AutoDesk Smoke :: Render Multiple Actions At 1 Go?
Nov 22, 2011Is it possible to do so in Smoke on Mac?
View 6 RepliesIs it possible to do so in Smoke on Mac?
View 6 RepliesHere to reproduce the bug :apply cfx to a clip. Open cfx and add any fx , for example in my test , i use blur. I then right click the blur node and choose 'create cfx'. I select the cfx and render it. exit cfx to timeline. In timeline i copy/paste or duplicate the clip. So now we have 2 identical clip. Bring the duplicate to the desktop and right click and choose flush render. Now the problem that the flush render, i expect, won't affect the master (original) file. But in fact , it will wipe out the render inside the original clip. Now open the original cfx clip and inspect that the cfx node has lost the render file. This is pretty serious problem. In complex cfx, we can accidentally delete render file and need to spend 'expensive' time to re-render.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI'm still tying to get used to Render instead of Process. While this begins to work I find the Render Button in the left side an obstacle when in a pace. Better would be the right side.
View 2 Replies View Relatedwhy after i drag a footage from the gateway into my library, the pending render is still there and it wont render it?... i mean i cant see the footage image after i drag into my it the proxy not working or what?....or is there any setting for it that i did not set it?..
View 9 Replies View RelatedWhat can I do to increase render speeds? I'm getting about 400mbps on my raid. I've got a good gfx card, a ton of ram, but smoke just doesn't seem to take advantage of any of it. Watching my cpu/gpu cycles while rendering it always shows that I am using less than 25% of both. Is there a way to tell it to use everything I've got, I know in nuke, and resolve you can do something like this.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a very long sequence on CFX (3000 frames). Its a pain everytime a have to render in proxies (30 min). Is there a way to render in the timeline on proxies and from a certain frame? The default is a render starting at frame 1.
Smoke 2013 Ext1
17" Mac Book Pro
OS X 10.8.5
Actually, we are working in this project: URL....and we have a big problem, cause our problem is the same like this: URL....
but absolutely out of control.We are desperated, because deadline project is coming to the end..We work in Smoke around 85% and is a 90 minutes film. Is a huge project..We use pre rendered CFX.
It seems that you can only decide on your intermediary at the point of first setting up the project? Is this true? Wouldn't it be a good (very good?) idea to be able to change this once you have embarked upon the project? It seems to me that you might want to use the ProRes codec when you are cutting and messing about with your project and then switch to DPX when you want to be careful about the quality of the render files?
Thus you may want to be creative in the render-room saving ProRes format when you can build up lots of decisions, but then switch finally over to the DPX format when you are closing in upon the final project. The current system (unless I have missed something) means that one you have chosen your intermediary render format, you are stuck in that project in that format?
TO mention Liquid for the second time today, you used to be able to right click in the timeline and switch the timeline render format (everything from dv to uncompressed). It could take any codec, frame rate and frame size but then you could decide and change your mind on the render format that you wished to use.
Smoke 2012/2013 on MacBookPro 2.6ghz i7 (mid 2012) with Nvidia650M, 16gb RAM, 768GB internal SSD, Thunderbolt Promise R6, AvidArtist MC-Color & MC-Transport, Intuos4 medium, 24in Apple Mon. Ageing 2009 Mac Pro with ATI5870, but want a 2013 one ;(
Is there a way for me to output certain in and out points instead of a whole sequence. I have a long clip and only want a small section of it, where in Smoke 2013 can I input the in and out points I want rendered? I can't see it in CFX and If I mark an In and Out point on the timeline it still renders the whole clip.
View 4 Replies View RelatedIf I switch from Frame Rendering to Layer Rendering I dont see any difference. Does it has advantages in certain situations to use either one?
Smoke 2013 Ext1
17" Mac Book Pro
OS X 10.8.5
can render front and matte from CFX to desktop?
View 6 Replies View RelatedI have a 45min show with hundreds of edits in it. A mix of ProRez LT, Intra P2 (brought in ProRez proxy) and H264 5D footage. My intention was to relink all my Intra footage with the RAW and simply import the rest for online but have run into several issues. I'll make a different post outlining my steps and questions on how I've gotten here but my emidiate issue is after consolidating and cacheing all sources material of my master sequesnce, I have pending renders, how to get rid of. Also, all my source material in the sequesnce appears to be still be pointing to the original location and not the cached media.
Smoke on Mac 2013 EXT 1
I don't know what the correct name in Smoke but ussually in Nuke it's called ROI (Region of Interest) , ROI define which area that need to be rendered and which area/pixel which will be ignored to optimize render time. How can i deal with this in Smoke ? For example in 3d space in action module, i put a lot of layers (floating in 3d space) using hires still images (above 4k x 4k). All the layer is put outside the frame (frame size is hd 1920) so they're not visible. The screen is actually blank ( no object is visible at all) . But unbelievable... the render took forever ! Definitely , something need to be fixed.
In Nuke , if the objects are not 'in-frame' then they will be ignored even when i got many super hires images, the render will still be very fast . It won't calculated the 'garbage' objects.
Where does the background render Files store...?
