CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 :: Paragraph Text Box Prints But Is Hidden On-screen?
Mar 30, 2011
I can't see the text in several paragraph text boxes but they print fine. The outline is red on-screen but the contents aren't visable unless I print it.
Can I do something to the file, clean it, save as, reindex it, re-build it ?
I have a document of 300 pages or so of flowing text which I wish to edit into chapters.
Ideally I would like to select the start of a line of text and place it at the top of a page where it will then stay without breaking the paragraph links, as in Word (this also maintains the word count across the whole document).
Alternatively, could I simply break the paragraph links? When I attempt this now with Arrange/Break Paragraph Text, all that happens is that a new page with an unlinked text frame appears, but the 'before' and 'after' pages are still linked, which defeats the objective.
The only way I've found to divide the document up is to copy it whole and then delete pages before and after the required chapter breaks and then reassemble them into one document, which is pretty laborious.
I am doing a job with columns of donor names (originating from a Word file). Most of the lines space just fine but occasionally there is a 'phantom line' for want of a better term, sort of like I've gone from single spacing to 1.5 or so.
The thing is my paragraph text stats don't change... I highlight good lines - they show as 100%, I highlight the troublesome section, it shows as 100% and there is nothing in the Word file to show that this originated there.
As the job needs to get out the door, I'll just cut out the offending bits, make them artistic text and drop them back in to fit properly. WIth more than a thousand names this is getting pretty old pretty quick.
why the bounding box is so wrong when exporting paragraph text as EPS and placing it in InDesign or opening in Photoshop? See screenshots below. Text is being convert to curves in the EPS export dialog box.
At one point today, I was exporting an entire 8.5x11 page with a small block of paragraph text in the middle and it came into InDesign at 10x11".
My boss has produced a layout that has images, artistic text and paragraph text and wants the whole thing half the size. Obviously the paragraph text doesn't just scale down when everything is grouped, do I just select the paragraph text and convert it to artistic text ?
how to curve text within a shape, as paragraph text, not artistic text? (See my attached image.)
I have drawn the shape, inserted the text as paragraph text, but the text always wants to sit straight. I am so frustrated as I can find a workaround in either Corel or Adobe CS products. I have tried using artistic text in Corel, but have to do it line by line - and this brings other problems, such as I cant justify each line with each other, and sometimes a character jumps up relative to the other characters and the entire paragraph does not taper this is not a solution, apart from the fact it will take me FOREVER to insert line by line....I would like to treat the text as a multiple line paragraph, and follow the shape.
I used to click on the A in the toolbox and look up on the menu to change between paragraph text and artistic text but I can't find that icon or any icons to choose paragraph text. It eludes in customizing the tookbox too?
How do I get that paragraph text tool to show up in menus, bars and the toolbox?
I have some 20 pages file and used 2 font in it. Now when I look in Text - Text Statistics it is showing 6 different fonts other then I have used. I try to look in object manager it is showing paragraph text with only one font. How to find out the fonts that is not used by me.
In the last 2 days Corel has decided to start changing Artistic Text to Paragraph Text when I copy & paste it across documents, completely changing the font, size & colour of what I am copying.
I've just done a factory reset & it's still doing it.
I don't recall doing anything that would change a setting.
The text I am copy & pasting are disclaimers that are all set on 1 document & I copy & paste them to a proof as needed.
I need to hide the dotted boxes that are now showing in X3 around all paragraph text on maybe 1000 business slides I created 5 to 10 years ago and now want to update.
Changing to artistic text does make the dotted boxes go away but is there a master setting that would make them go away in paragraph text?
Five to ten years ago I created maybe 1000 busness slides in CorelDraw and then moved their images to Powerpoint. Versions used were 11 and X3.
Now when I want to dust them all off and freshen them I find dotted boxes around .
With a number of of paragraph text objects selected, the interactive rotate becomes increasingly sluggish in keeping up with my mouse position when dragging round. I've got a calendar artwork with 12 paragraph objects, and after I've let go of the mouse button, the screen will continue trying to update for anything up to 10 seconds afterwards, during which time I can't do anything.
This is a problem that comes from previous versions. When applying a figure using Wrap resource to a Paragraph Text in columns: most of times the basis of the text is not aligned correctly.
In my one file I am unable to do copy and past command in paragraph text mode in one particular paragraph text handle. Can't find the reason. But in same file with new artistic or paragraph text handle I can do copy and past.
I am interested to know why with Corel Draw the quality of many of my images and text looks very poor on the screen, but when I publish to PDF they are how they should be. Is there any way of changing this so I see on the screen what the real quality looks like?
How can I apply edited paragraph style to all at once.
I mean I have created new paragraph style with 10 pt Arial font and applied to different paragraph. And now I have edited the same paragraph style with 16 pt. Arial font, now how it will applied at once to all old style that I have used.
