AutoCad :: Automatically Place Number Block Onto Drawing?
Oct 4, 2013
I have a number of areas numbered 1,2,3......etc but I need to change the text to the following where only the last number that is underlined is to increase sequentially.
Could Tcount be used or is there a modified version available?
If not is there a quick way to automatically place a number block onto a drawing with a click and then for every other click sequentially increases the last number.
Currently I'm converting one of our machines from AutoCAD to Inventor 2009.
This machine can vary from 1200mm to 1600mm and has a couple of options to choose from for our customers.
These dimension changes are all driven by a single excel file and the options are controlled in the an IAssembly.
Some of the 2D drawings will have a variable width, in our ERP system they are marked width dependable as followed: "partnumber/1200" or "partnumber/1410" in which 1200 or 1410 is the machine width.
Is it possible to have the 2D drawings automatically update the partnumber? so if I configure my machine as a 1200mm machine it automatically changes my drawingnumber to the actual machine width?
I have attach one drawing if you open and copy this from one place to place then dimension is automatically increases. can i know how this increase or what type of this dimension it is.
I was curious, when creating multi sheet drawings, how can I place different information in the title block on each drawing?
Example, 2 pages, Description on page 1 = PAGE 1 DESC, by default this same description will show up on all subsequent pages. How do I get page 2 description to be different?
I have a problem with the "in place" block editor, mainly because I fail to synthesise a sentence for the search that makes sense. My problem is that when I am in "edit block in place" mode I am still able to edit the drawing, so that I can still delete or stretch or move certain elements, even though they are not part of the block. This is quite annoying because it leads to unwanted changes and mistakes. Is there a variable or an option to change it and prevent any modification to anything outside of the block?
I am trying put drawing numbers on my drawings. The drawing number is "019-02-00038-x" where "x" is the page number in the set of drawings. How do I set this up? Every time I try to change "x" it changes it for the entire set of drawings.
Is there a way to create a block with attributtes that automatically complete x, y, z, lat, long for the insertion point of the block?
I am trying to complete text in paperspace that will automatically fill in the lat long of a point in model space without using a table. I have tried field insertion with reference to a cogo point, but it doesn't give options for position on a cogo point. If I pick a block with attributes, it will let me pick any attributes, and x,y position for the block.
Cogo points show all the information I need to propagate in the properties....but how do I get that to translate into the text using fields or some other method?
Dell Precision T3600 - Windows 7 64-bit NVIDIA Quadro 600 Intel(R) Xenon(R) CPU E5-1607 0 @ 3.00GHz 3.00GHz 8 GB ram - Two 1TB raid
Is there a way that will allow me to place a component into an assembly where it automatically creates a constrain between the components xz plane and the assembly xz plane? I tried the Ground and root component, but it does too much, I will need to constrain the component differently on the other component planes.
When you do a Save As or Save Copy As in Inventor the part number in the iProperties is automatically updated to match the new filename. I would expect the Document.SaveAs method in the API to act in a similar way. However I found out that this is not the case.
SaveAs: Document.SaveAs(filename, False) does not update the part number. The new part will still have the same part number as the original part. This can give problems since in the BOM parts with the same part number are interpreted as the same physical part.
SaveCopyAs: Document.SaveAs(filename, True) does work as expected and the part number will update correctly.
Is this a bug in the API? or is there a reasonable explanation for this?
My job is making PDFs "ready for print" - checking colours, making sure overprint is on where needed, adding trapping where needed, etc. After I'm done doing this, I add a logo outside of the printable area as proof that I have checked the file and it's OK for print and the date. This is always on the same spot: 5mm left from the left edge of the design and 5mm below the lower edge.
Right now, I have to keep the Illustrator file with the logo/date open at all times, go there, copy the image, go back to the design I was working on, paste it and enter the values manually to be sure it's in the right place (and then edit the date, of course).
It's time consuming and I was wondering if there's a way to make Illustrator place the logo and date on a pre-determined location without having to keep the file open. I can't just make an action that "places" the file there because then, I can't edit the date anymore.
When I open an drawing, AutoCAD opens *two* drawings, the one I wanted *plus* a new one (called drawing 1.)Why does this happen and can it be prevented?
I'm using acad 2010. Twice now this has happened in two days. Using edit block in place. I edit the block, pick save and gone, Acad just closes down, no warning no nothing.
I use refedit quite a bit to edit blocks in-place, but can't find a way to do this with dynamic blocks without breaking the link to the original definition and creating a new block definition.
Is there a setting I can change, or another way to edit a dynamic block in-place?
Untill recently I have been able to edit my blocks or xref files in place. Now when I try do that CAD tells me to select nested item. Is this a setting a changed by mistake? If so what is it?
I'm trying to setup a title-block for everyone at my new place of business.
In this new job, 98% of our drawings are done in a single file with multiple layouts. I would like to set my template up so that things like Rev numbers and drawn by, and checked by etc., are updated in all layouts by changing just the first sheet. I also want to include a field for the drawn date so that it takes the current date (they want the drawn date to reflect the print date rather than the actual drawn date...)
I would like to incorporate attributes for things like checked by, engineer check, and such but make them so they don't appear unless you open the attribute editor.
see attached block. I would like the current date be present, instead of typing in the date for this block. When I insert "IFC" block, I would like todays date to be inserted automatically. I guess I am asking if you can make smart blocks in autocad 2009? Let me know if I'm not asking this question correctly.
My drawing- block is a little bit complicated, it contains few actions and parameters and everytime i open block editor to add, or to modify some action I can't see my drawing because actions grips and parameters grips obscure my drawing. I tried to refresh layout but it doesn't work.
I am electrical engineer and I have little experience with autocad . How can I calculate the number of acertain block in a 2D plan , such as the number of electrical socket in abig plan with autocad 2010
I am using 2011, I have created 17 viewports in one paper space, there are 2 viewports not showing anything. I deleted 2 viewports with content, then the 2 viewports which were not showing is now showing images.
I started a new drawing, drew something very simple for testing, I could create 63 viewports the 64th is not showing.
I would like to ask what it is to control/affect the number of viewports I can create in one paper space.
2) To Edit an Attributed Block
When double click an attributed block (command = eattedit), the dialog box "Enhanced Attribute Editor" disappeared !