CorelDRAW X5 :: Texture Fill Background Only Prints In Sections
Jun 28, 2012
I create an original art in X5--I use a backround texture fill- (DRAPES)--my vector art prints complete-but the texture fill backround only prints in sections--maybe the size I am printing (13 x 19) is a problem??
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May 1, 2012
My brother printer doesn't seem to like printing any texture fills.
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Aug 17, 2012
My texture fill folders start are:
Samples 5
Samples 6
Samples 7
Samples 8
Samples 9
Seems odd that all the textures are even in "sample" folders, and are disorganized, and there is a "styles" folder.
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Jan 15, 2013
Texture fill and a printing problem. They may be related. First, the file I am working with was originally created in Corel 10. I'm using X6 in Windows 8.
It is a map. I have several layers but the two layers I am having trouble with are the continental shelf and the land layers.
I cannot texture fill either in X6. I go through all the steps but the fill will not show on the screen nor will it print. I can fountain fill, solid fill etc .these layers and they will print as filled. This is the same for both printers I have, which are also new with 128MB of memory each.
In addition, I can get a fountain fill to print on the continental shelf layer, but cannot get a fountain fill to print on the land layer; even though the fill shows on the screen. I can get a solid fill to print on the land layer.
I've the objects in the proper order, the print is turned on for all these layers, etc.
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Jun 22, 2011
I am trying to take a big block font and fill it with a background pattern image and am having NO luck.
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Nov 10, 2013
I have text with a transparent fill (layer 1). Underneath it I've placed a colourful background image that I'd like to keep as the text fill (layer 2). How do I cut away the rest of the background that's showing outside the text
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Jul 4, 2011
In one of my print job there is a Box with Fountain fill from blue to gray colour in conical form and also have a power clip contents.
In the first lot we had got no problem in getting correct image reproduction as per our original file thought an EPS.
But later on in second lot after some amendments to this drawing file which later exported to an EPS for CtP service bureau we had got problem in vignette / conical fountain production in grays at its peak tone. There is one conical fountain step is missing leaving the background in up front. It ruined up the whole 2nd print lot. The CtP provider didn't responded properly in this regard.
As we are assured of our testing through importing the EPS to CorelDraw, we changed the CtP service provider in the next lot to avoid any unknown RIP issues. But through CtP plates we have faced the similar problem as seen in the second lot and the job has also been printed which means we have got ruined the 3rd lot completely.
We have also supplied the JPG image preview file to facilitate the CtP service bureau, along with the EPS. They replied the problem is neither easily visible on the RIP preview nor the EPS file shown any issues.
CorelDrawx5 v15.2.0.686 ; File last saved by: CorelDraw 12 (pc) build 661
OS: WindowsXP Professional 64bit Ed; v5.2.3790; SP2 build3790; PC Details : Intel Q6600 @2.4GHz, MBD DG33FB, 8GB RAM.
Imposition software: Impose Harry; CtP RIP details : eXpress RIP v8.1
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Jul 19, 2011
[URL] I have a corelDraw clipart, there is a white background, and I can't smart fill it wil transparent.
it's CGS06094.crd
CorelDraw X5 v. Hot Fix 4 - Windows 7-64
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Oct 28, 2012
I watched Matt Kloszowki's LR killer tip on borderless printing and followed his instructions but my 4x6 print only fills about a 40% of the paper and I'm not getting the full image. I added a border to outline the edge of the =print whic I scanned. What do I need to do to print the full image?
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Nov 7, 2012
This drawing only consists of Data Connected .shp files. The polygon styles all have a different color solid fill. Transparencies are set differently for each. I thought that may have been an issue because the two layers that plot good every time are set to zero, but another layer that plots bad is also set to zero.
To give you a visual, my drawing indicates the entire state of Michigan (UP & LP) with the Great Lakes. Layout tab 1 shows the entire drawing in landscape orientation. Layout tab 2 is rotated counter-clockwise and zoomed in on the LP. Layout tab 2 is where my problem occurs. The plot indicates a chunky diagonal area through the state showing the color & line content, but the remaining area within the state is blank. Comparing two bad prints, I realized that even though the diagonal area prints on both, they have slightly different "coverage". They also plot different lines in different locations. Why would rotating the viewport cause a problem like this!?
The plot preview displays correctly though.
Plotting from the model space works fine. Why won't it work in paperspace?
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Feb 25, 2013
I am working on a project for a park in which they are looking for a new access road and a parking lot. I created the road and sections for it, now im looking to get material cut/fill from the sections. I am having a tough time getting them to work. The only thing I can get to work is if i created a volume surface comparing my eg to my fg surface. That will give me a cut and fill material amount for my new road
What i am trying to get is the volume report for each sections, so i can get the cut/fill for each section. I have followed the tutorials and tried everything, but nothing seems to work. I created a surface from my corridor, and for some reason when i go to edit my materials, i cant add my proposed surface from my corridor to make the comparison from, and i think thats my problem. Everytime i go to create my volume report, i get all 0's.
