CorelDRAW X6 :: SVG Document Isn't To Scale When Opened?
Jul 7, 2013
using CorelDRAW X6. I am having trouble when opening SVG documents in CorelDRAW X6. They seem to always be 33.333% smaller than the size I saved them in Adobe Illustrator.
I am more familiar with AI and use it for most of my design work. I use CorelDRAW mainly to save files as HPGL plotter files to cut designs with a CMC machine (there is no way to my knowledge to save HPGL files with AI).
When I open an AI file in CorelDRAW it is always to scale. However when I save it as an SVG file and open it with CorelDRAW it is always exactly 33.333% smaller than the size I saved it as in AI. While I can open AI files in CorelDRAW for my purposes it is easier if I save as SVG. I just want it to be the same scale when I open it in CorelDRAW but it is always smaller (by exactly 33.333%)
Not that it is that big of an issue, I can always scale it to the proper size. I would just like to understand why it works this way and if there is a way to correct it.
I quite often need a separate ruler scale on each page of a multi-page document. The only way I know how to do this is to create a separate document for each drawing that requires a new scale.
I request that you add the ability to change the ruler scale on a per page basis within a single multi-page document.
Context : AutoCAD Map 3D 2013Visual Studio 2010.NET 4.0, C#, WPFFDOOracle DataStore
Requirement : When I start AutoCAD Map 2013, a default document called "Drawing1.dwg" is opened. I use the command NETLOAD to load my assemblies. Final Users don't NETLOAD, an entry in the registry does the job automatically. During Initialization, my application downloads from the database a Template DWT file to initiate automatically the connection to the DataSource, and shows the different layers and styles configured by the customer. A new drawing based on this DWT is then generated.
However, the first default document remains opened. It can be sometimes annoying for the user to have both documents opened. I've never found a nice solution to close this first default document.
My technical implementation, not working :
In the Initialize method coming from IExtensionApplication, I start my application (loading business classes, user interfaces, etc...). Once started, I download the DWT, and add a new Document to the DocumentCollection (Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices.Application.DocumentManager). To this new Document, I handle many events such as CommandWillStart, CommandEnded, CommandFailed, etc... At this time, my Application asks to the user to log in. And finally, I browse the whole DocumentCollection to try to close all documents that are not the new one based on the DWT.
DocumentCollection doc_coll = Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices.Application.DocumentManager; _kleverageDocument = doc_coll.Add(dwtFilePath); if (_kleverageDocument != null) { _kleverageDocument.ImpliedSelectionChanged += new EventHandler(doc_ImpliedSelectionChanged); _kleverageDocument.CommandWillStart += new CommandEventHandler(doc_CommandWillStart);
[Code] ....
When I call the CloseAndDiscard method for each of the other Documents, I always get an Exception telling me that the document is currently drawing. Actually, the command "NETLOAD" is stil running. How can I do ? I tried another way, by using handled events on DocumentManager
I am importing a dgn into autocad by using the SendStringToExecute method with the 'Import' command. My problem is that once I have the dgn imported I want to do some modification and then save the drawing, but setting a new dim to the current mdiactivedocument still gives me the initial document and not the one opened by the import command as I had thought it would.
How can I switch the mdiactivedocument over to the newly opened document?
Is there a quick 'n easy way to scale a whole document in CS6?Right now, I select all, use the scale tool, option-click, type in a percentage, then resize the artboard. Just wondering if I'm missing something to do it all in fewer steps?
Also, any way to scale by other unit besides percentage? So I have a shape that's 374 pixels across. I want to scale it proportionally to 800 pixels across. (traditionally, I just whip out the ol' proportional alegbra equation to convert to percentage)
If you have a multipage document such as the plans for a house you can have a different scale factor on each page if you turn off "All pages in document the same" in the Options dialog's "Page Size" tab.
Then you can set different scales on different pages. E.g. 1:100 for house floor plans and 1:500 for site layout plans.
We used to use version 4 at work and loads of images drawn, my boss has converted to version 12 but when we open the drawings now all the text is in the wrong place and too big etc.
