AutoCad :: Remove Permanently Inserted Block?

Feb 17, 2013

How do I remove permanently inserted block?

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Photoshop :: How Inserted Image In CS6 Permanently Enlarge Insert Again

Sep 1, 2013

The problem is, whenever I insert e.g. a picture or want to create a font, this is as small as a point and each time when opening Photoshop CS6. Is there a way to solve the problem so that's the image a lot more bigger directly?

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AutoCAD .NET :: Insert Block And Drag Jig Hiding Inserted Block At 0,0

Apr 11, 2013

I have a pallete button that inserts a block then a drag jig to position it. The block is first inserted at 0,0 and dragged.

The block at 0,0 remains visible while a "duplicate" block is dragged. Is there a way to hide the original?
Insert block then calling the drag jig..
AddViewBlock(New Point3d(0, 0, 0), 0, ColorIndex, trans) psr = ed.SelectLast() DragView(psr.Value, "Bar Insertion Point")
In the DragView procedure I have:

 Public Sub DragView(ByVal SS As SelectionSet, ByVal sPrompt As String)
Dim ppr As PromptPointResult = ed.Drag(SS, vbLf & sPrompt, New DragCallback(AddressOf MyDragCallback))

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AutoCad :: Remove Background Of Picture Inserted

Jul 10, 2012

How we can remove the white background of a picture inserted in either Cad or Solidworks!

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AutoCad :: Block Acting Funny When Inserted?

Aug 2, 2013

I have made a few blocks that contain a few attributes. I have populated the Tag, Prompt, and Value for each block. When I insert the block the value seems to take on a life of its own and populate with text different than what I have entered.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Inserted Block - Unable To See Attributes

Aug 3, 2011

I have a function that inserts a file to be a block definition

db.ReadDwgFile(fileName, FileShare.Read,True, "")
Dim isAnno AsBoolean = db.AnnotativeDwg
Dim btrId As ObjectId = destDb.Insert(destName, db, False)
If isAnno Then
When I create a block reference the attribute collection count is zero. Is there something I need to do with the block definition to enable the attributes.

I am using AutoCAD 2010 64 bit. (I did think I had this working on my 32 bit computer but will check tomorrow). Running the AutoCAD function Battman - sync fixes the issue.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Inserted DWG Block Out Of Scale

Nov 7, 2013

I would like to solve a drawing insertion when I set the scale as 1 but when I insert the dwg, it looks smaller and the PROPERTIES box tells me that the dwg is .0364 in size.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Dynamic Block That Contains Inserted Field

Mar 18, 2012

“Dynamic block” that contains an inserted “field”,

I’m now encountered into two problems with this regard:

Why sometimes we get the number sign “####”?How can the field automatically be updated in case a “stretch” is made without the need to go and click “update fields”?How to make the “precision” of the field value (which represent the length) to be 5 such that the 2568 will appear as 2570 and the 2563 will appear as 2565
I’m attaching the block in case your time permits to have a look

Software: AutoCAD 2014, AutoCAD C3D, AutoCAD M3D, Revit
Windows 7 (Ultimate 64 bits),
Firefox 20.0,
Kaspersky 2013.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Unable To Find Inserted Block

Nov 5, 2012

I inserted a block into a very busy drawing. I can't find it now. Is there a way to locate it? I want to delete and insert a newer  version, but I can't until I delete this one.

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AutoCad :: Make A Block With Date Automatically Inserted?

Jul 31, 2012

see attached block. I would like the current date be present, instead of typing in the date for this block. When I insert "IFC" block, I would like todays date to be inserted automatically. I guess I am asking if you can make smart blocks in autocad 2009? Let me know if I'm not asking this question correctly.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: How To Update (title Block) Being Inserted As Xref

Oct 16, 2012

How to update the “title block” being inserted as Xref?

I wanted to update the title block (inserted as Xref) as some changes occur in the original dwg but sounds not to work.

How the Xref is updated so that all changes in its original source can be reflected automatically?

Software: AutoCAD 2014, AutoCAD C3D, AutoCAD M3D, Revit
Windows 7 (Ultimate 64 bits),
Firefox 20.0,
Kaspersky 2013.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Block Created And Inserted Shows Text Entities At Origin

Aug 30, 2012

I've written a method that creates a block definition and inserts one instance the newly created block definition.  The block is comprised exclusively of lines and text entities.  When the method is completed, all entities appear correctly on my machine.

However, when other users try to run the routine on their machines, the lines appear correctly but the text entities all appear positioned at the block insertion's origen.  And the other users must manually regen the drawing after the command is run to trigger the text entities to move (or appear to move) into their proper location.

