AutoCAD 2010 :: Change Attributes Properties Inside Multi Leader
Apr 9, 2013
Is there a way to change attribute properties (ex. text width factor) when the block is inside a multi leader? Double click on it only show the attribute value, not the enhanced attribute editor.
I have a multileader with attributed labels in a block, see included png file. The attributes are indicated by the rectangled text. As you can see the block looks fine, but the leader attaches itself to the insertion point of the block. I want the leader to justify automatically left or right, depending on the drag position of the block. One thing I noticed is that if the block contains an odd number of text lines the leader will automatically self justify. An even number of text line produces what I have here.
I am using Arial font. When I use a multi leader and snap to a line the text is BOLD. How do I change the properties of the multi leader to elevation 0.00 so the text will not be bold. I tried moving the multi leader to a line with elevation 0.00, but it is still bold.
I have various multi leader styles set up in my drawing. I place a multi leader (arrow and text not seperate mtext) then decided to change it to a different leader style let's say from ML48 to ML96. The problem happens when I try to change it again. It doesn't update to my new multi leader style. Example....from ML96 back to ML48 or any other style. It seems like I only get one opportunity to apply a different style.
My company is building a template library, and I want to fill in the .DWG document properties by extracting the information from a the block attributes
For example we need the following document properties (TITLE, SUBJECT, and KEYWORD) to be filled in from the same block attributes (TITLE, SUBJECT, and KEYWORD). The template we have now has this information manually input, but we would like to "automate" it on the .DWG document properties.
How do we do this, use a macro or is there some other way to do this automatically?
Is there any way to edit multiple attribute properties, NOT using battman? While battman will chnage every att-block within the drawing, I'm looking for a way to change the text size of one specific line of text within an attribute, and ONLY change it in a certain few within the drawing. It'd be nice if I can select those specific blocks and change the properties in the properties manager, but it's not an option.
My Quick Properties does not show my block attributes but they shows in Properties Palette. I have edit Quick Properties in my Custom.CUI that overrides ACAD.CUI settings. I'm using AutoCAD 2012.
We are creating a new company title block for the use in Inventor 2010 and AutoCAd 2010. It has initially been generated in Inventor and exported to AutoCAD. My problem is that all attributes that came over are now setup as multiline attributes and I can't seem to change them to single line. Therefore you have to open the multiline editor separately for every single item to make changes in lieu of just 'tabbing' through the values in the Enhanced Attribute Editor. This adds time and frustration and seems to be intolerable for some of my colleagues.
Is there a way to change the attributes to a single line in AutoCAD I'm just not aware of? I tried to find different settings for the export from Inventor but the options seem to be very limited.
I could probably go over this and create separate AutoCad only titleblock and border but that would kind of defeat the purpose.
i have a dynamic block that my firm has been using. we're updating our dimstyles - and our new leader is a custom (close to open 30 but with heavy accents).
anyway - i'm a little new and vague as how to change the leader within the dynamic block. i fiddled with it several times - but with no success.
I finally got some Lisp scripts working. They generate a block library from a CSV file. The script reads the file, and generates a simple rectangular block based on dimensions on the line. I have another script that can read a csv of block names and values, and add these as attributes to the block.
The attributes added are simple, like "weight" and "max stack qty". I would like to be able to see these values in the properties tab or in quick properties. In my CUI I have "Display Custom Attributes" checked under "block reference".
However, when I select a block, no attributes show up. I can get it to show me things like "name" and all of the scaling values, just no attributes.
How do I make a leader, no text, no landing, grippers on both ends. Every time I go to grab the gripper on the non-arrow side of the leader it moves away from me . The line just moves away from the pointer at an ever increasing speed and distance).
Is it true that you can't attach an Annotative Block to a MultiLeader?This is the message that I got when trying: "Specify leader arrowhead location or [leader Landing first/Content
first/Options] <Options>: OP Enter an option [Leader type/leader lAnding/Content type/Maxpoints/First angle/Second angle/eXit options] <eXit options>: C Select a content type [Block/Mtext/None] <Block>: Enter block name <DOORTAG>: LEGENDNOTE Invalid Input."
It's unfortunate because I would like the block to show up Annotative in my Legend, and then again to the proper scale with the Multi Leader
I have a road construction ahead sign where I have hatched the background orange (color 30) as a mask since I am using an air photo for the drawing background. The block is fine until I try to use it in a multi leader, then the hatch color switches to block and I can't read the text. The block was created on the same layer as it is inserted. How do I get the orange hatch to show as orange in the multi leader block? See the attached screen shot.
All of my multi leaders (mleaders) worked great in 2012 with the added "extend leader to text" for leaders on the end of a text string, but in 2013, they now attach to the end of the box again.
Some appear as though they are "trying" to extend, but the beginning of the leader without the extension now starts at the end of the box on the FIRST line.
See the attached examples:
Top one - Mleader is on the end of a text box larger than the actual text (NOTE: I have many drawings like this, opening them in 2013 is a nightmare)
Version #2 - Note what the leader does in this example, the "extend to end of text" is the correct length, but it starts at the edge of the box, not the end of the first line of text. Again, this worked fine in 2012.
Version #3 - This is what should happen, only happens if you adjust the text box size. I don't really want to spend my clients money updated dozens of multileaders on hundreds of drawings to force the mleader to work.
Just a quick (but possibly hard?) question. I have a multileader set up, but I also want it to automatically include a line which spans the vertical breadth of the text at the end of the landing. It's hard to explain, so I've put an image below.
