CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 :: Can't Activate PPD File In Print Dialog

Jan 5, 2012

CorelDraw X5 (German Version've installed Corel X5 under Windows 7 Ultimate 64 Bit.

When I try to set up my ppd-file in the printer dialog window, I can chose the ppd-file but the OK-button (öffnen) doesn't work. Clicking by mouse or by Enter button at the keyboard: nothing happens, the ppd-file won't be accepted. It seams the OK-button is out of any function in this window.

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 :: Paste Path In File Dialog And File Export Presets

Sep 11, 2012

After finally getting X6 to be stable and usable I have two things I'd like to mention..

First, I've been using a 3rd party file manager called Ztree for years and one of its most wonderful capabilities is to copy paths to the clipboard which alleviates opening/saving frustrations with the typical Windoze Explorer dialogs.  Anyway, one of the first problems I noticed with X6 is that Paste no longer works in the Open Drawing dialog, while it worked just fine in X5 and as far as I can remember, all previous versions. I sure would like to get that back.

My second complaint is the File/Export routine and specifically the presets. I do a lot of exporting to PNG and JPG and use multiple presets for fixed size/print resolution image output in both file formats. During the typical export session, I essentially export multiple different drawings all of which are exactly the same size/resolution in CD and in the past (X4 and prior as I recall,) was able to just hit <Enter> when the Export dialog appeared once the preset was set to the one I needed for that session.

In X6 though (and to some degree in X5,) even though the correct preset is listed, CD doesn't appear to recognize it, i.e., the math for the size/dpi conversion doesn't take place which forces me to waste time selecting "Original" or some other preset first, waiting for CD to render the new version, and THEN selecting the conversion preset that was pre-selected when I first opened the export dialog. 

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 :: Exporting File To JPEG - Dialog Box Not Popping Up

Feb 4, 2012

When exporting a file to jpeg the dialog box that normally appears and lets you select the quality of the jpeg is not popping up but the files saves but I now have no options in saving the file. 

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 :: If File Is 11MB Would Print File Be 90MB

May 20, 2011

Why, if a file is 11MB, would the print file be 90MB?

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 :: Unable To Print File With White Box And Transparency Lens

Nov 28, 2012

I have a file set up that has a white box with a 65% transparency lens.  When I go to print, the white box and what's under it disappear and do not print.  If I close the document and reopen it, the transparent box and what under it are back.

What do I need to do so this doesn't happen?

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 :: Print Merge NOT Recognizing Numeric Field From Excel File

Jun 1, 2012

I am having an issue with X6's print merge not recognizing a properly formatted numeric filed from my Excel spreadsheet.  My first issue was that Corel was adding a decimal point after my numbers. This was when they were still formatted as text fields.  (which i still don't understand why, since they were just TEXT fileds) 

I know that the fields need to be "numeric" fields. 

FYI i have ALREADY COMPLETED MY TASK by using an "added" numeric filed that i added IN CorelDraw and then used the "Numeric Field Options" at the bottom of the page to get my number sequence.

However, that is not my question.... my question is: How do i get corel to RECOGNIZE a numeric field AS a numeric field in the first place.

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 :: Get The Export Dialog Box Back In CD?

Apr 12, 2012

Transitioning to CD X6 while try to get work done is a chore. I just loaded the real CD X6 box version. It deleted the downloaded test version. But now I made a new poster and I am using Ctrl-E to export it and there is no Export Dialog box. It just saves the JPG in what it thinks I need!! How do I get the Export Dialog box back to control the parameters of my Export?

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 :: Misalignment In Dialog Boxes

Aug 5, 2011

Noticed the mis-alignment that occurs in some of Corel's dialog boxes? For example in the New Document dislogs (both Draw and Photo Paint). The Draw dialog looks like this on my machine:

Notice how the labels are out of line with the dialog controls - e.g. the label "Preview Mode" is much higher than the drop-down list it belongs to - way out of alignment. Also, notice how the 'Height' and 'Width' spinners cut off the second 'm'. It's the same situation with Photo Paint too.I mention this because in the Scott Georgeson Video Tutorials, his New Document dialog boxes are not misaligned

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 :: Export Dialog Box Crashes?

Apr 14, 2010

We have CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 installed on a Windows XP SP3 32-bit machine and when attempting to export a CorelDRAW file to anything (i.e. JPG), the applications crashes after the export dialog box opens.  This happens for any file we try to export.

