AutoCAD .NET :: Change Attribute Properties Inside Multileader
Apr 9, 2013Sample code to change attributes properties when the block is inside a multileader?
View 3 RepliesSample code to change attributes properties when the block is inside a multileader?
View 3 RepliesIs there a way to change attribute properties (ex. text width factor) when the block is inside a multi leader? Double click on it only show the attribute value, not the enhanced attribute editor.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI've created tags with text below them. The text is a multline attribute. I save the block with the background mask on.
When I add these blocks to multileader styles, that setting is lost and even after creating a multileader, editing the multiline attribute and turning the mask back on, the setting will not save for some reason.
One very noticeable affect of losing the background mask is that when one is editing the multiline attribute AutoCAD leaves the original text visible and overlaying the text that is updating. This makes it nearly impossible to see the edits one is making. One has to set the background mask every time they edit that multileader if they need to change the text in the mutliline attribute.
Using AutoCAD LT 2010.
I created a block with attributes on various layers to make it possible to turn them on/off by need. The I created a multileader style and set this block as a content. When I create a multileader all attributes appear on the same layer as the multileader itself (text entities in the block keep their layer). Is it possible to manage attribute's layer in multileader?
Please see the attached file.
I have a drawing with exsisting multileaders in it.
I am trying to apply the match properties to a newly created multileader but it isn't working.
creating a block with attributes. I did manage to get my block set up and inserted in a dwg, but I am unable to change the "value" of any attribute. Unless I click on the "..." button next to the value field.
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhat I really want to do is on our fire alarm blocks we have 3 different attributes one for the address, the candela and one for misc info. I want to make an attribute that takes the number from the candela (15,30,75or 110) and change a different attribute to a value depending on which candela we use (such as 15=.078, 30=.113, 75=.195 or 110=.259). But I don't want the .078,.113,.195,.259 to print out on paper, I want to export block information excel file so I can add up all values.
View 2 Replies View RelatedMA.JPG
why i can't not match properties (MP) multileader texts, as you can see on the pic, i want the Mleader text on the right to be the same size as on the left, they are in the same layer, same mleader style but when click MP to match with the one on the left, nothing happen?
In the samples of the multileader in the help box, the frames around the text are circular. When I insert a multileader, it has a square frame and I cannot find where to change that.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI'm using multileader overall scale to define ml. types for different drawing scales. For example ml. style 1_10 uses overall scale 10 and 1_20 uses overall scale 20.
When i select the ml. and change its style from 1_10 to 1_20 it also changes the overall scale to 20 which is ok.
Thing is that if i want to change it back from 1_20 to 1_10 (or something else) it only changes the dimstyle and not the overall scale(text height).
I have several multileaders and they appear reversed and also print that way.
So I tried to modify the `standard` text style (which they use) to be 'backward' and changed the font from truetype to shx. I see no change in the existing multileaders.
Is there a way (or a “trick”) to have one attribute at two different locations inside of one block (I want to avoid filling in the same text twice when this block is inserted or edited)?
View 9 Replies View RelatedSeems like Multi-View Blocks are like that hot red-head in high school that you really want to get to know until you get to know them.
I made a bunch of blocks for my electrical plans. Annotative symbols for plan view, 3D blocks for model view, and elevation blocks for elevations. I then started creating the MVBs.
Upon insertion the annotative blocks appear super small and the model view blocks scale way up. The model view blocks are not annotative and are not supposed to scale at all. It seems MVBs see any block inside that is annotative as an indication that the entire MVB shall be annotative. Fustrated, I finally found a work-around that is a bit half-arsed:
I made another block as a sort of holder for the annotative symbols that was set to not be annotative and inserted that into the MVB. VOILA! the MVB itself doesn't scale, but the annotative symbol inside the non-annotative block does. This works fine except for one caveat: I can't edit attributes that are in blocks inside of blocks. If I made another block to use in the MVB for the attributes, it would work, so long as I don't make it annotative, which isn't what I want.
So, A) is there a better work-around than the block-in-a-block-in-a-multi-view-block method, or B) Is there a way to access and edit attribute data of sub-blocks inside a MVB?
Maybe my next thread will be about red-headed Multi-View Blocks with carpets that match the drapes.
Edit: Running ACA 2009
I don't like really to have an object modify event all the times running . Now question is if user go to properties panel and change the attribute over there. How could I catch the event?
View 1 Replies View RelatedLooking for routine for converting text to attributes inside the block?
In my drawing I hv some attribute blocks having some Text in it. I need to change the Texts inside the blocks as Attribute Texts. I am attaching sample Blocks drawing..
