CorelDRAW X5 :: Crashes On Import Of PDF With Architectural Hatches?
Nov 11, 2011
I'm having some difficulty importing a pdf of a simple architectural drawing with 2 hatches. No problem with other pdfs made with my pdf995 or with the same original drawing to pdf minus the hatches. They are really simple small hatches and small files - 11x17 with minimal detail. The original architectural drawings are made in Turbocad then to pdf. I don't have an alternative way to check this out with another cad software.
Drawx5 crashes just after the dialog box for text options, then I click OK for font substitutions and it 'stops working'. All the same procedure works OK if I remove the hatches before making the pdf.
System is Win7Pro 64 bit, 8gb ram, 4 cores, 1gb video memory.
We just upgraded to AutoCAD 2012 Architectural suite, With previous versions of AutoCAD we would be able to import groups using the customize pallets dialogue and Right click to import or export palette groups. These options seem to be missing.
How to lisp the function, where I'm trying to ultimately go with this anyway.
I am an architect and bringing drawings into CorelDRAW X5 to a 1/4"=1' or 1/8"=1' ? I use Chief Architect software. Chief Architect is a great Architectural design software, but the plan set & printing in Chief Architect is nothing to special. What I am trying to do is export my Chief designs to CorelDRAW to make the actuall Plan Sets. Chief will alow me to export to a AutoCAD DXF file and I know I can import DWG & DXF files I am just wondering how to do it without loosing the scale?
I recently moved Lightroom 4.2 to my new Windows 8 PC. All modules work fine except when trying to import from either my card reader or my PC, then the program grinds to a halt and often crashes. Program worked fine on my previous Windows Vista system. The only things I moved from Vista PC were photos, Lighroom catalog file and Lightroom preferences file. Adobe support suggest trying to run Lightroom from different user on my PC, which I tried but no difference. If it makes any difference, LR is loaded on my SSD C: drive and photos, catalog, etc. on my D: drive.
Dell XPS 8500 Intel i7-3770@3.4GHz 16.0 GB Ram Windows 8 64-bit 256GB SSD SRT (C: drive with programs) and 2TB SATA Hard Drive (D: drive with data) Lightroom 4.2
I just installed CS3 on Windows XP and am having trouble with my scanner. When I go to File->import I see the scanner listed. When I click on it Photoshop just quits, no dialog box, no nothing. I rebooted the machine, nothing else is running
I still have Photoshop 7 installed on my machine and I can import with that which leads me to believe the scanner twain software is working properly.
I have a problem with Lightroom 4.1. When I start the import, lightroom crashes with an "Application Error" all the time. I tried to trash the preference file, but there was no change. I tried to make a clear catalog, but no change to my problem. At least, I deinstalled Lightroom completely and installed it again. But the same problem. The problem was not from the beginning. I could import several pictures. 20k pictures are imported.
Informations about my computer: OS: Windows 7 - 64 bit with Service Pack 1 Processor: i5 & 2,67 GHz RAM: 8,00 GB Lightroom version: 4.1
I'm new to Smoke and have an issue. Im importing an xml from FCP and Smoke crashes in the library. I'm taking a class @ FXPHD and the first class is an easy xml import reading the source media.
As soon as I load the xml into the clip library Smoke crashes. I've already gone thru the system set up requirements and have a great machine built to Smoke requirements. I'm wondering if it is a network configuration of some sort? Not sure...
Lightroom quit responding to the import command. I don't understand this as one day it was working fine, and the next, it has ceased altogether.
System InfoMore details about my computer ComponentDetailsSubscoreBase scoreProcessorAMD Phenom(tm) II X4 965 Processor7.45.9 Determined by lowest subscoreMemory (RAM)16.0 GB7.5GraphicsNVIDIA GeForce GTX 4607.5Gaming graphics4095 MB Total available graphics memory7.5Primary hard disk1014GB Free (1397GB Total)5.9Windows 7 Ultimate System ManufacturerMSI ModelMS-7599 Total amount of system memory16.0 GB RAM System type64-bit operating system Number of processor cores4Storage Total size of hard disk(s)1695 GB Disk partition (C:)1014 GB Free (1397 GB Total) Media drive (D:)CD/DVD Disk partition (H:)298 GB Free (298 GB Total)Graphics Display adapter typeNVIDIA GeForce GTX 460 Total available graphics memory4095 MB Dedicated graphics memory1024 MB Dedicated system memory0 MB Shared system memory3071 MB Display adapter driver version8.17.12.9610 Primary monitor resolution1920x1080 DirectX versionDirectX 10Network Network AdapterRealtek PCIe GBE Family ControllerNotes
The gaming graphics score is based on the primary graphics adapter. If this system has linked or multiple graphics adapters, some software applications may see additional performance benefits. Caution: Based on the results of the WinSAT Disk assessment, your system drive may have slower response times under some workloads. Performance results will depend on the specific applications used and the amount of memory available. If your experience is satisfactory, no action is needed. Windows Logs from Event ViewerThe program lightroom.exe version stopped interacting with Windows and was closed. To see if more information about the problem is available, check the problem history in the Action Center control panel.