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May 30, 2013
I want to create sections and plans showing interior finishes. As walls are all of the same structure I used the split face tool. When applying 'paint' to the face it only gives me the options of materials not fill patterns i.e. hatches. How do I get it to apply hatches or is there a visibility setting that i need to change.
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Apr 17, 2012
How do I get the cross sections to display a cut/fill value?
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Dec 17, 2012
see xcf attachment...
I used a heart fill pattern of the right 75% of the picture and the left 75% of the picture is selected overlapping the first fill in the background... I want to fill the selected background area with a flame fill pattern where it overlaps the selected portion of the heart pattern as well as the transparent area... 'overlay' looks better but Gimp is FAILING to fill the transparent areas, it ONLY fills the overlapped heart pattern portion of the selected content!!! I even tried filling the transparent area with 'white' then filling the selected area, but it STILL ONLY wants to overlay fill the heart pattern, it STILL leaves the rest alone!!! it doesn't matter if the background is white or transparent, it leaves that alone and ONLY fills the heart pattern area of selected portion of the image!!!
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May 1, 2012
I have created a road for a pit mine (which is unlike roads I have designed in the past). The road switched back towards itself and I need to daylight the cut slopes to show the limits of the mine/road cut. However, my cut/fill lines are not showing up in my cross-sections, but the plan view is showing the limits of excavation.
I assume this is because my limits are intersecting, from each of the roads, the upper and the lower. How can I get around this, or why are my cross-section lines not showing?
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Mar 25, 2013
I have a question:
- I have two layers which I want to combine. The first layer is form by black lines (in my example are blurred, but this is not necessary) which each one act as a "way" that are to be filled with the second layer that is just a line textured.
Images attached, shows what I want to do automatically (in my example, I made the process manually, but I can't do it any longer because it takes too much time.
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Dec 5, 2005
way to do this other than filling the selection with the texture then resizing the fill and then clipping it to the object?
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Feb 19, 2011
Is there any plugin that will fill in a shape with an entire texture. For example say I have a hexagon shape that I want to fill with a texture, it would take the texture and squeeze, bend and distort it to match the shape of the hexagon.
This ability would greatly speed up texturing UV maps for a model. I have yet to find a single paint program since I had DPaint on the Amiga years ago that has this feature. I've looked thru the plugin list and the closest I found was 'Shaped Gradient' which is exactly what Im looking for but doesn't support textures.
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Sep 22, 2013
Remove the text and the white background and fill it with its respective background ?
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Feb 21, 2013
I have an Imac with Mountain Lion, CS5 and have just replaced my Epson R2400 with an R3000. Now the white background round the image is covered in small cyan and light grey dots. If the image fills the paper, then the margin is affected. But when trying to proof colours I am going through loads of paper as I cannot now print a smaller image on a larger piece of paper, then re-feed the same sheet through with another small image as the paper is now pale blue.
The R2400 was fine for proofing, as the image alone would print and then the printer fed through the remainder of the sheet without printing, leaving the rest of the paper white. I understood from that , that it was most likely a Photoshop issue and some sort of conflict with the Paper profiles. But, I have checked the profiles on my Mac and they are all version 2 profiles. I note that the few profiles that do work without the blue colour do have 'bkpt' in their profiling and that the ones for the paper I actually do use and in fact the majority of the profiles, do not contain 'bkpt'.
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Oct 26, 2012
I have just started to use 3ds max from Maya. Is there a way to use "Use background " texture in 3ds max 2011 like in Maya?
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Jul 18, 2012
Instead of cutting around my design my versacam now prints the cut line. Was fine using Corel12, but have upgraded to X4 recently. How do I get it cutting again? The colour I use for cutting is correctly named and in spot colours.
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Jan 10, 2013
I encountered problems with large prints from CorelDRAW X5 and I searched the forum for solutions (and didn't find any just questions with the same basic problem)
Set up:
processor Intel i5
memory 12Gb
Windows Home Premium 64bit
Corel X5 with memory limit patch (description at the end of the post).Every printer is on the network directly, some with fiery controllers other with their own network cards.For a demonstration I loaded a print merge with 2000 pages (but it could have been 20 pages with large graphicsm it would have a very similar result), as seen in the first picture.
