CorelDRAW X5 :: Hangs At Large Prints

Jan 10, 2013

I encountered problems with large prints from CorelDRAW X5 and I searched the forum for solutions (and didn't find any just questions with the same basic problem)

Set up:

processor Intel i5
memory 12Gb
Windows Home Premium 64bit

Corel X5 with memory limit patch (description at the end of the post).Every printer is on the network directly, some with fiery controllers other with their own network cards.For a demonstration I loaded a print merge with 2000 pages (but it could have been 20 pages with large graphicsm it would have a very similar result), as seen in the first picture. 

When I open the print dialog Corel freezes up (hangs because it's waiting on splwow64.exe) until preflight is finished. If I attempt to modify ANY settings I have a 99% chance to crash the whole application. Depending on spooled file size this may take from 5 minutes to infinity.  (picture in second post)

Naturally if for any reason the preflight needs to be generated again the waiting starts again.Also sometimes when I initialize printing, it hangs (third post with pic)And sometimes the preflight is generated incorrectly (as in the first page is printed multiple times and the same amount of pages are missing from the end or other wacky glitches)

 So basically is there a way to speed up the preflight generation (as in resolve the splwow64.exe issue or somehow use 100% of the processor since it just using ~35% in my case) ?

Is there a way to only manually initiate a preflight after I set up the printing (not starting automatically when I open the print dialog)?Is there a way to start only a partial preflight ? (in most cases a sample of 5-10 pages from the document is enough to set up printing)I managed to solve a lot of the issues because I started out with CorelDraw crashing from generating the print merges or trying to save them - quite far from slow printing.

So the sum up of the solutions up to this point:

Switch from 32bit windows to 64bit.
Add RAM to a minimum of 8GB

Use memory patch on desired applications so the apps can use up to 4Gb of memory instead of 2Gb.Download patch here: URL.....

Applications (CorelDRW.exe and CorelPP.exe) in C:Program Files (x86)CorelCorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5Programs

And now all that stand in the way of fast printing is windows's 32bit-64bit printing translator

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Photoshop :: Large Prints On A Small Printer

Sep 12, 2004

I need to print large photos on a small printer and then mount them together on a large board, but no matter how I do it I seem to get either overlap of gaps between the printed photos. I found a good way to mount the photos so the edges of the paper are not too visible (from a distance), but I can still see gaps and overlays. The Photo image has a width of 24 in by 33 in. I'm trying to print it on nine (9) 8X11 papers.

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Lightroom :: 5 - Export Photos In TIFF Instead Of JPEG For Large Prints?

Feb 15, 2014

I want to blow up some prints into large formats.... How can I export in TIFF instead of Jpeg in LR5?

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CorelDRAW X5 :: Hangs On Open Or New After Every Other Reboot

Sep 12, 2012

I'm on an I5 running Windows 7 64-bit using CorelDRAW X5 ver When I reboot my system (about once a week) and start CorelDraw, it hangs if I try to open any documents or create a new document. If I reboot again, so far, it will open documents without issue. This has been occurring for the last few (2-3) weeks. I installed and have been running the program daily on this system for about 18 months without any other unexpected issues.

I haven't had any issues with this version of CorelDraw crashing under any other regular circumstances. I've been a user since Version 2 (Late '80s early '90s) 

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CorelDRAW X4 :: Versacam Prints Cut Line

Jul 18, 2012

Instead of cutting around my design my versacam now prints the cut line. Was fine using Corel12, but have upgraded to X4 recently. How do I get it cutting again? The colour I use for cutting is correctly named and in spot colours.

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CorelDRAW X5 :: Colour Prints In Black And White?

May 14, 2012

I'm trying to print a document that has colour in it and when it comes out of the printer it prints in black and white. I'm not sure what the issue is or what I am missing.

My printer is Canon iR-ADV C5030/5035 UFR II.

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X4 :: Hangs While Opening Some Files?

Apr 12, 2011

I have fully licensed X4 version. Last week i was receiving 4 different cdr files (cdr X4), created by other person (lets call him Jack). Files were ok, but there was some grammar mistakes, so I asked Jack to correct them and send files back to me. But! When he did that, I wasn't able to open theese files . My Corel hangs trying to open all of them. And it seems like files are opened and Corel is running,  but i can not see anything, even panels...Only gray or white screen is visible....  Today, 12 of April, i received files (created also on version X4) from another person and story repeats. It only happans with some cdr X4 files, other works just fine.