Currently it's set up as a block that can change in height, depending on how many levels of text I tell it to fit to. Problem is, if I rescale my Multileader, I'll have to go back and rescale the block separately.
Now, possible to include such a feature in a Multileader such that it autoscales and auto lengthens, depending on the height of text?
I have recently, and reluctantly, purchased LT2012 and have learned to hate it with an unbridled passion. I have a client that uses Acad R14dwg still and when I open their dwg files the multileader style is set to some arbitrary "standard" instead of matching the existing dimstyle of "3-16 Letters" that the file was created with. When editing old files it makes it silly to add a leader and have to create a new multileader style with every single dwg I open. Can it be done once and never be done again for all subsequent dwg files regardless of when they were created? Can it be 'matched' to an existing leader that was created years ago?
For that matter, why did Autodesk pull some dimension leaders OUT of the dimstyle options at all? All dwg files are ONLY in model space, they never use layout or paper space, but that's another topic.
is there an way to display attribute data using a multi-leader inside a single dynamic block.
To elaborate, I'm trying to create a borehole dynamic block that I can enter the ground level and end of borehole level as attributes, and have them show up in a multi-leader. The reason for the multi-leader is that I can add a background mask to it and it automatically adjusts the length of the outline obox around it.
I just want to insert the borehole block from a tool palette, enter a couple of attributes, stretch the bottom down to whatever level, and I'm done.
I've been playing with it all weekend trying to get fields to show the attributes and I can get it to work if I use another block for the levels (multi-leaders), but even then I have to into the fields an mess with them. It's go to be east so my CAD guys can do it without slowing down, otherwise they may as well carry writing everything out long-hand as they do now.
Is there are way to make the size of this dynamic, So you can drag it wider and taller, There are other boxes that seem to be frozen in size. I use this with many custom fields and it's difficult to enter data when you see what your doing.
My quick properties palette is only showing about 4 lines...(actually about 4.2 lines - explained below)
I've already changed the minimum number of rows to 20, under 'Palette Behavior', under 'Quick Properties', 'Drafting Settings', and' Tools'.
I've closed and reopened Autocad several times since i've set this, but QP box will still not show more than 4 complete lines.
I've also gone to the CUI and changed the number of attributes i want to show for each different kind of entity, so i know it's not because i dont have enough lines to fact, i can see a bit of the next line....i just can't drag the window any bigger!
' material thickness from multi-value parameter called ShThk
If ShThk = 0.3125 Then SheetMetal.SetActiveStyle("5/16"& Chr(34)) Else if ShThk = 0.25 Then SheetMetal.SetActiveStyle("1/4"& Chr(34)) Else if ShThk = 0.1345 Then SheetMetal.SetActiveStyle("10ga") else if ShThk = 0.105 Then SheetMetal.SetActiveStyle("12ga") else if ShThk = 0.1793 Then SheetMetal.SetActiveStyle("7ga") End If
How to make Multi Leader end line landing or turn 90 degree vertical? I just want to use the leader point to the part and no text at the end of the leader. I guess the only way i know how to do right now is to exploded the M-leader and draw a line vertical down which is not recall proper way . Some people like to use just Leader not Multi leader but i like to use M-leader so i can enter the text in difference line. (See Pic below)
Is there a way to select a number if not all objects in a drawing and then change the properties (specifically color) from the command line i.e. without a dialog window?
Custom Build with Win7 Pro 64Bit SP1 Gigabyte Tecohnology Co. X79-UD3 3.60 gigahertz Intel Core i7-3820 16GB GSkill Ripjaw Z PC3 2133 PC17000 PCI-E ATI FirePro V7800 2GB 256bit ATA SanDisk SDSSDX24 SCSI Disk Device (256 GB) Dell 2001FP and (2) 2407WFPHC Triple monitor setup
Is there a way to modify the text insertion point of multileaders using lisp? We have a problem with some of our multileaders getting a landing distance set to a negative value. My lisp routine will correct these to a default value, but then the text jumps a bit. If I could get the insertion point prior to changing the landing distance then I could restore that point after changing the landing distance.
;;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(defun c:zld (/ e th dogleg doglegllength sf ss c mlss mlcount) (setqss (ssget (ssget "X" (list (cons 0 "MULTILEADER"))))DWATxtHgt (getvar "userr1")sf 1dogleg (/ 3 32.0)th (if dwatxthgt dwatxthgt dogleg)c 0mlcount 0mlss (ssadd)) (IF ss (while (< c (sslength ss)) (setq e (vlax-ename->vla-object (ssname ss c)) c (1+ c) ) (= (vla-get-ObjectName e) "AcDbMLeader") (progn;;change the dogleglength if
I am trying to find a way to control the leader line of a multi-category tag such that the second line of the leader is horizontal - my users are spending too much time to make our leaders look better than "sloppy".
I do have a Keynote family that can accomplish this but I cannot find the same for the multi-category tag. And I cannot find a way to make my Keynote tag a multi-category tag.
Ok, I'm sure there is a very simple way to fix this that I just haven't yet discovered. When I insert a stacked dimension in the top line of my leader text, the spacing gets automatically adjusted for the hight of the stacked dimension and it adjusts the leader line up so that it actually passes through my top line. Can this be avoided? I have attached a picture for reference.
Having issues with multi line attributes in dynamic blocks. On the odd occasion I get the attribute moved for example i use multi line attribute for title block information and sometimes it moves where i don't want it .
Is there anyway to prevent AutoCAD from converting a MTEXT leader with a block element attached to a BLOCK leader when doing a copy/paste? See screen shot.