I have a problem here. I've created a tube & pipe assembly. Now, I want to know whether I can automatically generate "Location to" and "Location From" of my tube assembly. For example, tube A origin from part A goes to part B. So I want to automatically generate those. Is there is a way or do I need to type in manually.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI've a few points with some attributes (select point,properties and you see the different attributes of this point), one of those attributes is a textstring. It has a value (Dreumel). This textstring (value) is what i want to see and put in to the drawing. I want to display this value See the attachment.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI don't normally deal with multileaders with text although a drawing I have has been done with these.
The leader is justified to the left of the text. If I drag the position of the leader head to the right hand side of the text, the leader still starts from the left hand side of the text (goes at the bottom of the text) so how would I justify the leader position of a multileader to the right hand side of the text?
I had a quick look in the properties pane earlier although am fairly busy and it is only a trivial issue.
I am a little new to assigning attributes. My company had a block with two attributes that I need to alter. When the block is inserted, it asks a quantity. The other attribute is titled location. I am told if needed, all these quantities can be totaled per drawing. It has a title of "location". Two things: How to replicate this action? And is there a way to show all properties of a field for an attribute?
View 2 Replies View Relatedselect all blocks on certain layers in a drawing, check attribute CIRCUIT in each block if it starts with MS then attribute CONTROL = switched. I hope thats clear enough the way
(defun c:control()
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Is it possible to change the default size of the block circle of the multileader and also the text size and style? If so how do I do it?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI'm looking for a lisp routine that i can globally change the text height and width factor of a particular block attribute. The name of the attribute tag is "TAG". I would like to be able to select all the blocks that i need to edit and then specify what text height and width factor i want to change to.
View 9 Replies View Relatedi have tons of column tags but wants to change the distance between column size and the circle and make the font smaller. I can do this individually but can't do one by one..... is there any way i can adjust all by one command or one magic touch?
View 3 Replies View RelatedThere are many examples of creating rectangular patterns, but not many, if any, of interrogating existing patterns.I have attached the files and a screenshot of a rectangular part inside an assembly. The part contains a rectangular pattern of holes and do I get hold of each proxy of the workplane in the pattern?In other words I don't know what to put in the for loop at the end of this code fragment:
If _invApp.Documents.Count = 0 Then MsgBox("Need to open an the assembly document") ReturnEnd If If _invApp.ActiveDocument.DocumentType <> DocumentTypeEnum.kAssemblyDocumentObject Then MsgBox("Need to have an Assembly document active") ReturnEnd If Dim asmDoc As Assembly Document asmDoc = _invApp.ActiveDocument Dim asmDef As AssemblyComponentDefinition asmDef = asmDoc.ComponentDefinition im occurrences As ComponentOccurrencesoccurrences.
The text for my item balloons is on a layer that i need turned off so i need to change the layer the value inside the balloon comes out on.... how do this?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am trying to change a text in attribute using
I am using the following sub to update my attribute, if I use the message box I get correct information about the block, the attribute.tag I want to change and the text. The changes to my attribute are not saved.
Sub UpdateAttributeValue(ByVal BlockID AsObjectId, ByVal AttributeTag AsString, ByVal TextaStr AsString)
Using myTrans AsTransaction = BlockID.Database.TransactionManager.StartTransaction
Dim myBRef AsBlockReference = BlockID.GetObject(OpenMode.ForRead)
How to access the BTR, read and write BRef, attDef, AttRef etc. But this has me stumped. There are a few different examples but can’t find anything that works and don't know why.
I have inserted a block in modelspace, I have the BlockRefID and now want to change its attribute values. This finds the attributes tags but doesn’t write the sValue. Why it isn’t writing the value to the block.
Public Sub ChangeAttributeValue(ByVal BlockRefID As ObjectId, ByVal sTagName As String, ByVal sValue As String)
Dim doc As Document = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument
Dim db As Database = doc.Database
Dim tr As Transaction = db.TransactionManager.StartTransaction()
Dim br As BlockReference = DirectCast(tr.GetObject(BlockRefID, OpenMode.ForWrite), BlockReference)
I have a drawing with numerous copies of a particular block. I would like to change the Lineweight of the attribute so that it is reduced in all of the blocks in my drawing. How can I do this?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI would like to learn is there any possibility to provide renaming the tag name of a created attribute, if there is a way, it could great to learn it from your side.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI need to change an attribute tag that was (locked) during the making of the title block.
See screen shots.
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I have an issue regarding nested entity.
I have a nested entity block reference. In this entity I have three blocks. if I change any of the block reference attribute definition in the nested block reference then it is changing the original block itself.
Actually I am getting the handle of the selected block reference in the nested Entity. and change the attribute reference later. but it is making change in the block itself and other block reference too.
Here is my
static public void CONTACTS()
Document doc = Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices.Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument;
Editor ed = doc.Editor;
string contactName = string.Empty;//to hold contact name, from xdata