Common thing is that all of them are created on X4 version. I tried several times to reinstall my corel, but it did work. I downloaded trial version of Corel X5 on other PC, there i was able to open them, save for version 14, only then i could open theese files on my pc. But i can not do that all the time. Jack is very active client and trial version is only for a month =). I need to understand is it my Corel problem, or Jacks. But todays events, shows it is my problem. I have a feeling, that it might be some corel updates, which prevent my Legal Corel X4  to open cdr files, created on Pirate Corel X4 version. Can it be true? Conflict between legal and illegal versions... If trully, such  updates took place last week

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 :: New Install Hangs On Open

May 21, 2011

My first post, but long time user of Corel starting V12

Current: corel Draw Graphics Suite X5 SP2OS Vista 64 bit SP2 one user. with admin privileges Updated X4 to X5 in May 2010 and then upgraded to SP2 when released

Occasional crash and slow to open all services. I use Corel every day, cannot live without it.Runs days with many files created  with no restart.Then during day of 20/May/2011 A new file saved could not be opened. ( silent no warning ),

All Old files Open OK, templates open OKany new file made since cannot be opened. No Known install or updates on the day or days prior to issue.Ran repair. Issue continued unchanged.Eventually restated with F8. But new files again not opening.Updated  user default settings no change with issue.I did notice long delay in saving new file longer than normal.

Restarted Corel Draw, which now Hangs on stat up ( Loading users settings stage )Restarted machine same problemUninstalled X5, Restarted, Re installed X5  Install OK. Open Corel Draw or Paint, both hang on start up as aboveUpdated with SP2 same hang on start up. The only working X5 items BitSteam font navigator and CONNECTGrouped all fonts with bitstream, set with minimal basic fonts installed. Restarted again hangs same on start up

Repeated Removal, Checked Regedit all entries gone for X5 ( previous X4 Removed but some entries exist in registry for X4 )Deleted all  CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 folders in programs and User app folderRestarted and reinstalled. Again hang on start upTested in Safe mode again hang on start up.No other issues machine running well, No Registry errors (Uniblue), Use Kaspersky PURE for virus and security

Event report:-

The program CorelDRW.exe version stopped interacting with Windows and was closed. To see if more information about the problem is available, check the problem history in the Problem Reports and Solutions control panel. Process ID: 11c4 Start Time: 01cc176e05fac2c3 Termination Time: 21

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CorelDRAW X5 :: Prints Inexistent Line On JPG Borders When Use PowerClip?

Jul 22, 2010

When I put a jpg (or cpt, png, etc) inside a circle (or whatever) using PowerClip, eventually CorelDraw prints out a thin line in one of the jpg borders. The line is not shown in the "printing visualization" thing. I can work around this issue creating a rectangle the same color as the background and placing it over the "inexistent line". This is not only extremely annoying but also makes me waste resources as I have to print the doc again in order to get rid of the misterious line.

When the line show up seems to be random and not linked to anything in particular, like specifically jpgs or cpts. This doesn't happen everytime, wich makes it difficult to identify wtf may be causing it.

This will explain what's going on:

This is the jpg:

This is the final work:

This is what is printed, note the line on the jpg's top border:

Ok, I didn't actually use PowerClip in that, but it illustrates the point. For some reason the colors f up tho.

It's X5 on a Windows XP computer.

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CorelDRAW X5 :: Texture Fill Background Only Prints In Sections

Jun 28, 2012

I create an original art in X5--I use a backround texture fill- (DRAPES)--my vector art prints complete-but the texture fill backround only prints in sections--maybe the size I am printing (13 x 19) is a problem??

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 :: Font Missing From Prints

Oct 24, 2013

I've designed a simple graphic in X6 and printed directly to Roland ecosol printer.  My black text doesn't show up on the print.  I've spent a few hours and a lot of paper trying to figure this out. 

The black text that isn't showing up is designed to be on top of a yellow box.  When I print as intended, the text doesn't show.  However, when I move the text off the box, it is printed and visible.  Is it a document setup, color management, or print settings issue?  Or none of the above? 

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CorelDRAW X3 :: Changing To Colour Still Prints Jobs Out As Mono?

Jun 23, 2011

I print to a Canon Colour Image Runner printer. The default colour setting is set to mono.

I've noticed when I open a colour image in Coreldraw, navigate to Print Setup, change the job settings to Colour, then print, it still comes out mono, or sometimes come out as a random combination of both mono and colour.

I've found this to be caused the setting called 'Output colour bitmaps as'. This appears to set itself to match the default printer settings on the host pc. Ie my printer is set to Mono by default, hence the above setting sets itself to Grayscale to match. If i choose to print my Coreldraw document in colour, the above mentioned setting remains set to Grayscale, hence the printed output is for bitmaps is grayscale, not colour as i selected.

Likewise if i change my printer defaults to colour, the 'Output colour bitmaps as' setting changes itself to RGB, and then there is no problem.