The program keeps crashing/closing ( not freezing in screen) when I try to change the destination folder when importing.
i've not encountered tis problem before. It's just appeared since my upgrade to Lion.
It occurs regardless of the camera being used (or import from external HD). If I import to the currently selected folder everything works fine. And all editing functionality seems normal when working with images currenly in my LR library.
The crash occurs when selecting the destination folder and hitting "choose". That is to say it's before hitting the final "import button", and is definitely triggered by choosing the alternate folder.
I was running LR 5.2 and when this happened I upgraded to 5.3, same result. When I go to import from my hard drive, it allows me to select the drive and open the top level folders on the drive. When I go to open the lower level folders where my images are stored, the program stops working. The whole screen grays over and eventually says that the program has stopped working...
I'm new to AECS6 and wanted to embed a video into a video. I rendered an AVI(MPEG4) in Key-shot 4 that is only 6 seconds long.When I import (or drag and drop) that file into AE it freezes and then crashes. I am not sure what's going on. I tried importing other AVIs, and they seem to be working just fine!..
Then i tried importing the FLV of the same AVI video I rendered with keyshot, it says my file is damaged or corrupted. but i can playback the FLV file no problem.I am on windows 7 64bit right now, 8GB of ram, Intel i7 at 3.4GHz, NVDIA GeForace GT 640.
I have images that I export as a catalog from my notebook and external drive to my desktop . Did this all the time before the release candidate 4.1 without a hint of problems. With 4.1, it crashes 90% of the time....average export/import of a catalog I am running is about 3000 images. What is particularly wierd is that it crashes on multiples of 500. Normally first crash is at 500, the next at 1000 or 1500 and so forth.
I recently upgraded to Mountain Lion form SL. Suddenly AE can't import lot of .movs.I am almost sure this is a compatibility between the Quicktime components nor the location of them.
For instance, some H264 files are imported fine, as Mp4 files as well. Pro Res, PNG, even Animation! Gives me the "this Moov is unsuported or damaged"I removed the AE pref., chequed my disk permissions, and nothing. Also, i can't see Adobe QT32 Server in the Activity Monitor, but i think this is not a problem because other quicktime files are imported ok.I don't have any firewall trying to break the communication between AE and QT. I tried to opend the files in Premiere, and Media Encode and gives the same errors..I have removed Xvid, Perian. From Quicktime Pro, i have removed all third party component in Libray/Quicktime and in System/Library/quicktime and nothing. Also I'm lost WHERE the final qt components go:
1-HD/Library/Quicktime 2-HD/Users/User/Library/Quicktime 3-HD/System/Library/Quicktime (empty, i don't know why)
The QT codecs: Quicktime pro opens certain files and when i tried to export, it crashes. Quicktime X Plays the files normally, even Prores and even the Finder Preview sees them.this is the QT report:
Process: QuickTime Player 7 [1638]Path: /Applications/Utilities/QuickTime Player Player 7Identifier: 7.6.6 (7.6.6)Build Info: QuickTimePlayer-17090000~1Code Type: X86 (Native)Parent Process: launchd [307] User ID: 501 Date/Time: 2013-08-09 12:33:11.002 -0300OS Version: Mac OS X 10.8.4 (12E55)Report Version: 10 [code]....
Trying to import images as dng and crashes my computer. It writes to a temp folder and cannot delete the temp folder bc there is error in writing to it. Mac OSX. Have done this many time with no problem. I can make adjustments inside the program and when I export the modified images to another folder it writes to a temp folder as well. but doesnt crash the system.
What to do when trying to import a jpeg photo through the media brower and PPCS6 crashes? It all started when the program crashed while I was editing. I installed an upgrade to CS6 and rebooted. After that I could not import photos into the project.