View 1 Replies View RelatedHow to get 3D Soft Shadows to work properly in Action with an ATI 5870? I'm getting massive render errors. The best way to describe it is it looks like Z buffer errors. Or in 3D when 2 polygons share the same plane. Lots of black jaggies across the whole frame.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI can't get clips to render to the stone in the background. I am running 2012 SP2. I looked and the Backburner version is 2013.
How do I get rid of this? I have run the uninstaller, but that is less than a complete un-install it seems.
I'm inside cfx where at the end of my network , i attach resize and set bit depth to 10 bit. Then i create a cfx node. The cfx node now cannot be rendered. After finish rendering, it will be back to unrendered state. The project setting itself is set to 16 bit fp. If i set that resize using the same 16 bit , then cfx clip has no problem.
View 4 Replies View Relatedwhat do you need to do to render/process all effects in a record timeline
View 3 Replies View RelatedIs it possible to export/render wireframe 3D objects from Action?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have a multi layer in my timeline , full graphic motion and long render. The base layer (layer 1) is a SOLID LAYER.
1. i select all that segment (multi layer) that has been rendered (yes, it's rendered). Now i drag it into my desktop (thumbnail view), but what happen is new clip is unrendered. So i have to re-render that clip. Why ?
2. i select all that layer, and collapse it ( contain selected). It collapse into a single clip but also i lost my render in my container. why ?
3. i mark in/out and create subclip. again i got the subclip but it's unrendered.
4. i mark in/out and drag into other timeline (same setting). and the pasted segment has no render file.
Is it possible to render timeline effects in the background on a single machine given the right licenses? I'm finding that CFX in particular take a lot of time to render.
Is there anyway to speed things up? Do multiple graphics cards work? I have a Quadro 4000 and some kind of ATi card installed (in a mac pro) - does it make a difference which one the monitor is plugged into?
What is the ability to add multiple output nodes in CFX as same as the way you can in flame.
The default / primary CFX output would link back to the timeline as usual, and then other outputs would render back to a selectable folder in your project library.
Quite often you are creating alternate versions for your edit, so I thought a reasonably elegant solution to route the various version outputs back to the timeline would be to place them into a container.
So on your timeline, the outputs you processed in CFX appears as a container, with the default / primary output visible - inside the container are the various outputs you just rendered. Depending on focus in the container will give you your different version back in the timeline.
But I guess the only snag with this idea is that you can't edit CFX once they are inside of a container. So you would "Uncontain" - modify one of the outputs and then "Make Container" again for the sake of keeping the timeline clean and manageable.
When you create multiple outputs in Action, where do the files go? I don't see them on the smoke 2012.
View 9 Replies View RelatedWhy not have a swipe option for the Record viewer on the right side in Thumbnail View and allow locking the source thumbnails to sync with each other - Flame style (just no Reel view). If this could be saved with the current folder view it would largely cover a toolset comment I made before plus another great way to edit quickly.
who said that for editing there should only be one source window ? Why not multiples ? In fact, isn't that a large part of editing in the first place ? Allow multiple selections in the thumbnail view and link the sources together, select a point in the timeline and go to town for checking your editorial options.
This is really about gaining a functionality that’s around in AVID and used extensively by editors I’m trying to get on board with considering smoke as a real alternative. The Reel Locking mechanism in Flame is a great tool that could be expanded upon massively and brought into smoke via synched/locked multiple selection in the thumbnail view.
And another - The ability to see an edit as thumbnail view that can be re-arranged so you can group shots per your own liking but still allows drag and drop FX. This would allow another view on an edit that is incredibly powerful for many functions but color correction an obvious one. If you could save these 'views' you could have a fantastic basis for management.
It's not a show stopper but if you select more than one clip on the thumbnail desktop and pen copy they don't copy to where you place them but jump to be half hidden off the source area.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI want to turn on 'constant shape' parameter in gmask and i want to do it for multiple spline. How can i do that ? How to select multiple spline in viewer ? Also, i tried to pick multiple spline using animation editor but when turn 'on' the 'constant shape' , it only apply to single spline.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have more than 50 geometries in my Gmask module, now I want to change all color to 0. Select all geometry and change the value doesn't work. I know I can always invert it in the next node, but I just wonder if there's any button that I missed.
View 2 Replies View RelatedLaying out multiple clips to tape from smoke 2013 (maybe in excess of 20 - 30 clips at one time) without having to 'ctrl/click' on each clip individually. In every previous edition of smoke I would be able to go to media library, highlight the folder with all the clips in and press 'output' and all clips would be taken to I/O menu. This is a must for multiple playouts to tape which some of us still have to do on a regular basis. AND don't get me started on having to re-timecode every clip individually because someone thought it a good idea to remove the 'step' (increment) timecode button.
And why if i use smoke2013 without the mac menu at the top do I not have an 'Output to' or 'Capture from' VTR menu.
How to bypass/disable multiple nodes without have to do it one by one ?
The other strange thing is when i think i can do it by define a new hotkey for disable/enable the bypass button, i found that everytime i change a hotkey for the bypass button, it will apply only to current node. So do i have to set hotkey for every single node ?? and of course everytime i create new cfx , the hotkey will be reset.
Relink Multiple Media Files
Ok, so it seems that Smoke can only relink one file at a time.
Is there any way to bind multiple keystrokes to one function--like say I want slide back to be both D-Left and "," , is there any way to set this up?
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