I assume this is a bug, as if one of my users chooses to print a document in colour, then it should come out in colour. It shouldn't be necessary to change *another* setting to achieve this.

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite 12 :: Program Hangs All The Time When Open?

Apr 12, 2012

I have problem with opening the corel draw 12 software. When i opened this, the program hangs all the time and cant access anymore.

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 :: Installation Hangs And Then Cannot Publish PDF Or Save Files

Dec 28, 2011

I was facing problems with X5 soon after installing it, it actually doesn't installs properly. Somehow i have to End Process of installation and though find X5 in my Start menu of Windows XP SP2. Well the actual problem started when i recently tried to publish PDF for one of my client's brochure of 17 pages, X5 closes all of a sudden and i have to restart the whole process. At times it creates a PDF which then has errors and Acrobat Reader don't read it.At times X5 even gives Error while saving files. Then have to click Save till it actually saves the file.I uninstalled X5 thinking, there could be some corrupted files and re-installed, but all in vain..

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 :: Printed Image Darker Than Photoshop Prints

Jul 12, 2013

Tried the same image printed using corel and Photoshop. same setup: let software handle color, color off in printer, same profiles and settings otherwise. the corel print is a bit darker and some colors are slightly different than the same image printed thru Photoshop.

I usually print designs created in corel as there is added text and graphic elements. Can't print those using PS. just odd there is noticeable color variations.

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 :: Paragraph Text Box Prints But Is Hidden On-screen?

Mar 30, 2011

I can't see the text in several paragraph text boxes but they print fine.  The outline is red on-screen but the contents aren't visable unless I print it.

Can I do something to the file, clean it, save as, reindex it, re-build it ?

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CorelDRAW X3 :: Printer Prints Off Center - Win7 / Business Inkjet 2230

May 4, 2010

As indicated by title I have just switched to a newer computer from a system using XP and corel draw 8 to a new system using Win7 and corel draw X3 and using the same printer (buisness inkjet 2230). I have never had any problems printing before but now every time i print my pages are offset to the right. The only solution I have found is that I can change the printer page (in print preview) to the left. But though my many attempts to do this works fine, saving it as a default just won't work.  After saving as default next time I open a document it switches to old layout. I have even tried going to print defaults folder, deleting all corel's defaults, and then saving and somehow it just reverts back to regular settings.  make life simpler than changing print area every time?

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 :: Faint Printing - How To Make Prints Darker

Apr 3, 2012

I have been using Corel for printing customized shipping labels and flyers in B & W.  I use Arial or Times New Roman ttf fonts for printing labels and texts and print out with a laser printer.  I did not have any problem in the past up to CorelDraw X4.  .   All text came out black with X4.   Recently, i upgraded to Coreldraw X5.  When I printed shipping labels and texts with X5 in the same way as I have been doing with X4, the labels came out in faint prints.  I could not use shipping labels printed with X5  for mailing out.   I repeated installing X4 and X5.   I see that something is wrong with X5.  All labels and simple text prints are faint with X5.  On the other hand, printing with X4 came out  charcoal dark.   I installed X5 on both home and office computers.   Both gave the idential results.  My computer runs Windows 7 professional.  Printers are HP (office) or Samsung (home) laser printers. How to make prints darker?  I am only concerned B & W print (not color because I did not try color printing yet). 

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CorelDRAW X3 :: Files Are Too Large?

Sep 14, 2011

I create new files in Corel X3. Even if their content is very small and simple (ex. one line), after saving these files have above 1 MB and it takes very long to open them.

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CorelDRAW X6 :: CDR Files To PDF In Large Quantity

Apr 19, 2013

We have close to 11k of CDR files that we need to convert into PDF files because a great number of these CDR files have multiple pages in them. I'd like to be able to do this as a batch process.

I've tried this product called FoxPDF CDR to PDF converter, but it doesn't work. All it does is convert it to a PDF file, but inside the file there is  nothing but a very large red pixelated shape in every single PDF file it creates. I've tried it on about 20 CDR files.


I couldn't seem to find a macro that can batch convert CDR to PDF on [URL].....

Any great way to do this on a large number of files? 

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X3 :: Printing Too Large?

May 7, 2011

I'm using Corel X3 graphics.  Windows Vista.  HP officejet pro 8500a premium printer.  I'm trying to print a file I used to print all the time.  It's a map with bitmaps.  I must have accidently changed some settings in CDX3 because now it prints too large--it won't even fit on the page.   I've tried changing every print setting that relates...Fit to Page, etc.  I also restarted corel while holding down the F8 key to reset the factory defaults.  I've re-installed Corel 3 times!  I'm at my wits end. 

