CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 :: Color Format CMYK - Dark Purple Printed As Fushia Pink
Apr 21, 2013
I did my first logo design for a customer. I exported all the files in CMYK. My customer just let me know that when she printed the logo off on her printer it came out a fushia pink color instead of the dark purple.
Just recently upgraded to Corel X6 and the colors suddenly changes. For example: A blue box changes to purple when I try to re-open the file I have previously saved. Also, embedded raster images turns to green.
When I print the same file out of X6 & X4 the color is much different. I know this has to do with color management but now sure how to correct. The color coming from X4 is much better.
My CMYK palette is the same hue as my RGB palette right now. I guess you know the difference. RGB looks bright and high in contrast like the ones used in Microsoft word. And the cmyk is, not the bright... Anyway, so the problem is...its the same color on my monitor. Its looks all RGB. On my other PC-2, its the other way around. My RGB palette looks like CMYK. Its not much of a problem with my PC-2 because i rarely use it for photo editing. Its just use for our cutting machine, the other one, my PC-1..
What's going on because it where i do most of my designs. And the color is a major factor there because most of our clients usually send their design to email and they have specific color. So, im having trouble doing designs. Is there a problem with my monitor? I tried editing my files on PC-2 but if i transfer it to PC-1 the color is different again... I cant get the exact (almost) color i want. The adobe gamma isn't do much either nor the monitor adjustment. Do i need to get a professional calibrator for all my PCs or are there downloadable calibrator on the internet? I was about to try the one about CorelDraw 12 Color Management guide but im still not sure about it. I have to read the infos first.
Here's from my PC-1. To the left is the CMYK and on the right is the RGB
Now here is from my PC-2. Left is CMYK and right is RGB.
When viewed from my PC-2..this one looks all CMYK (and dull)
I have a simple design in coreldraw X5 and a rectangle with a postscript fill (example: color bubles), now whenever i print out this artwork the rectangle prints in a dark grey color and the rest is OK.
Before i used X4 and the same artwork with the same printer were working perfectly, but now this is happening since i use X5
Ideal color settings for exporting .jpg and .eps files for CMYK printing? The default X6 settings result in rather washed out looking exports (both on the screen and on the prints). Black looks very dark grey etc.
Never had this issue with X3 but I understand that X6 uses a totally different color engine so I figure I just need to know the correct settings.
Something strange happened today when I was working on a cdr project. I think I have by mistake somehow managed to completely delete the original rgb palette, copied the cmyk palette and saved it as "rgb" palette. As a result if I try to change the color palette, the rgb and the cmyk options are exactly the same palettes.
This happened whilst I was working on a cdr drawing. Somehow I managed to press a wrong key combination whilst trying to save (probably CTRL-something and then CTRL-S immediately after) and noticed that the colors on my drawing changed. I tried to undo, but nothing happened.
After some checking I realized that the original rgb color palette has been replaced with a copy of cmyk. If I now try to switch color palettes, the cmyk and the rgb are exactly the same palettes regardless of which cdr project I open (new or saved).
This is how I tried to fix the issue:
I tried F8 during startup - no change
I tried with the repair option of the installation cd - no change
I tried a removal and a new installation of the Suite - no change.
Could be worth a try: Maybe someone could send me a copy of their rgbstd.cpl-file so that I could replace mine in the C:Program Files (x86)CorelCorelDRAW Graphics Suite X4LanguagesENProgramsData
How to restore the rgb color palette to it's original status as I work mainly with drawings displayed on the net, not on printed materials and I'm getting desperate as I have a deadline tomorrow.
I always use CMYK in my designs and the Pantone color codes for their logo design. I have never had to convert them before and have searched forums and boards with no luck in finding an easy way to do this.
This discussion is on using RGB file creation techniques to output to ink jet devices. I posted the comments below the link because color management off always pops up in the conversation as it turns to non-postscript devices so I wanted to circumvent the side bar conversation.
First let's get this straight, I've written it and said it about a thousand times, you cannot turn off color management.
When you select simulate color management off in the default application color management dialog, CorelDRAW simply utilizes a different set of color management settings. The rules of color management never change! The application requires guidelines on color and still must have rules that govern conversions, PERIOD.
These rules are not different, only the engines, rendering intents and profiles change. These setting in X5 and X6 can be, in some cases adjusted to simulate previous setting in versions prior to X5 that were labeled color management off, but this label in older versions (X4 and older) were deceptive in their nature, color management was never turned off, just set to a specific configuration.
Simulate color management off (in X5/X6) uses wide gamut cmyk simulation as the CMYK profile, it disengages the color engines (setting CorelDRAW to another internally controlled process) and sets the interface to RGB. It does not turn color management off.
These settings have many uses for industries such as laser engraving and screen printing separations and I support their continued use. Do not confuse this and use these settings for professional output using press work, ink jets or digital printers.
If you take blend tool to gate one color to other or same or gray scale it give correct result. But if you use New color style and new gradient it show wrong effect in CMYK.
I have recently stumbled upon a problem I cannot correct. I am using Corel 11 and although I have the default CMYK palette selected, all the colors ( for CorelDraw and PhotoPaint) are in 255 percentages as opposed to the 100% CMYK model. I must have inadverdently selected this color mode but cannot figure out how to revert back to the 100% model. This makes it impossible to determine the exact color you want based on CMYK percentages. I know this is a RGB model but all colors are displayed in CMYK ex. C- 233 M- 122 Y- 114 K- 155.
