AutoCad :: How To Insert Or Bind Drawing To Special Set Of Drawings And Then Change Names
Nov 28, 2011
I have a full set of water drawing that need to be submitted to the City’s Water Department. We have to include DWF and DWG drawings on a CDRom, but that is easy. The issue is that there is a stand-alone submittal set. Now, this is not hard to do with Sheet Set Manager; that is not the problem. The problem is that the Water Department has a special set of layers that they want any Civil to use for submittal. These layers are of course different from the NCS we are using now and in our CD submittal set.
Is there a better way than to insert or bind the drawings to a special set of drawings and then change the names? I would most likely use either the “rename” command or the “layer translator” function in Civil 3D 2012. However, if I ever had a revision that affects the base drawing and the CD set; I would have to re do all this binging/inserting and renaming over as well.
I have been able to insert a PDF into an AutoCAD 2013 dwg but only as an attachment. This seems to be similar to xref but I can't seem to bind the pdf to the dwg. Therefore when I send the dwg to a client and they open it, they only see the drawing format and no PDF attachment. Sending the PDF as a separate file is not an acceptable solution.
Is there a way to insert a PDF and bind it to the dwg so an external reference file is not required?
I'm not interested in converting the PDF to a dxf or any other format. Just interested in knowing whether there is a way to insert and bind a PDF to an ACAD dwg.
I'm trying to gauge interest / opinions in this AutoCAD add on for automatically binding and PDFing drawings ready for issuing - it also adds the revision to the file name.
i have line in the drawing that exists on layer A-Wall it has different lineweight 0.05 from true wall. Now usually my routine : i select this line and then select similar to convert it to layer glazing.
i need lisp that by one command convert the objects on layer A-wall with layer 0.05 only to glazing.
How do you insert the accented "a" and the accented "i" in Photoshop CS4? I've searched on the web and found reference to special character codes. Where do you find a list of these Alt-code combinations listed?
I'm attempting to bind an xref into a drawing. I keep getting an error message: "Some objects in the specified xref failed to bind." Any reason why some objects couldn't bind? I've thawed all layers in the drawings..
Is there anyway to bind a raster image to a drawing?
Everytime I bind/insert my title block the images dont bind in and also the file paths get deleted. Asked most of the drafters I know and everyone says it cant be done, which is what i think.
Normally I would use a CAD version of the Logos (for the client/architect,etc.) but sometime there isnt one available so have to use raster images.
I am trying to bind a floor plan into a drawing an I get the error: at least one of the specified xrefs failed to bind due to a problem with a proxy object. The floor plan was created by an outside company and we did the electrical engineering. Now that our files are due to the customer, i have to get our drawings to bind.
I am trying to bind an Xref into my working drawing. Whenever I try to perform this command, an error message appears that says "Some objects in the specified Xref(s) failed to bind." No list of objects has been provided. I have tried exploding, purging and auditing both the Xref and the working drawing to make sure there are no extranneous objects in the files, but the message keeps appearing.
I am trying to insert OS Tiles into a drawing using the insert x-ref command. I have managed to insert 192 tiles but still need to add 29 more tiles to complete. When I try to insert another x reference AutoCAD just goes into a continual loop. Have to force AutoCAD to crash after ten minutes.
I am using AutoCAD 2014 MAP and have just had a new system built (i5 processor, 8GB RAM).
I notice that whenever I plot with DWG to PDF.pc3 the filename for the PDF always comes out as:
(.dwg file name)-(paper space name).pdf
Is there any way to change the inputs for this? Let's say for example I wanted AutoCAD to automatically insert a timestamp at the end for me, so that the filename is always:
(.dwg file name)-(paper space name)-(date and time here).pdf
This would keep me better organized and also make it easier for my less computer savvy coworkers to go through old drawings and see changes between drawings. I know I could type it by hand every single time, but why do that if there's a way to have AutoCAD do it for me
I am a land surveyor and am looking for a routine that will look at my txt files exported from the field data collector, and upon exporting into C3D, will look at the descriptor and place an appropriate block on the node. For example, if the collector code was for an IP (iron pin), when the points are imported into the drawing, a solid round block would be placed on each node with the IP description. Same if for trees, concrete monuments, fire hydrants, etc.
I need to insert two different (separate) title blocks into my idw drawings so both show on the drawing. One is the real Title block, and one is a Revision History block. I have listed them as Title blocks under Drawing Resources, but Inventor won't allow me to insert both. Is there any way round this?
I do not want the Revision History block as a Symbol.
Inventor 2011; MS Windows 7-64; i5-2500; 8Gb; GF550Ti.
We have a customer that sends us drawings with Arabic fonts that we sometimes need to edit and insert Arabic fonts. Is this possible in the English version of AutoCAD? If so, how do we go about loading Arabic fonts?
Any way to insert a block onto many different drawings quickly? I have a title block I need to insert into about 100 drawings. It seems very tedious to open each drawing and insert 100 times.
Setting up a tabulated ipart drawing template. Which is drawing file with a table or individual drawings for each tabulation? Also does one method work better than the other when introducing vault?
Basically we have a number of different procedures that need to be written in each drawing. Each drawing uses one of 5 or so procedures. Usually we type it out every time which is a pain or copy paste. We also tried making word documents and inserting them that way but it got a little buggy. Is there any way to have 5 or so pre made text blocks to pick which to insert onto different types of drawings but that can be global used across a few systems?
We have a small group of workers all on the vault server. Basically I just want to be able to have a finished drawing. Click something that will open a list of my pre made text blocks, and insert one into the drawing that I can scale etc. We use Inventor 2011.
I need to change the section view name height..I can able to collect all the text and also able to change the height. But only for the view names i need to change the height. Im using COM API...
Here is my code.
//why i used 3 here is ,because section view name strings will be like" A-A"
//im also try to assign color for the view name if (acadText.EntityName.Length.Equals(3)) { acadText.Height = 6.0; AcadAcCmColor sectionViewTextColor = acadText.TrueColor; sectionViewTextColor.ColorIndex = AcColor.acMagenta; acadText.TrueColor = sectionViewTextColor; acadText.update(); }
is there a way of find and replace tab names in one drawing file? one file with six tabs named 001 rev A, 002 rev A etc. i would like to change all the "rev A" to "rev 0" with out going into each tab seperatly and changing them.
I would like to learn is there any possibility to provide renaming the tag name of a created attribute, if there is a way, it could great to learn it from your side.
Is this possible if i can change the column names, not a cell. For instance: Name of the column is "Full Description" to become something else? Or add a new column with my own description?
I am working on some office templates and I am unable to change some of the original attributes names. I have googled and read some articles on the autodesk site and have not figured it out as of yet. I am using autocad 2012. I have inserted a jpeg file for you to see. The names in the TAG row are what im trying to modify.
In autocad 2011 ... I am looking for some sample code to delete all blocks with specific names in a multi layout drawing. There may be multiple blocks with the same name.
This is what I have so far ... this code collects the objects and loops through the layouts and the blocks ... if it finds the text "REVBLK" in the block name ... I want it to delete the block ... it does delete some of them but not all of the blocks ...
Dim E1 As Object Dim ATS As Variant Dim EA As AcadAttributeReference Dim objLayouts As AcadLayouts Dim LayerNextNo As Integer Set objLayouts = ThisDrawing.Layouts LayerNextNo = ThisDrawing.ActiveLayout.TabOrder