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CorelDRAW X5 :: Designing Large Signs - 3% Zoom

Sep 27, 2013

I am designing large signs in corel draw ( 29 feet x 15 feet ). When I zoom out it only goes to 3%. Is there a way to let corel let me work with larger signs? 

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CorelDRAW X5 :: Generate A4 Tiles Of A Large Banner?

Jul 13, 2012

I am trying to generate A4 tiles of a large banner (13m x 3m).

In the layout mode, I can't seem to get the image size to be set at 100%. If I manually set the image size to 100% and click on apply, this drops back to 38%. 38% is the highest it seems accept.

Is this a limitation with CorelDraw? Is there a way around this?

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CorelDRAW X4 :: Import / Export Screen Too Large?

Dec 28, 2011

I've inadvertently changed something that mades the import/export screen too large, and I can't click onto the open, save, etc. buttons on the bottom right.  I've tried dragging the screen up to the top, but I still can get to those darn buttons!

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CorelDRAW X5 :: Large Vehicle Graphics Projects?

Nov 22, 2011

I am curious to know how other people create and produce vehicle graphics. I have had a tremendous amount of difficulty using CorelDRAW X5 for producing large vehicle graphics such as city busses and large tractor/trailer rigs and box trucks.

My basic workflow is to begin with a vehicle outline and actual measurements, create the full scale artwork, slice the art into 53" wide panels, and send to the printer RIP as PDF-X3.

For smaller projects this workflow works adequately, however, larger projects become such agonizing hassles I want to take up a new career.  Due to the huge amount of lost time due to corrupt files, repeated crashes, software reinstalls, tedious work-arounds, etc. I feel I have no choice but to switch to a different software, most likely Adobe Illustrator.

John Fawcett - Senior Graphic Artist, Visual Marking Systems, Inc., Twinsburg, OH USA- Corel user since v3
MacBook Pro 15", Intel Core i7 2.2 GHz, 16 GB DDR3 SDRAM,Intel HD Graphics 3000, 500 GB SATA HD,
Magic Mouse, Mad Catz R.A.T.7 mouse
Windows 7 Pro 64-bit, Dual Quad-core Intel Xeon 2.0GHz, 12 GB DDR3 RAM,
Dual 320 GB SATA HD, GeForce GTS 250 1GB video, Dual monitors, Mad Catz

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 :: Large Files After Importing

Apr 5, 2011

I'm having size problems after importing and changing files. Look at this print screen, how this 2.73 mb Photo sizes up to more than 15 Mb without me doing anything?

I used to work with X3 but after updating to X5, this problem turned up.

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 :: Offset Contour Too Large?

Feb 10, 2011

I haven't experienced my contour offset 'jumping' in too large increments.....BUT

my contour offset tool is not working like it used to.

Only rarely would I receive the message 'contour offset too large' when offsetting a bezier curve .025"

Whenever this would happen I would then reduce my nodes or convert them to cusp or smooth. This would almost always fix the 'countour offset too large' problem.

I've reset Coreldraw to factory default but still have this problem with certain lines.

All of my software is up to date.

CorelDraw X5

27" iMac, Bootcamp, Windows 7

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CorelDRAW X5 :: Contour Offset Too Large Error Message

Jul 28, 2012

In working with slightly more complex curve shapes in CorelDraw X5, I'm discovering when using the contour option it results in an error ("Contour Offset too large"). This was not experienced in CorelDraw 9 at all. I'm experiencing this error with inside or outside contours, steps at 1, offset at 0.1. Reducing nodes eventually will allow the contour to be successful. However, it takes an extreme reduction of nodes which distorts the shape a lot.

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X3 :: Opening Large CDR File

Jul 22, 2009

I'm trying to open a large file (1.2gig) but corel is having a error reading (dialoge box pop up). I have another file 1.19 gig which takes a few minutes to open but is fine.

I have 2gig ram so just wondering what the limit for file size in x3 file is? The file in question was running sweet yesterday so I didn't realise it was so large.

Is there any way to recover the contents ? I can see it in preview so I don't believe it is corrupt....the back-up has the same issues.

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 :: Too Large File To Email?

Feb 6, 2012

I have been running crazy trying to email a poster over to my printer. She asked the file to be put into pdf format and to keep it in cdr format. I've done that but I keep reaching the limit on my email. How exactly can I send the file over in both pdf and cdr without going over the size limit? 

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CorelDRAW X6 :: Large File (17000KB) Keeps Crashing Saying It Is Out Of Memory?

Jul 26, 2013

I have a large file (17000KB) and it keeps crashing saying it is out of memory. Is there a good way to deal with this file? I can open it and try to delete parts of it but then when I try to save or save it as a different doc, it will crash.

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