I have a light pink background behind an image which I would like to turn pure white. How can I select the image and white out the background without changing the image? None of the mask tools seem to have any effect.
After Update 2 and Hotfix 1 (I haven't noticed after which of them exactly it happened) some options in X6, when they are active, are receiving some grey-pink background together with the small icon near them - for example Object position, Object size, Angle of rotation and others. You will see them when you select some object.
In the same color are also some items in the menus without obvious principle. I don't think that this is intentional. Or I cannot see it?
We are longtime users of CorelDraw, but recently we have been having lots of problems with printing.
When printing out a page for production, the letters at the end of one piece of text did not show up when printed.The wording was not converted to curves or anything; just plain text split into two lines.
On other occasions, pieces of artwork will not appear when printed. Sometimes it is consistent on multiple computers; other times only one computer will print the errors.
Is this a bug in X5? Is it fixed in X6, or are there still issues of art and text randomly vanishing? Could the printers be at fault?
I have the Guidebook, that is COOL! but does Corel sell a printed content manual? I would love to have that PDF content manual as a printed book. I know it would be 414 pages but it would be cool.
I just printed of the design for my first t-shirt. There are faint horizontal lines, about 1/2 inch apart, thru an ellipse with a green-blue fountain fill that are not part of the design. Is this my printer, or is there something in the program that I am (not?) doing?
Tried the same image printed using corel and Photoshop. same setup: let software handle color, color off in printer, same profiles and settings otherwise. the corel print is a bit darker and some colors are slightly different than the same image printed thru Photoshop.
I usually print designs created in corel as there is added text and graphic elements. Can't print those using PS. just odd there is noticeable color variations.
I have printed off the colour swatch within Versaworks, but when I use the colours (which have been imported from versaworks) in corel they do not print out the same colour. The media is the same. I have tried deleting the colours and readding them in but this does not seem to make any difference.
I am a relatively new user of Corel Draw. When using the variable data print feature, the images seen in the print preview look correct, but when the page is printed the same data is output in all 4 images. This does not happen every time. I suspect there is something going wrong with the print merge data buffer. I have not been able to reproduce the error. I have created a detailed script to for others to follow when running this job.
When I export my work to .jpg format all is OK. All looks fine on desktop. But when I try to print it there are several dark pixels allover the picture. It looks like snow or TV noise. I tried different picture fixing programs, but nothing... How can I remove that noise?
i always use corel for designing an advertorial matter, but there's always something that bothering me when i get the print results.. why does the colors especially blue and green always looks so dark, infact, they became brown and purple..
COREL PAINT X3 does not do a very good job of rendering most of the CMYK images we've been getting in from our Taiwan base, and, due to language problems, we have been unable, despite decades of trying, to communicate the issues. Typically we do the original photo here, something that I used to do, but now the company uses a professional photographer - not wanting to spend big bucks on a professional camera.
His ultra-hi-res RGB photos are sent to Taiwan, where they are cleaned up and converted to CMYK using an unknown color scheme, for use in printing our mini catalog. Then I get the catalog back - in InDesign - with instructions to convert the linked CMYK photos back to RGB for use on the website, etc. The color model that they are using in Taiwan, however, typically has deep black at something like 70,65,65,70, which shows on the screen in Paint as very dark and garish, and it means that if I use the default RGB conversion, it looks that way in RGB as well, and half the picture will be solid black - 0,0,0. I.e., unusable. Oddly enough, however, it prints just fine.Now I'm pretty good with Paint, and I know how to use the tone curve to reset the values in the CMYK to usable levels, but it takes time, usually 3 or 4 tries to get it on the money, and of course in the process I'm compressing the color space by half, so there is an inevitable loss of detail.Of course, if I could get them to send us the original RGB or their cleaned up - background dropped out - version in RGB, then the problem would be eliminated, but no luck so far on that. My question is, is there any way to simplify what I'm having to do?
I've received two orders of CDs for a client, and in the printed artwork there are some flaws that have me wondering what to do to avoid this.
Files were submitted in PDF format with text converted to curves. I believe the artwork is then imported into AI at the other end before going to print.
Along the edge of an object with a drop shadow, there is a fine white line showing. On the two products with identical artwork, the line shows on different edges, but appears to be where the drop shadow ends.
In other spots, there is what I would call "scratches", where, within an image there is a fine white line. This is not an edge or overlap, so I'm at a loss for this.
In another place, one character in a word essentially did not print. So I'm wondering what my "best practice" would be to avoid this. Should I "flatten" everything when I'm done, essentially converting the entire page to a single 300DPI bitmap?
Should I include text in the flattened bitmap, or is it best to leave as curves? My gut says leaving as curves preserves maximum resolution, but does it matter if it is not being scaled?
I've never before had issues with getting artwork printed from PDFs. In most cases, I imagine the print is created directly from my submitted PDF.
Is there any other way to save X4 files to X3 without going into the save dialog and changing the version you want it to be saved in? Also Is there any other way for me to convert all rgb in a document to cmyk without selecting the objects or using the object manager?