I have been given the task of fixing them all and wondered if there was an easy fix rather than clicking on each text box and changing each bit one by one, sitting with my fingers crossed.
I've upgraded to CorelDraw X6 but I need the files I make to be openable in Coreldraw 10. When saving I use the drop down box and choose the option for 10 and if they are opened again in X6 before they are opened in 10 they are fine, but when these files are opened in 10 they crash and the file gets wiped (when opened again it's just a blank page).
A not so obvious box that needs ticking? An option I have missed somewhere?
Is it because the version i have is 64bit? Or is it just not possible to downsave files properly anymore, is 10 just too old now?
I am trying to open Lightroom 4 from my desktop and it keeps giving me this message:The Lightroom catalog named "Lightroom 4 Catalog" cannot be opened because another application already has it opened.
I have multiple files open in Corel every day, and then, at the end of the day I have to run to get my lift (never at the same time!) and I would love a way to save all my files with just a click of a button.
I know Dreamweaver had this function - not sure if it still has, but I would love for Corel to have this so I don't have to scroll through all my open files and save them! If the file is not named it can pop up the save as box as usual and leave it open till the next day.
I have to save before I go, as we have very unreliable power and the UPS systems are not reliable either.
Can the items in the Contents Folder (e.g. Frames, pictures, etc.) be opened directly into Photoshop CS6 without first being opened in CorelDRAW X6. I have both programs, and it would be great if I had access to those objects whenever I'm using Photoshop.
When I click File the drop down menue at the bottom has five entries for recent jobs. The most current is a file I worked on three or four days ago. How do you make Corel remember what was the last job opened?
I'm perfectly happy with the TrueType font (BankGothic Md BT), but all the style settings change to the T1 equivalent every time I close, and when I open the file again the T1 text does not show up. I can go through and reset all the styles, then re-apply them, but it wastes a lot of time.
I just noticed that X6 crashes (freezes completely) when importing a "corrupt" pdf document. When I import the exact same file in X5, I receive the prompt "The file is corrupted." OK and I am back to where I started. X6 just hangs..... and never returns, you have to kill X6 and reload losing some of if not all the work you did prior to a save. Not good.
Have been working on a little something and would like to know what units the user is using in their document. Basically what is selected here:
The thing is, no matter what is there (and while all other menus and such use the units) Active Document.unit stubbornly returns inches. Is there a way to get the proper ones using VBA?
Is there a way to include the document properties window as a docker. I open many files a day that contain cnc machine information (in the file's document properties) that I need to access before sending the file to the cnc machines. It would be useful if this information were always displayed and editable in a docker. I didn't see it in the dockers menu. I'm using X6.
corel is only exporting the original palette size of 8.5 x 11. my files are 28' x 40" usually. only the part of the design that is covering the palette outline gets exported.
i can change the original palette size, still exports only 8.5 x 11 part of the design, doesn't shrink the design, just exports only that portion of it.
I've deleted my test macro from my .CDR file via Tools -> Visual Basic... But after closing Corel and opening that file again, it says that it "contains macros"
In October 2012 I purchased a new Dell computer with Windows 7. Now when I open CorelDraw 3x the program will only open (and/or show) one document at a time.
I have a document with multiple pages. How can I change the background of only one page? In the layout settings I only can set the background for all pages.
when i open a new document and create a a custom document, CorelDraw automatich chage the format. When i create a document with 21x29,7cm (A4) Corel Make a document of 210x297cm. at the beginning of using Corel i have no problemen with it.
I am trying to group 10 objects together but every time i try to group them I get a message saying "Operation could not be completed. Active layer document grid is locked or invisible."
But even when i turn on the document layer visibility it still won't let me group them, and I can't turn the print or edit buttons on.
I have several documents made in older CorelDraw versions. Problem- When I tried to add new pages to the existing document, the Document Grid appeared only in the new page. And these cannot be removed. Worse, it is printed everytime. There is no way for me to remove it.
PS: These problem did not appear in new documents created in CorelDraw x6. It occurs in CorelDraw x6 when using older version files.