AutoCad :: Viewport And Regen Separately From Main Drawing
Dec 16, 2011
I just had to reinstall AutoCAD this week for being a very bad boy. Now, when I switch between open files, my screen goes blank. It takes a regen to get all my stuff to appear again.
It even goes blank in my viewport... I have to go into the viewport and regen separately from the main drawing.
My layers in layout viewport are displayed in wrong order even after I use REGEN or REGENALL command.
I am working with drawing file with quite big amount of layers (about 100+ including layers of 7 xrefs) and because I want to use different layer settings for each printed drawing I work directly in the layout viewports instead of model space so I don't have to switch on/off countless layers all the time.
The problem is that quite often layers just turn into wrong draw order and don't come back even if I hit REGEN or REGENALL command. To solve this I have to zoom out, jump out of the viewport by doubleklick outside, use REGENALL command and then jump back to viewport so I can keep on working. This is extremely time consuming especially if it happens every 3 minutes, over and over again.
Problem: occasionally when I copy an object (text, polylines, blocks etc) and then paste, it appears as though nothing has happened. However the object is copied, it is simply not visible. If I then regen all entities also vanish. I can save and reopen the drawing this fixes the issue. For me this is fine, but it is happening to others multiple times in one day.
I created view frames and sheets for a number of alignments. Is there a way to turn off a match line not associated with the main alignment for a particular viewport.
Or did I missed a setting somewhere that should turn this off automatically?
I've got a drawing with multiple base views wich means multiple reference models. In my titleblock i've included the mass of my model through
Type: Physical Properties - Model Property: MASS
But now it automaticly selects the first placed base model as the model to select the mass. how can i change the 'active' model to another model/base view?
When I either attach or overlay my Xrefs they always appear dark in my drawing; is this normal? If I open the file (that I am xreferencing in) it is very clear.
The company I am working for has dragged their CAD kicking and screaming into the late nineties and have upgraded to 3D! Recreate their drawings using 3D models, I have noticed the symbol gallery doesn't provide such things as Rev Balloons or Rev Triangles.
I want to have my profile and alignment to be in the same orientation on paper space. I have VPROTATEASSOC set to 1. I am not sure if I am using UCS and MVSETUP correctly. All information will work.
I am working on a drawing I have been sent by a consultant and having difficulties setting up the vport extents I need when using two vports. If I marquee zoom to what I want in one viewport it reverts to full extents as soon as I click on the other vport. I never had this before. Is there an obvious solution?
I am trying to plot a drawing with a viewport (of a 3D planview) in paperspace. The viewport has the "3D Hidden" shade plot property applied. The plot preview shows all the entities color-by-layer. I am plotting with a plot style that assigns all colors to black. Typically the plot preview shows all linework black when plotting with this plot style applied. The resulting plot (from an Oce tds700) shows the linework in a "grayscale" quality, not the normal solid black linework typically associated with a 2D viewport plotted on the same plotter with same plot style.
I'm creating a new project drawing and have x-ref'd my base drawing onto the sheet to be plotted. I can see the base drawing thru the viewport while in layout, but once I try and preview my plot the drawing inside the viewport is not visible. that is, I can see the preview of my sheet border & title block, but nothing within the viewport shows on the preview screen.
I have three drawings in modelspace and three viewports in one layout (paperspace), I would like to select each modelspace drawing and assign it to each layout viewport.I'm using Visual Studio 2012, .NET Framework 3.5 and Csharp.
I am currently working on a culvert drawing, using two view ports for my plan and profile sheet. As you can see below in my attachment, the UCS icon in the upper viewport is distorted, I do not how this occurred nor do I know how to correct it.
How do i disable regen and stop autocal lt 2007 regenerating layout and model space when opening drawings. This is a pain when opening and saving large drawings to older versions.
Attached is a drawing containing a big rectangular lwpolyline and two relatively small lwpolylines near the drawing origin. One of these smaller plines is on a layer that has a dashed linetype associated with it. That layer is also red. When I zoom in on that pline, however, I won't see the dashes unless or until a regen occurs. As of this writing, after trying a few things, I'm almost resigned to including a note telling the client they might have to REGEN in order to see non-continuous linetypes display properly.
I often need to work on big drawings having utility networks, topographic surveys and properties. Whenever using FIND command in such a drawing AutoCAD regens the drawing. This happens even if FIND command is cancelled and takes 2 to 3 seconds everytime. Can I disable this automatic regen and do only when I need.
I have a simple function that breaks down the file name and populates 3 fields with the correct names. In my template they all get changed correctly, but when I make a new .dwg it takes a few (hopefully unnecessary) steps to get them to change. The very 1st time opening Cad, the fields do not get recognized ( !fieldname1 returns a nil). If I close the .dwg and reopen it the fields pull the correct value but do not change in model space (ex -- !fieldname1 returns 12345, but model space is still showing 54321 in the field). In order to get the value to change I have to type the Field command in Cad, I don't have to do anything in it, I can immediately close the Field form and then do a regen to get model space to show the correct values.
My idea was to hard code in the Field command and hope to be able to close that before the user knows it is even open, but I still don't think that will solve the 1st time Cad is opened problem, and I am having no luck with getting that lisp command to run (like it said, very limited experience with it). It could just be the syntax is wrong since it is so simple but here is what I thought would work.
After I edit a block in the block editor, It regens to a blank black screen. Then I have to zoom extents and zoom back to where the block is. Is this normal? I would think it'd be better if it just put you back to where you were working. I understand the regen probably is necessary to change all the blocks that need to be updated. Just wonder why it puts you to a blank space.
I am using ACAD LT 2012. I currently have 3 ucs viewports in my drawing. Each time I switch from one viewport to another using my left mouse button, the drawing regenerates. How do I stop this from happening?
My Reference dialogue box is not appearing separately but it's embedded within autocad. This leaves me with a very small area for the drawing. How do I make it pop up separately. AutoCAD 2012. See attached snapshot.
I'm facing a problem that each time after I did Regen or Zoom, the system halted and then recovered only after several minutes. I guess maybe it is related to special drawings, because it only happened when working with the drawings which was transferred from an .iges 3D drawing.
Having a small issue with Civil 3D 2013 recently ( I think). The last month or so, it's been automatically running regen when I open a drawing. No problems there, where the problem comes in is if I open an exported drawing (from this computer) or a drawing from someone else computer any polylines in the drawing vanish.
I can just run an undo to get the polylines back, but any time I paste something into the drawing all my polylines vanish again. So my fix at the moment is to undo the regen, and then copy and paste my drawing into a new drawing.
Is this just something corrupted I need to do a reinstall to fix, or is there something I might be missing?
EDIT: Also thought I should point put that I'm using an Nvidia Quadro 600 video card running the latest drivers. I have not installed any patches or hotfixes for Civil 2013