CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 :: High Memory Usage And Out Of Memory Error
Nov 4, 2011
I do have problem with my newly installed CorelDraw X5. Before X5 we used Corel 12 in our company.
I have project file (150 MB) with lots of text, bitmaps, vectors - about 100 pages. File opens but I can't save it. I always get OUT OF MEMORY error. I even tried to divide this file into 2 smaller parts but still doesn't work.
What I noticed - Corel X5 after clean start (without opened project) takes about 80MB of RAM in task manager. When I open project usage changes from 80MB to 1,2GB. While saving it takes 1,6GB of RAM and it crashes.
To compare - Corel 12 and after opening same project file Corel 12 takes much less of memory - about 770MB and it works without problem.Â
Where from comes this memory usage difference?
My PC:
Windows 7 - 32bit
4GB of RAM
Intel Core2Duo 2 x 3.0GHz
700GB free space on drive C:
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Feb 21, 2012
we are using a Dell T5500, WIN7, 64bit with 24 GB main memory. Corel X5 seems to use only a small part of it, although we have large files and jobs (e.g. to export to Adobe Illustrator). This takes a long time (> 10 min), where sometimes Corel even writes nothing to the AI file.
CPU usage is medium, memory usually around 2GB, but not larger.
How can we bring Corel to use more memory to be faster and/or in order to avoid swapping else writing nothing into Adobe Illustrator?
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Apr 29, 2010
What to try on my computer to counter the frequent and destructive X5 shut downs that are happening. I've read about this problem in other threads, so I know it's not just me or my system.X5 shuts down many, many times every day. I don't think I've been able to work for 15 minutes straight yet without it crashing.
I am running a fast dual-core Intel, XP Pro SP3, 2 GB RAM, ATI Sapphire/Radeon 1GB card, oodles of hard drive space. I can run the hottest, most demanding games no problem. I run hundreds of other apps with no problem. I had no similar problem with X4 on this machine. I have no similar problem with other Corel apps, either.
X5 crashes still happen after I close down as many memory-resident apps as I can. I can't strip it down much further.I usually have a few (3-4) dockers open, one or two palettes, and my files include several bitmaps which may include transparencies or colour masks. I have about 650 fonts installed.
X5 shuts down on me many times during every work session. Sometimes when I am changing fonts, sometimes when editing bitmaps, sometimes when importing bitmaps, sometimes when applying a transparency. Bang - just shuts down. I can have Corelpaint open editing a bitmap and CD closes underneath it. I can open window to import a file and CD closes as I search the thumbnails. It closes when I click the change page tab.
Doesn't seem to be any specific act or function that closes it - it just shuts down. Gone. No warning. I lose everything since the previous save. Half the time the working file is corrupted, too, so I can't even restore it. I have to keep numerous versions on disk and use save-as with every save to keep just one alive.
IÂ notice that the option to set memory usage has gone from the global options menu. Maybe it's bad memory management and we need that option back? I'd be happy to assign a higher percentage of RAM to X5.
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May 6, 2011
I am using corel x3 a long time but never, never had this kind of problem. When i work in corel enviorenment after i have finished my work i go to save my work. But then is the problem It Saves the file with Large Memory on it. let's say if the file normally would be 200 K, now it saves with 3 MB. And if i import some other files in my work then the saved file will be even bigger. If i Delete the files that were imported The Saved File will be Again the same SIZE ! Even if a take one part of the file, let's say if i import only one small text and put it in another file and save it like that, the saved file will be 2 MB. I had a lots of problems, i had saved files on this way with 23-24 MB and when i open them it takes like forever. When you look that file in corel it has nohing in it, absolutely nothing that should be 24 MB. But all of my important work is in that files how to make all things back to normal again,
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Jul 8, 2012
I keep getting high memory usage and high disk usage in ps cs6. Its slow when i open a file. how can i solve this problem.
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Oct 15, 2007
I've got the following error message when I try to open CD file on Windows 2003 using CD 12.
" CORELDRW.EXE - Application Error
 The instruction at "0x016ae2df" referenced memory at "0x00000006".  The memory could not be "read".
 Click on OK to terminate the program "
It's showing when I open .cdr file.Sometimes it is showing from time to time, but on some files it's showing everytime.