We have reset the workspace using F8, but it did not resolve the issue.

Exporting the same file in CorelDRAW X4 or even X3 works perfectly, this is only an issue with X5.

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite 11 :: Certain Dialog Boxes Don't Display Correctly

Apr 7, 2012

currently getting by with v11 on winXP..Having a recent problem which I hope one of you can identify.  I undoubtedly caused this problem myself by while trying to set up multiple monitors with different screen resolutions, dpi's, font viewing sizes, etc... but now I don't know exactly what setting caused it or how to get back to normal.

Here's the problem - two dialog boxes are displaying very skewed as shown in the screen-shots below. It's only these two dialogs I seem to have trouble with. It's like their popup windows are wrong proportions. No settings I change in my monitor setups seem to correct the situation.

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 :: Color Separations - Printing Dialog

Apr 4, 2011

I print spot color separations using CorelDraw a lot. Just ungraded from X3 to X5. One problem I am having is in the printing dialog. When a file has, say, 4 colors showing up in the separations section  I may only want to print 2 or three of them. I deselect the ones I don't want - but all 4 seps come out. I am wasting a lot of expensive separations.

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 :: Saving Settings On Open Dialog Box?

Dec 3, 2012

How do I go about saving the settings on the open dialog box?  It keeps moving to different locations and it keeps changing the Name / Date modified / Type / Size columns very narrow where it only shows the name and nothing else.

I do have the dialog box very large across so it can accommodate what I want including the preview.

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 :: When Open Dialog To Adjust Whole Image Collapsed Into Few Pixels

Jun 28, 2012

In my image adjustment dialog (photopaint X5 Brightness/Contrast/Intensity) the image is far too small.

The actual image is about 5.5" x  2.8" and in normal view is fine. when I open the dialog to adjust the whole image is collapsed into a few pixels.

I have shutdown and restarted Photopaint but the problem is still the same.

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 :: Edit Text Dialog Inserts Carriage Return

Jul 22, 2013

Editing text with the Edit Text Dialog inserts a carriage return at the beginning of the text when the dialog is closed.

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 :: Print Merging Graphics

Nov 6, 2013

I have a client that I laser engrave parts with a variety of graphics, about 35 different designs that fit on 10 different parts and all the designs are different sizes on the parts.  I use a fixture that holds 40 parts, two rows of 20, for each type of part.  I have a master file for each part that contains a page with each graphic laid out as in the fixture so that I can simply go to the page and select the graphic in the right position for the fixture and paste it into a "lasering" file.  The lasering file is just as many pages as I need to run the order and is much smaller than the master file.

That works fine now and is actually pretty quick and easy to setup, but I just found out that they will be adding about 35-40 designs a month.  That will make the master file huge and very cumbersome to manage, not to mention the order sheet (spreadsheet) will get huge in no time at all.  I can envision it becoming a nightmare to manage and mistakes will be frequent due to the sheer size of the files.

What I would like to do is have a spreadsheet with the graphic and a quantity and merge that into the lasering file instead of doing it manually.  I am very familiar with merging data but I don't know if it's possible to merge a graphic from a database or somehow import the graphic into corel.

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 :: Font Substitution Dialog Doesn't Show Missing Fonts

Nov 16, 2012

I just tried to open a CorelDRAW document on my other computer where I'm obviously missing one of the document's fonts.


The CorelDRAW font substitution dialog does not list the missing fonts: 

Thus, it's impossible to install them to get the document working as expected.x.

CorelDRAW Graphic Suite X6.4  @  Windows 7/Windows 8 - 64 Bit, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2012

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X4 :: Cannot Print 8.5 X 11 Printout

Mar 29, 2011

Why am I having trouble printing out an 8.5 X 11 full coverage page when my setting says there are no issues?

Also, why does it want to print inside the dotted border if I have it set to print full page?

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 :: Can't Print Over 6 In Length

Aug 4, 2011

I am unable to print over 6' in length even if the file size is small. I am using a Roland SP-300.

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite 12 :: Can't Print On A6 Paper

Jul 13, 2012

I'm trying to print a flier on A6 paper on an HP CP1515n. I set the paper size in Corel 12 to A6, then set the paper size on the printer to A6. The paper feeds through very nicely - with nothing on it.

It works fine printing from MS Word so I am placing the paper correctly.

