GIMP :: 2.8 - Removal Of Mask Does Not Keep Up With Brush Movement

Jan 3, 2014

Gimp 2.8 in Windows Vista, when using quick mask, removal of mask does not keep up with brush movement. The removal of the mask lags behind where the brush is. What's happened

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Photoshop :: Brush Movement

Apr 11, 2005

when i use the brush tool the brush is on the canvas, now i want to rotate just te brush not the canvas, someone had done it before and they hit like shift + R but it doesn't work, anyone know how to rotate a image/brush without rotating the canvas?

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Corel PHOTO-PAINT X6 :: Size Of Brush At Brush Mask Tool Cannot Be Changed

Oct 3, 2013

the size of the brush at the Brush Mask Tool can not be changed when I pressing the Shiftbutton

X6.4 - Win7

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Lightroom :: 4 Healing / Spot Removal Brush

Jan 10, 2012

i was hoping and waiting for better healing/spot removal brush in LR4... and now i am disappointed . should i wait for LR5?

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Lightroom :: Edits Using Spot Removal Brush In 5 Are Missing When Edit In PS CS5?

Nov 25, 2013

All other edits I make in LR5 carry over to PS when I use the "Edit In" to move the PS to do additional edits, except edits that I made with the spot removal brush.

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GIMP :: Restricting Tool Movement Along Single Axis (2013)

Oct 29, 2013

Is there a way to restrict tool movement along a single (horizontal or vertical) axis? I'm not talking about moving objects - as I checked and there's a thread for that - but moving those little squares in the corners of a transform tool selection.Example: I want to change the perspective of a picture. I apply the perspective tool and the picture is overlaid with a grid and four corners. I want to be able to pick a corner - say the bottom right one - and move it *only* right or left, without any vertical shift.

I tried with guidelines but I cannot make them stick to the exact side of the image neither if I tell GIMP they're magnetic.But what's worst is that even if I manually put guides along the edge, it seems that the corners of the perspective tool ignore completely the magnetic attribute.

In Photoshop I could simply pick one corner, hold the shift key and restrict movement to the two main axes.

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GIMP :: Red Eye Removal

Nov 6, 2013

I have used Gimp many times in the past, sometimes for fairly complicated photo retouch but mostly for more routine things like red eye removal, cropping, exposure control, etc. I downloaded a new version of Gimp when I replaced my computer some time ago. I followed the Gimp tutorial for red eye removal and it worked but the lines created when I used the free selection tool are remaining after I click OK to finalize the operation. Am I missing a click somewhere to turn of the selection lines?

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GIMP :: Red Eye Removal Tool

Nov 5, 2013

Sometimes for fairly complicated photo retouching but mostly for more routine things like red eye removal, cropping etc. I downloaded a new version of Gimp a few months ago when I replaced my computer. I am now having trouble with the red eye removal tool. Everything works fine except that the lines around the pupil that I selected using the free selection tool remain and scroll around the pupil after I am done.

How do I turn off the free selection tool so that the selection lines will go away. I'm following every step in the tutorial but somehow there must be another step to deactivate to selection lines. Is there an extra click somewhere or something?

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GIMP :: Text Removal From Background?

Mar 31, 2011

I created a text logo for my site. When I save the text it saves a white background too. Now I cant put that on my site with the background being there.I just want the text not the background.

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Photoshop :: CS4 Mask And BRUSH Problems

Jan 22, 2009

Ok so I have Photoshop CS4, and for some crazy reason when I add a Layer mask to a layer, and then try to paint with black to "erase" a portion of the image, it DOES erase, BUT not fully! It is as if the transparency is set to like 95%, and I can still see a very light semi transparent ghosted portion of the image. Its as if it is not fully hiding the pixels. I have checked and I definitely have the opacity of the brush set to 100% and I am using black and not a shade of grey. Any ideas?? Ive tried turning off the open gl and restarting Photoshop to no avail. And i have also rest the preference file by holding ctl,alt,shift when starting PS.

another issues is that when i choose a brush to paint with, if i use the [] bracket keys to increase the size of the brush, at some point About 75% of the brush just disappears! I can still paint with it, and it paints fine, but the "preview" circle that shows the size of the brush is only showing the top left corner! weird stuff. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated and here is the info on my video card and OS.

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GIMP :: Set Brush Size For Paint Brush And Eraser Separately?

Jul 5, 2012

I'm using a tablet with gimp and I want to be able to set the brush size for the paint brush and also for the eraser, separately. What happens now is that I'll set the paintbrush size to 10px, paint for a little while, turn the pen over to erase and the eraser will now be at 10px. So I'll adjust the eraser size to something like 50px, erase, turn over, and now the paintbrush is at 50px. Grrrrrrr... I tried creating new brushes for both the paintbrush and the eraser, but there's no brush size option. This is my first time using gimp so I'm probably missing something.

