There are a shortcut key for switching from Smart Fill Tool to eyedropper for apply a color and not having to go to the color box to switch to eyedropper? That would be more faster!
how to draw and big fat line - about 24 pt - with rounded ends, then give that line an outline of its own so I can change the 'fill ' - the original line colour - and get an outlined line?
And just for fun, I want the 'fill' to be semi-transparent!
I have text with a transparent fill (layer 1). Underneath it I've placed a colourful background image that I'd like to keep as the text fill (layer 2). How do I cut away the rest of the background that's showing outside the text
I have a JPG with a graphic over a white background. I converted to GIF using Corel PHOTOPAINT. In the GIF Export window, hitting the background with the eyedropper tool is supposed to make anything that color transparent. Things appeared to be working when I clicked the Preview button. But....
Whenever I try to put this new GIF on top of another bitmap, I still have the white rectangle background. I tried I converting the secondary background image to GIF, but I still have the original white box around the first image.
I have a BMP image that is part of a larger logo that I need to be cut out on my inline cutter. The problem is, when I convert the whole logo to the plotter file, the BMP image does not show up. I have tried using the outline trace to convert the BMP to a form my plotter will recognize, but when I save the file, it saves it with a white background that shows up in my plotter image. This white background messes up the whole logo.
Is there any way to save the file where the image has a transparent background? I have been saving it as a .cmx file and there is no option to save it as a transparent background.
I now have a mac and I have corel 11 loaded on to it - how can i view the clipart? - is there a program available to do this. I know that there used to be a scrapbook docker - but that seems to have gone in this version!
In one of my print job there is a Box with Fountain fill from blue to gray colour in conical form and also have a power clip contents.
In the first lot we had got no problem in getting correct image reproduction as per our original file thought an EPS.
But later on in second lot after some amendments to this drawing file which later exported to an EPS for CtP service bureau we had got problem in vignette / conical fountain production in grays at its peak tone. There is one conical fountain step is missing leaving the background in up front. It ruined up the whole 2nd print lot. The CtP provider didn't responded properly in this regard.
As we are assured of our testing through importing the EPS to CorelDraw, we changed the CtP service provider in the next lot to avoid any unknown RIP issues. But through CtP plates we have faced the similar problem as seen in the second lot and the job has also been printed which means we have got ruined the 3rd lot completely.
We have also supplied the JPG image preview file to facilitate the CtP service bureau, along with the EPS. They replied the problem is neither easily visible on the RIP preview nor the EPS file shown any issues.
I'm practicing using Coreldraw and made a logo with a transparent background. It's a combination of rectangles and text. I exported the logo as a png. Everything looks fine in corel, but when I upload it to the web the edges are very ragged on the rectangles and text. I tried it with and without converting to curves and the same thing happens.
I want to load in a background image, then draw some lines on it. Then I want to save ONLY the lines I drew as a PNG with a transparent background. I'm sure this is easy but I haven't used CorelDraw in a long time.
I'm creating two websites for two different clients, and both gave me scanned copies of their logos. I converted them to GIF, JPG, BMP and PNG (from MS paint program), followed all the directions found online in various combinations to remove the white background from these logos. Here's a sample of what I did:
import logo; edit bitmap; change background; used magic wand on white areas; close paint & export doc. I've tried various combinations of clicking on options like transparency, masking, changing the tolerance and nothing works.
On one the white background simply won't go away after saving to my desktop, and on the other there is a grey/white checkerboard pattern on the background.
When it's all said & done, I need to upload these to as a PNG.
I'm at my wits end been trying to do this for two days after work, wondering if Corel is even capable of doing this, or if my clients' logos are just unusable or if I'm just losing it.
While installing X5 it seems to get stuck while installing fonts and clipart ! My tower is making all these orgasmic sounds, but after a while it sounds like a scratched record making all the same sounds continuously. The gauge that shows me how far the download is proceeding seems to get stuck at the 25% mark.
I have an object that I want to have a background so that the contents under it cannot be seen. Is there a way to do this without having to draw a new shape?
I can change page backgrounds to a darker color. the background of the whole workspace is really bright white, is there any way I can change the entire background to a darker color like neutral the Photoshop background workspace?
I have a light pink background behind an image which I would like to turn pure white. How can I select the image and white out the background without changing the image? None of the mask tools seem to have any effect.