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Mar 26, 2012
Photo paint uses an absurd amount of CPU when drawing a line; the brush "lags" and stutters about the screen, too. My system CPU is a Core i7-2600k, and all 8 threads are maxed during the drawing of the line. Why would this be?Â
Screenshot:Â [URL]......
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Jan 28, 2013
I get the "Out of Memory" error when I'm trying to collect for output, tired re installing but the same erorr continues
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Nov 7, 2013
I noticed these two options in the status bar . what are they... how they work. i dragged into my toolbar and showing that memory allocated and swap space.
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Nov 10, 2011
From time to time when saving a file the file gets corrupted. When trying to open the file, only a blank page is visible. Trying to open the file as zip says "error in packed file..." This happens several times a day (we are 5 users and this happens to everyone).
The out of memory issue is also a huge problem for us. This happens several times a day, often during printing.
Are Corel taking these issues seriously or don't you care about professional users which are dependent on reliable tools?
3 users at Win7-64, 2 at XP-32. All computers are top notch with all patches/updates installed.
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Jul 31, 2009
I have PSCS3 Extended, using Windows Vista Ultimate 4Gig Ram Nvidia GTX 260. I have gone into EDIT>PREFERENCE>PERFORMANCE, and noticed available ram 1678, ideal range 922-1208, and below is the bar where you chose how much memory you use.But how do you calculate the optimum percentage for your system?
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Apr 14, 2009
I am using the healing brush tool, it will just quit working. Am I just running out of memory enough to operate or am I missing something else. The puter will tell me I am running with 45% free. Perhaps the healing brush just gets tired, for I am healing a young teen's picts.
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Jul 20, 2011
I am still using VS X2. With my old Canon digital camera (avi files) I have been successful in editing and burning many avi projects of 2 hr duration. Since this camera broke down, I bought a Canon Vixia HF M31 HD video camera and recorded in XP+ resolution (1,440 x 1,080). The footage was then saved to the hard drive using the Canon provided Pixella Imagemixer 3 SE as mts files.
No problems were encountered in editing the footage with added captions and added background music (VSP file). Even when I rendered the VSP project of 30 min duration, it did not show any problems.
However, when during editing I played the project with or without added background music, after about 1 min VS X2 stopped working. sometimes an error message warned me "Out of Memory".
So, I added my system memory to the maximum 8 GB and VS X2 still stopped working. I monitored the memory usage with Windows Task Manager and saw that during the play back the memory usage kept going up and when it reached about 900 MB used, VS X2 stopped. So, when playing back the VSP file, I had to stop the playback when the memory used was around 850 MB in which case it dropped back to around 110 MB. Then I could continue playing and repeated the "stop" and "continue".
I edited the mts files as MPEG-2 files. Here is the properties of the edited file:
- File Format: NTSC HDMV
- Video Type: H.264 Video, Upper Field First
- Attributes: 24 bits, 1440x1080, 16:9
- Data rate: Variable (max 12000 kbps)
- audio Dolby digital 48,000 Hz, bit rate 256 kbps, layer: none
My questions:
1. Is the Upper field first correct?
2. Should I have edited the mts files as avi files in VS Project Properties?
3. If 2) above would not be possible, is there a way to convert all the mts files first to avi files using what software before editing with VS?
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Jul 3, 2008
I'm running PS CS3 on Vista Home Premium, 1.86Ghz Intel core 2 processor, and 4GB RAM.
I realise Vista only sees 3.3GB of this RAM, and I know Vista uses about 1GB all the time.
While running PS, and only PS, with no files open, I have 2GB of RAM, why will PS not let me scan a file that it says will take up 300Mb?
200Mb is about the limit that it will let me scan, but even then, the actual end product ends up being less than 100Mb. (around 70mb in most cases)I'm using a Dell AIO A920, latest drivers etc, and PS is set to use all avaliable RAM.
Not only will it not let me scan, once a file I've opened has used up "x" amount of RAM, even if I then close that file, "x" amount of RAM will STILL be unavaliable. This means if I scan something, I have to save it, close PS, then open it again before I can scan anything else.
Surely this isn't normal. Or am I being stupid and missing something obvious?