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Photoshop :: Brush Tool With Vector Mask

Nov 24, 2008

I have Photoshop CS2 and I am trying to "fix" a photo. I'm using a tutorial,and it worked on a previous photo but seems to have quit on me. I made a new layer from the original layer, used filter> other> high pass (set to 3.5) then image> adjustments>desaturate. Inverted the layer added a vector mask and inverted that as well. I set the blending mode to overlay, and the foreground color to white.

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Lightroom :: Checkbox For Mask For Adjustment Brush?

May 28, 2013

The checkbox at the bottom of the develop module that allows one to view the mask has disappeared How do I get it back. I use LR 4 on a PC.

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Photoshop :: CS6 - Black Brush On Layer Mask Not Working

Sep 28, 2012

I have been using CS6 for a while now.  CS 6 decided that I can't use my black brush on a white layer mask. At all. I can use the white one on a black mask, but not the black one I.  I restarted the computer, but I am annoyed.

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Photoshop :: Paint Brush Settings When Using Blur Mask

Sep 15, 2012

I'm learning how to use a Gaussian blur mask to airbrush portraits, but one issue I keep running into is that whenever I paint close to a colour other than skin (e.g., glasses, hair, shirt) then the paintbrush picks up that colour and paints it on the skin. Even when I try a very small diameter of brush or increase the hardness to 100%, it still shows up. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong.

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Photoshop :: Brush Tool Is Not Working With Layer Mask

Oct 25, 2012

Working with Windows platform, using Photoshop CS4, Brush Tool is not working with Layer Mask, how can I resolve this challenge?

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Lightroom :: Lost Mask Option Button For Adjustment Brush?

Aug 24, 2012

When using adjustment brush and Crop tool a bar used to appear under the photo giving me the option of seeing the overlay filter of where i had burned in or dodged. it also appeared for the 'Done' option when cropping. This bar has disspapeared from my screen and i can no longer see how much and what areas i have effected with the adjustment tool. how do i get this option back on my screen? this is lightroom 3.5 by the way

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Lightroom :: Mask Overlay Stuck And Brush Turns Block?

Jun 24, 2012

This is something that we’ve seen intermittently on our and others' Macs:
you hover over the pin of an active brush and the overlay move off the pin, but the overlay stays.when you now continue to brush, the overlay is erased in shrap edged, blocky strokes as if the brush was a square shape with no feathering. 

From all I can remember, it seems to be triggered only by larger brush sizes. Toggling the brushes panel or the overlay usually clears it up. It seems to be purely a display glitch not affecting the actual brush.
We’ve seen this happening in LR3, so it’s not new.

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Photoshop :: Layer Mask Brush / Gradient Tool Not Working In Black

Feb 15, 2013

I have cannot paint in black to conceal on a layer mask.  I have "NORMAL" mode set and the foreground color is set to black.  When I paint or use the gradient tool in "normal" mode with black it paints to transparent.Before the upgrade it was normal.   I have this problem on both CS6 apps pc-and-laptop.

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Photoshop :: Brush Tool Erasing In Quick Mask Mode Rather Than Filling In

Jun 20, 2008

I'm currently jumping back and forward between quick mask mode and my standard layer. When I am in the standard layer the brush tool is performing as it should, but when I go into quick mask it is erasing my selection (red) rather than filling in where I draw!

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GIMP :: Flashing Cursor / No Movement Of Cursor

Dec 14, 2012

My cursor appears and disappears while in GIMP as I move the cursor over the canvas. I can make the cursor appear but only if there is no movement of the cursor. It makes no difference which tool I select, the size of the canvas, or the level of zoom.

Please note that this only occurs in Gimp, and none of my other applications. It started when I upgraded from openSUSE 12.1 to 12.2. I'm assuming that it has something to do with my input device configuration, but I could be totally wrong.

I have a total of 3 input devices - Core Pointer, Logitech USB-PS/2 Optical Mouse, and Virtual Core XTEST Pointer. Both the Optical Mouse and XTEST Pointer are DISABLED. Core Pointer is the only one enabled. Enabling Optical Mouse and XTEST Pointer give me other problems in Gimp and need to remain disabled.

For the Core Pointer, Mode is set to SCREEN, a message says that 'The axis X has no curve', and the following Axis Settings:
X 1
Y 2
Pressure none
xtilt none
ytilt none
wheel none

In Gimp Preferences->Input Controllers, there are three active controllers - Mouse Buttons, Main Mouse Wheel, and Main Keyboard.