Quick question, I just created a logo and I'm wondering if there is a way to export the logo into jpeg without the white background. I create posters for my husbands business and it will not be a problem when i add our logo to our posters because I can just remove the background myself.
My problem will be when I have to send the logo to other companies, they usually ask for the logo in jpeg. I've already exported the logo into a jpeg but of course the white document background appears. Is there any way to export ONLY the logo into a jpeg?
I am new to X4 and cannot seem to get rid of the white background when I export a vector to a jpg file. This is probably a no brainier but I have tried setting the page background to none and a few other things but to no avail.
I am using corel draw to run my laser engraver and I am trying to make a custom frame. Epilog has a tutorial how to do it, but I am afraid it is a tutorial for corel draw x3 or x4. I have x5 and when I follow the tutorial, I am not able to get the result I want. I find trouble when I try to trim out the images from the frame.
If I covert a font or shaped image under Bitmaps=>Convert to Bitmaps, I get a white solid background. In Corel x5 this would be a clear background. Also I can no longer Cover to Bitmap a photo then open with bitmap editor to create rectangles or ovals with clear faded edges. These are items I use all the time. How do I achieve this now. Also x6 will not save in x5 version. It will warn me of potencial problems then fail.
I have a complex (includes tints) clip art object that needs printing in a specific pantone color I just convert it to grayscale using edit>find and replace objects>color mode. then print it as a black plate and just use another color on press.
Today I had to send off artwork to another printer. Dang. How to install a macro. Import clip art to be modified to a new document, do not do this in your working document.
Use Edit>Find and Replace> Find Objects Replace a color model or palette. Next Leave as is except change Replace with color model to "Grayscale" Next>Replace all
Repeat 2-4 for 'outlines' if you have them.There you now have a gray scale clipart, but the fun continues!You'll need to know what pantone color you want to use. Let's say Reflex Blue. Make a square and color it Reflex blue from a pantone palette.Duplicate the square and create swatches at 90% 80% 70% etc down to white.Select these square swatches, then Windows>Color Palette>Create Palette from Selection. Save palette with a temporary name, it is only time use. Or you could call it 'Reflex Blue'Now go to this website and download the macro "limit colors" URL...
Drop it in your GMS folder in under your username to install the macro. (might have to save the drawing and restart Corel...)Once you reopen your now grayscale clipart document, Select the clipart. Run the macro (Tools>Macros>Run Macros) LimitColors.Posterize select the number of colors in your new palette if you created 10% swatches, go with 11, if you did steps of 20% then you'll do 6 (don't forget white).Run the macro LimitColors.LimitColors and select your new palette you made in step 9.
I haven't used it since 6.0, but it isn't working for me now. I've noticed a myriad of problems/crashes since windows updated last night (not just corel products). I've got a simple 3000x4000 image I'm trying to grow. It locks up as soon as I change the height number.
Current System: i3 3.07ghz, 3gb ram, Windows 7 32 bit with all updates and X6
I have followed the instructions carefully and am unable to fill anything.
I make a rectangle. Choose the colour from the palette, drag the little coloured box over to the rectangle and release. Nothing. Many years ago I used my brothers Corel draw, so I know ( or knew then ) how to colour a rectangle.
Never did anything with mesh fill till today. Did some reading on it here over the past few days and did a drawing using only mesh fills, 1 for subject and 1 for background. I spent about 2 hours on it. I'm calling it "Lumpy-Bottle"
Is there a good way to assign grid node coordinates, other then free hand(I couldn't find a display for node coordinates) . Could you use a cad program, that displays a numeric coordinate for nodes to do the bulk of the grid work and tune it up or add different elements to cad drawing or use cad to do this type of drawing. I have a copy of "Turbo Cad" I have not used yet and was wondering how the different programs compared? I was trying to use the drawing grid guide, but the mesh fill grid lays on top of it and is opaque and and I couldn't use it well inside the mesh fill. I guess I could draw a transparent grid guide and lay it on top of the mesh fill, in a separate layer and lock it down
Is there some kind of guide or document on color placement and the relationship to grid line spacing, node placement and node handle angle and length.
I just upgraded to X5 the other day and started working with it. All seemed pretty normal until I drew a rectangle with a hairline and no fill. I typed in some text and went to click off of it to start a separate line of text only to find out when clicking inside this shape, and any other shape I made, it would select the shape.