When I open the print dialog Corel freezes up (hangs because it's waiting on splwow64.exe) until preflight is finished. If I attempt to modify ANY settings I have a 99% chance to crash the whole application. Depending on spooled file size this may take from 5 minutes to infinity. (picture in second post)
Naturally if for any reason the preflight needs to be generated again the waiting starts again.Also sometimes when I initialize printing, it hangs (third post with pic)And sometimes the preflight is generated incorrectly (as in the first page is printed multiple times and the same amount of pages are missing from the end or other wacky glitches)
So basically is there a way to speed up the preflight generation (as in resolve the splwow64.exe issue or somehow use 100% of the processor since it just using ~35% in my case) ?
Is there a way to only manually initiate a preflight after I set up the printing (not starting automatically when I open the print dialog)?Is there a way to start only a partial preflight ? (in most cases a sample of 5-10 pages from the document is enough to set up printing)I managed to solve a lot of the issues because I started out with CorelDraw crashing from generating the print merges or trying to save them - quite far from slow printing.
So the sum up of the solutions up to this point:
Switch from 32bit windows to 64bit.
Add RAM to a minimum of 8GB
Use memory patch on desired applications so the apps can use up to 4Gb of memory instead of 2Gb.Download patch here: URL.....
Applications (CorelDRW.exe and CorelPP.exe) in C:Program Files (x86)CorelCorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5Programs
And now all that stand in the way of fast printing is windows's 32bit-64bit printing translator
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Jan 23, 2014
All of a sudden, I was able to see my texture/material in the background of the UV Editor, but now its gone and I don't know how.
Software use: Autodesk 3DS Max 2012
PC Info: Intel Core i5 Quad 3300 3.2 Turbo on AsRock Z77 Pro3 Motherboard, 8GB PC12800 1600 GHz Memory, Zotac GeForce GT 630 1GB, with Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit OS
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May 14, 2012
I'm trying to print a document that has colour in it and when it comes out of the printer it prints in black and white. I'm not sure what the issue is or what I am missing.
My printer is Canon iR-ADV C5030/5035 UFR II.
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Apr 21, 2004
There is a texture in the texturizer(sandstone) that i would like to use as a pattern on a webpage background.
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Nov 25, 2011
I make pdf ainally and if I just paste texture into all pages = huge size pdf. When I make it in microsoftword all background pictures have weight as one pic.
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May 21, 2012
I've rendered out hundreds of these before in 3DS max 2011 with no issue but in 2012 and 2013 the background colour of my ambient occlusion renders are black instead of being white for all the objects selected except for the first one. What's going wrong?
I set the colour to white in the render to texture window and if I select a single model it works fine but if I select the same model plus others, the first one is saved fine but the others all have a black background. I'm saving them as TGAs which is my preferred option and as I said has been working in 2011.
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Jul 22, 2010
When I put a jpg (or cpt, png, etc) inside a circle (or whatever) using PowerClip, eventually CorelDraw prints out a thin line in one of the jpg borders. The line is not shown in the "printing visualization" thing. I can work around this issue creating a rectangle the same color as the background and placing it over the "inexistent line". This is not only extremely annoying but also makes me waste resources as I have to print the doc again in order to get rid of the misterious line.
When the line show up seems to be random and not linked to anything in particular, like specifically jpgs or cpts. This doesn't happen everytime, wich makes it difficult to identify wtf may be causing it.
This will explain what's going on:
This is the jpg:
This is the final work:
This is what is printed, note the line on the jpg's top border:
Ok, I didn't actually use PowerClip in that, but it illustrates the point. For some reason the colors f up tho.
It's X5 on a Windows XP computer.
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Oct 24, 2013
I've designed a simple graphic in X6 and printed directly to Roland ecosol printer. My black text doesn't show up on the print. I've spent a few hours and a lot of paper trying to figure this out.
The black text that isn't showing up is designed to be on top of a yellow box. When I print as intended, the text doesn't show. However, when I move the text off the box, it is printed and visible. Is it a document setup, color management, or print settings issue? Or none of the above?
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Jun 23, 2011
I print to a Canon Colour Image Runner printer. The default colour setting is set to mono.
I've noticed when I open a colour image in Coreldraw, navigate to Print Setup, change the job settings to Colour, then print, it still comes out mono, or sometimes come out as a random combination of both mono and colour.
I've found this to be caused the setting called 'Output colour bitmaps as'. This appears to set itself to match the default printer settings on the host pc. Ie my printer is set to Mono by default, hence the above setting sets itself to Grayscale to match. If i choose to print my Coreldraw document in colour, the above mentioned setting remains set to Grayscale, hence the printed output is for bitmaps is grayscale, not colour as i selected.
Likewise if i change my printer defaults to colour, the 'Output colour bitmaps as' setting changes itself to RGB, and then there is no problem.
I assume this is a bug, as if one of my users chooses to print a document in colour, then it should come out in colour. It shouldn't be necessary to change *another* setting to achieve this.
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