Using XP Home Edition SP 3.

I am currently printing on A4, then cutting into 4. I have found a cheap source of A6 paper but can't get my fliers to print.

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 :: Project For Print And Web

Oct 10, 2012

I want to start a project on Corel which will be initially printed. So I will start with the basic Cmyk template given from the window that pops up and make sure that the Color Managements is set correctly for printing settings.

My question now lies: What should I do if the same project has to be uploaded on the web too? What I would do is:

1. Create a new project selecting the RBG template given from the window that pops up.

2. Paste the project

3. Convert the colors to RGB

4. Set the Color management to RGB settings.

5. Export.

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 :: 64 Bit Print Merge

Jun 22, 2013

I have to make print merge firelds in CDX6.

The problem is that I have not Excel on my PC. Only Open office. I create a csv file but Open Office asks me every time what the Field and Text delimiter have to be - for the Field "," ";" ":" "tab" or "space" and for the Text " or '. After that it asks me to check or not few check boxes. See the picture below.

I tryed few combinations but the same result - Failed to save print merge data!

I dont know what to chek but the biggest problem is that I tryed to save a txt tab delimited on other computer with excel and when I try to print merge after loading the txt file Corel says Failed to save print merge data.

I saw that we can Print merge directly from xls files but I cant find that option in ODCB Data Source. Weird! because I have to do 1100 badjes with different merge fields like country, name, code etc... and if I start to make them by hand it will be forever!

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 :: Print Size Mismatch?

Feb 14, 2012

No matter what size doc I create when I go to print it only shows letter size.  Tried re-saving, changed page layout, etc. with no luck.  If I press print I get a page size missmatch error.

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 :: How To Fix Print Preview Crash

Jul 15, 2013

We are having issues with Corel X6: when we try print preview, the print preview window opens, but after we click print, it just crashes and that's it.

Both corel and Windows are updated, and the machine is clean.

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 :: Using 98% CPU When Idle In Print Preview

Jun 29, 2012

I'm currently working on an XP 32 bit system with AMD Athlon 64 3200+

CorelDraw is displaying a print preview but is otherwise completely idle. It has finished displaying the preview, so it is just waiting for user action but has nothing else to do.

Photopaint in another window was running extruciatingly slow so I checked task manager. CorelDraw.exe was showing to be using 98% of the CPU.

On further investigation, this happens only when the print preview is on the screen. I close the print preview, return to CorelDraw design screen and CPU is 0% when idle. I do another print preview -- 98% CPU again.

I'll try it later on a quad core system, but it seems that print preview should not be hogging the CPU when idle waiting for operator action.

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 :: Turn Off Print Preview

Aug 13, 2011

I have a rather large job, a book with 370 pages. when we want to reprint w/o any changes i would like to turn off the print preview to eliminate the delay.

How to bypass the print preview?

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite 11 :: Unable To Print Files

Nov 28, 2011

After successfully using Corel Draw for some years, I am suddenly unable to print files. Instead of the file, my printers just print a black page. I have tried re-installing but it has not worked.

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 :: How To Remove Box From Shadow In Print

Aug 22, 2012

I have problem with printing shadows. I have dark gray background and I made box to which I created shadow. No problem there. But when I print the document, the box surrounding shadow (the one I can use to change dimension or rotate, which isnt visible) changes my dark gray background.

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite 12 :: Unable To Print Black

Jan 6, 2012

When I am printing my design, the black is not printing. Have tried on two printers, neither are faulty. Wondered if I accidentally have it on a setting that doesn't allow it to print black.

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 :: Print Fit To Page Broken?

May 15, 2012

Previously I could choose a large paper size on my printer select fit to page and the document would scale up to printer out on paper large than than the design page. When I try this with X6 the image disappears. Is this a known bug?

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 :: Print Merge Numbering

Dec 19, 2011

I created a list if voucher numbering from 1001 to 1200, but when I perform the Print Merge, the list shown are with one decimal point i.e. 1001.0, 1002.0, etc....

What is the reason for this?

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X3 :: Replace Colors In Print

Aug 27, 2012

I need to replace all colors of document (except black) with one pantone. Is it possible?I've imported pdf file with vector and bitmap graphics, but it has few colors. I need to use just 2 colors in print. Is it possible to replace CMY with one pantone in print? How can I do it?Something like that:

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