 Though it wasn't necessary on my machine, I tried adding the following line as the last instruction in my command-method:


 But even that last line's programmatically-triggered regen didn't solve the text location issue for my users.  They still have to manually regen.

I also ensured that all (or most) of a test user's system variables were set to the same values that I use (via Express Tools export & import).  But that didn't work either.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Applied Material Disappears From Part Of Block When Inserted Into Drawing

Aug 9, 2013

I have a library of blocks that I built for our company to use.  We recently upgraded from 2013 to 2014 and boy did it throw our library for a loop!

There is a check box (reflectivity) that leaves the materials black when the drawing shade mode is changed to Realistic (unless you go in and uncheck the reflectivity box) and while I have figured out how to alleviate that issue (by unchecking it on our tempate and saving it) I am still having a materials issue with our blocks.

I can open the block (and turn on Realistic mode) and all the pieces have their materials like they should.  I then open a new drawing and insert the same block into the drawing .. one piece is sans material.

I cannot for the life of me figure out why it's there on one drawing but it gone when inserted.  The new drawing has been purged and doens't contain anything it shouldn't.


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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Dynamic Block With Text Inserted Into Drawing Show Text Orientation Matched To Layout

Apr 17, 2013

Is it possible to have a dynamic block with text which, when inserted into a drawing, will show the text orientation matched to the layout? I have a non-dynamic block which is simply a donut and a piece of text. When I insert it into a drawing, the text orientation will change to suit the orientation of the layout. I created another block with the same entities but I also added a couple of lines extending out from the center of the donut. I added stretch and rotation actions in order to rotate and stretch the lines. I also gave the block visibility states so that either one or two lines would appear (the block is a utility pole,by the way, with the lines representing guy wires). When I insert the dynamic block into a drawing, I cannot get the text to match the orientation of the viewport. I've tried changing different combinations of settings but the text won't appear horizontal.

The two blocks I mentioned above are inserted into one file with a number of other blocks. When I check the properties of the non-dynamic block, the "match orientation" is set to YES. I cannot, however, change the "match to orientation" setting to YES on the dynamic block. Is this simply because it is a dynamic block or am I missing something? I don't create a lot of dynamic blocks and therefore I am not a wizard at it so I am assuming I am doing something wrong.

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AutoCad :: How To Remove Block In DWG

Feb 20, 2013

I want to remove block from my drawing how can i remove unwanted block

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AutoCad :: Remove Block From A Drawing

Mar 25, 2012

Is there a way to remove blocks from a drawing without having to explode or burst? I'm trying to clean up backgrounds for a hospital and every drawing is driving me mad! After I explode them, all kinds of new entities appear making the problem worse. There has to be a better way. I've tried bursting, but - same effect. On another note, my office is trying to move us to Revit, which appears to have a ridiculously steep learning curve.

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AutoCad :: Remove Many Of Same Block From Drawing?

Feb 6, 2012

I'm trying to use remove many of the same block from a drawing and know that I can use the quick select to `grab` the blocks in one go but only seem to be able to erase them. I could do with freezing them for later. Perhaps it might be better to move them to a new layer?

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Remove All Of A Block Attribute

Nov 20, 2013

I have a several drawings from an outside source.   There are blocks in the drawing which I can not remove the attributes.   I have tried exploding, erasing, and redefining block. This doesn't seem to remove all the attributes.   That is I erase all the attritube that I can see while editing in place.   When I save new defintion I have it replace existing block.One attribute remains.  

I have tried to use Battman and resync. It allows me to remove  all the attributes except one.Point is, I would like to keep the current blocks cleaned up in the drawing without having to go to each and put a new block and remove the old. Not sure of the origin of these blocks.I believe they came from an AutoDesk AEC source and may have been XREF into drawing.

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AutoCad :: How To Remove Dynamic Block's Frame

Jan 27, 2012

i have a dwg file, it has so many x-refs. And x-refs has so many dynamic blocks. As you know there is a frame around the dynamic block objets. But i have many many rectangles-frames that i want to remove..

I thought that if i set it's colour to black, i could ged rid off to see this ridiculously big frames. But i couldn't.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Remove LBMass Text In Title Block

Sep 21, 2007

How to remove the "lbmass" text that shows up when I add the Physical Property "Mass" to my title block? Inv. 2008.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Remove OVERKILL Functionality From Block Editor?

Aug 22, 2012

Did Autodesk remove OVERKILL functionality from the block editor?