OS: Linux 3.4.11-2.16-desktop i686
System: openSUSE 12.2 (i586)
KDE: 4.8.5 (4.8.5) "release 2"

Display Info:
Vendor: Intel Corporation
Model: G33
2D driver: intel
3D driver: Unknown Gallium (9.0.1)

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Corel PHOTO-PAINT X5 :: Eraser And Brush Mask Tool Showing Icon Instead Of Circle Or Square

Mar 1, 2013

I must have fat fingered something and I now when I click on the Eraser Tool or the Brush Mask Tool instead of getting a circle or square, I get and icon of the tool instead.  They still work but they're harder to use without seeing the circle or square depending on what's selected.  I've been using Corel for many years and never had this happen and I can't figure out how to switch back.

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GIMP :: 2 Layers - Mask One Through The Other (PNG)

Jun 20, 2013

I have 2 layers and I want to mask one through the other. I've attached a png showing what I want. Here is what I am doing:

- select the text layer
- menu -> "Layer/Transparency/Alpha to selection" (now the outline letters are selected)
- select the background layer
- hit delete button
- no change in image

If I do the following steps, then the entire background is cleared:
- select the text layer
- menu -> "Layer/Transparency/Alpha to selection" (now the outline letters are selected)
- menu -> Select/Invert
- select the background layer
- hit delete button
- background image deleted

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GIMP :: Mask Out The White Or Erase It?

Jan 17, 2014

I have an object with a complete white background. I am trying to mask out the white or erase it so I can make it a PNG with transparent background.

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GIMP :: Selection With Quick Mask

Dec 31, 2013

I'm having problems getting a selection with quick mask. What I'm trying to do is get radial gradient selection in the center of an image going to the outer edge. I open an image, dupe it, hit quick mask then click the gradient tool. I choose Radial in the dialogue box and set the offset. I then draw a line from the center of the image outwards and the whirly thing shows it's working. But when I toggle the quick mask off, sometimes I have a nice round selection, sometimes I don't have anything and sometimes I have an opaque black-to-transparent gradient circle in the center.

Do I have to click the layer icon or something before I do the gradient? What am I unconsciously forgetting? Add Alpha channel (that doesn't seem to make a reliable difference)?

I've been using 2.8.10 for a short while and haven't had any other problems. Should I change back to 2.8.8? I never tried this in .8, so I don't know if it worked reliably then. Did I maybe set an environment variable wrong when I started with 10? Is this just further evidence of age-related cognitive decline and I should think about taking up tatting?

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GIMP :: Add Layer Mask To Picture?

Nov 18, 2013

How can I add a layer mask to my picture? I couldn't click on it in the Layers menu, is there something I can do, for that option to be available?

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GIMP :: Radial Gradient Selection On Mask

Jan 4, 2014

I've been using a radial gradient on a mask to create a selection, then messing with the selection with various tools, e.g. saturation, blur, contrast. All this on a duplicate of the background layer, of course.

On my most recent attempt, I noticed "rings" in a portion of the finished image. Is the sequence in which I'm using the tools the problem? Should I work on the top layer first, THEN create the selection? Here's a crop from the image:

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GIMP :: Layer Mask Feathering / Blending

Nov 6, 2012

I have a picture of a black dog which I want to merge into a black background as seamlessly as possible. I created a layer mask and blacked out the photograph area behind the dog so that the black of the layer beneath shows through. What I want to do now is somehow feather the edge between the dog and the black background to melt the two together rather than having a sharp crisp edge. Can I somehow feather the edge of my layer mask to do this quickly and easily or do I have to do it manually using the smudge tool etc?

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GIMP :: Selection Disappears After Using Quick Mask?

Jan 29, 2014

I'm using Gimp 2.8.10 on a Windows 8.1 machine, but I had this issue with earlier Gimp versions on a Win 7 machine as well. From time to time, usually after working in Gimp for a while, the marching ants around selections disappear. The most recent event happened after using quick mask. QM still shows my selection, but pressing Shift + Q to turn it off left me with no indication of the mask outline. The problem is not unique to my current machine, as I upgraded in Dec. 2013, but had the issue with an older one as well. In order to fix the problem, I save my work then restart Gimp and all is well again, for a while.

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GIMP :: Make A Template / Mask Containing Only Text

Mar 20, 2013

I would like to make a template / mask containing only text, which I could use to overlay a pictute, so that the text shows on the picture when saved & displayed as a *.jpg

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GIMP :: Using Gradient Mask To Blur Part Of Image?

Nov 29, 2010

I have a photo and I would like to blur the bottom of the image while leaving the top of the image sharp, similar to limiting the depth of field by using a large f-stop. I created a gradient mask and then used Filters > Blur but it is not working. If I choose the layer that I created the mask on and choose blur, nothing happens. If I choose the layer (background) under the mask then the whole image blurs.

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