How do I remove the "paragraph" symbol or turn it off??????
It wasnt on when i first installed it last week and i must have turned it on by accident...and there is not a button that i can see to turn it off like in ms word.
Words in a paragraph are splitting into different lines when it gets to the end of a line. How do I stop words from splitting into different lines in a paragraph.
I have set Ariel as my default font for paragraph & artist text with 12 pt.. On making some change of text with font say to New Times Roman 18 pt. then the new artist text or paragraph text is 18 pt. as default font.
I've designed a simple graphic in X6 and printed directly to Roland ecosol printer. My black text doesn't show up on the print. I've spent a few hours and a lot of paper trying to figure this out.
The black text that isn't showing up is designed to be on top of a yellow box. When I print as intended, the text doesn't show. However, when I move the text off the box, it is printed and visible. Is it a document setup, color management, or print settings issue? Or none of the above?
Tried the same image printed using corel and Photoshop. same setup: let software handle color, color off in printer, same profiles and settings otherwise. the corel print is a bit darker and some colors are slightly different than the same image printed thru Photoshop.
I usually print designs created in corel as there is added text and graphic elements. Can't print those using PS. just odd there is noticeable color variations.
I have been using Corel for printing customized shipping labels and flyers in B & W. I use Arial or Times New Roman ttf fonts for printing labels and texts and print out with a laser printer. I did not have any problem in the past up to CorelDraw X4. . All text came out black with X4. Recently, i upgraded to Coreldraw X5. When I printed shipping labels and texts with X5 in the same way as I have been doing with X4, the labels came out in faint prints. I could not use shipping labels printed with X5 for mailing out. I repeated installing X4 and X5. I see that something is wrong with X5. All labels and simple text prints are faint with X5. On the other hand, printing with X4 came out charcoal dark. I installed X5 on both home and office computers. Both gave the idential results. My computer runs Windows 7 professional. Printers are HP (office) or Samsung (home) laser printers. How to make prints darker? I am only concerned B & W print (not color because I did not try color printing yet).
I am attempting to create a graphic using corel draw that has several different layers that can be viewed separately or simultaneously. Additionally the images in each layer are hyper linked to corresponding web pages. I am running into an issue because when I print to PDF I have several layers still active however hidden.
These hidden layers contain hyperlinks which are still showing up on the PDF even when those layers are not.
How can I make CorelDraw X5 not display fonts marked "hide" in the FONTS folder of Win 7? Scrolling through hundreds of fonts to find the one you want is a real nightmare.
I had saved this link in my FF favorites. Just thought of sharing it here. I could not find any live link for this page on the Homepage or any other pages on the recent forum pages. I wonder why it was removed.
I want to create a watermark layer that is hidden (non visible), but is "printable" so it shows when I export to PDF.I can only get it to display is I show (make visible) that layer.
I converted a DXF file to a Corel Designer file. This DXF file also has some dimensions which turned into paragraph text. This paragraph text is turned by 90 degrees. The font size is rather small, so I increased it by some points. As the paragraph text frames were now too small, I tried to increase their size. However, the text frames always jump back to their original size.
I experimented a little bit and noticed that this is only, if the text is turned by 90 or 270 degrees. If the text frame is not turned or turned by 180 degrees, you can change the size of the text frame. Additionally this problem arises only, if the option "Expand and shrink paragraph text frames to fit text" is activated (in Tools | Options | Workspace | Text). Sometimes some text frames were adapted automatically, when I changed this option. However, I do not know when which text frame was changed.
I installed Corel Draw 12 on a new machine with Vista HP, and I cannot git rid of the registration nag screen. I lost my registration info a long time ago, and have tried the "never register" option, but the nag screen keeps coming up.
I'm trying to uninstall X5 to install it again. Because when I try and any of the programs connected to it I get blank screens. I'm completely dumbfounded.. When I click on it to "UNINSTALL" I also get the green bar for about 2 seconds, but the box is completely blank. No buttons or anything.
I opened my CorelDRAW X3 to find that the colours on screen look corrupted.
I use the "Optimised for professional output setting" in Colour Management which I never change.
Now, rather than looking fairly close to printed colours, they look very bright... too bright! (see screen shot)
I think that i have had this problem before and i ended up uninstalling and reinstalling. I would like to avoid this if i can as have have a lot of custom settings that i would have to re-do.
I’d like to copy an object a distance that I specify on screen. I can see how to copy a specified number of inches, but that is very awkward. You have to measure the distance (horizontal and vertical) and then input the numbers, then click “apply”. Is there a simpler way to do it?
Or is there a way to paste at a specified location? If I do an Edit>Copy then Edit>Paste, it pastes the new object on top of the old one.