I've also monitored the memory usage during scanning using task manager and various other things, it hardly goes up at all, then shoots up to 70-80% once the 70ishMb file is loaded. Something is up because if that were true, I'd actually only have 1Gb of RAM, and running Vista would be nearly impossible.
It's not a Vista thing either as I had this problem when I had XP. In fact it was worse then, I could hardly scan anything, had to be very low resolution.
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Dec 15, 2008
to optimize memory usage for CS4? It's for a desktop with minimal internal memory.
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Aug 23, 2013
I'm working on a 48 meg file, but my RAM usage was up to 13.9 gigs. I just restarted Ps and opened the file and it's up to 10.7 gigs.
Previously I was always maxing out 10 gigs everyday out of 12 available gigs in the machine also working on small files.( 25-30 meg on average) IT tried playing with things forever and finally just tried ordering more RAM. They ended up putting 28 Gigs in the box. And I'm really not seeing any advantage in Photoshop, other than my system still runs OK outside of Ps while I'm working. well Rhino 3D still crashes from being out of memory, even though there was still 6 gigs free?
I'm just drawing, no filters, not too many layer masks. I do have maybe 15-20 vector smart objects in the file, and I'm at 147 layers. The issue I was having is Pen lag on the Cintiq when I draw starts getting horrible as the RAM usage gets higher. I had been restarting Photoshop constantly to get it to release RAM. But I haven't the last couple days since they doubled the RAM in the machine. And obviously on restart the file still needed a lot of RAM???
I can live with the lag, sucks, but I can still work. I just don't understand why these small files are using so much RAM. Back in the day on 32 bit systems with 4gigs of RAM I would sometimes create posters/covers/magazine spreads that were 1.5- even 4 gigs that would have to be saved as Tiff's because PS didn't support a file that big. This machine runs like that everyday. At home I've been doing some freelance book covers that get up to 450 megs now and then and it still runs better, Cintiq at home draws smoother than this machine that costs 3-4 times more!
It's a win 7 64 bit box, 2 Dual core 2.4 Xeons. two quadro 2000's, now 28GB ram, OS on a 560?GB drive with files on a Terrabyte drive that gets backed up. My hardrives arent rated very high, 5.9, but at least im working local to the machine as the network is slow.
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May 9, 2011
I have recently downloaded 3ds max for Architectural fly through animations and to create construction sequence animations. I will not be modelling any designs in Max as I already use either sketch up or revit and plan on importing those models in to max. I have looked at a few tutorials here about importing into 3ds max which have been very useful but I would like more info/tips on how to keep model sizes down etc when importing e.g material usage, avoiding importing unnecessary elements especially from revit and how to set up models for quick rendering times when creating building animations. I know your computer specs are a big factor but sadly I cannot afford a high spec machine at the moment and I have to improvise.
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Oct 25, 2012
This is happening on quite a few pc's since the installation of SP1.1 ...
I've had it run up 5gigs before locking up the pc
Work ~ Inventor Ultimate 2013 SP1.1
Win 7 64bit ~ i7 20gb
Nvidia Quadro FX 1700
Home ~ Inventor Ultimate 2013 SP1.1
Win 7 64bit i7 - 16gb
Nividia GeForce 9800 GT 1GB
240g Kingston HyperX SSD
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Oct 28, 2013
I am new to illustrator and am trying to export a high res image and its saying not enough memory?
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Jun 26, 2011
how is possible to reduce the printing usage? a friend of mine told me that I have to reduce the percentage of each colour in the image, but first of all I don't know how to do that, and second I don't know if it will modify the image.
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Jul 5, 2011
How to add my all regular usage documents as a templates. I tried in different ways to display my files in preview dialog box, but no use, only one file is appeared always that is only when the file exist in the desktop. How to display all of my fav. documents in the template preview when new from template command is used .
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Oct 3, 2012
I want to get a version of coreldraw, but can't afford x6, I need to be able to create high resolution pdfs and pngs and also to create stuff in CMYK. Can I do this in x3 or do I need to splash out on a newer version.
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Jun 1, 2012
A error has popped up saying:
Could not complete your request becasue there is not enough memory (RAM).
