AutoCad :: Unable To Change Some Of The Original Attributes Names
Aug 10, 2011
I am working on some office templates and I am unable to change some of the original attributes names. I have googled and read some articles on the autodesk site and have not figured it out as of yet. I am using autocad 2012. I have inserted a jpeg file for you to see. The names in the TAG row are what im trying to modify.
This is probably just me not being up to speed yet, but once I combine a set of polygons, is there an easy way to still change the attributes of the original individual objects?
Prior to combining them, each object appears in the Outliner individually and I can select it there and change its attributes...color, etc. But I need to lock them together to keep their relative positions, and combining them does that perfectly. But afterward, the individual list in the Outliner doesn't seem to work anymore...the 'polysurface1' that was created has all the attributes crammed together, and having to scroll through all the tabs is a pain in the neck. Isn't there some way to combine objects and still readily change the colors or other attributes of the separate parts? Or, as I originally wondered about, is there an easier way to hold them in position without combining them?
I'm finally wrapping up work on an iLogic Configurator project and have started to brainstorm the best workflow to get this "Smart Assembly" into the design group's hands. I had been anxiously awaiting the new "iLogic Design Copy" feature in IV2012, but just recently learned that users are unable to effectively rename any components with this command.
Is this really true? If we can add prefixes or suffixes, what's stopping us from changing the entire filename? We haven't upgraded to 2012 yet, but it seems like this may be a silly and unjustifiable restriction to a command that would otherwise save our designers hours of "file-management" (ie, manually renaming parts in Explorer, component replace in assy's, replace references in idw's, etc) each week.
Long story short, it seems that every workflow I've come across has had some sort of silly limitation that makes it undesireable for my application:
My top-level assembly contains all of the rules, and changes parameter values in the referenced skeletal parts. It also swaps standard parts for other standard parts as needed.I need access to rename ALL files (idw's, top-level assembly, subassemblies, and base components) while still maintaining/updating all internal hyperlinks between them.iLogic rules must be carried over to the new copied components (the existing "Copy Assembly" command strips the assembly of all rules). In light of the iLogic Design Copy's apparent shortcomings, any better workflow?
I just installed Photoshop Elements 11 for MAC and the option to change file names is grayed out. ( I am able to change the folder names.). In previous versions of PSE that I had on my PC I was always able to change the photo/file names to the shot dates. How can I accomplish this in PSE 11 for MAC?
I accidentally included a file rename when I just imported a batch of several hundred pictures. I violated a rule that I teach my own Lightroom students, and that is to look carefully at the import panel choices before proceeding.
How can I correct this so that the files are named as they originally were? I know how to easily fix the filenames in Windows (using a tool called BulkRename, for example), but then I'd have to "find" each image one-by-one and correctly point to the renamed version. I tried selecting all the images and then using F2 to rename, but none of the templates allow deleting a portion of the filename.
P.S. Here is an example of what I mean:
ON CARD: IMG_0001.NEF ... IMG_0300.NEF
IMG_0001 {shot by John Doe}.NEF ... IMG_0300 {shot by John Doe}.NEF
my job is to make an editor for blocks in C#. There should be a WPF-window were the user can see a list of blocks. He selects one and than he should see an overview about block attributes like insertionpoint, basepoint, rotation and scaling and he should be able to edit these attributes in this form.
I know how i can populate a list of block names, but I fail at finding an opportunity to edit these attributes.
by mistake I imported (moved) several AVI and MPEG videos into a specific folder that I inteded to use as backup for one of my relatives.
Problem is that my original folders, where I stored these videos, along with specific names regarding genre and/or subject were left intact, with nothing inside them.
I am trying to find a way to "revert" the import process and send those files back to where they belong.
I have a function that inserts a file to be a block definition
db.ReadDwgFile(fileName, FileShare.Read,True, "") Dim isAnno AsBoolean = db.AnnotativeDwg Dim btrId As ObjectId = destDb.Insert(destName, db, False) If isAnno Then [code]......
When I create a block reference the attribute collection count is zero. Is there something I need to do with the block definition to enable the attributes.
I am using AutoCAD 2010 64 bit. (I did think I had this working on my 32 bit computer but will check tomorrow). Running the AutoCAD function Battman - sync fixes the issue.
I would like to learn is there any possibility to provide renaming the tag name of a created attribute, if there is a way, it could great to learn it from your side.
I cannot edit any block attributes in my drawing. When attempting to do so, the command line states: "The object is on a locked layer". All of the layers in my drawing are unlocked, on and not frozen.
Is this possible if i can change the column names, not a cell. For instance: Name of the column is "Full Description" to become something else? Or add a new column with my own description?
I have a full set of water drawing that need to be submitted to the City’s Water Department. We have to include DWF and DWG drawings on a CDRom, but that is easy. The issue is that there is a stand-alone submittal set. Now, this is not hard to do with Sheet Set Manager; that is not the problem. The problem is that the Water Department has a special set of layers that they want any Civil to use for submittal. These layers are of course different from the NCS we are using now and in our CD submittal set.
Is there a better way than to insert or bind the drawings to a special set of drawings and then change the names? I would most likely use either the “rename” command or the “layer translator” function in Civil 3D 2012. However, if I ever had a revision that affects the base drawing and the CD set; I would have to re do all this binging/inserting and renaming over as well.
I need to change the value of some tags in a title block on multiple drawings. I tried using Lee Macs attribute changer [URL]. It works fine but not when tags have the same name.
I then looked at this code - [URL]
Idea was to change the tag names then use Lee Macs program. It too fails when there are duplicate tag names. It changes all tags not just the one I want.
