Is there any way I can bend a 2D object? I have a drawing of a hydraulic hose running straight in the x axis. What I want to do is to be able is to bend the hose around 90 degress (to fit in a case) without altering the overall length & width. I have attached a simple drawing that should explain the problem. I know the lengths don't match, this is purely for illustration
I'm trying to use the cut across bend feature on a sheet metal part. However, when I check cut across bend, it grays out all of the other cutout options, and only has thickness as the only option. This is perplexing to me, because I can't think of too many times I'd need this option other than when there is more than one thickness of material I need to manipulate the profile onto.
I was to understand that this "cut across bend" is for use similar to the "normal cutout" command in solid edge? Keeps the cut perpendicular to the sheet face in a sheet metal part.
Cybertron PC Intel Core i5-3470 CPU @ 3.20 GHz 3.60 GHz 16.0 GB RAM Windows 7 Professional 64 Bit 3D Connexion Space Pilot Inventor Professional 2014 Autocad Mechanical 2014
I attached an IPT file that a customer sent us to manufacture for them.It's a rectangular aluminum tube with two bends.In the IDW when I try to place center points and dimension the radius it is not recognized.The original file was a STEP.
Under the modify tab in a part file, I can drop down and click "bend part." We have a bunch of frames made out of stock tubing that are welded together, then bent as a whole. Is there a way to bend at the assembly? I want the model to represent the production process. I don't want to have to bend each tube alone, then reassemble. That would double my parts/part numbers.
I draw ventilation ductwork all day at work, just recently stumbled across dynamic blocks.
Attached is what i have done so far, the straight section works perfectly, just having some trouble with the radius bend. What I need is for the arc to stretch with the angle of the bend.
I am trying to make a exaust pipe for a semi i am making in autocad 2006 and the pipe bends at the top. so i was wondering how can i bend a 3d cylinder/pipe?
I'm working in on a dike alignment that has a 90° bend and the contours are following the side slope to existing grade and then goes back to center top of new grade of dike at the bend.
So the contours shows a dip in plan view. So the center of dike alignment doesn't follow top of new grade. Is there something I can use to the contours follow the alignment correctly instead of a dip?
I have been trying to bend a larger radius on a corner bend but i can not seem to be able to . I start out with a face of 46" x 82" i want to put a 1/2" bend up then a 1/2" bend out to make a z shape i'm using as a material .109 stainless steel and i want to end up with a 1/2" on the inside corners so that when i'm done i can flatten it out to get the proper sheer size for the piece the metal brake i'm using has a 1/2" die in thats why i trying to figure this out is their any way to put this kind of radius on the sheet metal bends.
I'm trying to do a usable and real flat pattern for a laser cut on this type of part and I'm not able to do a cut across bend or other wrap around face feature.
I have created a pipe using sweep through 2 planes and 3d sketch. I want a specific bend on that pipe to be extracted for drawing purpose. How do I do that ?
If i have even used the correct technique but how do i perform the bends in the flat bar so as the bottom and top section are vertical and the small mid section is on the angle. At the moment the mid section is displayed vertical when using the cub please see attached files.
I have unfolded a 3D model into a flat plate, however the bend lines/extents do not appear in ISO.dwg
I doubled clicked into the view to access 'Display Options'. However, I cannot tick the box to display bend extents as this option is shaded out (refer to attached screen dump).
I cannot figure out how to dual dimension a bend like so:
e.g. DOWN 90 R1/2"[13] preferred
or DOWN 90 R1/2"[R13] okay
There should be a degree symbol after the 90 in my examples but I can't figure out how to type it here. I can get DOWN 90 R1/2"[DOWN 90 R13] but it's too long.
Inventor 2014 LT / have run into a problem in a throw-away project I"m working on.
A simple example is to create a piece of 3x5x.125 flat bar, add a sketch giving you a bend line and bend the end of it. Now try to mirror the whole thing giving you a 3x10x.125 flat bar bent on both ends.
FWIW: My project isn't this simple - I know I can just make the FB and bend both ends ... this is an example of mirroring a bend not working.
I am trying to save copy as dxf without bendlines so I can directly import the file into my waterject CAM software. There has to be a way to tell it not to add the benline layer.
I have a sheet metal door with a little bracket that gets welded to the inside lip through a cut-out in the face of the door. (see assembly)
I can't get the cut-out to line up flush with the inside lip of the door, as that is where the brackets gets welded to. the current aseembly is set-up the way I want, but I can't get a flat pattern on the door, becasue of the cut going across the bend.
I have checked off the "cut across bend" in the cut dialogue box, but this leaves a small (~1/32) lip in the cut-out and runs interference in the placement of the bracket.
Inventor Pro Suite 2013 Sean Farr Product Designer at Inventor Professional 2014-Update 2 - AutoCAD Electrical 2014 Win7-x64 | ASUS P8Z77-V | i7 3770 -3.4 GHz | 32GB RAM | 240GB SSD | nVidia GTX 670 4GB - 320.49
I am not sure what I am doing wrong but when I use the bend tool I am getting weird results. Does the surface to be bent have to be planar? See photo attachment.
Create a new sheet metal part make it a box of any size add four flanges then create a flat pattern. Save the file then create a drawing view of the flat pattern. All well and good so far... Now create a Table using the flat pattern view as the source, which creates a Bend table just fine.
Place the table on the sheet and Tags are added to the bend lines which is wonderful and great. Now try to move a tag.... BZZZZZZ your time is up you can't.
Yet in your Sheet Metal Annotations in Drawing - Wiki Help page in the Procedures - Create or edit a bend table - Create bend tags section it states:
Tip Drag the bend tag text away from the original position to add a leader to the bend tag. Is this a bug or something not set right on my system?
Manufacturer: Dell Model: Precision T3500 Video Card: NVIDIA Quadro FX 3700 Video Driver: Processor: Intel® Xeon® CPU W3503 @ 2.40GHz 2.40 GHz Installed memory (RAM): 4.00 GB System type: 64-bit Operating System
I have some code that find the length of a bend and it works great until there is a cut operation that passes through the edge of the part and through the bend. When this cut exists the systems recognizes the single bend 2 times which is fineand it should, just that it should also then be able to determine the length of each segment. It appears to be providing the length of the first segment twice. Any way to get either the segmented lengths or the length of the bend without the cut? I need a total length and the code below gives wrong data for the one edge length. the attached file shows what I mean.
Sub Bends() Dim oDoc As PartDocument Set oDoc = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument
I'm trying to cut across bend in the attached part. Usually this thing works quite good, but for some reason it's not letting me do it. What Am I doing wrong? How can I do it?
Is there a way to preload information into Inventor in regards to the break press such as the dies being used or the ones available so the when the computer is deciding a bending radius,it know what tool we have?
Currently the bend radius is set to "radius", which i am assuming is default, but I can't figure out how to change that either, and depending on the thickness it will change, but like today it said I would need a 1/16th inch radius, but we don't have a 1/16th inch die,it is an 85 degree air bending setup,and has a 4 way die with smaller and bigger openings.