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Mar 19, 2013
Machine Spec :-
Machine :-- Windows 7 Pro 32 bit
CPU : -- 1 x Pentium Dual-Core CPU E5500 @ 2.80GHz (2792 MHz)
Motherboard :-- DG41WV
RAM :-- 4 GB DDR3
Videoadapter :-- Intel(R) G41 Express Chipset (1024 MB)
Hard Disk :-- C drive free space 23.8 out of 43.9
D drive free space 39.8 out of 48.8
E drive free space 37.6 out of 48.8
F drive free space 71.1 out of 91.2
Problem :-- When using the Mixer Brush tool,the photoshop stop responding and showing error.
Error Massage :-- "Could not use the Mixer Brush tool because there is not enough memory(RAM)"
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Jun 17, 2013
Just installed CS6 about a month ago and at different points of taxing the program and my system and on various tools or events in Photoshop, I get an error that tells me there is not enough ram to complete the task.
I'm using CS6 Extended 64-bit and my comp specs are:
Windows 7 Pro
16 gigs of DDR3 memory
Intel i-7 second gen chip
ATI Radeon 5500 with 2 gigs onboard memory
And all of my stuff is up to date - including PS. I've allocated 75% of the system memory to PS in the preferences.Â
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Aug 1, 2008
when I am converting RAW images via CS3 - ACR, I get the message "Not Enough Memory"
This happens when I try to convert more than 25 or so images during one Photoshop session. If I close down Photoshop and then reopen the program I can usually convert another 25 or so images before getting the message again. When I used CS2, I would be able to convert 100 or so RAW images with no problems.
I am not sure what to do.
My system is a Dell XPS with an Intel Core 2 Quad, with 4GB of ram.
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Nov 8, 2007
I have given 80% (or 1.270 Gigs) of RAM to PS CS3 Extended. Everything works well until I use the new "Quick Selection Tool (W)." Whenever I use it, I get the message, "Could not complete your request because there is not enough memory (RAM)." The "Magic Wand" and all the other tools work great.
This happens regardless of what else is happening on the computer. Usually only PS and PS Bridge are the only apps open. And it doesn't matter how many images are open. I'm running Windows XP.
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Feb 27, 2005
I am using CS and just recently ran into an error that is starting to frustrate me. I just upgraded from a P4 2.4 with 512mb of RDRAM to a P4 3.4 with 1024mb of DDR2 SDRAM. I never had this problem before, but I'm trying to filter>distort and I keep running into "not enough sufficient ram" errors. i closed all my other running programs and tried again. same error. so, i restarted the computer and ran PS again only to have the same problem. The picture is 8.5x11 at 500dpi. I increased the memory allowance from 50% to 70% and added more space for the scratch disc and still nothing. Whats going on? Isnt 1GB ram enough or do I need more?
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Oct 18, 2004
i'm using photoshop CS, when i try pasting an image from other apps like macromedia fireworks, i will receive an error, not enough memory (RAM) . however, i have more than 200MB of free memory stated in my task manager. I find this very weird, i have check other setttings in photoshop, they're in default settings. i have tried to allocate more memory to photoshop, but nothing work!
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Apr 16, 2012
I was working and rendering in the program and it was working just fine, then just today i was rendering and i got "out of memory error" and it stopped working and just closed. I restarted the program and when i selected an object it just stopped working again and i got the out of memory error again. I have about 200 GB free space so i don't know whats wrong, I'm running Windows 7 32bit.
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May 25, 2011
How is it possible for Mental Ray to give me an out of memory error on a Windows 7 professional 64-bit machine using the 64-bit Max Design? I have 4GB of physical memory, but whenever a program needs more memory Windows allocates virtual memory to it, so theoretically my memory limit should be my hard drive space. However, when I try to render my scene with a little less than 200k polys with a displacement map on it (trying to get grass), the task manager shows 3dsmax.exe using up to 4.3GB of commit memory (4gb working memory), then it crashes.
I've set Windows to use up to 16gb for my pagefile, so it seems like mental ray isn't actually 64-bit since it crashes right at the 4gb limit of a 32-bit program.
Win7 64bit
4GB ram
500gb 10k rpm hdd
Infrastructure Design Suite Premium 2014
Civil 3D 2014 x64
Windows 7 64-bit
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