CorelDRAW X6 :: Unable To Open Document Received By Email
May 2, 2012
I have CoreDraw X5 installed on my computer. A friend of mine e-mailed me a CorelDraw document she created. I am un able to open it. When I try to open it, CorelDraw opens but does not display the document. So the application is open and I see all the toolbars and everything but the space where I would see the document is grey. I have received CorelDraw documents by e-mail form other friends before without any problem, so it is not the e-mail that is the issue.
I have been running corel x5 for about 2 years now and all of a sudden I tried to open a new blank document and it crashed the program saying that Corel Draw has encountered a problem and needs to close??
Trying to send photo by email attachment or photo email.
Had previously done the verification code thing and got the code and have been sending pics by photo email.Have got PS10 loaded to my Desk Top - main system and also my laptop .When trying now to send pics on my DeskTop I can get to the (maybe second) screen where you choose the size of the phots and then I get the Verification Code screen - which tells me that an 'initial verification code' will be emailed to the chosen email - but when I say continue, I go to the next screen of the Photo email and then when trying to send the phto email it locks up and says an unexpected error has taken place ...
I have sent some photos via the laptop but it seems to be very hit and miss at the moment.Also I have some problems opening PSE10 - When I click on the icon - I get the initial "organise or edit" screen where I choose organise - but then all that happens is this screen closes and the Organiser does not open. Most of the time I'm left with maybe shutting down my whole computer and starting up again and it works again.
I am unable to open my own pdfs in my Photoshop (ones that I have created in same Photoshop).I get the message "This is not a valid Portable Document File (PDF) document. It cannot be opened."
I have to keep recreating the art...ugh!! Is there a way to pull up history to replicate my artwork until I get this resolved?
I have had this program for several years and no problems until yesterday. My computer, win7, 64 bit, did an automatic update. Now my corel draw will not run and the following error report appears.
"Unable to create a DOM document.Class not registered / Verify that MSXML4 is installed"
Can not reinstall program as the box is sitting on a shelf 800 miles away.
I've been using X3 for about 5 years.Today, I can't open the program.... a message appears
"Unable to create a DOM document.Class not registered Verify that MSXML4 is installed."
I have no idea what this message means. I uninstalled the program and reinstalled, rebooted and still the same message comes up. I use this program almost everyday, so, of course, now I'm unable to produce art for clients.
My PC is Dell Studio XPS 8100, 64 bit and Windows 7.
Got the "Cannot open a blank document" ERROR Message when I went to open a recently created Corel Draw X5 file. Using Windows 7 Professional.First time I've gotten this message.
I saved a book a friend of mine worked on using coreldraw 12 on a cd and tried to open it in X6 but it won't open. I think My sys. Os is a 32 bit, I have a trial version of x6 on this comp. and full version 12 on another. When I ok convert to bitmap Error message says invalid file format.
So, I've had CorelDraw X4 for maybe two years now. Everything has always worked fine.
Now, I can't get it to open new documents, and when it says it's "processing" to open old documents.. It doesn't really make any progress, and nothing every opens.
I've really tried to figure this out on my own – you'd think it would be simple. At some early point, before I was at all familiar with CorelDRAW, I closed the document palette, and ever since then it does not open automatically when I start the program or open a document. I have had to open it manually, and I can't seem to find a way to make it open by default.
For some reason a Document Color Palette doesn't appear by default when I create a new document. It did at one time, but now I have to manually activate it. Not sure what I did to cause this change in behavior, but I'd like to get it back as a default.
I am a long time user of Corel products (well, since Corel 4). I have been running Corel 12 for several years, as financially, as a pensioner it is not viable to keep up grading and 12 has been perfectly adequate. I am on Windows 7 Home premium, and I know that 12 was not designed for that platform, however it has been operation satisfactorily since 7 came out. Today, It has crashed, and I am unable to open photopaint at all either from the shortcut or the program list.
(Corel Draw, which is the only other part of the suite I use) appears to open and be available. I tried to repair with the original disk to no avail, so that having failed I did an uninstall, cleared the caches the temporary files and did a clean install. Corel Draw is still working, but Paint will not open at all. The logo appears then totally disappears after a few seconds leaving the desktop clear. There has been no changes to the computer recently and until last night the program was working fine.
