file format, which does make for a more efficient workflow. Plus it doesn't default to .psd for every edit.I'm using Gimp 2.8 with Fedora 17 64bit and will now boot into Windows to work more efficiently in Photoshop till I can find a way to change this in Gimp.There doesn't seem to be anything in Preferences relating to file formats/extensions.
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Aug 31, 2011
Sometime with some scenes, I have this trouble :
-when I render my beauty pass in TIF 16bits with render elements and when I leave MAX set my render-elements output files automatically, MAX use the initial name of the output beauty pass. So technically, It is suppose to make a couple of file with the same format and the same name.
-ok, I presse render to Backburner and I wait.
-Now my render is done, I go check my output files. And, sometimes, without constancy, my beauty pass is a TIF 16bits but my passes are in gray-scale or in 8bits or 16bits in random.
If I restart the job on Backburner, maybe it fix this problem, maybe not.
The unique thing I find to fix that is to set all my passes manually. but it's a pretty heavy process.
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Mar 23, 2013
I have used Gimp a bit, and before that PS quite a bit. I have never had to use the size constraints for sizing a file to fit a large format printer. I will be getting one any day so I would like to be prepared as much as possible. When I was at another shop, the owner used one of the cropping functions to set the finish print size and then she could move the box around to locate the best print area and remainder to be cropped. She was using PS. I would assume I could do it also in Gimp, but have not found a way to do it yet. What am I missing. Even if the printer software will do it on the printer, I would like to be able to show my customer on a PC monitor what they might expect.
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Jul 5, 2012
I don't have photoshop or any tools available to me to convert files to CMYK format from RGB. Everything I've tried hasn't worked and I need these done to send them off to be pressed (it's my bands cd cover and cd print).
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Nov 16, 2013
have been asked if it is possible to save jpg or TIFF files in CMYK EPS format to drop into a layout ready for PDF-ing for print using PSE 12?
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May 28, 2012
I'm creating video clips in Corel Video Studio X4 Ultimate (Education),for use in creating multimedia PDFs with Adobe Acrobat X Pro.
The formats Adobe Acrobat says is accepts include MPEG 4 / H.264,so in Corel Video Studio X4 I've tried selecting the following types of output file:
1) "MPEG4: iPhone H.264 (640 x 480)" My preferred resolution, but Adobe Acrobat won't accept it, apparently because it's "Sony PSP" (according to an analysis by MediaInfo), not supported by Flash, according to an advisor on the Adobe forums.
2) "MPEG4: iPod H.264" (320 x 240) This is accepted by Adobe Acrobat, even though it's also Sony PSP (according to MediaInfo). But this isn't enough resolution for my purposes.
3) "MPEG4: iPhone 4/iPad HD" This is also accepted by Adobe Acrobat, but the resolution is too high (1280x720) as the files are too large.
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Aug 14, 2013
I have received a request to convert an Adobe Edge Animate animation output to a video format such as .mov
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Nov 24, 2013
How do I convert a photo to CMYK format in Photoshop Elements 12? If I cannot, is there another program in adobe that would allow me to convert a photo to CMYK format?
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Mar 21, 2012
The project is a photo montage. It was 4-color, now must become 2 colors. So I've changed each of the original 4-color photos (jpg and eps) into separate psd files (as grayscale/duotone/montage-and assigned it One pantone color)
In a new psd "montage" file, I plan to place each photo on its own layer, adjust tints, transparency, etc, to create one new montage/flattened.I'm not sure which color mode is best when setting up this new file, CMYK or grayscale?
Once the PS doc is done, the job will be saved as a PDF for 2-color printing.I want to insure the 2 pantone colors separate properly at press.
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Sep 25, 2013
What is the best export/import format for sending 3D files. I need some neutral format files, possibly Solidworks but I am not sure. Also any export settings to make sure I get decent quality files.
Nothing like getting a surface model when you want solid model.
IV2014 sp1.2 PDSU / Sim Mech 2014 /
EVGA X79 - Classified, iCore7 3930k 32Gb Quad-Channel
950Gb (2 x 500Gb Sata III SSD RAID0 Adaptec 6805E Controller)
Nvidia GTX-690 Classified - 331.82
SpacePilot Pro 3.17.1, 6.17.7, 4.11
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Sep 26, 2013
I'm starting with a new file on ofnuts recommendation...see "Edit GIF image file"
I have duplicated a GIF file from a website, so I can make changes and replace it. The new file I will be exported to PNG, GIF, TIF, or JPG when complete. It's a horizontal rectangle; the leftward white 2/3 has text I will change, the rightward 1/3 is all green. I have an XCF file that I copied from the GIF as a working file, and the new file, created from scratch, which now contains my new text. The new graphics must fit into the webpage and line up exactly.
I had "selected" the green section and pasted into my new file, but it was not completely left justified, like the original, so I slid it over with my cursor, but apparenlty "dropped" it too high, because when I place the new JPG file in the webpage, there's a little white line at the bottom of that file, and it needs to butt up against the green right below it. ie, no white space.
Rather than dragging and dropping imprecisely with my mouse, is there a way to place the green area with some sort of calibration tool? Like "by the numbers" or snapping it into place?
Is there a way to "read" the green area in my working file, to see the precise size?
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Jun 13, 2012
is it some how possible to export my model as vda format. i am using Autodesk Inventor Professional 2012
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