I'm having trouble trying to export my Corel files to editables PDF.
I know that after export them as PDF, I have to open them on Adobe Acrobat and then set my editable text on the file to save with the correct settings.Â
But the questions are:
1- Do I have to export, save or publish to PDF from Corel?Â
2- after that, having the file opened on my Acrobat: how do I do to create the editable fields?Â
3- supposing I have everything ready (the file is ready to be saved as an editable pdf file); how do I save it (the settings and everything. So my client will be able to se my text, click on it and edit it easily and with the option to modify the font/color and size of the text on PDF READER).
is there a way to export a corel draw file so that it will open up in photoshop maintaining all the separate objects as photoshop layers? also if this is possible can it preserve text boxes as editable text in photoshop or will this be flattened?Â
I need to create a cover for a proposal document. The cover needs to be a template that can be reusable for multiple clients. The catch, however, is that the cover would need to be editable by users without access to photoshop. I would love to be able to create the document in photoshop and then save it as an editable pdf. If that is even possible, what programs would I need to be able to do this? I have Photoshop 5.5 and Illustrator 10. Would any of the acrobat products help me?
create an editable text box? I have made a birtday card, in which i just want to replace the name every day. Currently, i am working on a layered xcf and then editing it manually and saving each individual card. I need something in which i can merge all the layers, scale it to the right size and still be able to edit the name quickly..?
All of the tutorials I've found address how to create a stroke from a path, but that stroke is not editable. What I'd like to do is create a vector shape that is only a stroke, not a closed shape.
I have been working in AutoCAD for a number of years but up until now I have been working with already created tables and spreadsheets. I need to create a new one; however my boss is very against using Excel or the AutoCAD table and importing the information. What he would like to see is a screen that pops up with a number of lines of information that can be filled in. Then just creating a grid around it with lines. I feel like I have used something similar in the past but don’t know what it is called or how to create it.
A simple editable mesh object, a piece of terrain, which has standard texture on it an no modifiers, just some UV's on channel 1.
Whenever I add "edit poly" modifier or convert it to editable poly, additional geometry will be created. Statistics show that only vertex count of the selected object goes up about 6x but no additional faces are generated. This not the case when check on a sub-object level, there are lot of additional faces created. I've never seen this happen, jumping between edit poly and edit mesh has been easy without any errors like this.
I've tried the same model with 2013 as well - same results. Also tried collapsing the object, removing uv-mapping, different materials, attaching the mesh to empty box, etc, garbage collection, exporting it to obj and importing - even then same thing happens.
Usually in the previous versions of maya I used the timewarp in conjunction to motiontrail for retiming my animations. In maya 2012 seems no longer work.
When I apply the motion trail to my object that has changed with timeWarp, the keyframes are displayed by Motiontrail as if there was the timewarp.
In the old motionTrail there was also a chance to see every single frame of animation with a number, not only keyframes.
I have read all threads about exporting an editable text but couldnt find the solution. Someone said that the PS have to ask you about maintaning layers but PS doesnt ask me something when I open the exported PSD file.
Is it something to do with PS4, should I get PS5? or am I doing something wrong?
I have tried this with artistic text and also with paragraph text. In some webpage it says that SP1 for x5 allows you to do that. I downloaded SP3, but still doesnt work.
Can I somehow smooth create editable motion trail curve? And why it is often that undo not working correctly, it is not updating in viewport and also if I left click and check show in and out tangent's they are not showing.
Is it possible to convert/open a CDR file to a CPT or PSD file such that the objects are editable. Specifically I need the text to be editable in the resulting CPT or PSD file. I'm using X3.
I've got an admission form in pdf format. I tried everything every converter but it didn't gave a perfect result, then i tried to import pdf into coreldraw x6 & it looks perfect but the problem is I need to provide this document in editable doc format. I've pasted link below to find both pdf & cdr file. Â [URL]
convert PDF files into editable and dimensionally correct DWG files? I've used auto-vectorization software programs before and the results are thousands of vectorized lines, arcs and circles, etc.Â
Let's say, for example, that i create an object with a size, then i create other objects with other sizes.Â
When I try to see the size of the first object created it says that has the same size like the other objects which have other sizes (it's even obvius cause they r bigger on my screen:D).With all the other versions of Corel i didn't had those problems, but X5 does that.
After getting no support from your phone support line. I am writing here in hopes that this issue can be resolved. I cannot open files or create new files in Photoshop CC trial.
Resetting the User Setting with the the F8 key didn't solve the problem. Once the user gets caught up on a couple projects I'll try to update the version to SP3 and the hotfix.  Â
I have saved a psd file as a photoshop pdf and opened with Acrobat Pro. Is it possible to edit the text in Acrobat? I have read online that it should be possible, and when I open the file it shows the fonts as embedded, but the 'Edit Document Text' option under 'Content' doesn't allow this.
I draw a rounded retangle shape, I want to make the right side of the shape square, so I choose marquee tool and draw a retangle on the right side so I can delete the right side of the shape. I have the error "can not delete because its not editable". Now what can I do to archieve that ? Screen shot all included.
How do I create a photoshop file using the text tool in which the text remains editable after I save the file (instead of becoming a rasterized graphic)?
I have a 2D autocad 2013 file that has a good amount of text on it. When I import the file into MAX, the text is not there. So...I exploded the text. Well, the file imports with the "text" now, but it is painfully slow to navigate and select anything. (probably because of the thousands of lines that make up the text)
Is there a way to import the text, and keep them editable in Max?
What is the best workflow? I need the text only as reference. I am building an RC airplane and have the pieces drawn in CAD. I want to bring them into MAX and extrude them to make a virtual build to make sure my parts are accurate. I only need the text because it labels all the pieces for now.
Is there a way to recall a editable poly set and or a uvw map? It seems like I have to always re select them if if i want to modify a map.
Here is what I dont get, I have a box converted to an editable poly. With all of the polygons (faces) selected on one side, I assign a uvw map and successfully assign a map.
So I proceed to the top of the box and repeat the process and what? The entire cube takes on my "assign material to select" and I only have the top faces selected. What the heck is going on here. This is happening in 2013 and also 2012.
I have a diamond model I built (editable poly) and it is sitting on a pillow I made (garment maker, cloth- also editable poly) Ok so there has got to be an easy way to make the diamond sink into the pillow. I have been playing around with conform space modifier for hours now and I can make basic shapes change but it will not effect my ed polies and also I dont know if this is working the way I imagined anyway.
I’ve to create numerous buttons using attached image as a template. I need to change the text in the image. Editable version of this image is not available. how can I change the text and still look like it was professionally done or as if I had an image with editable text.