When I double-click a .cdr file CorelDraw opens but the file doesn't. I just get an empty workspace as if I had opened Draw & closed the welcome screen.
I have one logo designed in Corel draw X5 and sent the file to the printer company ,they have corel draw12 on their PC and they are not able to open the design as it come as a blank page in corel draw12 .. how to open the same in corel draw 12..
Any project I save cannot be opened later. When I try to open .cdr or template file I get the message ''CorelDRAW X6 (64-Bit) has stopped working. A problem...etc...please close the program''
I noticed that this first happened in projects that had text on them but now I can't open any .cdr file.
My system specs:
Intel Core i7 2600 3,40 GHz RAM 16GB DD3 ATI Sapphire 6870 1G VRAM SSD OCZ 120GB Sata III Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit.
this is a problem that arose after repairing the previous issue, downloading the MSXML4 SP3 I can't use some fonts I purchased, open face fonts. After redownloading from supplier, issue is still not resolved.Also, I am unable to open disc 3 of Corel X3 to add fonts.
I originally installed trial version of Elements 11 and then purchased and installed full version. I have been working in Organizer/Elements and am unable to email photos. When I try to email, the email Adobe services comes up and when I enter my email address, it does not send a confirmation email to my email, what Adobe sends is a product advertisement that states your trial version has expired. It looks like it thinks I dont have the full version, but when I check products in MyAdobe, it shows both Elements 11/Premeire Elements as registered. It is installed on acomputer that has Windows 8...I can upload photos to Facebook from Editor without problems..
I have recently upgraded to X6 from X3. After design work I would export the file to jpeg for client approval. I used Apple Mail 5.2 to attach the jpeg file but my problem is the client cannot open the file. It just turns out blank with a little cross. I cannot figure out what is the problem during the export process. I have no problem at all with X3.
When I try to open about 90% of my files, I can't. I get an error with a yellow caution triangle with an exclamation point. it says "Error Reading C:UsersSignsPlusDesktop.......
So I end up dragging everything to a new page. That works fine but it's a pain ending up with multiples of everything.
The sharing (emailing) feature talks about using other email client but can not?I have Outlook 2013. the other option is to use the adobe email service that needs to verify the email that I am using but does not send the verification code that I need to activate the feature. I have Windows 8.
Elements Organizer Version: 12.0 (20130903.r.43239)Language Version: 12.0 (20130903.r.43239) Current Catalog:Catalog Name: My CatalogCatalog Location: C:ProgramDataAdobeElements OrganizerCatalogsMy CatalogCatalog Size: 43.1MBCatalog Cache Size: 187.1MB [code]....
In Share - email attachments - my default email address is not recognised - it uses an old address. In preferences - sharing - email settings - I only have two choices - Windows Mail and Adobe email service - Windows Live Mail does not appear.
photoshop elements 12 - just purchased - i have followed all the corrective items
updated to chrome signed up on ravel set up email preferences to adobe have vista checked that the 'do not save encrypted pages to disc was not checked
Am running PSE10, fully patched and updated, on Win 7. My default email client on the machine is Outlook, not sure if it's 2010 or 2013 (Microsoft has made it remarkably difficult to find out this simple fact - About apparently no longer works that way...) but I think it's 2013. Outlook works fine for all normal uses. I believe Outlook was installed after PSE10.
I recently had my first opportunity to use the Sharing options, and discovered the program simply crashes when I attempt to do a Photo Mail - which I've done often in the past with other versions of PSE but not so much with 10.
In the PSE10 preferences, I've discovered the only option for Email clients appears to be Adobe Email Service - Outlook is not listed. There is no "refresh list" option.
[URL], which seems to provide a solution involving a registry hack, if one wants to use Windows Live Mail. Apparently Win 7 does not store a default email client where PSE10 is expecting to find it. I have no problem with registry changes, however I don't want Windows Live Mail. I have Outlook, I'd like to use Outlook.
I would think there would be some similar registry hack for Outlook, however I have not been able to find it. I could probably work it out by looking at the keys entered in this hack and trial and error, but would prefer to just know what works and do that...
The machine I use has other logins, will I need to apply that fix to these additional logins separately as well?