In the the title block I have 3 tags with the name "NAME" but only one will have the value I'm looking to change. If I could place an IF statement some where in the above codes (or another code altogether) to instruct that IF the tag name is "NAME" with value "Dennis (BSL)" then change either the tag name or the value to "Daniel"
Im pretty bad at this programming stuff but with so many drawings I need a easier, automated way of doing this.
I have 2000+ drawings that have either the layer state "LMAN_DWF" or "DWF". I want all of them to read "DWF" for scripting purposes. LSIP routine that will go into a drawing and change rename a layerstate if it is named incorreclty, but do nothing if it is named correctly?
Does Layer State "DWF" exist?
If Yes, skip file and move on to next file
If No, does Layer State "LMAN_DWF" exist?
if Yes Rename Layer State to "DWF"
If No, skip file and move to next file.
Or a LSIP routine that can simply dump a list of all drawings in a directory that contain "LMAN_DWF" as a layer state. I could then use that list to do a simple script to change the layer state names on those specific files.
My drawing has blocks nested into blacks nested into blacks nested into blacks and so on, and every block may or may not have attributes, how can I change all the attributes color?
I encounter a problem, that i mistakenly change one block in a drawing(which i dont remember now) but it effects all the drawings which are using the same block and changed all of them.
Is it possible to change it all back to original. I dont remember how i did it in first place.
Can I change position of attributes depending on visibility states? I want to move existing attributes, not to add new and then hide it (maybe that is possible).
I'm in the process of creating 3D points (as an overlay) on some laser scanned data (using RiScan, it's just 3d dimensional data, with a northing, easting and RL) and unfortunately the only export option is to export to .dxf... Which is fine but when I export, the information has the point ID as the layer name.
I am aiming at getting this data into another program to analyse and it needs the point ID or name to be my annotation, as opposed to the layer.
So what I need is a way of converting the names of each individual points layer, to the point ID.
Installation of Autocad Map 2012 provides a list of thousands of coordinate systems, datums, geodetic transformations, etc.. but I see that the system doesn't allows editing (they are read-only) and always I have to create new systems, new datums ..Is there any way to make it editable?
Is there a way to change my mleader block attributes globally? For example, the tags in the drawing file are 200 series numbers, I want to make them 300 series, but keeping the same tens and ones digits (212 > 312).
I can no longer change the name of raw files when saving as JPEG. Software will convert to JPEG but only with the same file name. Previously saved files work fine.
i'm currently working on a new website with a friend, we are using Dropout to share the files, he's the coder, and i design. Im using a pc at the moment, and he's on a Mac, when i save my files, they are saved with capital letters, and to upload it in dreamweaver on a Mac they cant have capital letters. So my question is, is it possible to change the file name to .jpg instead of .JPG? And how do i do it?
I have a number of attributed dynamic blocks with multi vis states, that I wish to change from attribute text width factor 1, to 0.85, as per client specified requirement for the particular project. There are quite a number of different named blocks on each sheet, copies of each block, and quite a number of sheets involved.
Using BATTMAN or EATTEDIT I cannot select all attributes and change width factor in one go. It can only be done one at a time, a laborious task at best. GATTE appears not to be able to change width factor.
Any method of selecting all attributed blocks in a sheet, then changing the attribute text width factor on all to 0.85 in one fell swoop?
Using the publish feature, I published some files to a hard drive using a publish service. Some of the files I had renamed from the default camera name convention to my own name convention. Others I had not changed the name from the default. After working on the original files, I renamed the files that had not been renamed, and then I republished them. I was expecting the republished files to have their new name, but they did not - they had the old names. I've tried republishing several times. I deleted the republished version of the file and then republished and it still came back with the old file name.
What in blue blazes is going on here? How can I get the names of the published files to match the names of the files in Lightroom?
Is there a way to change attribute properties (ex. text width factor) when the block is inside a multi leader? Double click on it only show the attribute value, not the enhanced attribute editor.
I recently change the volume of a part thinking that it would change the actually size of it. It didn't effect the size at all and now I don't know what the actual volume of the part is anymore. How do I find out the part's actual volume?
We wanted to automatically fill a block's attributes from a selection in Excel. I have a piece of code that has the user select/pick a block to fill. What I want is for the selection to fill multiple blocks in an active drawing. Some of the blocks are the same - which means the same tags/attributes. I've included the code that allows the user to select the block and throws the Excel selection to certain attributes.change the code so that
1) I don't have to manually select blocks - it will find them.
2) One cell (from Excel) will go to multiple blocks - some are same block name.
3) An IF statement that if a certain cell isn't blank/nil
(pretend it would be (nth 21 vl) change DESC11 to XYZ and DESC12 to ABC. For Block namesake we'll call one, BLOCK1 (say it has 3 instances and gets different info in each case) BLOCK2 (say it has 2 instances, also gets different info) BLOCK 3 AND 4 both have an attribute - DESCAA1 that gets different info from Excel.
When I choose a DVD-menu the default chapter names are "chapter01" to chapter99" where 99 is the last chapter number. I do use the German language version. The it is "Kapitel01" to "Kapitel99".
I do not want to have the word "Kapitel" in each line of the menu. I only want to have the chapter number. "01" to "99". Not the short numbers which count from 1 again on each page of the menu.
Is it possible to change the text "Kapitel" to blank or to delet the text to get only the chapter numbers als default chapter names? Can I configure it manual in any configuration file. I think that the word "Kapitel" comes from a German language file? Can I change it to blank there?