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Remove Proxy Image From Block

Jul 31, 2013

LISP application that will remove Proxy Images from inside a selected block?

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Remove All Block Attribute Values

Jun 17, 2013

I need a lisp sub-function that can empty all attributes of a specified dynamic block. The idea being that the specified block contains data that changes often and in order to repopulate the block's attributes with new data to replace the old I wish to just blank out the old data first, because it's possible that the new data may not utilize as many attributes and all of the old data must be removed. 

The thing is the block I'm after is on several layouts, CTABs and they all need to be wiped clean.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Can Keep A Modeless Dialog Permanently

Dec 18, 2013

Is it possible to keep a modeless dialog box permanently open (aside) just like a properties or tool pallete dialog box?If Yes, by keeping permanently, can I work in autocad environment normally as usual, like save, edit, close and open other drawings?
Note: Just assume that I am making a calculator-like dialog box. I would like to keep it open till the autocad application closes? (even in zero document mode.)

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Set TEXTQLTY To 100 Permanently?

Aug 15, 2012

I use the publish dialog box to print "dwg to pdf" for larg print jobs. I would like to set  TEXTQLTY to 100. why does Autodesk make this NOT Possible with out opening each sheet one at a time. this should be a global setting.

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AutoCad :: Permanently Delete Linetype Out?

Apr 24, 2013

I created a linetype (.lin file) and it came out wrong. I would like to delete from acad so its not even an option to load but not sure how to?

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AutoCad :: Insert Image Permanently (JPG Or PNG)

Nov 5, 2011

How do I insert an image(jpg or png) into AutoCAD such that when I e-mail it to others, they can also see the image?

I did it before but i'm not sure what I did to make it "stick". Right now, some images just appear on my PC, but after I send it, they disappear and just show the filename. I used Attach by the way.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: How To Permanently Set NAVCUBEDISPLAY And NAVBARDISPLAY To Zero

Apr 26, 2012

How can I turn off the NAVCUBE and NAVBAR features permanently?  If I set either NAVCUBEDISPLAY or NAVBARDISPLAY to 0 (zero) in a session, both items (annoyingly) reappear the next time I launch AutoCAD.Per another post on the AutoCAD 2012 forum, I've tried setting these variables in the registry here:

HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareAutodeskAutoCADR19.0ACAD-B005:409 Profiles<<VANILLA>>Variables. URL....

instructs the reader to use a string value (REG_SZ) and set the value to "O" (presumably for "Off"; but that would conflict with "On").  I tried it with both "O" and "OFF".

So I've tried that approach; but it's not working: these UI-cluttering features (that I don't want to see) reappear upon launch.  I've also tried setting these as 32-bit and 64-bit values (to zero).  But that hasn't worked either.

So we just upgraded from 2007 (it's a long and unrelated story why it's taken us so long to upgrade).  The other thing I've noticed is that when I drag the command-line box and dock it at the bottom (I want it permanently docked at the bottom), upon the next launch of AutoCAD, it appears again in the hovering undocked position.  It's very annoying that AutoCAD doesn't automatically remember and respect the user's preferences.  And since I'm ranting, my other impression with AutoCAD 2013 is just how incredibly slow it is.  I've got respectable hardware (5.9 Windows experience index), yet AutoCAD 2013 launches like a dog.

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AutoCad :: Turning The Navv Cube Off Permanently

Jun 10, 2010

I have recently been upgraded to AutoCAD 2011 and have noticed that the Navv Cube is on. I have found by typing in the command NAVVDUBEDISPLY and selecting 0 that this turns it off however it seems to be set to turn back on every existing drawing unless it has been switched off in that drawing and then saved. I didn't use AutoCAD 2010 but have been told that the Navv Cube was turned off unless you selected it to be on. Is there anyway to have toe 2010 option or is this another feature of AutoCAD that they don't want to have changed

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Permanently Hide Tool Bar?

Feb 21, 2012

How to permanently hide this tool bar?

As for the tool bar shown in the screenshot below:
What is its name?How to hide it permanently? Is there some settings in the “option” that controls it?

Software: AutoCAD 2014, AutoCAD C3D, AutoCAD M3D, Revit
Windows 7 (Ultimate 64 bits),
Firefox 20.0,
Kaspersky 2013.

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AutoCad :: Permanently Sticking Points In A Line?

Feb 22, 2011

I draw a line then use divide command to put some points with equal distance in this line. some points will then are created on this line but when i move the line, the points do not move. I am wondering if these points can permanently stick to the line so that if i change the position of the line, the position of the points will also change.

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