I was working on a project in Premiere Pro 6. I had imported about 200 files and almost completed the project. I tried to import another file and the import function would not work. In addition, it disabled about 90 percent of the program. Menu selections had turned grey. I closed the project and program and restarted, opening a much smaller project. Worked OK until I tried to import. The import wouldn't work, and the program was disabled. This is not a case of actually selecting a file to import. The function crashes before you have a chance to actually select a file. On deadline.
Doing a project in 5760 x 1080 (3xHD). And smoke does not import, crashes, leaving no reports. Just hangs.Upon a new project, and import, but when pushing the edit button for resize, crashes again. Hangs, no report...
I keep having the experience that when I run PowerTRACE it says the bitmap is too large and must be reduced to trace. If I click cancel, X5 crashes immediately. If I click reduce it works sometimes and crashes sometimes. I tried tracing some of the same bitmaps in X3 and they worked fine. Is there something I need to change to allow PowerTRACE in X5 to run more smoothly? Is there a way to up the memory allotted to the program?
I'm running XP SP3 with an Intel Core 2 E8400 processor and 4gb of ram (3 of which XP actually knows how to use.) Not the most spectacular setup but it worked fine with X3. I tried adjusting the quality vs. performance option in the PowerTRACE settings but I can tell any difference.
I was recently given a new CorelDRAW X6 update/service pack within the last month. Since then, when I export a Corel image to EPS, CorelDRAW X6 crashes. Be sure and SAVE before you export!
Well I use Corel draw X5 Service pack 2. Recently I have been having the problem of Corel draw crashing when I export any .cdr to pdf using any settings as long as the pages are more than 2 and the resolution is 300 dpi.
I have tried reinstalling it a couple of times but in vain.
I´m trying to open a file that comes with a cd. Windows explorer tells me the file was produced with coreldraw 5. but when i try to open it coreldraw x6 crashes immediately (x64).
latest patch installed.
link to the file: [URL]
i´d be very lucky if you tell me with which version of coreldraw you were able to open this file and/or how to avoid crashing of coreldraw x6 on my computer.
we updated from corel 14 with smart designer to corel 15 with smart designer 4.5. Corel is crashing almost continually and is running slow. it is on a dell workstation running a xeon processor W 3503 @2.4 GHZ with 4 gig of RAM with windows 7 professional with service pack 1 32 bit system. We have defraged the system, ran a registry cleaner, rebooted etc..
When I open a file the program crashes. It doesn't matter what file, they all cause the program to crash. It seems that X6 just cannot create the work environment unless it starts from scratch.
The solution I have found is to start a new document first and THEN open the file I want. After that, everything is fine. I can open any files I want all day with no crashes. Kind of weird, but what the least it works. By the way, my files are typically small (less than 2MB) composed of a few jpegs, some text, and some simple vector shapes.
I am using the 64 bit version of X6 on a 64 bit pc running Windows professional with 8GB ram.
If I draw a shape (or select an already existing shape) and choose "Bitmap Fill" or "Full Color Pattern" CDX6 freezes and then after several seconds throws the "CorelDRAW X6 has stopped working" error at me with the only options to "Check online for a solution..." or "Close the program"
Prior to the 16.2 update CDX6 would freeze in the above circumstances but eventually come out of it and apply the fill (program wouldn't have to be closed).
All other fills work as expected. This is a Win7 32-bit system.
The problem details are:
Problem signature: Problem Event Name: APPCRASH Application Name: CorelDrw.exe Application Version: Application Timestamp: 50b295cf Fault Module Name: CdrGfx.dll Fault Module Version: Fault Module Timestamp: 50b29664 Exception c0000005 Exception Offset: 000ac375 OS Version: 6.1.7601. Locale ID: 1033 Additional Information 1: 0a9e Additional Information 2: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789 Additional Information 3: 0a9e Additional Information 4: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789
Has anyone had any experience using PS to do some basic architectural rendering? Most of the pros use 3D software for rendering applications but they integrate Photoshop as well. Could these renderings even be done effectively with PS only. Post some examples if you do this kind of work.
It crashes without warning, it just closed... that's all.It happens whenever I try to:- Save (either clicking on the save button or using CTRL+S)- Group (with CTRL+G or by clicking on the Group button after right click), I've tried to remove the "Pattern" and I can group finally, but still closed when I try to save.I try to remove any fillings but still closes when saving (but it didn't got saved at all)I've browsed through the forums and tried everything... nothing works. Even un-install and re-install didn't work.
It even closes when I try to save a blank page (with only an object like rectangle or something on it)